The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 10, 1914, Christmas Edition, Image 4

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    Useful Present3 far
the Little People
f .1 V ,
: o V''-
AWAKM robe of eiderdown flannel
Is among the many delightful
gifts that are to be made for the baby
or for the little one who have out
irovn babyhood. Klderdown flannel
ia woven In light colors and figured In
white with Teddy bear, rabbits, bird
and other figures that delight the
youngsters. It Is the softest and mi
comforting of material for co.d
Bath robes like that pictured are
bound with narrow ribbon on all the
raw edges, provided with collars and
pockets (except when md for in
fanta) and have ties of eilk cord, fin
ished with tassels at the neck a I'd
about the waist, like the eiderdown in
color. For the little Infant the pocket
and wnint cord ore not needed.
lied slippers of eiderdown finished
and tied with ribbons are very com
fortable for little ones who are apt to
kick off bedclothes In cold weather.
They are mining the most eiifilly mado
f gifts. Shoes and bootee, for little
Infants' dally wear, are also made of
this material which is so well suited
for a baby's garments. Other articli-
are short sacks, hoods and blankets
for the baby's carriage. The lnit are
decorated with big bows of wide, hand
dome satin ribbon.
For the "Nu Hone" Corset, it cor
set made to measure and not Hold in
the stores. Phone 287.
Why are you wanting
good time setting type by
hand, breaking your back
and straining your eyea ov
er a type case? Do you
know that the time you
waste In this way would pay
you bet'er If spent out after
business and would pay the
cost of Installing a nearly
in your plant, allowiug you
to give your reader more
news and set in better
shape. We have for sale, on
easy terms, a late model
two-letter (light and black
face) Junior Linotype. It la
completely equipped mid in
guod condition. For full
part'eulars write to
Publishing Co.
Alliance, JtefcraUui
Dainty Slippers of
Ribbon for Christmas
ANOTHER pretty gift made of
plain ribbon Is pictured in the
pair of boudoir slippers. These are
trade In all sizes atid colors and are
appropriate for all the feminine mem
bers of the family from grandma down
to the biiby. Ribbon about two ind
one-liHlf Inches wide Is needed to make
them. It Is sewed to Insole of leather
with eiderdown on one side (or quilted
aatin). These aolea are bought ready
made and cost very little.
In sewing the ribbon to the soles It
la fulled slightly across the toe and
Joined In a felled seam In the back.
Above the heel It Is gathered on an
elastic cord to hold the slipper In
place. A little fullness Is gathered In
at the toe where three small rosettes
provide a finishing touch.
Indicted by llovrnimrnt Jury
Lincoln, Nebr., Dec. 5 K. E. De
vard, a real estate dealer of this city,
socially prominent, has been Indicted
by the Kansas City grand Jury,
charged with using the malls to de
fraud. The indictment comes In con
nection with the arrest of three oth
er officials connected with the Flor-I-da
Fruit I,and company.
The Iterant mentioned above Is
believed to be a former Alliance real
estate dealer, who afterwards moved
to Lincoln and eneaged In n ess
there. He left Alliance about sii
years ago.
Who' (lot a (tiin?
The editor of a paper In another
county states that one day he picked
up a Winchester ard started down
the stre 1 to 'elivcr It 10 Its owner.
! The de ,. nt 1 m .cribcrs got It
Into thei- h- 's thu' he was on the
war-path. r 1 ever'ne he met In
sisted on paying what he owed the
editor. One man wiped out a debt
of ten years standing. On his re
turn to the office the editor found a
load of hay, fifteen bushels of pota
toes, a load of wood and a barrel of
Prosperity is returning In good
time to promote the early Christmas
iithm tin nn
it nura
, Til) id.
Sashes and Girdles
Among Best of Gifts
One correspondent writes to the
St. Ixuis Mirror, indignantly deny
ing that Senator Sherman of Illinois
looks like Lincoln. Too late! They
have elected him senator now.
