4? ii 11 ill tt5 ft will keep your hone and office warm and comfortable during the cold winter months. Good coal costs no more than Inferior grades If you know where to buy It. WE HAVE A BIO SUPPLY OF Colorado Lump Colorado Nut Pennsylvania Chestnut Monarch Lump Peacock Coke ready for delivery. Phone 73 and we will supply your demands. All Kinds of Lumber FOREST LUMBER CO. A. A. RALLS, Manager Our Customers like the flavor of our products. They often say that nothing tastes as good as Nohe's bread or Nohe's bakery products. We sell fresh bread, pies, cakes, etc., at reasonable prices. You are invited to inspect our bakery and kit chen at any time. They are kept absolutely clean at all times. .We will be glad to show you the in gredients of our products we use no alum in our bread. When you are hungry eat at our Cafe. The meals are "like mother used to cook". N O H E ' BAKERY AND CAFE PHILIP NOHE, Prop. Are Yow Evenings sHHBHESSEjSSSfSiHBSMBIBBBB a Drag Do you hare trouble finding entertainment for the long eveuiugs? .We can help you. The evenings pass quickly and pleasantly when spent at the spacious THR MISSION POOL HALL Only club room that hundreds of Alliance young men have access to. Drop In for a game or two and forget your troubles or your business Curry & Mapps DYE & OWENS Transfer Line i f Household goods D. ay Phone 14 oved promptl) ',? and transfer worV Htsidrnc phons 3i and Btu r Headquarters Here ! Something for each member of the family. Complete lines of Toys Dolls Books Pictures Fancy China Silverware Rugs Furniture Serviceable and appropriate for Gifts Miller Brothers Housefurnishing Store Fill the Goal Bin With Standard Grades of Coal, direct from our bins to your home or office. We have a big supply of Canon City Nut,and Lump Sheridan Nut and Lump Pennsylvania Hard Coal Kindling on hand, ready for quick delivery. Phone 22. Dierks Lumber and Coal COWPANY F. W. HAAIUJAKTEN, Manager Barbed Wire, Cement Blocks, Lightning Hods, II. & H. Floor Cover lug. Celebrated Bradley A Vmiuan l'aiuta. THAT COLD YOU HAVE may bring sickness, doctors bills and loss of work; you know that serious sickness usually starts with a cold, and a cold only exists where weakness Exists. Remember that. Overcome the weakness and nature cures the cold that is the law of reason. Carefully avoid drugged pills, syrups or stimulants; they are only props and braces and whips. It is the pure medicinal nourishment in Scott's Emulsion that quickly en riches the blood, strengthens the lungs and helps heat the air passages. And mark this well Scott's Emul sion generates body-heat as protection against winter sickness. Get Scott's at your drag store to-day. It always strengthens and builds up. 14-V Brett ft Rowne. BtoomeeU. K. I. UKAh KSTATK TKANKFK.IIM Old John Barleycorn Is reported union those seriously Injured in Russia by t he war. Despite autumn's retrograde move lueiit. we look for a frontal attack presently. Iteported by J. I. ttmerltk. Bonded Abstracter, Alliance, Nebr. Peter Honey to John Lenzen, SYVK 33-25-51 900 William King to Edna O. Raw les, Lot 7 Block A, Sheridan Addition, Alliance 2750 Ora E. Phillips to Luke Phillips. Lots 9 and 10. Block 12, ILemlngford, Nebr 1 Ora E. Phillips to Luke Phil- ; Hps, Lot 6, Block 25, Original Town of Alliance, and Lot 5, Block R, Sheridan Addition, Alliance, and NW14 5-26-51, 1 William King to Edith V. Moll ring, Lots 5 and 6, Block A, Sheridan Addn., Alliance ...1250 Mary E. Haynes to John Burns, SV4 NW4 of 29-25-52 1 Tamma Leldy to Harry P. Cour sey, Lot 16, Block 24, Origin al Town, Alliance 1 Nellie I. Bye to Oscar O'Bannon, NEVi of 11-24-51 935 Mary C. Wolfe to Perry Grace, NE 35-24-49 10 Stephen K. Warrick to Anna Zehrung, Lot 30, County Ad dition, Alliance 3100 M. C. Hubbell to Alliance Gar age, Lots 6 and 7, Block 9, Original Town, Alliance .... 1 William Jasper Colvin to Robert E. Grlnstead, NVVV4 and EH of 4-25-51 2100 Elmer A. Johnston to Sarah A. Smith, Lot 1, Block 1, Second Addition, Alliance 3500 William James to Sylvester A. Powles and James W. Miller, Eft NE 6-24-48 1 Mary Llska to Fannie Llska, SW4 of 13-28-49 300 George Severson to Thomas O. Burke, Wtt SW!4 22, E. SEtt 21-24-52 1200 N. P. Dodge Jr. to W. V. How ard, Lot 109, Belmont Addi tion to Alliance 95 United States to John W. Hash man, SK14 9-25-50 Patent Henry G. Ocker and William S. Harlan to C. H. King, SW4 6. SW4 SW4 7, 24-52 ... 1 United States to the Heirs of Carl F. Quade, V 15-28-50, Pat. United States to John Hender son, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and EH NWV4 30. Lots 1 and NE4 NWVi 31, 25-52. and EVs of 31-25-53 Patent Charles E. Ambler to O. P. Her rold. SEVi 30-25-50 1 E. O. Laing to Ora E. Phillips, Lot 5. Block R, Sheridan Ad dition, Alliance 1 James Keeler to Granville M. Burns, Lot 5, Block 12, Sce ond County Addn., Alliance 1400 So far Turkey has not said any thing about her "culture . Maybe she is Anting for her rugs and cigar ettes. HEAVY HEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS Eat lest meat if you feel Backachy or havt bladder trouble Tak glass of Salts. No man or woman who eats meat regu laxly caa make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, ays a well known