STIRRING TALK, ODDFELLOWSHIP Alliance Physician, Who Wm Initiat ed More Than Forty Years o, Spoke to Large Auidence On the program at the Odd Fel lows' public ceremonies last week at the Opera House was an Alllanre physician, Dr. II. II. Hellwood, who was initiated Into the order more than forty years ago. He spoke as follows: A few days ago I met Brother Lawler on the street, who handed me the following llp of paper: Brother Bellwood, you have been elected to make a short talk on Odd Fellowship at the Opera House Jan wary 13, 1915, meeting of the Slights of Chivalry." Signed by ike Committee on Program. After satisfying myself that this was not one of Tom's practical jokes I commenced to look it over and naat say was much gratified at find teg that word "short", and I Imag fcM that you also feel grateful to the eemmlttee for having Inserted it. Will say that I was Initiated into the Mysteries of Odd Fellowship more than forty years ago. I have visited 1st the meantime grand and sub-or-tflnate lodges from the Atlantic to ttte Pacific coast, and everywhere and at all times have received a most hearty welcome. The old familiar des which have been sung stnce the rat lodge was organized seem al ways to enthuse its members. Like the Lord's Prayer, the oftener you repeat it, somehow the better you seem to feel. My friends, it seems to me that if man could talk on any subject it would be Odd Fellowship. I shall Mt dwell on Its bumble birth, or its past history, although these bristle with much that Odd Fellows are roud of. But what are its teach ings? What are the great alms in Its ceremonies and lectures? What Impression must it make on the lnl slated? What effect does It have on COMING TO ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA United Doctors Specialists Will lie at the DRAKE HOTEL, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1915 One Day Only Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Remarkable Success of these Talent ed Physicians in the Treatment of Chronic Diseases OFFER THEIR SERVICES FREE OF CHARGE The United Doctors, licensed by the State of Nebraska, are experts in the treatment of diseases of the Mood, liver, stomach, intestines, kin, nerves, heart, spleen, kidneys er bladder, diabetes, bed-wetting, rteumatUni, sciatica, tape worm, leg leers, appendicitis, gall stones, goi tre, piles, etc., without operation, ad are too well known in this local ity to need further mention. Call and ee them, it costs you nothing. Laboratories, Milwaukee, WIhcohkIii jlvertisement-6-2t-57 2 9 the community where It Is establish- J ed? Beneficial beyond doubt, be cause It appeals to the very best ele ments In human nature and it is to that end that it makes Its appeal. The first step on entering a lodge room, the candidate Is told that the world Is shut out, things bal. im pure things, selfish and Imrioml things are barred. That friendship and truth are the cornerstones of the superstructure, and that love as serts her mild dominion. He is brought to realize the vanity of worldly things. He Is taught that true living consists in discharging his obligations, to his family, his country, his fellowman and his God. That as an Odd Fellow he cannot live within sHf alone, but must awaken and discharge the higher and nobler ob!lim: Ions that he owes to society and his fellowmen. By so doing his own life Is elevated. His mind Is broadened, hii sphere of ac tivity is enlarged and the spread of his affection reaches out In a sympa thetic manner toward others. In the next step he is taught some of the most ennobling influences of true friendship, by lessons drawn from the highest Ideals of human conception and historical narratives. By these lessons he Is impressed with the difference between sham, pre tended, false friendship and the true and never faltering kind. He is then lead gently into the realms of love, smypathy and pity, where the strongest impressions and most ennobling lessons of true devo tion to the highest and purest ideal of life are presented before him, where enmity, Jealousy and strife are forgotten. The tenderest cells of the heart are opened, and even ene mies become the objects of pity and the recipients of acts of love. Having been led step by step through first a true conception of self, second, an Imperishable and un faltering friendship, he is now ush ered into the climax chamber of Odd Fellowship. Into the temple of truth. Where the most ennobling influence of imperial truth is written with an indelible pencil upon the pure white tablets of his heart. Truth not only uttered, but acted, true to every duty and obligation of life. Fitted with such an armor, is it any wonder that Odd Fellowship has from the beginning (humble though It was) continued to sweep across the hills, mountains, plains, wood lands and prairie, gathering as it went, until today its temple and home decorate most every city, vil lage and hamlet from the rock rib bed shores of the Atlantic to the Golden Gate of California, from the surf beaten shores of the Southland, to far beyond our borders In Cana da, and it continues to follow the flag, and Is now firmly planted in the far off Islands of the sea. And its good deeds must surely be felt