Proceedings of Box Butte County Commissioners Alliance. Nebr.. Feb. 1. 1915. "the Hoard of County Commtsslon ers met pursuant to adjournment. Officers present: J. M. Wanek. chair man, C. L. Hashman and Geo. W. Duncan. The day was spent by the board discussing the proposition of Irriga tion wells with parties present Inter ested In the subject. Whereupon the board adjourned until tomorrow morning, February 2, 1915, at 9 o'clock. Alliance, Nebr., Feb. 2, 1916. The Hoard of County Commission ers met pursuant to adjournment. Officers present: J. M. Wanek, chair man, C. L. Hashman and Geo. W. Duncan. The report of the county clerk for the year 1914 was examined and ap proved. Official bonds as follows were ex amined and approved: J. W. Hashman, Road overseer, Dlst. No. 11. W. T. Srhlupp, Justice of the Teace, First Ward. Bids on file for the lease of the county farm were opened and con tract awarded to S. K. Brukholder for a term of two years from March 1st, 1915, at $140 per year. Contract was ordered drawn and entered Into. The following claim was examin ed and allowed and the clerk order ed to draw warrant on the General Fund for same: O. H. Wood, painting $120.10 Whereupon the board adjourned wntll tomorrow morning, February 3rd, 1915. Alliance. Nebr.. Feb. 3, 1915. The Board of County Commission ers met pursuant to adjournment. Officers present: J. M. Wanek, chair man, C. L. Hashman, and Geo. W. Duncan. The board visited the county farm l SECRET TO DNKEH GRAY HI :l.-. back color, gloss and thickness with Grandma's recipe of Sage and Sulphur. with a contractor and considered needed repairs on the building. ' A list of sixty names was furnish ed the Clerk of the District Court from which to draw a Jury for the April 5th, 1915, term of the District Court. Whereupon the board adjourned until tomorrow morning, February 4th, 1916, at 9 o'clock. Alliance. Nebr.. Feb. 4. 1915. The Board of County Commission ers met pursuant to adjournment. Officers present: J. M. Wanek, chair man, C. L. Hashman, and Geo. W. Duncan. The board remained In session un til February 13th, 1915, checking the books of the county officers. Wil liam Mounts was employed by the board to assist In the office of the county Judge for a time. Whereupon the board adjourned until February 15th, 1915, at 9 o'clock. Alliance, Nebr., Feb. 15. 1915. The Board of County Commission ers met pursuant to adjournment. Olfirers present: J. M. Wanek, chair man, C. L. Hashman, and Geo. W. Duncan. County Treasurer Martin reported funds on hand as follows: Advertis ing $103.60. l'ralrie Dog tax $3.87. Fees $160.75. Dank Interest $641.43 Miscellaneous $743.25, a total of $1,652.90, and Rame is transferred to the General Fund, also funds as .follows were ordered transferred to the Iload Fund: Bridge Fund to January 31st, 19 15. $783.50: Poll tax $1,168.99, au tomobile $284.00, a total of $2,236. 49. The following claims were exam ined and allowed and the clerk or dered to draw warrants on the Road Fund for their payment: Claim To For Amount No. Whom What 618 J. J. Phillips, livery 2.00 688 Chas. Younkln Ass'n, la bor 8.75 689 Geo. II. Simpson Ass'n, la bor 3.50 '690 Wm. Rust, Sr., labor ...18.00 691 Guy Rust, labor 18.00 692 Herman Seidler, labor .. 9.00 693 F. Seidler. labor 12.00 694 Wm. Se'dler. labor 13.50 697 Niels M. Peterson, labor. 745 R. C. Wright, labor 22.60 746 Hugh Foley, labor 67.20 747 Chas. Root, laor 40.00 748 Karl Forssirom, labor ...91.60 749 Dirt rick Path, labor 86.40 750 Leon Irey, labor 14.00 751 O. W. Andrews, labor ...52.80 752 Wm. Manlon, labor ....110.80 753 ('. T. Huns Ass'n, labor .. 