Authority. Meat forma urio acid which excites the kidneys, they become . over worked from the strain, get sluggish and fail to filter the waste and poison from t!ie blood, then we get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and miliary disorders come from sluggish 'neys. lie moment you feel a dull ache la tUe ..Jneys or your back hurts or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi ment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, atop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Baits from any pharmacy; take a Ubiespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of jr rapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and baa been used for generations to flush and atimulste the kidneys, also to neutralix the acids in urine so it no longer cause Irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad t'alvS is inexpensive and cannot injure; make a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep th kidney clean an I ieii and th Mood pnr thereby avoiding serious I'Hrey on. (4. '11.011. Xlot'0 Column Ever Thus There was a little man and he had a little gun, , Which one fine da yezploded. It Was pointed at a friend Alas, It' was his end For the darned little gun wasn't loaded. Wlite Your Mother Tonight Write to your mother tonight. Sit right' down; my boy, and send off that letter you have been prom Islng yourself you'd write' for so many, many weeks, perhaps months. You don't know what It will mean to. the dear woman ..'whose once laughing, eyejS have Jong since been dimmed ' by the tears she was not ashamed to shed because you were so far away. You don't know how many, many times the dear old soul has cried herself to sleep because she hadn't heard from her boy, "her baby" she will always call you. If you knew the ache that Is In that great big kindly heart of mother's you wouldn't wait another minute Of course you wouldn't neglect that mother of yours for all the wealth In the world. That Is. you don't Intend to neglect her. But you have, you boys who are away from home. And It has hurt her. She will, of course, like all moth ers do, make excuses for her boy. She will say, "I guess my boy hasn't had time to write today." And she will smile and wait for the mall car rier's next trip. Then the ache la her heart will grow worse when she sees him go by without stopping. Write to your mother tonight. Make It a dandy Jong letter. Fill it full of the things she wants to hear. All about yourself; what you have been doing; when you are coming to see her; and above all, tell her that you love her. You'll be surprised to see how much better you feel after the letter is well on its way, CHADRON NORMAL NOTES Chadron, Nebr., Dec. 10 C. E. Foster of Upton, Wyoming, father' of Traverse Foster, was a visitor on Tuesday. C. L. Anderson, formerly superin tendent of schools at Oxford, Nebr aska, was a visitor at chapel Wed nesday. Jessie Washburn, a practice teacher in the first grade, was ab sent tho latter part of last week, due to sickness. President Sparks left on Tuesday evening for Lincoln to be present at the meeting of the normal school board scheduled for the 10th. The eighth . grade history class prepared a debate which was given Thursday and Friday. The Question discussed was, Resolved that slavery was a national evil. The boys of Mlas Delzetl'a and Mrs. Hustin's rooms have Friday af ternoons for manual training under Mrs. Rustin. The girls use the same time for sewing taught by Miss Del sell. The senior class observed third grade geography last week. Some of the lessons observed were based on children's knowledge of the geogra phy near Chadron, which made them very Interesting. The model school pupils were tak en Monday afternoon to see the ed ucational pictures of the industries of Nebraska given at the Rex under the direction of Doctor Condra of the state university. Architect Stltt spent three days last week in Chadron for the pur pose of inspecting the addition to the normal building. He recom mended the acceptance of the wing after several minor changes have been made. The firth grade had a very inter esting lesson la geography this week on Soot Ian dadn Ireland. The teach er, Miss Scott, and the pupils bad collected a large amount of material, pictures of Walter Scott, and other Scottish characters. At a meeting of the Alice Free man Palmer society last Friday, President Sparks gave an interesting talk on parliamentary law. In which he explained its origin and present ed some of tbe fundamental rules and principles. Later on. we hope to have Mr. Sparks give us drills in which we may apply the principles which he explained so clearly to us. Tbe society of last year enjoyed the drills given tbem and found them very profitable. Tbe meeting of this week will be at th home of Beatrice Schenck. one of our very popular members, who. w are glad to say. is recuperating from a serious oper ation recently performed at Kansas City. Sick Two Year With Indigestion. "Two year ago I was greatly benefited through using to or thr bottle of Chata brrlaiu' TabTela,' write Mrs. 8. A. Keller, Klida, Ohio. "IV for taking them 1 w I sick Inrtwo yean with iatjitftsttoa.'' Sold b ii dealers. Adnisv.. --nL 4