Good bye sore fret, burning fret.r'
len feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet. In
fect. Good bye corns, rallouw, nuiiimi :
raw spoti. .
more shoe tljj !
ncss, no ni
limping wit):
pain or drswin '
"P 3'm,r face ii
aiiir. ",IZ"i
tntt?iru!, act
riplit olT. "TIZ"
draws ont nil tin
poisonous exuda
tions wIi'h'i puff
up t lie feet, Usv
"TIZ and for
t'i t your foot misery. All f how com
fortitldc your feet feel. Oct a 2. cent
lx of "TIZ" now at any druggist or
department store. Don't sufftr. Have
gixxl feet, glad feet, feet that never
swell, never hurt, never get tired. A
year's foot comfort guaranteed ' or
money refunded.
- -4 7- ----- , ,
-. :: - T: J, t :fi ?
r"wf t i -r
- - - -m. - -
Si'.?., v v
1 ir-' ' - 1 S.
The Solution of Gift Problems
Photographs carry the personal
feeling that no ready-made fTift''
can convey. Economical, too.
How Long Since You Had
Photographs to Give Your
The Alliance Art Studio
Makes Good Ones
114 E 4th St.
PHONKM: Studio, lilrk lit:
LUwideucc, lilac k 397.
kT() ONE need remain long In doubt
IN as to what to get for a maid or
matron In this day of the vogue of
girdles and sushes. A girdleloss gown
is hardly to be found and whether for
the etreet, the home, or evening wear,
ribbons are unod to form the circlet
that enfolds the waist or terminates
the bodice. There are any number of
styles In girdles and washes to chooso
among made of every variety of weave
known to the loom and every color
and combination of colors that has
been thought out.
A girdle of wide plaid ribbon, fin
ished with a sprightly bow of two
loops and two ennn, is shown in the
picture. It makes a Christmas gift
that will delight every woman who
likes to keep abreast with the mode.
The girdle portion Is boned to epread
the ribbon and hold it in place with
out pins. The bow Is simply tied and
may be untied and the length wrapped
about the figure If preferred.
Saw, , IJ '
V. '..'' fjy
Headquarters Here !
Something for each member of the
family. Complete lines of
Fancy China
Serviceable and appropriate for Gifts
will keep your home ami office warn and comfortable during the
cold winter inontha. Good coal costs no more than inferior griule
If yoo know wtHre to buy It. WE HAVE A. B1U sriPI,Y OF
Colorado Lump
Colorado Nut
Pennsylvania Chestnut
Monarch Lump
A aaah of dotted satin ribbon,
doalgned for a party gown, may
ba used aa a model for making up any
of the soft fancy ribbons, suited to
dressy wear. It requires ribbon about
four or Bve Inches wide, of which
three lengths are sewed together to
form tlic slrdl This Is boned at the
Idea and back to bold It In place and
faatened in the back with hooks and
eyes. Over the fastening a flat bow of
three loops and one end Is placed
with the loops lying leugthwlse on the
Narrow ribbons are sewed together
to form wide girdles and ribbons of
moderate width are bordered with
black velvet ribbon, from an inch to
two Inches wide. The flowered Drea
dens and rich, brightly colored bro
cades are very effectively bordered In
this way. Sometimes narrow shaded
or flowered ribbons are Joined by
means of narrow velvet ribbons, a
half Inch In width. The edges of the
velvet ribbon overlap those of the
satin ribbon and are machine atltched
down. Girdles made In this way are
faatened with hooka and eyes and tha
fastening concealed by flat bows of
twa loop without eoda.
ready for delivery. Phone 7:1 and we will sup4 your demand.
All Kinds of Lumber
A. A. IIALKS, Manager
Miller Brothers
Housefurnishing Store
iff wW
Our Customers
like the flavor of our products. They often say that
nothing: tastes as gooi as Nohe's bread or Nake's
hiikery produetK. We sell fresh bread. fies, cakes,
elc, at reasonable prices.
You are invited to inspect our bakery and kil
chen at any tunc. They are kepi absolutely
al all times. We will be tflad lo show you the in
(r red it-1 its of our products--wc use no alnai in aur
When you are hungry cat at our Cafe. The
tin als are "like mother used lo cook".
O H E '