the ALLIANCE HERALD1 tiOl.D WATCH AND IIAIN JOHN W. THOMAS, Editor LLOYD O. THOMAS, City Editor ruhlUhed every Tliurdiijr by THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY Incorporated Lloyd C. Thorn, President CVirl Thomas, Vlc Pres. John W. Thomas, Secretary Entered at the pout office at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mailt aa second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK. $1.60 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE BINGHAM ITEMS Uinjtham. Nebr., Dec. 29 Christ mas has passed and everything Is again quiet. There was a big crowd out to the Christmas tree. P. A. Yeast left Sunday, the 21st, for his farm In Iowa, where he ship ped some fat beef cattle In to Chica go. Jas Breckner returned Monday from Alliance where he had none to spend Christmas With his folks. J. S. Kennedy was a passenger to Alliance Monday, where he went as a witness for Fred Hart In making proof. Mrs. Utile Sailor of Antloch Is Visiting her sister Mrs. D. C. Ballard during holidays. Mr. Clearwater gave another dance last Friday night. It is re ported they had a large crowd and fine time. Walter Hulshlier and H. Mason came up from Ansley Sunday. Mason will work for R. E. Klncaid. Hul shlier will return to Ansley in about a week. Bob and Tom Crammore were trading In town Monday and Tues day. Hark Frost was trading In town Monday. John Bolejack and John Williams and families left for the east Sunday. We understand they are going down to Missouri. Howard Shelledy of Wheatland, Wyo., Is here' visiting his mother, Mrs. L. E. Ballinger, during holidays. and Mrs. J. II. Thurston, appeared In flowing robes and invited the wayfarers In. After a short social call the guests departed wishing the happy couple much Joy. Mrs. C. D. Withers of Inez, Wyo., spent a few days here visiting her brothers H. E. and Irving Thurston and families. The entertainment and tree at the school house were attended by a goodly number, who appreciated the efforts of the children. Arthur Halloren left Tuesday for Ottawa, Kansas, where he will spend the holidays with home folks. Harrison Strasburger of Spade was in town Thursday to meet his sister who has been teaching near Merna. Mrs. Mary Oaylord, who has been visiting in Idaho for the paBt two months, returned last week and Is I m itiiln hnm txmt 4k a A I n tT I J Of OTO nHttfin Robert Dearlng came back with her. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sterns and family went to Hyannis Thursday af ternoon to spend the Christmas with A. E. Shelden and family in their new home and to hang their stock ings by a real fireplace. ANGORA ITEMS Angora, Nebr., Dec. 30 Billy Orr and Fred Case were Alliance shop pers between trains. Mrs. Harry Barber and daughter Charlotte went to Alliance Wednes day to meet Willie Barber, who has been attending school at Omaha. Lacey's minstrel troupe played to a good house Tuesday Dec. 22. A good program was rendered at the Christmas tree Thursday eve. Clarence Roaenberger of Heinlng ford was an Angora visitor a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Walsworth and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coty, John Smoker and Postmaster Walsworth took Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tague. The dance Christinas night was well attended altho the weather was exceedingly unfavorable. Miss Uladsy Loper left Wednesday December 23 for Orleans, Nebr., to spend the holidays with relatives. Mrs. E. L. Lovenberg left for Mad rid, Nebr., Saturday to spend New Year's with her parents. ASH GROVE Superintendent of Conntmrtlon lie reive HeauUful Present D. E. Bowden, superintendent of construction of Box Butte county's beautiful new court house, has been complimented often for his good work In that position, but a token of appreciation that was entirely unex pected came to him on Monday, the day of the dedication. This token consisted of a 195 gold watch and solid gold chain. On the back of the watch was engraved Mr. Bow den's Initials in monogram, and the following on the Inside of the case: "Presented to D. E. Bowden by County Commissioners and People of Box Butte County, Nebraska, Decem ber 28. 