205.00 756 Helmer Renswold. labor.. 10. 80 767 Nells M. Peterson, labor.. 9.60 764 Geo. Wlltsey Ass'n, labor 68.00 765 John Barnstead, labor ...14.00 768 A. Renswold, blacksmlth- Ing 16.00 772 J. M. Wanek, road service 20.00 773 C. L. Hashman, road serv. 33.00 776 R. J. Main, labor 18.00 781 Mike Collins Ass'n, labor 14.75 786 G. G. Clark, labor 28.00 792 S. C. Reck Ass'n, road ser. 40.00 793 John Lenzen, labor .....15.20 794 John A. Henderson, labor 4.00 798 J. W. Hashman, labor ...55.00 800 C. E. Moore, labor 4.00 801 A. C. Hashman, labor ...41.00 817 J. C. Hawkins, labor .... 6.00 822 John Manion, labor ..... 4.00 8 Common garden sage brewed Into a lieavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri ant remove every bit of dandruff, stop scalp itching and falling hair. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get the ready-to-use tonic, costing about 60 cents a large bottle, at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, thus avoiding a lot of muss. While wispy, gray, faded hair is not mful, we all desire to retain our youth ful appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it does It so naturally, so evenly. You iust dampen a sponge or soft brush with t and draw this through your hair, takisg one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, oft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. 698 I,. K. Hood 704 705 32.60 3.25 701 H. P. Kendrlck. mdse. ..16.50 702 II. P. Kendrlck, scrapers, 8.00 , 703 John Hughes, labor 4.00 Mike Shimek Sr., labor.. 13. 75 Mike Shimek Jr., labor. . .28.00 706 G. H. Gregg, labor 16.00 707 W. S. Andrus Ass'n, labor 42.00 708 Clyde Logan, labor 25.50 709 Clyde Piatt, labor 10. 10 710 Frank Walters. labor ... 6.00 711 Frank Duhon, labor ....40.00 712 Vlncenc Sokel, labor ....32.50 713 H. P. Kendrlck, labor ...60.00 1714 Joseph Duhon, labor ....52.00 715 Guy Rust, labor 13.00 717 Geo. Simpson Ass'n, labor 27.00 718 W. H. KleBter, labor ....11.25 719 W. R. Klester. labor 9.00 732 GeorRe H. Young, mdse., 25.00 733 Joseph Duhon. labor ....12.00 734 H. P. Kendrlck, labor ...16.00 735 H. P. Kendrlck. mdse. ... 8.75 736 Frank Duhon. labor 4.00 737 Clyde Piatt, labor 6.25 738 Clyde Logan, labor 4.00 739 G. H. Gregg, labor 6.00 740 M'ke Shimek. labor 12.00 741 Mike Shimek Sr.. labor .. 2.50 SPEND YOUR EVENINGS at the IMPERIAL Alliance's Pleasure Picture Show Where Everybody Goes i Special Features on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday VAUDEVILLE Last Half of Each Week Special Notice I have leased ni in 1 1 It lii Haul Parlor First door south of The Budweiser and will aure the public of fair and courteous treatment. Your trade will be ainiwlatetl at all time. Make yourself at home at the inoct mttJi'r-,1 bitliarl iarlor in Alliance. Hank" Reiser 26 L. M. Kennedy Ass'n, la bor 26.00 829 James Osborne, labor ... 4.00 830 T. L. Hopkins, labor .... 2.50 834 Ed Mabin, labor 2.50 835 Luke Phillips, labor 10.00 836 A. M. Miller, auto hire .. 3.00 837 N. Frohnapfel, labor ....16.00 840 W. R. Klester, labor 9.00 841 W. H. Klester, labor .... 9.00 852 W. D. Johnson, labor ...68.00 9 Frank Caha, mdse 7.30 14 Albert Renswold, repairs, 6.50 34 Mick Collins Ass'n, labor. 