3E 3G DE DG IF 3 The Horace Boeiie Store enii Annual Clearance Sale We have just closed the Greatest season we have ever had and now want to move what remains of the fall stocks out with a rush 3GJG '4 11 : !4 40 Crepe De Cheine 48 Suits 47 Coats All Underwear 20 per Waists 84 Skirts 58 Dresses Cent Discount $2.05 to $4.00 value, $ 1.1)5 Regardless of Itrand. We carry MUNSING, M ERODE and All Must be Sold FOItRKST ym- Fancy Collars and Belts at prices from One-Third Off onoes " "ill Y f't yjT- 4 Special lots of shoes at 25 per cent to 50 per cent discount. t, J J SVsL vVlll These are from our regular stock, and not bought for SALE Remnants i s, In Silks, Wool Goods, Ginghams, Percales at redlculously low JLXSCC)1JIIX L prices. Many pieces are dress lengths and perfect goods Wool and Cotton Blankets, all sizes, at 20 per cent Discount All Millinery at Half Price Hats or Trimming On January 1 6th to 23rd it 3C 3C 2G DC 3G COMING TO ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA tToited Docks Specialists Will De at the DRAKE HOTEL, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1915 . One Day Only Hours 0 a. m. to A p. ni. Remarkable Success of these Talent ed Vbysicians In the Treatment of Chronic Diseases OFFER THEIR SERVICES FREE OF CHARGE The United Doctors, licensed by the State of Nebraska, are experts in the treatment of diseases of the blood, liver, stomach, intestines, kin, nerves, heart, spleen, kidneys or bladder, diabetes, bed-wetting, rheumatism, sciatica, tape worm, leg nlcers, appendicitis, gall stones, gol tre, piles, etc., without operation, -nd are too well known in this local ity to need further mention. Call and ee them. It costs you nothing. Laboratories, Milwaukee. Wisconsin dvertisenient-6-2t-5729 ARRIVED FOR WIDOW'S BURIAL Relative of Woman Who Died Sud denly of Heart Failure Arriv ed Wednesday for Hody Frank M. Coquillette,D.C. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAl ADJUSTER imperial Theatre Building Alliance, Nebraska . Lady. Assistant I'hone 515 Arthur Keefer of 122 East 42nd Street, Chicago, arrived Wednesday for the burial of Mrs. Carrie F. Swan, the widow woman who died sudden ly from heart failure in Alliance on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Keef er Is the husband of Mrs. Marjorle Keefer, a cousin of the dead woman, j Sheriff Cal Cox and County Attor- ney Lee Dasye, who spent much time 1 In hunting up the relatives of the dead woman, sent telegrams to near ly every part of the United States be fore they finally found any trace of relatives. Hundreds of letters from friends were found but nothing re garding relatives until an envelope j was found on which was written, in I her handwriting, the addresses of Mrs. Marjorie Keefer, Chicago, the cousin, and a brother, James R. Keefe of 4319 Superior street, Cleve land, Ohio. The brother. In answer to a telegram, wired back asking that the body be held and stating that a letter was on the way. Mrs. Swan's former minister, a retired Christian church pastor at Parsons, Kansas, named J. M. Ker sey, wired regarding her claim twen ty miles from Van Tassel, Wyoming. Elmer E. Lesh, of Glen, Nebr., her bondsman with the Endless Tie Com pany of Kansas City, Missouri, wired from Lander, Wyo., stating that he did not know of relatives. She had been employed by the tie company for two yo-irs. R. B. Lesh of Brook lyn, N. Y., wired that he knew her In Detroit In 1883. Her father was at one time coroner In Detroit. Mrs. Swan had kept In communication for years with friends but had never told them of her relatives. Her hus band, when living, was a mining en gineer and she had kept letters writ ten by him up to the time of his death. He traveled in alt parts of the United States ami Mexico. Letters which Mrs. Swan had, showed that she. was a devoted work er in the Christian church. by Mr. Glliran from his deer hunt-1 lng trip In Wisconsin. A delightful evening was spent. Guests were Misses Mayme O'Keefe and Laura Mounts, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCorkle, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. R. i M. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. 1 Margraves, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Tash, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Keefe, Mr. and ! Mrs. J. A. Hunter, M.r and Mrs. John O'Keefe. