TELLS OF THE FORMER DAYS A. 8. IIin1, Former AIHamm lUwarfent niiil HuMnm Man, Write f llic OhI Days Hera The Herald rrrrivr.1 a iMior tho first of the week from K. a. Itt-ed, no of IhtJ first settlors ef Ho Untie ounty, who moved two roajs ano to Plio-nlx, Arizona, the lUr sirs: ' "Phoenix, Ariz., Ner. S, 114. Gentlemen: Enclosed aad raws, te pay my subscription for The Herald. It has reached ui regvlarly the past year and each week teJIa ua some thing about the state aae people. we lived so long with. We like it Terr aauch. "We like our new heaie ? err vich hot miss our friends of leas; a standing. We like the people here and have formed new friendships. We lived In llox Dutte can at r twea-ty-five years and saw Alliance spring from a bare prairie te a good tow a. I well remember of klUlag a cerate where the town now stands. It was In the fall of 1886. There were kin dreds of antelope crowd ng the spot where the town now stands, whea we had our first snow storm that fall. They were all going west. "At the election last Tuesday we passed an amendment te the state aonstttutlon putting the slate ef Ar izona dry by a good majority. We had so many parties and voted on so aiany laws that It took a ballot two feet by three feet to get all of It on, and In some of the precincts It took more thnn fifty hours to count the votes. We have (tlx men on the lection board and each man gets fifty cents per hour. "Through the Initiative and Ref erendum we are called on to vote on all kinds of laws. If any wan thinks he would like to have Home law pass ed, all he has to do Is to draw up a bill and go out and ge4 signers enough on a petition (and that does n't seem to be a hard thing to do) and then we all can go into the law making business. This bolng a new and progressive state we are called on to vote on a good mir laws that night or might not be what would prove a benefit to the people. Wheth er they prove good or bad, the gov ernor cannot veto them. "With good wlshee to ail oar friends In llox Butte county, I am, very truly yours, A. 8. KHHIJ." M. B, iVLODGE STILLGR0WIN6 Dew Members Initiated at Ijuit Reg ular Meeting and Outers Mec ed to the Membership 8. S. Ilavman' of Grand Inland state manager of the Medera Broth- eruooa or America, and Met! A. flchmled. editor of the Dakota CXt sJebr., Eagle and special deputy ef sne oraer, attended the regular meet ing of the Alliance lodge last Thurs day night. At this meeting a num fcer of ne wmembers were I at U a ted and other candidates for member ealp voted upon. Mr. Hayman and Mr. Scbraied net ia Alliance by chance, aad net by previous appointment, as it might aeem on account of both arriving oa the same day. The former, who has an extensive acqualntaaoe in this city n account of previous . visit, re mained about a week working la the taterest of the local ledge. Mr. Pchinled left on Friday. Both of these gentlemen impress aae a eara Bt, sincere workers for tae fratern ity which they believe carries the est insurance extant. aad It is not surprising that their effort meet with success. Try This for Your Ooug Thousands of people keep coaga Hug because unable to get the right remedy. Coughs are caused by ia ammation of Throat and Broachial Tubes. What you need la te soothe this Inflammation. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, It penetrates the del icate mucous lining, raises the Phl egm and quickly relieves the conges ted membranes. Get a 60c bottle Irom your druggist. "Dr. King's New DiBcovery quickly aud complete ly stopped m ycough," writes J. K. Watts, Floydale. Texas. Moaer baek If not satisfied, but It nearly always helps. 48-41-4029 WEBER OPENS NEW BEE HIVE tern Nebraska Man Opens Hew Business, Starting at uTUIeok Saturday Mondag C. E. Weber, who recently came from eastern Nebraska aad parcaaa- a the stock of the Bee Hive, for merly owned by W. 8. Kewer. ku added to this stock several kuadred dollars' worth of new goeds and wilt pen The New Bee LUve fer basi- aees, starting at 9 o'cteck Satarday Morning, on Third street, aorass from the postofhee aad oae door west of the Empress Tkeatre. Mr. Weber has had asany years ef azrK-rience in merchandising and will conduct a store with a big vari ety of Que goods at reasonable pric a. Starting at the time of the op ening he will Inaugurate a special price reduction sale. liandreds of veal bargains will be offered. A par tial list can be found In tke adver tisement elsewhere in this Iseuu of The Herald. Strength 'for Motherhood MOTIIERnOOD Is not a time for experiment, but for proven qualities, ana nothing; exceeds tne vaiue or goon cheer, needful exercise