I? i 5 f: if t; .' t: f i J. . if n i r! i I 111 1 u 1 1 PROPiiSOT TAKES CHARGE!; AMiMxr rii-ffiiliiK Work Agala lUrvM of Mm. Kenning;, Who Will Conduct ttnite Irn ediatHy upon hl Hrrlvnl Vlv ; ui ho h.tN b ii reinli-rlrm re- l:Mi' spslst.incr lo Mrs ZehrunR. will mntlnue in her employ. Tho himinens of Hie Alliance Mearinu Works will no l confined I to thin city, hIIIio there will be a In'nne home lrul". Special nttenl on 'will be given lo mall order trade, j whi li ran bo conveniently handled by making lme of tin parcels pout. Ann Zfh-j U Itcally Does Uelleve llhetiimitKm Everybody who U afflicted with ilheunmtlsin In any form should by ll mean keep a bottle of Sloan's Liniment on hand. The minute you feel pain or soreness In a Joint or muscle, bnthn It with Sloan's Llnl- A will be seen by Mrs rise's announcements In The Her ald, ?he ha again taken charge of te Alliance. Cleaning Works, 40 Bat Hutte avenue. Ilei eafter thi Valine will le conducted under her unuiml miriorvlnion which Will be r,rw. for the natron, as she i uient. Ho not rub It. Sloan's pen- ktn made a reputation In Alliance lid the surrounding territory lirst claH'wirk In cleaning snd dye sg An eipert rlenner has been em ployed by Mrs. eh rung lo assist her 'trates almost Immediately right to i t iiai a. ml nf nnln rulli.vlni? the tint. i tamlnr Bnl1an tauMntr unit tnnlflflff I he part easy and comfortable. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any drugplut and have It In the houBe against colds, sore and iwollen Joints, rheumatism, neural gia, sciatica and like ailments. Your ta handling the large business which eke ci ports the establishment to be i money back If not satisfied, but It favored with again lie will arrive within a few days and begin work I' a to Strength Past Fifty Years tin be maintained by .. . i . anting the right nouriso- tnent, and Nature's own oil food in Scott'a Emuhion bat strengthened thousands of men and women to continue their work and usefulness for many years. Scott' Emuhion Is a food, a medi cine and a tonic to keep the blood rich, avoid rheumatism and thwart nervous conditions. It Is free from alcohol or harm ful droits. The best physician prescribe It 14-vi does give almost Instant relief. 48-41-4028 Prominent Dawe County Farmer Win. Martens of Chadron, one of Dawes county's enterprising German American farmers, panned thru Alli ance last Saturday on his return from the Irrigation convention at llrid report Mr. Martens Is one of The Herald's Dawes county friends and favored the offlce with a call during his stop In this city. Prompt Action Will Stop Your Cough When you first catch a Cold (often indicated by a sneeze or cough), break It up at once. The Idea that "it does not matter" often leads to serioiiB complications. The remedy which Immediately and easily pene trates the lining of the throat Is the kind demanded. Dr. King's New Discovery soothes the Irritation, loosens the phlegm. You feel bet ter at once. "It seemed to reach the very spot of my Cough" Is one of many honest testimonials. 50c at your Druggist, adv 1 4799 mm The Northwest's Greatest Farm Paper WIS Saod You a Threa Months Trial Subscription and This LARGE, BEAUTIFUL S, lO CCIltS. No Calm !rt cold. iv 'w ,u4HMMSHasa'iwma.wwH '1 .t ,5-. it s 1; s r 81 ZK OfrVCALKNDAiC 8BHOH INl tiKS Will Have In 1915 A prlal Buries of Illustrated articles on tho marketing of farm nnluie, HliowitiK what happen to it frmn the tlmi it lonvpH your linnd until it comes Into tli home of tho consumer. Full pnR-p IlluRtratpt feature nrtlrles ahoMt the rrally Mtt thltiKi In farming - it ri li-1 that make facta aa intet eating- ua iictlon. Farm, Stork and Home editorials dur Inic IHIS will k1v you a clean, rimppy, iinpHitiMAu review of the piogresa of the world. Its reports on the wheat market and upon crop romlltlona will continue to bo a aafo and protttable aelling: guide. Home Council will continue to be what It now In, an open forum for the rilxcuHion of everything Hint makea for the health, hnpplncaa and aocial prot;reas of the family. The Veterinary Department will