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mounts. Street Improvement Resolution i People easily constipated dread the winter. Nothing but hard, course I meals. No fruits, no vegetables to ' keep the stomach active. Your best relief, your greatest friend now is Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea, the world's Tonic physic. Do it tonight. I H. F. THIELE. Readings at Imperial j Miss Thressa Hlght. member of ; the faculty of the Alliance School of I Music, Is to be on the program at the j Imperial theatre next week. On Tues- day and Wednesday evenings she ! will give readings. Miss Hight has been known as a public entertainer for some time and Is well liked. She has pronounced ability in this line and her appearance at the local thea tre will draw good crowds. BE IT RESOLVED by the "Mayor and City Council of the City of Alli ance, Nebraska, that strett curbing .be within thirty days from the publi cation of this resolution coribtructed at and along the sides of all the streets and r.venues or parts thereof embraced within street Improvement district number'two of said City, and abutting on and adjacent to the fol lowing lots and parcels of land, to wlt: j Lots 1 to 5 inclusive. Block E, Sheridan Addition, City of Alliance, Nebr. Lots 1 to 9 Inclusive, Block 1, Sec ond Co. Addition, City of Alliance, Nebr. 1 to 6 inclusive, Block 10, Addition, City of Alliance, Entertained Saturday Evening j Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gllman enter tained a number of their friends Sat urday evening at a six o'clock din ner. The principal course of the elaborate meal was venison, brought ; Lots Second Nebr. Lots Second Nebr. Lots 1 First Nebr. Lots I, J, K, L, M, N, Simonson's subdivision. City of Alliance, Nebr. ;Lots 1 to 9 inclusive. Block 2, Sec ond Co. Addition, City of Alliance, Nebr. 7 to 12 Inclusive, Addition, City of 1 to 6 Inclusive, Block 5, Addition, City of Alliance, to 6 inclusive, Block 1, Addition, City of Alliance, JANUARY CLEARING SALE IMG REDUCTION IN PRICES ON SEASONABLE GOODS. THERE'S PLENTY OF TIME YET FOR A LOT OF COU WEATHER THIS WINTER. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SALE, 8AVK MONEY, HAVE THK 11ENEFIT OF THE GOODS THIS WINTER AND PRACTICALLY NEW NEXT FALL. . : One-Fourth and One-Half Off MAKE FIFTY OR SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS DO THE WORK OF A DOLLAR, PAY ONLY TWO OR THREE DOLIRS FOR A BIG FOUR DOLLARS' WORTH OF GOODS. LADIES' COATS AND SUITS $25.00 Value for $12.50 20.00 Values for , flO.OO 18.00 Value for 0.00 1S.OO Value for 7.50 MILLINERY ft 0.00 Ladle' Hat for . . .$5.00 7 AO Ladles' Hat for 8.75 0.00 Ladle' Hat for 2.50 MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS $30.00 Suit and Overcoats for $22.50 2S.OO Suit and Overcoats for 18.75 20.00 Suits and Overcoats for 15.00 1S.OO Suit and Overcoat for 11.25 FUR COATS One-fourth off regular price, of from $45.00 down HOYS' SUITS $8.00 Suit for $6.00 7.00 Suit for 5.25 5.O0 Suits for 3.75 4.00 Suit for a.OO ; Lots Second Nebr. . Lots Block 9. Alliance, Block 6, Alliance, Block 2, Alliance, 7 to 12 inclusive, Second Addition, City of Nebr. Lots 7 to 12 inclusive. First Addition, City of Nebr. Said street curbing to be laid in accordance with the provisions of ordinance number 200 of said City and under the regulations" of the Committee of the City Council on streets and alleys. " Said resolution was adopted by the following vote, to-wlt: P. E. Ro mlg. yes; Geo. Fleming, yes; J. R. Snyder, yes; W. H. Swan, yes; and the same was approved by Mayor A. D, Rodgers. Attest: GEO. F. SNYDER. I (SEAL) City Clerk i Alliance. Nebr., January 6. 1914. 5-4t-535-5738 WARNING TO CITIZENS W. R. Harper Department Store Apparently many citizens of Alli ance allow trash to accumulate on their premises with an idea that a "clean-up" day will be designated for the city to remove it. There Is no official clean-up day for the city of Alliance but every day is clean-up day for the citizens to whom we want to issue' a final warning. The city ordinances with regard to these mat ters are very plain and the health conditions of the city are more to be considered than anything else. Re fuse, accumulating, is almost certain to spread disease, especially typhoid and other malarial diseases which make it an offense punishable by fine 1 to permit refuse or filth to accumu- ' late on vacant lots or in alleys. A. D. RODGERS. ; Chairman Board of Health. 53tf4886 TH"PRUDENT AfAJV"&AAfED MS MONEY WHEM YOUVG -li. L- r: .J ', It is all right for a man, when he is along in years and can AF FORD it, to end money for luxuries, but the young man and the middle aged should remember that '"Life's December" conies to ev eryone, and that to be old and POOR is life's greatest tragedy. To prevent this, begin NOW put your money in our DANK; let it STAY there, and ADD TO IT every time you can. Make OUR bank YOUR bank First State Bank ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA SATURDAY SPECIAL Divinity - fjC per pound &3J) The Sugar Bowl 405 &?Jane H E The Average Man or woman who wean glasses looks upon them in much the same way a we look on taxes or death s something not pjtrticu larly pleaant, but still Inevitable; and therefore to be accepted phil osophically. This attitude of mint! ha chiefly to do with the question of appearance, for there Is no more discomfort in wearing well fitting glasses than there 1 in wearing a hat. For the correct glasses see DRAKE & DRAKE Optometrist