1914." Mr. Bowden requests The Herald to publish the following: To the County Commissioners, Coun ty Officials and Taxpayers of Box Butte County: I hereby extend my most heartfelt thanks for the beautiful token pre sented to me on the completion of your new court house. Not for Its Intrinsic value, but for the kindly feeling that Involved the giving. It affords me more pleasure than mon ey could buy. And It Is a pleasure to know that after being here among you for a lit tle more than a year, during which time I have been treated most cor dially, that I am leaving with such kindly feelings from all. I shall al ways cherish a warm feeling for Box Butte county and its people. Most respectfully, D. E. BOWDEN. Superintendent, ASHBY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Groves and sons Philip and Arthur spent Christ mas with P. H. Zoble. Mr. and Mrs. William Rust. Sr., and daughter Virginia and Grandpa Rose, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Purlnton : and sons, Mr. and Mrs. William Rust Jr., and son, and Clyde Sells spent Christmas with E. W. Purlnton and1 family. I The boys as well as the old men are making life miserable for poor Bunny these fine days. Guy Rust and family spent Christ mas at the Seldler home. The dance In Mr. Lee's new house Wednesday night was well attended and all reported a good time. D. W. Reiman was shopping Wed-j nesday and by the looks of the many fancy packages Santa Claus was surely at his house. Mr. and Mrs. William Powell of Angora were visiting at the home of C. L. Powell the first of the. week. I Mr. and Mrs. William Rust, Jr., and son, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Purln-i ton and son, were visiting at the home of D. E. Purlnton, Tuesday. We had a letter the other day from A. E. Anderson, who Is In charge of the farm demonstrator work and also agent of the United States Department of Agriculture, and If Box Butte county wants to get federal assistance we will have to get busy. It Is a good thing, so let's get together and push It thru before the federal funds are gone. NOTICE All customers who are more than one quarter behind on their water bills or more than one month behind on their light bills will have to make settlement by Nov. 22, 1914, or serv ice will be discontinued without fur ther notice. You are further notified that serv ice will be discontinued on all light bills not settled by the 30th of each month, and all water bills not settled by the 30th of January, April, July and October. By Order of City Council. 49tf 4207 V. V. T. I. NOTES V I NT Kit CAMPAIGN Ashby. Nebr., Dec. 29 Mrs. W. II. Showers went to Alliance the middle of last week to spend Xmas with her parents. J. H. Thurston and wife returned Tuesday from a trip through Mis souri, where tehy have been visiting since their marriage. Miss Isabel Jones returned with them for an in definite visit. Mrs. V. A. Thomas and daughter Miss Nova left Sudnay for Cambridge Springs, Pa., where they will spend the wtnter. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Volga more of Tlppetts came up Monday to have aome dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stansble and Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Cline hove in town Saturday night and soon after ward you could see much whisper ing little groups together which boded something in the air. About 10 o'clock a body of people marched toward capital hill and In a few minutes volley aft r volley vis tir ed until the bride and groom, Mr. Olllrers and Teacher of HaptUt Sun day School Plan for Winter Attendance Campaign The officers and teachers of the Baptist Sunday school have made plans for a winter attendance cam paign, with the object of reaching those who are not attending any Sunday school and to stimulate Its members to activity and regularity. There will be rewards for Introduc ing new members and for regular at tendance. A special children's serv ice is planned for February, and at the end of March a winter treat and entertainment with presentation of rewards. Next Sunday every scholar will be presented with a badge. For every term of three months regular attend ance the pupil earns a reward, for the first term a bronze pin, for the second a gun metal pin, for the third a silver pin, and for the fourth a solid gold pin. Each pin obtained Is to be worn until the next higher grade is earned, but surrendered up on receiving the new one. The sol id gold pin is presented outright and with it a handsome lithographed cer tificate 9x11 inches, with seal and ribbon attached. Alliance Union to Hold All-Day In stitute at Home of Mr. J. J. Vance, on January 7th The Alliance W. C. T. U. will hold an all day institute at the home of Mrs. J. J. Vance on Thursday, Janu ary 7. The members are requested to bring a basket lunch to be served at the noon hour. Following Is the program for the day: Morning; 9:30. Prayer service. Leader, Mrs. A. T. Lunn. 10:30. Appointment of commit tees. 10:35. Symposium W. C. T. U. Departments, (a) The Most Inter esting. Mrs. W. B. Young; (b) The Hardest, Mrs. J. R. Lawrence: (c) The Most Important, Mrs. I. E. Tash. 11:00. Paper, "Effects or Sabbath Desecration, on the Home, the Church and the Nation," Mrs. T. M. Southard. ' 11:15. Discussion, "The work most needed to be done by the W. C. T. U. in Alliance at the present time" Mrs. Alice B'gnell. 12:00. Noontide prayer. Lunch. Afternoon 1:00. Devotlonals, Mrs. E. S. Mar tin. 1:15. A Model W. C. T. U. Meet ing. 1:45. Year Book Drill, Mrs. J. W. Reed. 2:15. Paper. "God's Tenth," Mrs. J. L. Overman. 