without expeiiHo to you. help you to keep your stock In good health. The Ietrnt Department will advlae fymi liow lo protect your own Intereata and avoid lawsuits. "Phort Talkx" will anawer, free of chaise, any question you may ask. Neighborhood Welfare" will tell you what I he farmers' clubs and co-operative ortanirat Ions are dolnar all thru 191i. Itn t.lve Stork and Hairy In ISIS wtll be better than ever before full of timely and usable matter. And the balance of the reading; mat ter will be chock full of the wort of Hutoreatlona you can use In 19i6. If yoei are new lakin FARM. STOCK HOME eeo s a aaw trial subscriber and 10 Casts sad tba CsUaidsr will be eent a you mnd Ike trial sabscribe. Pretty Gifts IVhde of Urown Linen s m M MTID IT SS JJJTVJLP 1 Prom the horn District fy3LXJ-it 8ri's i -J g Kirby No. I Nut lei UHVM IAIXY IJiMH) KHt ( MK NTOVIX ASU ItANtiKS. IT Irt UK MiM,i:i AS IIKTTKH THAN MOST NUT X)AIi AM AS ;HM AS ANY NIT COAL SO I.I) IN ALIJANCK. At $6.50 per Ton AGItT tuat 'ww ill be appreciated by the nan or woman who travels. ts an apron of Lrowu llneu, rubberized ! on one side, In which to carry all noc ensary toilet article s. The rubberizing makes the inside of the apron and Its pockets waterproof. To make it re quires one piece of linen 20 Inches long and 14 wide for the apron and a length 17 Inches for the pockets and flaps. There are Bve pockets. One, 4 Inches deep, extending across the apron, two four Inches deep, at the bottom. At the top one of the pockets Is 6V4 Inches in depth and the other four inches. Small plaits are laid at each side of all the pockets except the long one. This long pocket is closed with a flap four Inches wide while the others have flaps from one and one half to two inches wide. The apron pockets and flaps are bound with bias tape in linen color. The flaps fasten with enap fasteners. A pretty handkerchief case is made of a straight piece of unbleached linen 17 Inches long and lOVi inches wide. Across one corner a epray of flowers is embroidered in pink with green foliage. Bow knots are embroidered in blue at each side of the spray. The case is lined with thin pink satin and interlined with a sheet of cotton bat ting, in which sachet powder is sprinkled. The edges are finished with button-hole tttltcbing in pink silk. The case Is folded crosswise at the center and the Bides and top tied to- : getlic r with narrow satin ribbon in ' simple bowH. One corner is turned i buck and fastened with a bow. This finishes an attractive, e-cented re ceptacle, Bhapcd like an envelope, to be placed on th dressing cuse. A work bug is made of coarse brown linen cut Into the shape shown in the : picture. It is 14 inches long and 10 '4 j wide. Two pieces are joined at the ' edges which are scalloped and flnlehed with button-hole stitching in green , silk floss. THIS KlltliY NO. t IIKI'HKSIONTS COAL OK $1 TO $a ii:u TON. A SAVING TO CSfcliS OF NCT V t V V V V V x V V V V V y Y Telephone Us for a Trial of this Coal ll U an eireptioiiiilly giwxl eal In a lass with the IUh k Springs Coal. The owning of the C'lucper divlKlon of the Kurliiigtoii give a freight rente to Alliance vi; Guernsey Instead of the former long haul around h Hillings and Uie new freight rate from the liig Horn district Jnt ea tahlihhc!, put Kirby coal on the Alliance market mow for lews money tKaai he Inferior coals are sold for. VK ALSO SUM. COLORADO COAI, -TIIK fJKNUINK MAITIANI LUMP CAHNKYVLLLK (XML rXJJ, l.VMV ANI NUT Hnr Canh Prices Mean Oil caper Oaal Phone 545 Alliance Creamery Phone 545 Omr Caah Pricea Mraa Cheaarr Oaal aw V t y v -a, t t y X t V f y y y y V i I 1C New Styles in Ribbon Bags for the Holidays FARM, STOCK A HOME CO., 30 Hennepin Av., Minneapolla. Minn. Knrloaed find 10 Centa for which you ara to Bend Farm. Stock Horn (or throa months and your ll& Calrudar. Nam , BursVKouts. l'ttetofflca Stat Athletic Entertainment by the Alliance Fire Department lKO;itAM: 1 1 ii hiii n I'jriuaid. Two Fast Itoiing lioaLs. ftvo Wrestling lat4he... Work on Parallel liar. TtiiNbliug. Itnrrel Jhiumhk. High IHvlng. Kicking. And Other