Get the Return of Kinney Draw By Gross OKE HADA t Hfc ubttfTo VCAtf A HAT Anp he UN? -rr9 leVj ffef?IL.S OF PjaiNET "THsr APteJfTuC& Of5 Tf4S AnIU A SMil'T 3 y' ? it? JO r-i PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Rates: One-inch cards, 50 cents; two-inch cards, $1.00 H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone, 860 Res. Phone, S42 Calls answered promptly day and night from office. Offices: Alliance National Bank building, over the Post Office. C. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office phone, 65 ALLIANCE Res. phone, 62 NEBRASKA Orie Coppernoll Res. Phone 20 F. J. Petersen Res. Phone 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths ROOM 5, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK H. M. BULLOCK Attorney-at-Law ALLIANCE NEBRASKA L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon OFFICE, First National Bank Bldg. PHONES: Office, 362; Residence, 16 DR. D. E. TYLER Dentist PHONE 362 OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AT THE HERALD OFFICE REASONABLE RATES PROMPT SERVICE A. J. KENNEDY Dentist OFFICE: Alliance National Bank Building Over Post Office PHONE 391 J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I have the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. OFFICE: Rm. 7, Opera House Block BRUCE WILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In civil courts since 1889, and Register U. S. Land Office from 1908 to 1907. Information by mall a specialty. OFFICE In Land Office Building ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA Jewelry I Watches WE CARRY A SPLENDID STOCK OF JEW ELRY, GOLD AND SILVER WARE, AND WATCHES GOODS THAT ARE Reliable rJlceJ Reasonable EVERY READER OF THIS PAPER IS IN VITED TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR LINE OF GOODS Brennan's Si, rz'v? -'-" Orey Phone M J. W. BURNS Contractor and Builder PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION I employ only first-class Mechanic All work guaranteed Res. and Shop, 7th and Mississippi. PHONE 279 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA "LET ME CRY FOR YOU" HARRY P. COURSEY LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE PHONE: 664 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA DR. L. W. CURTIS PREPARED TO TREAT ALL DOMESTIC ANIMALS PHONE 633 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA DR. J. M. WILLIS Physician and Surgeon OVER MALLERY'S GROCERY PHONES: Office, 496; Res., 578 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA EUGENE BURTON Attorney-at-Law Land Attorney OFFICE: First National Bank Bldg PHONE 180 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA PHONE: 233. CLARE A. DOW Electrician House Wiring Motor and Auto-starter Repairing ALLIANCE : : NEBRA8K GEO. G. GADSBY Licensed Embalm er PHONE: Day, 498; Night, 610 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA DYE & OWENS Transfer Line r Household goods ' i moved promDtlv - a j . and transfer wnrl ;:. L1. , tw solicited. Rsttdsnc phone m Blue LEGAL ADVERTISING Notice for Publication Isolated Tract PUBLIC LAND 8A1.K department or the Interior. tT. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, Ie cember Hth, 1914. NdTH'K la hereby aiven that, a dir ected by the Commissioner of the len eral Land Ofllce, under provisions of Acts of Oonarress approved June 27, l!)(Mi 34 Stat.. 617), and .March 2, 1!)07 S4 Stats., 1 224), pursuant to the appli cation of ftodolphus M. Hampton, Ser ial No. 018831. we will offer at public sale, to the hlithest bidder, but at not less than $.1.50 per acre, at 9 o'clock a. ni., on the twenty-third day of Janu ary (1915) next, at thia otltce. the fol lowing; tract of land: 8 Mi SV Mi of Section 11 In Township 23 North of ltanjte 49 West of 6th P. M. In Nebr., containing 80 acres. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claim or objections, on or before the time designated for sale, V. W. Wool), KeKlster. H J. ELLIS, Iteceiver. 2-6t-R32-4865 Serial No. 01353S. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, tT. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebr., Dec. 10, 1914. NOTICE la hereby given that Cllsta N. Peterson, formerly Cllsta N. Pass more, of Thelnia, Nebr., who, on Mny 25, 1911, made Homestead Entry, No. 013538, for SMi NW14. HWVi NKi, SWVi. XV i 8KV4, Sec. 30; NK4 NWM,, Section 31. Twp. 23 N.. Kange 45 W und Sli NK Mi, SHU Sec. 25. Twp. 23 North, Range 46 W. of 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above des cribed, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Lund Ofllce, at Alliance, Nebras ka, on the 2fith day of January, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Ar thur Feagins, of Alliance, Nebr.; Mau rice Peterson, of Thelma, Nebr.: Arvid PJorndahl. of Thelma, Nebr.; Clarence Peterson, of Thelma. Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, Register. 2-7t-R31-44fi Notice to Creditor In County Court, within und for Itox Hutte Countv, Nebrnskn, Dec. 14. 1914. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary V. Fullerton, Deceased. TO THE CUKDlTOIiS OF SAID ES TATE: You are hereby notified that 1 will sit at the County Court Room in Alli ance In said County, on the 15th day of July, 1915, to receive and examine all claims UKiiinst said Estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims HRHlnnt said Estate is six mouths, from the 14th day of January, A. D. 1915. and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from said 14th day of January. 1915. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 14th day of De cember. 1914. (SHAD L. A. IJE11RY, 2-M-S3l-4Mn County Judge. 017079.' Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Alliance, Nebraska, December 2fi, 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Eugene A. Hall of Alliance, County of llox Huttf, and State of Nebraska, has filed in this office his application number 017079, to enter under the provisions of Section 2300 and 2307, of the Revis ed Statutes of the United States, the Northeast quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NEVi NE4), section 35, town ship 23, N. range 49, W. 6th P. M. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the land described or desiring to object because of the mineral char acter of the land or for any other rea son to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protest In this office on or before the 29th day of Jan uary 1915. W. W. WOOD. Register. 3-6t-5S4-4S79 Serial No. 014S7S. Notice for Pabllcatlen Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, Dec. 26. 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Orover Broyles, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on January 23, 1912, made Homestead En try, No. 014373, for EH Sec. 23: NEK. NV4 NW, Sec. 26; EV NB14, Section 27, Township 23 North. Range 49 W. of 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three Year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 15th day of Febru ary, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Jim Eaton, Martin Anderson. Christ Ander son, Harry Smith, all of Alliance, Ne braska. W. W. WOOD. Register. 3-7t-533-4878 Sheriff's Sale By virtue of an order of sale direct ed to me from the Clerk of the Dist rict Court of Box Butte County. Ne braska, on a Judgment obtained before the District Court of Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska, on the 6th day of May. 1914. said Court rendered a decree in favor of Edson W. Reeder as Plaintiff, and against John Treirweiler, Mrs. Treirweiler, wife of John Treirweiler. first and real name unknown. Mary J. Baumgardner, James N. Field. Andrew Sohler and John Doe as Defendants, for the sum of Twelve Hundred Twenty-Three dollars and Forty cents, and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following described real estate taken as the property of said Defendants, to satisfy said Judgment, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter SKV) of Section Twenty (20). in Township Twenty eight (28). North of Range Fortv-sev- en 447). West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Box Butte County, Nebr aska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the 8th day of January. A. D.. 191S. in front of the west court house door at Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebras ka (that being the building wherein the last term of Court was held), at the hour of One o'clock p. m., of said day. when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated November 28th, 1914. C. M. COX. Sheriff of Said County. 52-61-629-4810 Serial No." fill J Hi Notice for Pmhlleatlan Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land umce at Alliance, Nebr., Jan. 7, 1915 Notice Is hereby given that Mi. Mlna M. Hale, formerly Mina M. Mc. Fall, of Pawlet. Nebr., who. on April 17, uiu, maue nomesteaa Kntry, No. 011277. for Lots 1, 2, 3. Ni SEVi. SMi NE'i. SWWi RK'i. Sec. S: I.ot 4 SW U NWi. NW SW4. Sec. 2. Twp. 21 N.. nn v ., ana b rr;, JV K V S K cec. at; w BW4 lec. 3i, Township 22 North. Range 44 W. of 6th Princi pal Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiv. er. U. S. Land Office, at Alliance. Ne braska, on the 10th day of February. 