4.50 39 J. A. Sheldon, labor 9.00 41 Fred Helling, labor 4.50 4 4 R. J. Main, labor 5.00 61 W. L. Grimth, labor 3.00 Whereupon the board adjourned until tomorrow morning, February 16th, 1915, at 9 o'clock. Alliance. Nebr., Feb. 16, 1915. The Hoard of County Commission ers met persuant to adjournment. Officers present: J. M. Wanek, chair man, C. L. Hashman, and Geo. W. Duncan. The following claims were exam ined and allowed and the clerk or dered to draw warrants on the Gen eral Fund for their payment: 804 W. W. Norton, rent for county judge 51.00 26 Dr. Chas. Slagle. County physician 215.00 27 J. H. Vaughan & Son. coal 177.73 33 The Baum Dros. Co., mdse. 14.25 35 Burroughs Add. Mch. Co., repairs 10.00 36 City of Alliance, lights ... 19.12 38 Alex Muirhead, statistics. . 7.00 40 The Famous, mdse. (pau per) 15.73 42 Fred Helling, teaming ... 2.50 43 Klopp & Bartlett Co., sup plies 1.13 45 Wm. F. Crane, refund ... 2.50 46 John Lawrence, refund . . . 2.50 4 7 Omaha Printing Co., sup plies 10.18 4 8 Geo. W. Duncan, mdse. (pauper) 4.90 49 K. L. Pierce, treas. ond .. 60.00 50 Ner. Tel. bCo.. phones ... 23.95 53 Alliance Printing Co., printing 5.00 54 Rowan & Wright, coal (pauper) 4.40 55 G. M. Burns, refund 9.90 56 Klopp & Bartlett Co., sup plies 65.10 57 John Daughtery, refund . . 3.00 58 Horace Bogue, mdse. (pau per) 1.75 51 J. W. Miller, salary 75.00 59 Edna Martin, salary 55.00 60 E. M. Martin, insane exp. . 30.00 62 Opal Russell, salary 76.25 63 J. N. Andrews, refund ... 9.90 64 Newberry's Hdw., mdse ..147.10 6 5 Conrad Sterkle, care pau per 22.30 66 M. S. Hargraves, expense. 47.07 67 Herald Publishing Com pany, printing 14.61 68 E. I. Gregg & Son, coal (pauper) 4.65 69 Charles Fuller, carpenter V V V y y y y V t y y x z z z z t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Bulls For Sale ! I have two car loads of very choice Registered Hereford and Shorthorn Bulls, mostly coming two-year-olds, from the best herds in Nebraska and Iowa. At the Alliance Stock Yards aunraii t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y work 5.00 70 Dr. H. H. Bellwood, insane fees . 30.00 71 Klopp & Bartlett Co., sup plies 87.75 72 Geo. W. Duncan, com. ser. 64.00 73 J. M. Wanek, com. ser. . . 63.20 74 C. L. Hashman, com. ser.. 71.00 76 C. M. Cox. salary 100.00 77 J. W. Miller, salary 75.00 78 W. T. Schlupp. auditing .. 24.00 79 Alliance Times, printing.. 87.37 80 W. O. Barnes, repa'rs .... 7.80 81 H. U. Carpenter, black- smithing 4.50 The following claims were examin ed and allowed and the clerk order ed to draw warrant on Building Fund for payment: C. H. 38 Wayne Zediker, plumbing 265.00 C. H. 39 Chas. 11. Fuller. carpenter 5.00 The following claim was examined and rejected: 37 Mrs. Harold Howe, care pauper 10.00 The petition of A. M. Miller et al asking that certain alterations be I made in county road No. 6. same be ing in twp. 28. N.. Rge. 49 W., Box Butte county, Nebraska, was approv ed and deposit waived. Whereupon the board adjourned until March 29th, 1915. M. S. HARGRAVES, Clerk. tin 3 Vie Are Called a "Big Corporation" The phrase, "big corporation." is often used as if one were describing a certain individual reputed to havo horns. There are bad corporations and good corporations, just as there are bad men and good. Some corporations in the past have done things that, in the name of jus. tice, they had no right to do; but all corporations should not suffer for the sins of a few. But times have changed. The corpo ration is a dandy that gets away with anything that it should not in these days of the vigilant press, the watch ful publio and the various state and national public service commissions. , Today