Interesting Keat tires. The Fire learlmeul will give the public of AUliinre a clean. Interesting athletic entertainment. Ilring the whole family. Ivulies invited. The proieeU will he iisimI for the ileiart ment's neels. The Opera House FRIDAY EVENING DECEMBER l&th Remamber the Date PLAN TO ATTEND -ts- Killing Prairie Dogs It. S. Payne, the famous prairie Jor exterminator, in now mak ing his heailquartera in Alliance. He will remain here a short time. Anyone who ilcsireK these little posts killed will do well to write to him or rail on him at the Nebraska Rooming House, Alliance. My contract price for this work is only thirty-five cents per acre and I charge only for the ground that is infected with the dogs. 1 will sell the righttt for this business for this part of Nebraska to any reliable person or persons. We are now doing work for l'at Nolan and William Karl, fif teen miles west of Alliance. All our work is guaranteed. EVERY return of Christmas brings ' with It bags made of beautiful ! ribbons designed for many different ' purposes. j A new design In a slipper bag ts shown In the picture. It is made of Dresden rtbbon over a pasteboard J foundation. An oblong box Is cut ! from cardboard, shaped like the cases ! made for opera glasses, but much ! longer. The bottom la an ellipse six and a half Inches long and three wide. ; The sides are five Inches deep. The ; bottom and sides are covered with silk , and afterward Joined. The upper portion is made of a . straight length of ribbon gathered about the box as shown in the picture. The second bag shown Is eaay to construct and suited to almost any purpose. It Is made by stitching to each edge of a length of striped or fig- B. S. Payne The Morning Free Press GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA TUB ONLY DAILY PAPFJt WKST OF OMAHA ANU UNOOLIf WITH FULL ASSOCIATED PHESS HEKVlClc LEASED WIRE IN OFFICE $3.00 PER YEAR Address MORNING FREE ;raml Island. Nebraska PRESS Dellwood Held First Court The first session of court was held In the new court house by Dr. II. II. Bellwood. A session of the county insanity board was held Thursday morning, December 3, at which Dr. Bellwood presided. The patient was adjudged Insane and taken to the in sane hospital at Hastings by Sheriff Cal Cox. ured ribbon, a length of nlaln satin rlh- bon. to form a wide strlo tor maklnx i A Tet for Liver Complaint tha hac Th rnita nt this atrtn ant Mentally L'llhaiHIV l'hyhlcally , Dull sewed together with a felled seam and j The Liver, sluggish and inactive, the edges aewed together at the bot- Arst Hself in a mental state torn. A casing sewed within two inches ; unhappy and r ere . j .u .i loy in living, as when the Stomach of the top. carries the ties of narrow ' J"' " ' thlP work Keen uy u-u i u ia your u?er active aIli healthy by us tmtln ribbon closed and suspended. empty the Bowels freely, tone up your Stomach, cure your Constipa tion and purify the Blood. 253 at DruggUt. Bucklen's Arnica Salve excellent for Piles, adv 14799 Salesman and Preau-her From Kushvllle Standard: E. E. Leah, traveling salesman for the Carpenter Paper Co., Omaha, was calling on patrons here last Fri day. He informed us that be was at that time putting In his third day of the eighth year for the Carpenter Paper Co. We have known- Mr. Lesh all these years, yet did not know until this week that be was al so a Methodist preacher and fills the ,lng Dr. King's New Life Pills: they I pulpit In any town he happens to be in on Sundays. Neither did we gt this information from him, but v exchanges that reach our table. ALLIANCE DKCCKilKT HAS A VALUABLE AGENtTY II. Thiele, druggist, has the Alu aace agency for the simple mixturr f buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc , kaown as Adler-i-ka, the remedy which became famous by curing ap pendicitis. This simple remedy has pawerful action and drains such sur prising amounta of old matter frost the body that JUST ONE DOSE re lieves sour stomach, gas on the stom ach and constipation almost IMME DIATELY. The QUICK action f Adler-l-ka Is sstonlshlng. Adv. nov 19-4089