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank McFall, of Lakeside, Nebr.; Chas. Tul- ly. of Alliance, Nebr.; Ode E. Black, of Ellsworth, Nebr.; George Piatt, of Pawlet, Nebr. W. W. WOOD. Register. 6-61-536-5734 S. iial No. 011529. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Ofllce at Alliance. Nebr., Jan. 9, 1915. Notice Is hereby given that William L. Hawkins, of Alliance, Nebr., who, on Mny 17, 1910, made Homestead Entrv, No. 011529, for I Ml 3, 4, Sec. 19; lots 1. 2, 3. 4, Sec. 30; lots 1, 2, Section SI, Township 26 North, Hange 48 W. of 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Ind Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 25th day of Febru ary. 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: A. J. OaKhagen, Hans Wlese, Jerimlah Are- 11ns Wells, Samuel Mundt, Alliance, Nebr. XV. XV. WOOD. Register. fi-7t-538-5725 Serial No. 014290. Notlee for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance. Nebr., Jan. 9, 1915. Notice Is hereby given that Claude D. Ulce. of Alliance. Nebr., who, on Dec. 26, 1911, made Homestead Entry, No. 014290. for Lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 6; NVVV, NE'i; EMi NK'i! NE4 SE. Section 19. Township 23 North, I in nice 47 w. of 6th Principal Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make f inal Tnree Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, It. S. Land Office, at Al liance, Nebr., on the 2bth day of I-eb-ruHty, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: junus (I. Blrkel. Iiuis Unger, Lee McLaugh lin, ueorge sianora, an 01 Alliance, Nebr. XV. XV. WOOD. Register. (i-7t-537-5276 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT HATES The charge for both regu lar and special editions Is lc per word per Insertion, six words to the line. Advertisers so desiring may have an swers to their advertisement address ed to a box number, care of The Her ald. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts are measured by the line, not by the word. N.B. The Herald cannot be respon sible for more than one wrong Inser tion due to typographical error. No claim for error can be allowed after the 10th of the following month. Any advertisement Inserted to run until forbidden must be stopped by written order. FOI1 SALE LANDS f l Vli f.Thri CA1.1.? It lalfin u.'lthln lliirtv rinvH. I III) acres about three miles northwest of Alliance. In section 28. township 25, range 48. Price, $25 per acre. Terms. 32.000 cash. Time on the balance. AddreMB John Rock. 214 Knep per Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa. LAND TO TRADES I have 160 acres. SU miles from Bay ard, under the Trl-State canal, to trade for tlox uutte county iana. J. C. McCOKKLK, Alliance, neor. 18-tf-327 WANTED TO TRADE Irrigated farm in eastern Wyoming. Water right paid for In government canal. Well improved. Address Box 4789, care Al liance Herald. 61tf-478 Thorobred saddle horse for sals cheap. Phone 140 or call at The Her ald office. is-u-i FOR RENT nOOMS NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: With or without board. Close in. Private residence. Phone 175. Furnished Rooms ( Rent The first floor of a two-story house. furnished for housekeeping. . Furnish ings Include piano. Water In house. Rent reasonable to small family. Im mediate possession given. H. REN.VAU. 319. East 4th St. dec24-tf-4865 LOST LOST Fancy hair pin at Highland ers dunce. Set with brilliants. Re turn to Herald office. S-tf-6736 "FoTsnr LADY'S GLOVE In front of Alll nce Hotel. Owner can have same by calling at Herald office and paying for this notice. dec Sl-tf-5202 KOIl SALE MIS( KI.LANKOt S fool Hall 'for Sale or Trade Pool hall in first class condition. Will sell or trade for stock. Three tables. liai lights. All fixtures complete go with the hall. Possession can be giv en the first day of February. See or write A. i. Stoner, Angora, Nebr. 5-3t-6732$ STOVE FOR SALE Hard coal stove, in good condition. Cheap for cash. In quire at The Herald office. 8-tf FOR BALE Flourishing restaurant and bakery business in prosperous town of 6,000 people. Small amount of cash will handle the deal. Present own er has been In business seven yeara Established. Paying good profit. In vestigate. Address Box 3998, care Her- aia. Alliance, iseor. 