the public are watching the corporations closer than any cat ever watched at a rat hole; but no corpo ration that intends to be on the square objects to being watched. Big business means more economy, greater efficiency and intelligent or ganization. It means better service at a less cost to the public. Merely being a "big corporation" should not be considered a crime. This company is big because it has to be. A child can't do a man's work. This company must be big to do a big job to render big service to you, We Advertise So That the People May Know," NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY rWMi mi tm HZ Many Disorders Come from the Liver Are You Just at Odds with Yourself? Do You ItfgulMte Living? Are you sometimes at odds with yourself and with the world? Do you wonder what alls you? True. you may be eating regularly and sleeping well. Yet something is the matter! Constipation, Headache, Nervousness and Bilious Spells indi cate a Sluggish Liver. The tried remedy is Dr. King'B New Life Pills. Only 25c at your Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Skin Eruptions. Adv No 24799 WK TAN FOH YOU We tan and manufacture your own hides into the best COATS, HOBIJS or other fur garment that you vfr saw and save you big money. All our work is fully guaranteed. Get our catalog containing full in formation aa to prices, etc. It will tell you how to keep your whole family warm at a very small cost with the hides and furs of your own raising. FHKK PAIR OK MITTS With every coat or robe made from hides shipped to us, we will give a free pair of mitta made from the trimmings of the hides. These mitta are warm, wear well Junt what you need and they cost you nothing. WE BUY HIDES Alb U KIRI 11.000 Satisfied shipper testify to our "SQUARE" Policy Premium Cash Prices. Write for Fur Price list. Trappers Supply catalog and tags. If you have hides to sell get our prices. OMAHA HIDE & Fl H COMPANY, OMAHA, NF.I1. 7a 1 South 13tii Street ('ofiiimiiiity Clubs Popular Five popular rural community clubs have been organized recently in Kimball county. Programs con sist of talks and debates on live farm torics, followed by a short entertaln : i lieio and recitations. Al most every person In the co imuniTy attends these mertlnK.; and all tal'e jMrt la the proterau.s. which are us- ti illy given in a rurul schoolhouse. Relief in Sight when you buy a jar of Dry Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin of Dry Eczema. Salt Rheum or Tetter and Moist Zensal for Weeping Skin or watery eruption. These clean, odorless ointments for the two distinct types of Eczema will give you the relief you have been seek ing. Come in and let me tell you about it. HARRY F. THIELE. Th bre-Liilzatlon of these clubs has ation with the school teachers and Ven bro'i -ht utvr 1 n ffly by the members of the county farmers' as- voiiiuy nsirii ul.ural atimt iu tooper- sociatiou. FIRE! FIRE! ATTENTION, FIREMEN I Whenever your city is in the market for Fire Hose or Equipment, you should at once write us, as it will be to your advantage, Also bear in mind that we sell Hand Extinguishers for automobiles, private houses, lumber yards and schools. ANDERSEN COMPANY 1115 Farnam St., OMAHA, NEBR. WHEN IN AM AM A Vmi-r -rust Brand New Show UlKIPU DllDI CenilC EVERY WICK HI"""""- U""-ym. Class. Class ntaftaiMai F. Antbsds, LADIES' DIME MATINEE DAILY' DO NT GO HOME SAYING: I DIDNTVISIT THE GAYETY i t.t.i m i s i i i i I Write J . v u t i hvim I I RAM OF BLrVr.. OMAHA