'JsTrT m. . - & w rr f t tJ" m rt r vii t . . a- :m.-iiw h - . c e- t, t m. a e. .. iiu . m i jss6 MSI cAtr :iIV:v ICSes. toft I S W l ill r- .v ri'. t i .i ill Ull.l I 7 I " I I : t 1 II 4 iii Hinii li L'H 1 If .11 I I I I I ga tTfiSiKii aii ,- :.j'U.. nam;!! h , u THE NEW BEE HIVE IS ESSENTIALLY THE SANTA CLAUS STORE. IT IS PACKED FULL OF CHRISTMAS THINGS A STOCK OF GOODS THAT HAS BEEN CAREFULLY SELECTED WITH REGARD TO BOTH SELLING PRICE AND QUALITY, vnrro nniT iu otttt. nn r a pttitt? tm ttftcs otadp tttaxt at maqt tjt inua pnu t?ttv tm rm a mtttttci ttt a t ntUB ttip. LOWEST PRICE. OUR LARGE REGULAR STOCK HAS BEEN SUPPLEMENTED WITH A SPECIAL STOCK OF HOLIDAY -a liuuiJo x uxv Duxn uKUWDi-ufo Ainu IvUXIjCj uixtjo. xuu wiLiij fjixjuz iuu biiurnnu ubKti uumii in aii u AROUND. BRING THE LITTLE ONES AND LET THEM SEE THIS IMMENSE CHRISTMAS STORE. YOU WILL FIND TAB LES AND SHELVES LOADED WITH GOODS PRICED FROM FIVE CENTS UP. THE PRICES ARE PLAIN. WE WILL HAVE PLENTY OF CLERKS TO HANDLE THE CHRISTMAS RUSH. 1,000 POUNDS OF CHRISTMAS CANDY We have one thousand pounds, half a ton, of Christmas candy for our customers. Plenty of good candy for fifteen cent3 per pound. Also a nice line of chocolates and bon boas in bulk and in boxes. CHRISTMAS TREES Get your Christinas decoraticrs at this Btore. Trees, from thirty fire cents up. Fancy decorations and trimmings. , Garlands, wreaths, bells, candles and other trimmings. Plenty of decorations of all kinds at reasonable prices. CHINA WARE, GLASSWARE AND CUT GLASS A big selection of Chinaware, Glassware and Cut Glass. This department has been given special attention and you will find good selections. Full sets of various Mnds.Fancy hand painted china. It Si iii' j. v Do Your Christmas Shopping Early ami get your pick. I'arlj NtxiiinK niojutx MittNfictt nisioiiuTH Anil llio knowltMli have miym1 yoursolf nmrli work hikI irr. Wlion llu xIoioh art- (niwilwl In Ilic will luivt iiiiicli liardor tiiuo In -In linn l':l .Ton aii(. t'tMK i:AHIY. IIiaI limit JEWELRY DEPARTMENT In this department you will find manicure sets, pin cuolus, cush ion tops, ribbon, toilet sets, combs and brashes in sets and single ar ticles, embroidery scissors, thim bles, stick pins, hand bags, purses and fancy stationery. USEFUL TOYS FOR CHILDREN Toy wagons from fifteen cents up to $3.25. Sleds of all kinds and sizes at different prices. Pocket knives, from ten cents to two dollars. Mechanical automobiles, horns, drums, iron hook and ladders, ir on fire engines, iron trains. They last. W.mm-m M 1 T 111- " i ThourandrsCMdren Ysi3 1 And Vie TakSGrot-lV gr from not' unfit ChntimAt Ready: to Greet Every &jfj htm, to ajif- Am mtttiont to stie A? AAj. &R.1NG the LITTLE FOLkT rrorttvc f iii IW AT ' v-V DOLLS FOR THE GIRLS Biggest assortment in town. Dolls of every kind, for the little girl and for the older ones. Large, jointed baby dolls, dolls which close their eyes, and say "Mama." Teddy bears, cats, dogs and other kinds of interesting creatures for the little ones. OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION It would take a whole page to mention the many useful articles to be found at this store. Call early and see for yourself. You will find many useful suggestions here for your Christmas shopping. ALUMINUM WARE Many useful things in Alumi num Ware. Prices are extremely low, considering quality. We guarantee this ware for twenty years. Come and look over this assortment. OUil BOOK DEPARTMENT In the book department you will find plenty of picture books for the children, from picture books for the little tots up to books for the older ones. Also a fine line of popular priced books Li forty-set en cents. FRAMED PICTURES Framed pictures in all sizes, de signs and at all prices. They are cheaper than you could buy the frame from the ordinary store. HANDKERCHIEFS A big variety of all kinds and sizes. And they sell for only five cents. They are one of the most useful gifts you can give. The Now B C. E. WEBER, Proprietor ee Hive 310 Box Butte Avenue 6 I 1 . lrJJ . J. H. Fredinberg and Go. ASHBY, NEBRASKA GefMtral MerchaudiMC, liard ware and Lumber, a Com plete Line of Building Ma terial, Tanks and Windimlta, Coal and Supplies. THE FREDINBURG HOTEL Kind Clat Ueab, Clean Comfortable Rooms M extent Ratea the Place Wkero They AH Stop AIUUTHATION WAiK HKAKIN'J Mr. Bfodaia' fcUporieao With droop. "Wha my boy, IUt, wm mmII be vaa bj tooroop. Md I ftlr Urmed t koch tima. CfcunberUin'n Cough lieui tJtf rrored fkr better than ny other for thia trouble. It lw7 relifd him aukkly. I un never without it in the houae fur 1 know it W positive cure for oroiif)," writ Mrs. V. B. ksUhuo, Blirillt IV For mI br ll dlr. AdvrtiauiiieiiL Ui you forget we T U yet yov can get three magazine for on year by renpwla your uDscrtptloa to The Herald. We want all of oar old ubBcrtbere to get theae wagaa lot. We are aelling The Herald with three ma sail nee all one year for only SI TS (ContinuHil from Pace 1) the finest railroad in the world with roadbed and equipment of the very best and latent type, every known safety device, the road officered by competent otticiala who know their business thoroughly, every other em ploye performing every duty requir ed of him, yet that railroad does not eern one single penny until these men we represent go into their cabs and begin their arduous labor." He spoke of the so-called surprise test aa conducted by several of the western railroads aa amounting al most to torture. Thia was one of the impressive moments of the arbi tration bearing. "Imagine au engineer," said Mr. Stone, "who already has been on du ty, say for sixteen hours, running a passenger train at a speed of sixty miles an hour through a snowy win ter's night. This engineer is fight ing off tired nature, doing his utmost to perform the very serious labor which confronts him. He aeea ahoad through the mass of snow flakes a white light which tells him the wuy is clear; there is a curve Just beyond and the giant locomotive leaps and bounds around it at a speed which a layman would say in ititelf is not ex actly safe. "Through the wooly hane now the engineer sees a line of freight cars on a siding and Just as he detects them, there is flashed a red light which instantaneously carries to bis mind a warning of danger and pos sible detb. He resorts to the air brakett, uinl he and the tirTiien lih prepare to Jump, knowing that if tti heavy passenger train takes the sid ing and Jams into the freight furs thre is no chance for either of them in the cab. His heart is in his mouth I may say here that if these surprise tests are kept up it will be no uncommon thing for engineers to be found dead in their cabi-when suddenly a white light again is flashed before him, he has the right of way,, and he discovers that the whole event, has been a stage affair. That is, aotne minor oflhial of the railroad has gone to the trouble of arranging conditions with the devil ish idea, of giving old employes of the line a severe trial. "What we object to. Mr. Chair man, is not a fair surprise test, or rather an efficiency test, as it should be tirnmd, but to the test which is overdrawn, which ib not a routine af fair of travel, and which the engin eer and fireman probably never in their careers would have to face. This condition has become so bad that we have eveu sought legislation on it. In Kansas, we will show, a law has been passed forbidding ofl wheels. as the engineers and firemen are now requesting. Walter I) Moore in his testimony uilVred an exhibit for the firemen which contained many of the Import ant rules and regulations governing the wages and work of the railroad chairman of the managers' commit tee of western railroads the year be fore, in a letter, made a similar ad mission. Mr. Carter also showed that Mr. Worthlngton declared pub licly "that the engineer is entitled to bis share of the increased productiv- employes in western territory; also of hia labor." the sixteen articles in the employes' Mr. Carter during crosM-exumina-program of requests. From this einphasixed