41tf399S FOR SALE LIVES STOCK FOR SALE One large roan milk cow, fresh. Call and see Mrs. Jennie Kice, 603 Yellowstone Ave. dec Sl-tf-5203 MISCELLANEOUS filN REPAIRING I repair all kinds of guns, do choke boring, sell stocks for guns. Do filing of all kinds. Second-hand guns bought and sold. Repair cooking utensils. Ad dress: upstairs over the Oadsby car penter shop, back or the Ho (rue store. F. J. HERTERICH. 612t-5737f HF.COItll FOK TRAIXMKW Railroad men can secure a very use ful book at The Herald office. It is a I daily time hook for trainmen and en- ginemen. The price is reasonable. I 6-tf-f72 Minors Set Allewed Minors are not allowed In the Mis. slon Pool Hall. Curry & Mapps, Pro- firltors 47-f-4tf Money to loan on real estate. tf F. E. REDDISH. WANTED TO BUY Second - hand 14. IMi and 2 Inch pipe. Phone 74. (Itf4790 MOW'S Til i r We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh, Cure. F. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F, .1. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL HANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood land mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. POTATO EXPERTS WILL GIVE ADVICE l'otato HerlaliMs Will (Jlve Valua ble Advice to (imwera at Meet ing to be Held in Lincoln It the opinions of potato experts are given due consideration, thous ands of dollars will be saved to the growers of Nebraska this year. Fig ures in possession of the state board of agriculture show that disease, poor methods of production and un skillful distribution are the enemies of the potato growers of Nebraska. The crop for 1914 was estimated at 7,070,761 bushels and brought the growers fully $4,251,472. In the werner n and northwestern parts of the state large acreages of potatoes are planted each year. The Nebraska state horticultural society, realizing the importance of the potato industry, to the economic welfare of the state, has arranged for a meeting of potato specialists to discuss the various phases of the Industry in Nebraska. These speak ers will appear at the meetings of the society January 19, 20, 21 and 22, during the meetings of organiz ed agriculture. No other horticultural crop has reached the importance from a finan cial standpoint that the potato crop now enjoys in the state. In Europe the potato crop is of great ecpnomtc importance and the production per acre is several times what the best average in this country amounts to. T he crop is used for food for both man and beast. Numerous by-prod ucts are utilized so that there is a steady and persistent demand for the product. The elimination of waste in pro duction, the remedies for disease and other topics will be discussed at a special potato session at the Llndell hotel January 22, at 2 p. m. Potato growers from all parts of Nebraska are invited to be present at this meeting. Lincoln Star. No use to squirm and wince and , try to wear out your Rheumatism. II 1 will wear you out instead. Apply some Sloan's Liniment. Need not rub It In Just let it penetrate all through the affected parts, rellevs the soreness and draw the pain. You get ease at once and feel so much better you want to go right out and tell other sufferers about Sloan's. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have It In the bouse against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciati ca and like a'lments. Your money . back If not sat'sned, but It does give I almost Instant relief. Buy a bottlt . today. I adv No 14799 ' Notice to ltldtlem 1 The board of county commission-1 ers of Box Butte County. Nebraska,- will receive bids for the lease of the county farm, same being the north one-balf of section 17, township 25, range 4 8, until twelve o'clock noon of the first day of February, 1915. Bids, will be considered for one or two 'years. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. M. S. HARGRAVES. ' County Clerk. Alliance, Nebr., January 12, 1915. 