3C The Greatest Achievement in the HISTORY OF TRAP SHOOTING The Three Big Events of the 1914 Grand American Handi cap Tournament, Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 8-12 1914 Grand American Handicap 1914 Amateur Championship, Double Tar- get, 1914 Amateur Championship, Single Tar- gets. WERE WON WITH PETERS HELL MR WOOLFOLK HENDERSON ESTABLISHED A NEW WORLD'S AMATEUR REC ORD, 98 OUT OF 100 FROM 22 YARDS MR. HENDERSON'S SCORES WERE AS FOLLOWS: 99 ex 100 from 16 yards 90 ex 100 from 16 yards 98 ex 100 from 22 yards Amateur Championship of the United States, Single Targets Amateur Championship of the United States, Double Targets . GRAND AMERICAN HANDICAP HIGH AVERAGE FOR ALL TARGETS was won by MR. S. A. HUNTLEY, using PETERS Shells J. H. Patterson Introductory t 193 ex 200 from 18 yards Double Target Championship 89 ex 100 from 16 yards Special Event 88 ex 100 from 16 yards Preliminary Handicap 90 ex 100 from 22 yards Grand American Handicap 95 ex 100 from 22 yards 2nd Average won by Mr. Henderson, 562 ex 600. Total 565 ex 600 Newberry's Hardware Company, Distributors DC WILL SPEAK IN COUNTY A. K. Anloron, In Clinrjre of Farm Demonstrator Work for lov wnmt'nt, lo 8xvtk Here To the farmer anil land owner: The farmers in Ilox Butte county haven't a man to represent them, we have been talking and talking about, organization but that is all we have done. We have let our sister coun ties In this part of the state pass us and while they are organized and Retting the benefit of It we are divid ed and paying dearly for It. We need a man to act as our agent one who will call meetings, find a good market for our products and who will secure government help for us. This can be secured If we co operate with the government in the Farm Demonstrator movement. Our boys and girls should have the same advantage as some of the other counties, and the way to bring this about is to decide to co-operate together. The U. S. government is willing to help us If we are willing to help our selves and In order that me may know more about this work A. E. An derson, who has charge of the Farm Demonstrator work for the U. S. government in Nebraska, will speak at the following school houses and It Is hoped that every farmer will be present and phone his neighbors al so. If you stay away it will mean that you do not believe in the farm ers organizing and If Mr. Anderson does not receive sufficient encourage ment he will go to the counties that show the progressive spirit. The meetings will be held as fol lows: School district No. 124, Wednes day. Nov. 11, 3 p. m. K. M. Gregg, chairman. School district No. fi, Wednesday, Nov. 11, 7:30 p. m. T. J. Luwrence, chalrinun. School district No. 61, Thursday, Nov. 12, 3 p. ni. 11. C. Hansen, chairman. School district Nov. 12. 7:30 p. chairman. School district Nov. 13, 3 p. m. chairman. City Hall, Alliance, big mass meet ing Saturday, 2 p. ni. L. J. Schlll, chairman. Additional Committee: W. E. Spencer, Jack Miller, W. D. Fisher, J. A. Keegan, Art Grove, S. L. 11 lines, Robert Clark, C. W. Slsley. No county ever went ahead with out men to push it ahead. On which side of the line do you stand? Your presence at these meetings will help decide this matter. Come out and bring your family. Ladies especial ly invited. v 3 J Notice Creditors State of Nebraska, Box nuttn County, ss. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Shi nick, Deceased. I, I A. Kerry. County Judge of Box liutte county. Nebraska, hereby notify all persons having claims and demands Kaint the entate of Henry. Shimek that I have set and appointed the 1st day of June, 1915. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the County Court room In Alliance, for the examination of all claims against the entate of said deced ent with a view to their allowance and payment. All persons Interested as creditors of the estate will present their claims to me at said time, or show cause for not ao doing, and in case any claims are ot so presented by said time they hall be forever barred. This notice shall be served by publi cation thereof for four consecutive weeks In the Alliance Herald, a news paper published In Alliance, prior to ihe day of hearing. Given under my hand and the seal of aid court this rod day of November, l914' Li. A. BBRRT, t (SEAL,) County Judge. 