that the blihr cost book it was shown by Mr. Moore that of living and the installation of mod what Mr. Cadle bad said concerning rn safety-first appliances must be various railroads already meeting considered In determining the Justice wage and work conditions of the en- of tb railroad employes' demands, gineero, applied as well to firemen He also said he believed that where new inventions enabled a railroad to draw heavier and longer freiabt trains without Increased work for tbe engineer and fireman In the lo- and boatlers. William S. Carter. "Dill", as tbe 85,000 men of the firemen's organ 'zatian (Hnnrullv r&ll him. one of the picturesque figures at the labor hear-! emotive cab. the latter-day idea. of ing. took the tand Thursday and Pront harinK hou,d nter into tbt' presented exhibit No. 3. which em- i "Nation and enable employes to phaslxed the following two all im-' Participate in the greater emolu- porunt contentions of the railroad n,ent" colu,n to tDe ""P"- ; employes in their request for wage standardisation: 1. That the baals of a fireman's or engineer's pay should be weight of the locomotive on its driving Nu Bone Corset 1 have been appointed agent fof the Nu Done Corset, which is not sold in stores but only through reg ularly appointed agents. I will call anywhere In Alliance, show sample and take measure. Ludies can make appointment by telephone for a call from me. Phone 287. MHft ANNA ZEHKUMi dec3-2t-4811 Mr. Hteloberger, the laat witness, offered in evidence a book of 193 pages, considered by many railroad . men as the most remarkable docu ; ment ever offered in any arbitration hearing. This exhibit contains tbe Yen ( Vat .Harrutw lW It costs ten cents more to get riar rid, Kince the first of December. If you haven't a ten rent war revenue stamp on your marriage certificate, the minlater baa broken the law. Many miaisters who Lave performed marriagee Mince the first of the month bave done so and made out the marriage certificate without the required stamp, thereby unwittingly breaking the law. win hoJ Ta desnne this . J. 2 ' 'T' rates requested upon every Cass of will show that despite this law rail- hould ,ncreaWf ac,ordio(c to their; lo4.omoUv, UMd on Dletylfhl roads in Kansas at.U are resort,,, lo;abimy lo earn more moMf for thlr ; J employers. I a , i. h u. i ne kisi oi me testimony ot M. W. j It." Cadle, Mr. Stone's associate, during two days of grueling examination and croBS-exami nation was to the ef fect that throughout the West, among the ninety-eight railroad com panies which figure in the arbitra tion proceeding, here and there rail roads will be found to be paying aa biah - iu nian mm-a hiKhfr rutes Mr. Carter in his exhibit showed Ktelnberger at the head of a corps of that U. A. Worthington, at the lime j assistants, and is expected to be of a member of the eastern managers' j vast benefit to tbe arbitrators in de conimitte. which conducted arbitra-1 tenuinipg the Justice of the men's tlon proceedings for eastren rail roads in 1912, went on record as saying that be considered weight-ou-driving-wheela as the only proper method of rightfully etitimating em ployes' wages; that W. C. Nixon. requests. SICKLY FURNISH KD UOOMS With or without Privste residence. 51-f board. Close in Phone 175 No use to squirm and wince aa try to wear out your Rheumatism. It will wear you out InBtead. Apply some Rloan's Liniment, Need not rub it In Jaat let it penetrate aft through the affected parts, relieve the soreness and draw tbe pain. Yoa get ease at once and feel so inuoli better you want to go right out an tell other sufferers about Sloan's. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment far . 26 cents of any druggist and have IC In the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciati ca and like a'lnenU. Your money back If not aat'sted. but tt doea Kir almost instant relief Buy a bottle today. adv 14799 From November 1912 to Noveaa ber 1914. was the longest wli some old ' tine republicans ! beard of. They sow face a ettt ' ledger 'I