6-21-5713 Itelurn from Wedding Trip Mr. and Mrs. Vern Regester, who were married in Alliance on Monday, December 20, and who Immediately, left on their honeymoon trip, return ed on Thursday. January 7. They visited Omaha, Kansas City, St. Jos eph, and other points, visiting his relatives also. Mr. Regester is one of the valued employes of the Bur lington freight department in Alli ance. The young couple will make their home in Alliance. "When you get a suit cleaned at the Alliance Cleaning Works, you're got a suit cleaned that's clean." ' MRS. Z EH RUNG, Prop. adr-4872-dec24-4t Sick Headache. Sick headache is nearly alwsrs caused by j disorder! of the stomach. Correct them and I the periodic attacks of sick headache will ' disaper. Mr. John Bishop of Koseville, ! Ohio, writes: "About a year ago I was trou bled with indigestion and bad sick headache that lasted for two or three days at a time. I doctored and tried a number of remedies but nothing helped me until during one of those sick sIUi friend advised me to take ChamlMsrlaiu's Tablets. This medicine re liercd mo in a short time." For sals by i d.alers. Advertisement. PARDEY WRITES FROM CANADA Former Alliance Business Man, Now l,4ratl In Canada, Tells of In-tei-extlng Doing There The Herald received, on Friday of last week, a letter from F. H. Par dey, formerly an Alliance business man and now located at Salmon Arm, B. C, Canada. The letter waa dated January 1 and reads as fol lows: Salmon Arm, B. C, Canada, January 1, 1915. Messrs. Thomas, Herald Publishing Co., and "Lord Chesterfield" Thomas: Received subscription receipt O. K. Send you check to see whether Pardey's paper was still good. No complaints, so It must hare been. Splendid snow and Jolly sleighing here. Our snow here comes gently but sure and stays where It falls. I find the climate all the better for our health which is so good It often "hurts". Was sixty-eight years of age last September and am still able to do a man's work. We came here Just as the bottom of real estate values was getting weak prices were beyond all reas on, but are getting back to level and other things back to normal. Wo like it here as far as it goes but can with hearty good will take off our hats to Old Glory and the present ad ministration of the United States. War, ruinous WAR. This little dis trict has no equal, as about two hun dred have left to Join the forces. Mothers, sisters, sweethearts and wives have ail gone to the front to be near and help their dear ones where needed. This has its down ward effect on the business of ths community and leaves us to say In good cheer, "Trust to luck, trust to luck. Stare fate In the face. Sure your heart will be easy if it's In the right place." t This place is situated on the great Shuswap lake, or an arm of the lake In the Salmon river valley at the mouth of the Salmon river, which flows into the lake. We are living In our own comfortable bungalow, and can see three big rrountalnft. We are at the foot of Mount Ide,.abouf 5000 feet high. Across the lake ris es Mount Granite, 7000 feet high. Theri across the arm is Mount Basti on, 6,500 feet high; I have content ed myself with staying on the level, but from hearsay the view must be grand. White birch, giant firs and pine timber galore.' Game Is not very plentiful. While people talk fish and game, our fish comes front the ocean, Vancouver and coast cit ies. "I wish you and all of you a Hap py New Year." . Enclosed with the letter were two articles from the local newspaper, reading as follows: "Perhaps It was a little early, but we were surprised to And so few places of business decorated. Mr. Fee was preparing to do so, and so far as we remember Messrs. Toombs and) Pardey were the only two who bad any decorations. We would appeal to all business . houses to give some evidence of the Christmas spirit and make the town bright and cheerful at this great Christian festival." "The City Bakery, Pardey & Sod, remind one of Christmas pudding, pies and cakes. They are asking s feature of Christmas cooking of all kinds, and have also a fine line of ' chocolates in boxes, comprising Can ong's and Rowntree's; Chrlstma stockings and tree decorations. This was the first store found appropri ately decorated. Messrs. Pradey find that their customers appreciate high class confectionery, and that is the only kind to be found on their shelves." CLEAN RAGS WANTED Good price paid for old rags at The Herald office. Must be launder- "TIZ" FOR TIRED SORE, ACHltlG FEET Ah I what relief. No more tired feeti no more burning feet, swollen, bad smell ing, sweaty feet. No more pain in corns callouses or bunions. No matter what alls your feet or what under ths sun you've triad without Jetting relief, ust use "TIZ." "TIZ" draws out all the poi sonous exuda tions which puff up the feet) "TIZ" is mag ical; "TIZ" is grand; "nZ" will cure your foot troubles so youH never limp or draw up your face In pain. Your shoes won't seem tight and your feet will never, never hurt or get sore, swollen or tired. Get a 25 cent box at any drug of department store, and got relief. 1