2:30. Plans for State and Nation al Prohibition, (a) How can we help Mrs. W. S. Acheson; (b) How can my department help Superintend ents. 3:00. Paper, "The Effect of Tobac co on the Mental and Moral Develpo- ment of Childhood." Mrs. J. W. Thomas. 3:30. Question Box Mrs. J. J. Vance. There will also be special music during the program. Henry Mosher, who is employed by the Burlington at Sheridan, Wy oming, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mosher. NEWS FROM HOME When the evening hade Is falliu' at the closing of the day. An' a feller reot from labor, miioWIii' at hi ie of clay, There's nothing does him m much good, Ik- fortune up or down, As the little country ater front hU Old Home Town. " It aiit't a thing of beauty and It print' not alway clean. Hut It straight! out hi tetuHT when a feller' feeliu' mean; It takes the wrinkle off hi face an' hm-tie off the frown. That little country i&er from hi Old Home Town. It tc4U of all the parties and the ball of Pumpkin I tow , 'Bout who Mitt Sunday with who's girl, and how the cropo'll grow, An how it kei a feller Mtted who', up and who is down. That little country paper from his Old Home Town. Now, I like to read the duJlle and the story wipcr too. And at time the yaller novel and ome other trali don't you? Hut when 1 want (tome other reudiu' that'll lruu avu a frown, I want that little paper from my Old Home Town. -Denver lMt. Mis Tash's Hi eat re Party Miss Nell Tash gave a theatre par ty at the Imperial. Tuesday night. In honor of her sister, Mrs. tin ma lasn Johnson, of Douglas. Wyo. The oth er guests of the party were: Laura Mounts. Nell Shrewsbury, Dun- ran, May Graham, Alta Young, Bes sie Kibble, Ruth Leonard, L,eone Mallery and Mabel Worley. A dain ty luncheon was served at the Tash home after the tneatre. Mis Kldred (Jives Kensington A Kensington party that was ereatly enjoyed by all who were present was given yesterday after noon by Miss Eunice Eldred at her home. The guests were Cynthia Davenport, Hazel Bennett, Tressa O'Donnell, Irene Rice. Nell Tash, Nell Keeler, Leone Mallery, Grace Johnson. Eva Duncan, May Nation. Alta Young and Hattie Kenswold. Died at Kushville M. P. Musser of Rushvllle, who settled at Rushvllle in 1886 and started a bank there, died Christmas night, aged eighty years. He had retired a number of years ago rrom business. Mr. Musser was the fath er of Logan C. Musser. partner of Charles Tully of Alliance In the cat tle business. 1915 JANUARY 1915 1 iTl lfll 2 1 j6lTl2131415i6l 17181920212225 l252627i2829,50 LIVESTOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Liberal Supply of Cattle and Val ues Take a Drop. HOGS ADVANCE ON LIGHT RUN Better Trade In 6heep and Lambs. In Spits of Good Run Prices Are Strong to 10 15,0 Up Very Few Feeders There. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Dec. 29. The week opened out with a liberal run of cattle yesterday, some 7,000 head arriving. Corn-fed beeves constituted but a small percentage of the liberal run. The demand from dressed beef men was not at all ur gent and prices were pretty close to a dime lower than the latter part of last week. Only a few bunches of western grass cattle were on sale and prices were Just about steady as far as both beef steers and good feeders were con cerned. Medium beeves and feeders as well as butcher and canner stock met with rather Indifferent buying at prices that were 10 15c lower than last week. Cattle quotations: Prime yearlings, $8 509.00; good to choice beeves. $S.008.60; fair to good beeves. $7.."0 Iff 8.00; common to fair beeves, $6 SOTS 7.50; good to choice heifers. $0.o0fi.J 7.25; good to choice cows. $3 75K6.60; fair to good cows. $5.005 60; canners and cutters, $l.no5 00; veal calves. $7.0)9.nO; bulls, stags, etc., $3.00 6.50; good to choice feeders. 7 25W 810; fair to good feeders, $6.7507.25; common to fair feeders. $5.73G.5": stock heifers. $5. 25ft G 25; stock cows $4 75JI5.75; stork calves. $6.0008 00; good to choice range beeves, $7.75r 8.25; fair to good rantje beeves. $6 75 ft 7.50; common to fair beeves. $5 75 6 75. Some 4.400 hogs arrived yesterday The, market was fairly active, wl'h early prices 10 15c higher. Later on prices eased off a little, with the less desirable grades selling only 5Srlc higher Bulk of the supply moved at $7.107 20. with tops at $7.25. Cur rent prices are the highest for the month to o?te Sheep an lamb receipts totaled 8. $00 head Poth sheep and lambs were strong to 10(Sl5c higher yesterdav. Fwes wer the first to sell at price arrvinrt $...W5.70. Ijimbs were a little slow to get started Most of the lamh sales were made at $8.3078.50. The feeder trade was not large enough to make any Important change in quotations. Quotations on sheep and lavihs" Lcmhs, good to choice. $8 35(98 65: lambs fair to good. $800(78 35; feed ers, fair to good. $7.50(S7 9": year lings, good choice, $6 90fT7.35; year. lnts. fair to good. $4 5506.90; yesr- line, feeders. J5 75tfrfi.2.: wethers. good to rWce. $6 25fr6.50: wethprs. fair to good. 6.00(f? 6 25; wethers. fed er. $4 40fi?r. 00; ewes, good to choice. $" 0ff?T, 70; ewes, fair to Rood. $5,10 b 40; ewes, feeders. $4 235O0. NOTICE TO PKAIIUE DOG OWNKIW Now Is the time to dispose of your herds. Guaranteed poisons at the rate of three cents per acre, sold at Holsten's. You can get the poison and do the work yourself. HOLSTEN'S. THE REXALL STORE dec 31-2t-5204 Sick Headache. Rick headache is nearly slwsys c tuned by disorders of the stomach. Correct them and the periodic attacks of sick headache will diHapear. Mrs. John Bishop of Koseviile, Ohio, writes: ''About a year ago I was trou bled with indigestion and had sick headache that lasted fur two or three days at a time. I doctored and tried a nunilier of remedies but nothing lielited me until during or.o of throe tick elU a friend advised me to take t'lninilerlain' Tablet. This medicine re lieved me in a short time." For salt: by ill dealer. Arivertnienieut. See Johnson, the tailor, at the Al liance Cleaning Works for repair work and alterations. MRS. ANNA ZEHRUNG, Prop. adv-4873-dec24-2t lOVT FOIUJET. THE tXNCFHT TO HE tilVEN BY THE NF.HHASKA WKSI.EYAN MALE QUARTETTE, AT THE OPKKA HOI SE, JANt'AKY 8. IT WILL BE A THEAT. As Senator Lane views it. some of his brethren want an appropriation for a river because It hasn't any wa ter in it, and want to soak a railroad because it has. Vulcanizing Plant We have the most fully eulned and u-to-dat vulcanizing plant in western Nebraska. All work fully guarantee!. Work turned out promptly at reasonable prices by an eert. We will pay epres one wav on all tires from outside or Alii ance. ALLIANCE lU'IUIFH AND TIHE WORKS l.owry & Henry tirtratje R. A. DAVIS. Proprietor cJL 1 (lvr'rt j'1",' This is the "SpetJtx" NSCO Gamevas As a solution to that ever-with-us Christmas problem, an Ansco is ideal. It brings pleasure and profit to the re cipient and assurance to you of having given something worth while. Ansco Cameras are here in a pleasing variety, ranging from $2 to $55. May we show you the line? You may see just what you've been looking for. THIELE Druggist and Stationer Alliance, Nebraska Jewelry I Watches WE CARRY A SPLENDID STOCK OF JEW ELRY, GOLD AND SILVER WARE AND WATCHES GOODS THAT ARE Reliable "J Reasonable EVERY READER OF THIS PAPER IS IN VITED TO CALL AND INSPECT OCR LINE OF GOODS Brennan's ZS, 12 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year "Although it takes so many months To make a single year, Yet far more quickly than you think The months will disappear. The very centuries have wings; New years grow old and gray; The work which you Intend to do Begin it now today." We wish our patrons a Merry Christman and a happy and prosperous New Year. Alliance Cleaning Works MRS. ANNA ZKHIilXG, Irvp. Bring Eastern Money and People It. to Your Locality Inquirers are asking every day, "Where is that location offering moderately priced land in a healthful climate with good neighbors and a chance to go forward with community growth T" Help us get these people for your town and county. Send us lists of lands for sale, openings for commercial and professional men and mechanics, chances for man and wife on ranch or farm. We desire to co-operate with County Organizations, Commercial Clubs, Real Estate Men and Individuals, to place the merits of your country before these inquirers for consideration. Let us put you in touch with them and in turn, send us the names of your Eastern ac qnaintances that we may induce them to come and see what you are doing and what the West is doing for you. Do tins today while you think of it and help us increase the population of your community and the value of your farm. S. II. HOWARD, Ass't Immigration Agent, IOOI Farnuin Street, Oinaliu, Nebr.' " WE TAN FOR YOU We tan and manufacture your own hides into the bent CHATS. Klii:s or other fur Kariiunts lliul j ou ever saw and save ou liitf money. All our work I fully KuarantieJ. C.el our i-ut.-tloK containing full in. formation h to prir., etc. It will tell you how to k. P your whole family wurin at a very wmall in with the hides and fun of vour own raisin Kit i:i; I'.tut ! Miirs With every tout or rob,- mHi from hides ahinoed to us. we will nlve a free pair of milta made from the irimininiss of Hie hide. The mitts are warm wear well Jual what you need and Kiev rout you nothnm mi: hiv nun: ami nits 11,001) Saliitfltd Hhipprra tt-Mitv to our "SOl'VUK" Toliry i'remiuni 1'unh 1'rieea. Write for Fur VrUe list. Trappers Supply catalog; and latcs. If you huve hides to Hell get our price. OMAHA llllK it Fl K COMPANY, OMAHA. SIM. 7:tl South littli Strevt