4S-5t-621-41ll It must be fine to be getting such a large salary that you can afford to cat it 20 per cent. Dum Dum Ilullets Persons who have been reading each day of the progress of the great war in Europe have observed that the Germans are accusing their ene mies of using dum dum bullets, while a like accusttion has been brought against the kaiser's men by the Eng llshr. French and Belgians. The I German emperor some time ago sent ! a communication to President Wll : son protesting in the name of hu manity against the alleged use of 1 the dum dum bullets by Germany's foes. He even went so far as to say that the Frencn government was manufacturing countless thousands of these bullets by means of machin ery especially designed for that pur pose. Comparatively few really know what the dum dura bullet is. The dum dum, named after Dum Dum in India, where bullets are made for the Indian army and where this particu lar kind seems first to have been us ed, are of two kinds. The one most commonly used is the soft nosed, or mushroom bullet; the other is hol lowed to Its point end. In either ! cane the object sought is to make I the lead missle spread or fly into fragments when it strikes the human body, making a jagged and fearful wound and usually causing death. One wound made by such a bullet usually costs the victim his life, whereas soldiers in the present war have been known to receive nearly a dozen wounds from high powered ! rilles and to survive their injuries be ; cause the bullets were fired with such terrific speed that they cut on ly a very small and perfect round wound. BAZA All The ladles of Holy Rosary church will hold a bazaar In the Cadsby Hull on November 17, 18 and 19, from 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. and from 5:30' to 7:30' p. m. A cafeteria lunch will be serred. 47-36-4179 Some of the war news is about as distracting as the war itself. DISTANCES Berlin to Paris 674 Berlin to London 746 Berlin to Petrograd 1091 Berlin to Luxemburg 350 Berl'n to Metz 42! Berlin to Russian obrder 175 Berlin to French border 375 Berlin to Warsaw 398 Berlin to Austrian border .... 18.' Berlin to Vienna 421 Berlin to Belgrade 600 Berlin to Hamburg 178 Berlin to Posen 180 Berlin to Antwerp 497 Berlin to Brussels 650 London to Paris 287 Hamburg to Petrograd 1269 Dover to Kiel 650 Dover to Cuxhaven 650 You know as well as anyone when you need something to regulate your system. If your bowels are sluggish, food distresses you, your kidneys pain, take llolllster's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Always relieves. Be well tomorrow b ytaklng it tonight. H F. Thiele. nov-4068 No. 9, Thursday, m. Win. Vogel, No. 12, Friday. Chas. Benjamin, Something to lU'tneiiiher Regardless of the advantage which has come to the plains region thru the Introduction of dry farming methods, forage crops are much more certain to mature than grain crops and are valuable only where there Is live stock available to con suine them. Kafir, feterita, cant, and other sorghums are valuable in proportion as they can be utilized lo cally for live stock. The grains which ure most normally grown aside from wheat, are most profita ble If conbumed locally, as markets are likely to be uncertain and freight rates high. Dean E. A. Burnett College of Agriculture. Having received home rule, Ulster has buried it and has gone off to wars. An Active Liver Mean Health If you want good health, a clear complexion and freedom from Dizzl ness, Constipation, Biliousness, Head aches and Indigestion, take Dr. King New Life Pills. They drive out fer menting and undigested foods, clear the Blood and cure Constipation. On ly 25c at your druggist. 48-4t-402 I S?w DAY n'FOUE YEST'KDAY Til MEDDL'SOM POW'RS WUD HAV CROSS 'I) T' OUR END UP Til' WOODS T' SIIOWT UNKLE' SAMUEL TIP STUN- NIN' EFFECT IN TIP INFEBiY AL TIIINO LAUNDERD YURUPPEAN STYLE. (ET WUD IIEV BEEN SIMPLY KILLIN') EF EV'RY KNOCK'S A BOOS? TIP MISTERS SEARS AN' ROWBUCK BIDS FAIR T' CLIMB HIGH ABOVE ALL OTHERS. (OBSERVASHUN). APOIiOdlES T' NONE CALVIN CLINE IN THE INDIANA LUNCH GOOD THINGS T' EAT ADMINISTRATOR'S CATTLE SALE! To clone out the range Btock of ( the late Norris Wiggin, I wl offer at public auction at THE STOCK YARDS Torrington, Wyo. Monday, November 9 Commencing at 10 o'clock the fal lowing described property 350 HEAD HEIFERS U9 350 head of two-year-old Mad three-year-old heifers of Southern stock and all with calf. 10 thoroughbred Hereford biUat and one grade bull. 1 Standard Mower. 1 Hay Rake. Terms, Cash GEO. WIQQIN, Administrator J. L. Sawyer, Clerk. Col. L. E. Lewis, Auctioneer. R)K SAl.li CMtiAP Usc-d Ford tourti-jr c r Com pletely tquipp d In tjo' d con dition. WARD B NORTON Germany is now said to be a llltl worried over the war. Why nr.tf Every nation on the globe is consid erably worried. 3C 11 11 11 1L 1l Fire Sale of the Mallery Grocery Stock At 324 Box Butte Avenue Begins Saturday Morning, November 7th Every Article Reduced and Plainly Marked Stock Slightly Damaged by Smoke, Otherwise as Good as Ever 7Vlu3t be Sold ot One We Need the Room You Need the Groceries Every -1 thing : CASH U n r Mallery Grocery Go, FRESH VEGETABLES Bring Your Produce to Our New Location 312 Box Butte Avenue New Stock of GROCERIES 3E 3C 3G li It It 11