The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 05, 1914, Image 8

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tipiuuia. w will oon"b Very
much In need of Northwestern FrulU
and Produce.
Fruit and Produce Distributor.
Wins Cornell of Omaha la a ruest
f Mrs. Hurry Gantt.
Il'ss Virginia Broome has return
4 from Kimball, where she Yiflted
J. R. Phelan of Denver Is spnd
tmt a few weeks on his ranch near
Mrs. D. Dutler Is entertaining a
amber of ladies this evening at a
mix o'clock dinner.
Mr. Hackerson, of the American
Fixture Company, Is In Alliance In
stalling the wood furniture In the
art house.
Mrs. Harris, of Lincoln, mother of
W. W. Harris, arrived In Alliance oft
Saturday for a visit with Mr. Harris
d family.
Mrs. W. D. Rumer entertained at
alx-thirty o'clock luncheon Satur
day afternoon In honor of her moth
er, Mrs. Coflin.
C. A. Currie, manager of the Ne
braska Telephone Company at All I
ace, made a business trip to Bridge
port o n Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Meyers of Blooming
ton, 111., relatives of Mrs. I. I Ache-
ton, arrived Monday morning for a
Tlslt of two weeks.
' Mr. and Mrs. Edmundson of Ring
kam stopped off in Alliance Monday
a their return from McCook, where
tkry have been visiting.
- O. J. Appelberg, traveling sales-
nan for the M. E. Smith Company of
Omaha, was the winner of a prize of
$150 during the month of October
for the largest sales of shirts. Mr
Appelberg covers western Nebraska,
western South Dakota and adjoining
xiopo'o column
"Was your husband cool when you
told him there was a burglar In the
nseT" asked Mrs. Hammer.
"Cool," replied Mrs. Cabb. "I
Should aay he was cool. Why, his
tooth chattered."
, Cablegram
Llmburg, via Derltn, September
Mem, 1914. Fruit and Produce
Distributor, Portland, Oregon: The
ermans have taken PUsener and
are surrounding Delicatessen, where
the Wurst Is expected. The Belgian
Hares have had a falling out with
the Welsh Rabbits and the Swiss
Cheese Is shot full of holes. This
will make the Irish stew and the
English Mustard hot, and when the
XBssIan Cavler sees the French Pas
try It will canse a Swiss Movement
Watch! The Spanish Onions are
v strong for a mlxup, and If the Home
Preserves are called out and spread
Tor the German Noodles they may
Ketchup with the Navy Beans, there-
fry eauslng an uprising of the Brus-
Mrs. Bradley was an ardent work
er In the temperance society which
was to meet that afternoon. She
dressed hurriedly and came down
stairs panting.
"LUile." she railed to her mall.
run upstairs and get my temperance
badge. I have forgotten It. It has
a wide ribbon vith gold lettering."
"Sure, ma'am, I know It well,"
said Lizzie.
Lizzie could not read, but she
knew a ribbon with gold letters when
She saw It. and bad no trouble In lo
cating It and fastening It on the dress
of her mistress. Mrs. Bradley was
too busy at the meeting greeting her
friends to note that they smiled
broadly when thy looked at her.
When the family was assembled
at dinner that night, Mrs. Bradley
entered and was received with this
exclamation: "Goodness, Mother,
that ribbon t Have you been wear
ing that at the temperance meet
ing?" Mrs. Bradley looked at her badge
for the first time. The gold letter
ing on the ribbon read:
IlerifleM Poultry Rhow
Pint Prize liantjim
Ladies' Home Journal.
Johnny had been very excited at
school all morning, and burst out
"We have a baby girl at our house,
teacher; Dr. Moore brought her."
Immediately another small hand
was frantically waved In the air, and
a little voice piped: "We take off of
him, too, Miss Brown!" Everybody's.
"Whilst walking down a crowded ci
ty street the other day,
I heard a little urchin to a comrade
turn and say:
'Say, Chimney, lemme tell youse, I'd
be happy as a clam
If I only was de feller dat me mud
der t'lnks I am.