wher ever it has been established. Its Ideals being for the elevation of human character, It appeals not to the selfish, but to the generous. Not to the covetous, but to the char itable. It is the hand maiden of the church. It is one of the great Instruments pressing to a broader and higher Ideal of the divinely Intended sphere of human endeavor and with its vast army (the largest fraternal organiz ation In the world) no longer num bered by the hundred thousands but by millions, it must prove one of the potent factors to hasten that day when the sword shall be beaten into plough shares and the spears into pruning hooks. Then man ehnll learn war no more; then will have come the Halcyon days. The uni versal brotherhood of man, the fath erhood of God. GRAND DANCE FEBRUARY 12 Pmt M, T. F. A., to tilve (Jrand Hall at (liulNby Hall Next Month Committer Appointed At a special meeting of Post M, T. P. A., held Saturday afternoon at the Hotel Alliance, it was decided to hold a dance at the Gadsby hall on February 12. The last dance given by the Post was very successful, and It Is hoped that this affair will be :?ven bitter, If poaulble. The committees appointed wore: Hall Jack Hawes. S. A. Senk; Tick et Harry Czarnosky; Music S. W. Thompson; Floor Robert Luding ton, Geo. A. Reed; Advertising Lloyd C. Thomas; Program Joe O'Connor, H. W. Hull. Wm. Nie man; Decorations R. M. Baker, L. H. Highland, C. L. Ewing. Robert Ludington, II. W. Hull. The best music that money can buy will be furnished. METCAIiFE'ft PAPER THE OMAHA NKBRASKAN Subscriptions to Richard L. Met calfe's paper, The Omaha Nebraskan, will be received at The Herald office at the regular subscription price of $1.50 per year. Mr. Metcalfe Is con ceded to be one of the best editorial writers in America. Herald readers all know him, by reputation if not personally, and no doubt many of them would like to become regular readers of his paper. We shall be pleased to forward your subscription at any time. HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 5731-Jan 14-tf ANGORA ITEMS Angora, Nebr... Jan. 20 Mrs. Ev erett went to Omaha Thursday, Jan uary 14. We understand that while there she will be treated for cancer. A good crowd attended literary, altho the weather was very unfavor able. The mock trial was very good, wherein were C. L. McDaniel, plain tiff; A. G. Stoner, defendant; attor ney for plaintiff, Wm. Orr; for de fendant, R. K. Maybell; Judge, .. Dr Ward; sheriff, R. H. At well. It was a laugh from start to finish. The debate, Resolved that curiosity will lead a person farther than necessity will lead them, resulted in favor of the negative side. Miss Marie Maybell has been on the sick list the past few days. Chas. Knight left Saturday, Janu ary 16, for Lebo, Kana. He also ex pects to visit at Kansas City and var ious other points before returning. Earl MorrlHon is working on the railroad during the absence of Char ley Knight. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Ely returned Monday morning after an absence of several days. Mrs. Ely had been at Morrill and Ray at Omaha. James Powell had two gentlemen down from Alliance the first of the week looking at land. Mrs. Emma Gentle was treated to a very pleasant surprise January 15, In honor of her sixty-third birthday. Supper was served and after a pleas ant evening all departed wishing Mrs. Gentle many happy returns of the day. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gentle, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Anderson, John Powers and family, R. K. Thomas and fam ily, Alvln Turman and family, Mr. and Mr.s F. W. Woods. f? C Our Policy of Publicity Some corporations say: "What's the use of trying to "advertise what's the use of telling the people anything? They won't listen to what a corpora tion has to say?" Don't you believe it! Most people are fair, broad-minded and unpreju diced. . The public can be awfully wronar at times, but it is usually because they have received wrong information. This company has been criticised time and again in years gone by, but we are net complaininx. We should have furnished the public more com plete information about our business. Today our policies and our prob lems, our revenues and our expenses, everything about our business we tell the public. We are a public service corporation and the public deserve to know what we are doing and why we are doing it. Then we are willing to place our case squarely up to them. They are the fairest jury we have ever known. We want the people to know all about our business, because we want their confidence and good will. It means more business, less trouble, more happiness. We have the utmost faith in the sense of justice and fair play of the American people. We believe that they want to give square corporations a square deal. "We Advertise So That the People May Know. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY ASHBY ITEMS Ashby, Nebr., Jan. 19 Mr. Barr of near Yankton, S. Dak., came in on 4 4 Friday to visit his brother F. H. Barr, whom he had not seen for twenty-two years. F. A. Halloren left Tuesday for Lincoln to attend the lumberman's association. O. A. Adam and Joe Duncanson from Survey were transacting busi ness in town Friday. Attorney Osgood of Ifyarnls was In town Friday, between trains. Quite a number from here went down to Hyannis each night of the picture show. Mrs. J. G. Cooley of Hecla came up Tuesday to visit a while with her sons, Leslie and E. C. Miss Victoria Llsy came up from Hyannta Sunday where she had been taking teachers' examination. W. H. Hinrlch of Rapid City, pres ident of the Ashby Lumber Company came down Saturday to look after his interest. Dave and Crock Rector and their wives left Saturday for Winona, Mo., where they will live In the future. Miss Anna Bos returned Saturday from David City, where she has been visiting relatives. Messrs. Fugate and Birtch came in on the early train Saturday with a car of young heifers which they took out to their ranch. The ladies embroidery club was entertained last Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Ruth Mansfield. Last week was examination week for the school children. Most all of them did real well. The two high est in each grade are as follows: Eighth grade spelling, Vivian Fre dlnburg, 93; Wesley Barnes, 89. Arithmetic, Vivian Fredinburg, 92. Mamie Etter 98. Grammar, Vivian Fredinburg 89, Wesley Barnes 83. Geography, Vivian Fredinburg 98, Mamie Etter 96. History, Vivian Fredinburg 99, Mamie Etter 96. Physiology, Wesley Barnes 86, Ma mie Etter 95. Sixth Grade. spell ing, Nina Kendall 94, Raymond Babb and Nellie Fredinburg tie on 78, ar ithmetic, Nina Kendall 94, Raymond Babb 88. Reading, Mamie Etter 98. Grammar, Nina Kendall 90, Ray mond Babb 94. Geography, Nina Kendall 91. Raymond Babb 81. Phy siology, Nina Kendall and Raymond Babb tie on 96. An open letter from a member of the Bunch Grass Club: The Bunch Grass Club were glad to hear so many of the Social Help ers were able to go to Alliance this time and glad to know they did so much work, even of they did have to work half the night. (We spent a very pleasant evening In Alliance). Also glad to know they were treated to Ice cream and cake Intended for Ihe Bunch Grass ladies. Many thanks to the party who treated. The Bunch Grass ladies will perhaps be In Alliance again some day and will certainly call on you, but oh we were so glad you found out the dif ference between the Bunch Grass and the Social Helpers, for we do not want to sail under false colon:. Yours truly, A Member of the Bunch Grass. KINCAID ITEMS Klnkaid, Nebr., Jan. 18 Mrs. linen Smith's father, of low a, who has been touring in the West, is vis iting here a few days. Peter McLaughlin returned to his home in Ashland, Nebr., last week. Jules Birkel spent a few days, on business, in Bridgeport, last week. George D. Workman returned Sat urday from Ashland, Nebr., accom panied by his cousin. Hugh Smith returned to his home from the hospital Monday. Henry Keenen took supper at the Soth home Thusrday evening. L. L. Unger went to Bridgeport last week on a business trip. George D. Workman gave a party Wednesday evening, in honor of bis cousin from Ashland, Nebr. B. C. Soth was under the weather a few days last week. There will be a dance at the home of Otto Met next Friday evening. Everybody is invited. Come and have a good time. Miss Martha Haak left last Mon day to live in the city during her leave of absence. 3T ASH GROVE Ash firnve. Jan. 13 Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Berg returned Monday on 41 from their three weeks' visit In Lin coln. Utlca, York and Broken Bow. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davlg return ed from Texas Tuesday and report a fine time in tne lana or sunsnine ana flowers. Last Sunday Guy Rust and family spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Purinton. Arthur Groves is suffering with a badly sprained wrist caused by Jumping from an automobile. At last report he was getting alnog as well as colud be expected. C. W. Sisley visited friends in Al liance Sunday. Mr. and Mrt. D. E. Purinton were visiting at the Berg home Tuesday. Three coyotes was the result of the round up last week in the Wm. Nye neighborhood. Mr. Knapp lost & valuable dog, which was kicked by a horse. About forty of the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Blair gave them a surprise party Fri day night at their hon e. The pleas ant and enjoyable affair wound up with a dance, after which all went to their homes feeling that an agree able time was had. The Tremendous Selling of the Past Few Days of The Farnou Staggering Sacrifice Sale HAS MADE BIG INROADS THROUGHOUT THIS SPLEN DID STOCK. HUNDREDS OF SATISFIED PATRONS OF THIS GREAT CLOTHING SALE ARE LEAVING THE STORE DAILY, WITH BUNDLES OF MERCHANDISE UP ON WHICH THEY HAVE REALIZED AN ABSOLUTE HAVING OF FROM 25 TO 50 PER CENT. PEOPLE ARE NOT ONLY BUYING FOR THEIR IMMEDIATE NEEDS, BUT ARE SUPPLYING THEMSELVES FOR MONTHS TO COME WITH THE WORLD'S BEST CLOTHING AND FUR NISHINGS AT PRACTICALLY THEIR OWN PRICES. DO NOT FAIL TO AVAIL YOURSELF OF THE GREAT- EST PURCHASING OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE EVER BEEN OFFERED. Sale Closes Saturday, January 30 GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER FOR THE FEW REMAINING DAYS OF THIS THE GREATEST SACRIFICE SALE OF APPAREL FOR MEN AND BOYS YOU HAVE EVER WITNESSED. Fhe Farnou d