and BCOTT'S EMULSION. SOOTTS EMULSION charges the blood with lifc-suiUainlng richness, suppresses nervous conditions, aids the quality and quantity oi mux and Insures sufficient fat tt COD LTVF.R OIL aaN tka vary life eatla. Ia UME a.4 SODA bal void riehata aad maka laataiaa aaaf . I- ArJSmbtltmt. NAUhmt INSTALLATIONS ARE COMPLETED Fire Department Club Ilooms and l',(iuliment Ilooms Completed, Heady for New Truck The work of remodeling the ire department rooms In the city hall, in preparation for the arrival of the new truck, has been completed. Sleeping quarters for L. E. Pllklng ton, driver of the truck, have been completed and a large door, hung on weights, hns been placed at the front of the fire equipment quarters. This door can be rained In a few seconds and will allow the quick exit of the truck on the way to a fire. An electric signal system has been Installed so that two large gongs will be rung by the telephone centrnl when the alarm Is turned In, bring ing the firemen from their quarters. The automatic fire bell system works perfectly, ringing the fire bell by means of heavy weights which work the bell tapping mechanism. GILMAN GOES HUNTING DEER Alliance Attorney Follows Practice of Years by I weaving for the Forests of Wisconsin B. F. Oilman, Alliance attorney, left Sunday morning for Wisconsin for his annual deer hunt. He met his brothers at O'Clalr, Wisconsin, Monday morning and they went dir ectly Into the pine woods. They will be In the woods until Thanksgiving, coming out the day before. They will spend Thanksgiving at his old home at Mondova. Wisconsin, after which Mr. Oilman will make a short visit returning to Alliance the Irst of December. u ntirj E.TIRED iEF Good-bye sore feet, burning fet, lea feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, irt fet. Geod-bye corns, callouses, bunions an ) raw spot. .Vt. mors shoe tight ness, . no xnevm limping will: pain or drawing op your faee in agony. "TIZ" is magical, a t s right off. nZ" draws out all the poisonous exuda tions whieh vuff p the feet. Use -TIZ" aad ltr- gr your foot misery. Ah! how som f.irtable your feet feeL Get a 15 east lo of "TIZ" now at any druggist or department store. Don't suffer. Hava good feet, glad feet, feet that never bwell, never hurt, never get tired. A ?rmr a loot eomiort guaraateea or aioury refunded. Mrs. McClaln's Kiperieooe With Croup. "When mv bov. Rav. wai small ha waa subject to croup, and 1 was always alarmed ai sucn lime. Chamberlain Cough Kenn edy Proved far better than any other for this trouble. It always relieved hiia quickly. I am never without it in the house lor I know it ia a positive cure for croup," write Mrs. W. R. McClain, Blairaville, Pa. For sals br all dlera, Advertisement. I tii. k. BOYS' BUNQUET FRIDAY NIGHT 8Holal ProRrwn Has IWn Arrange I for the Hoys Tomorrow Night at Newberry I (lock The dinner for the sons of mem bers of the Alliance Commercial Club Is to be held on the second floor of the big new Newberry block, starting at 7 o'clock Friday evening. The following program has been ar ranged: Toastmaster. .T. W. Outhrle, Pres ident Conime. iu! Cuh. Our Boys- "rn'-asor "V. R. Pate, Superintended C: Schn ls. The Futur Clf :n 1.. J. Young, Pastor Church. The Imperial Man Walter C. Rundin. secretary Crawford Cham ber of Commerce. Co-operation II. M. Bushnell, ed itor Lincoln Trade Review. It is believed that the hall will be crowded. A good time Is looked for. Don't Delay Treating Your Cough A slight cough often becomes ?r ious, Lungs get congested, Bronchial Tubes fill with mucous. Your vital ity Is reduced. You need Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It soothes your Ir ritated air passages, loosens mucous and makes your system resist Colds. Give the Baby and Children Dr. Bells Plne-Tar-IIoney. It's guaranteed to help them. Only 25c, at your drug gist. 48-4t-4029 FIREMEN HAVE NARROW ESCAPE Thrown Under Feet of Heavy Dray Hordes Miss lieing Killed by Very Small Margin P. E. Roraig, chief, and Charley Schafer, a' member, of the Alliance volunteer fire department, had a nar row escape from death or serious In Jury when they were thrown under the feet of a team of heavy dray horses while running to the city hall Saturday evening In answer to a call of fire. The alarm, which proved to be a false one, went in at 5:25 o'clock. Romlg and Schafer were running from the Rlordan corner and as they started to cross the alley adjoining the city hall they collided with the Men and Women Wanted Dierks Lumber & Coal Company Headqaartera far Building Material Celebrated Bradley at Tromaa ralats Barked Wire, Cement Blocks, Lightning Rods, B. at 8. Floor Covering b- wii . a i . ... ,t:r Tla ii n I i iriiliiy.VrMriraJ-lWr A tra) fhons M Reference: Live Stock National Bai of Souta Omaha, Nebraska Market Reports Free on Applicatloa. Correspond ence Solicited W. J. PERRY. Manager The Beat of Saleamevi 'and Caretakers la Every ! partment and the Beat of Service Goaraiiteed W. J. PERRY & CO. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS UNION STOCK YARDS 164-156 Exchange Building. Telephone South TS1 SOUTH OMAHA t I NEBRASKA team which was coming at full speed up the alley. Chief Ilomlg was thrown under the feet of the horses but was held by Schafer, who grasp ed the tongue of the wagon, until the team was stopped. The Emerson Gobble-uns '11 git you, Friday eve, Nov. 20, Ef you Don't Watch - Out! Taken to Osteopath Hospital Dr. O. Coppernoll left on the noon train Monday, with Mrs. Flora Wil liams of West Lawn, for Klrksvllle, Mo., for the purpose of placing the latter In the osteopath hospital at that place. For trhee weeks prior to leaving Alliance, Mrs. Williams had been nursed by Mrs. Zehrung at her residence, 624 Niobrara avenue, the patient being under the treat ment, of Dr. Coppernoll during that time. Heart Disease Almost Fatal to Young Girl "My Aaufhtir. mhm .liltln year old. was stricken with lipnrt trouble. 8h was no had wa had to p!e her td naar a window so ah could get her brrath. One d'x-tor ("Hid. 'Poor cl lid. Kh Is likely tit full dead any time." A friend t'!.l me Dr. Miles l.'eart Itemed jr hnd rurtl her fiUher, I tried It. und n'.u' hegun to lia- e. fhe tori!; 'v "''' i:";'t miiny bot- tt . Imt sh II!. I bll 13 d to 1110 to ll rnry n ltiii-?lne V " . M .I-a UeHft d. y chrlld lil. No one contlijincu I li.'iv in I Kemeily." A. It. CAN"N Worth. Mo. The utilioun.led ciitifulence Mr. Canon has in l)r. Mil. s' Heart Kem i'ily is shared by thousands of others who its value front experience. Many l.cart disorders iclil to treatment, i," the treatment is riplit. If you arc bothered with short breath, fainting spells, swell ing of fee. or ank'-vs pains about the heart and shoulder blades, pal pitation, weak and hungry ypells, via should begin u,i:ig lr. Miles' Heart Remedy at once. Profit by the experience of others while yet may. Dr. Mile' Heart Remedy is ! and Ouarantaac ay all drugglats. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ins. to tell the most remarkable bargain la the Bagaslne world this year. Regular Price EVERYBODY'S $1.50 DELINEATOR 150 Total $3.00 $2 To One Person A monthle aalar-v and a llhttrat ion on each order. 8alarles run up to 1360 per month, depending on the number of orders. This work can be done in your spare time, and need not conflict with your present duties. No Investment or previous experience necessary. We furnish full equipment free. Write for particulars to THE IUDOWAT COMPANY Spring and Macdoogal Streets, New York DYE & OWENS Iransfer Line Household jjoodf moved oroninth C i i . anu transier work TateKijB solicited. Residence onona 3I and mm v finm "-ii I-1I--.HIBII - " t i This garage is at your service at all hours for quick repairing. Just phone. You will re ceive prompt and efficient attention. The Alliance Garage PHONE NO. 14 . LET US GET ACQUAINTED If You Are Not Already One of Our Customers We Invite A Trial Shipment " . . i 'j9 1 ' 1 m a;f- ...S'-'v '' ..y " , : i-V -'5- & jlls fit t -iv'-i irx-" -'' J. M. COOK, Manager Great Western Commission Co. South Omaha, Nebraska Just for Your Convenience We have installed tbe latest and most modern bank fix ture to be had. Not that it will tend to make the bank any stronger, but that we will be enabled to serve you to better advantage. The strength of this bank is backed by the Depositors' Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska, a fund of a million dollars that guarantees the safety of your money. Does this mean anything to you? Think of it when you make your next deposit. We endeavor te extend every eourtesy eenaiMent with safe aad eound bankinf to our patrons. The First State Bank of Alliance, Nebraska. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE trend New Show Hjjsical Burlesque EVERY WEEK Claaa, Clsaaf EntertalaaMot Etntxx Caaas Ask aaifeadj. LADIES' DIME MATINEE DAILY DO NT GO HOME SAYINGi I DIDN'T VISIT THE GAYETY (i y Z mmmm Vi Vra'r.-riWWT Another Blowout ! HCl yea fceve a Wewent ob tb read er yewr eagiae goe wnng or seiaetaiag else gets out of tt wo are at year service. We tew "dead" cars soae or we vpalr them ea tke spet If yon can reaeb as wrto ynur own ,iewer we gasraatee te loeaCe tbe Won hie st aad fix It stght at least eost te yea. 2EL