She t'lnks I am a wonder, an she
knows her little lad
Could never mix with nuttln' dat was
ugly, mean, or bad.
Oh, lota o' times I sit and t'lnk how
nice 'twould be gee whiz!
If a feller wus de feller dat bis mud
der t'lnks he is.
"My friend, be yours a life of toll or
undiluted joy,
You still can learn a lesson from this
small unlettered boy.
Don't aim to be an earthly saint with
eyes fixed on the star;
Just try to be the fellow that your
mother thinks you are."
A Hating Ford
Harry Showalter, the traveling
man, is equipping a Ford model T
chassis as a racing car. The car
has wire wheels and other Innovations.
Made Iterord Drive
W. C. Mounts made a record drive
Jo Loveland, Colorado, last week,
making the trip from Alliance to
Loveland in one day. From Alliance
to Cheyenne, Wyoming, la consider
ed a good day's trip.
Ho wit must tickle Africa to car
ry the war into Europe.
PLEASES the most sensitive palate. It
is nourishing and refreshing, made
by the most modern and approved
methods from carefully selected flour
and other ingredients. We have many
customers who have bought our bread
for years. They say that none other
compares with it. If you are not a reg
ular customer we would suggest that
you give it a trial.
Philip Nohe, Prop.
Jzj 0
I will sell the following cattle, horses, farm implements and household goods at public auction at my farm,
known as the Otto Vogel place, six miles north and four miles east of Alliance, starting at 10 o'clock in the morning
Sixteen Head of Cattle
Consisting of
Seven milk cows.
Five steer calves.
One two-year old bull.
One heifer, coming two years.
One heifer calf coming one year.
Thirteen Head Horses
Consisting of
Three geldings, coming two years old.
One mare, coming two years old.
One mare, coming three years old.
One gelding, three years old.
One gelding, two years old.
Two spring colts.
One span of mares, weight 2900 pounds, smooth mouth.
One gray mare, eight years old.
One saddle pony.
Twelve Head of Shoats
Also, some straw, alfalfa and prairie hay.
Farm Implements
Two two-row cultivators; two discs; three harrows.
Two riding cultivators; one mower.
Two Dowden potato diggers, nearly new.
One corn binder, nearly new ; one cream separator.
Wagons and buggies; five sets work harness.
One lister, new.
Household Goods
One range cook stove, good as new; five bedsteads.
Two cupboards; one table and chairs.
Other articles too numerous to mention.
TERMS: ...Cash or approved bankable paper bearing ten per cent, six months time. Two per cent off for cash. All
sums tinder ten dollars, cash.
Jo Ho Parker, Owner
H. P. COURSEY, Auctioneer.
A. H. COPSEY, Clerk
" Alma Where Do You Live "
The New Line
Through Central Wyo.
The Burlington-Colorado & Southern joint main line between
Denver, Cheyenne and Billings was opened October 18th. The new
Use directly connects Denver and Cheyenne with the fast developing
loeauues aDoui uougias ana uasper, with the famous hot springs re
tort, Thermopolis, and with the rich agricultural section of North
Wyoming the Big Horn Basin. It is unusually fortunate in its geo
graphical location, as it traverses Wyoming's new agricultural and
Industrial localities, and connects the whole with the Burlington
transportation system so closely as to lead to a rapid declopment of
the state of Wyoming.
Ask for the Burlington's Red Folder; note the relation of the ncv
milroad to the Burlington System east thereof. This new road illus
trates the steady pioneer work of the Burlington in its effort to open
jrp the best agricultural, live stock, and mineral regions of the West.
Tell your friends back east about the new
line and the possibilities of increased land val-.
ues in Wyoming and the North Platte Valley.
J. KUIDKLBAUUH. Ticket Afrent. Alliance. Neb.
1004 fr'araaa ktreet, Omaha, Nek.
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Biggest and Best Musical Comedy Ever in Alliance. Miss Mable LaCouver with
a Chorus of Pretty Girls. Big Song Hits.
Seats on Sale Saturday ' Prices $1.00. 75 and 50 Cents