1 the ALLIANCE HERALD JOHN W. THOMAS, Alitor MX) YD O. THOMAS, City Editor ruf.llhli.Hl every Thurwlrty by THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY Incorporated Lloyd C. Thorn, lTU.tei4 J- nrl Thorna. Vice P. Jolin W. Tliomn-s, SiH-rt-tary Kntprod at the pot oD)m at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the malls as 8Pcondlaa matter. SUnSClUITION PRICK. 11.50 PER YEAH IN ADVANCK TIM,IU HOW IT IIAITENKD It ts In order, foUowtnR the usual after-election custom, for newspaper wrltera to analyie tfce reaalta of the election and tell "how It happened." In the next Issue of Tke Herald, we will try to point out a few Interesting things connected wltk the election and the campaign that preceded it, from which it may be posaiMe to draw a few lessons that may be profitably used In future campalgM. liOOK PLWA8ANT, PLKAHK The person who really belleTea In government by the people ought not to knock because disappointed In the election. One of the fundamental principles of popular (oTernment Is the submission of the minority to the will of the majority. When there has been an honest election, following an approximately fair campaign, we should give earnest support to the suc cessful candidates wb were not onr first choice for office as well as to those who were. A spirit of patriotism will cause defeated candidates and their friends to take the reavlt of elections cheerfully. ALLIANCE DID WELL The Herald Is prd of the position that Alliance and Box Dutte county took on the equal suffrage amendment. The more one studies this propo sition the more firm If he becomes convinced that It is a progressive meas ure, and for this reaaM It Is a pleasure to note that one's own town and county does not lag In4ilnd In the procession that Is marching on to adopt It sooner or later. According to the unofficial returns published In this Issue, the suffrage carried in Alliance and Box Ilutte county by a majority of 160 voteB, but the unofficial returns do not all agree. According to another report the majority roaches 20t r more. It Is evident that the official retruns, which will be publinhed In The Herald next week, will at lenst show a majority, and no doubt a fairly large majority In proportion to the total vote of the county. GHADRQH NORMAL NOTES Chsdron, Nebr.. Nov. 4 The sen ior cIhbb observed & very lute.rostlng liinnuape loHHon Friday. The room was decorated with Jack-o'-lanterns and witches and the children recited Hallowe'en poems. Meetlnpu were helJ by members of the various cluM.m and ollu-r or ganizations hint Friday for the pur pose of deciding on the nature of their exhibit for the circus, Novem ber 13. Basketball Is now being discussed among the girls, and It Is hoped that practice will start next week. There la no reason why we should not be able to have two or three good teams this year. Beatrice Schenck in in (J race hos pital, Kansas City, where she has un dergone an operation. At last re port she was doing nicely, a fact her many friends among students and faculty are very glad to hear. A social that was to be given on November 6 at the Congregational church was changed to November 3, so that students who are planning to go home during the vacation will be able to attend. The fifth grade geography class have made a special atudy of coffee. Study wus made of its cultivation, preparation for market, etc. Stories were then written about coffee. Miss Smith has charge of the class. The llfth and sixth grades had a Hallowe'en party Friday afternoon. The girls of the room did the decor ating and the boys furnished the JacK-o'-lanterns. Hallowe'en stories which the pupils had written in the language classes were read. The members of the Becond year bookkeeping class are beginning their intercommunication business practice this week. This comprises correspondence work with students of other schools. A lively interest la this work Is being manifested. The Boys and Girls Club in Mrs. Hustln's room presented a Hallowe' en program Friday afternoon. The decorations were appropriate for the season. Jack-o'-lanterns, witches, owls and black cat. The progra r. consisted of witch poems from Whit 'tier ami pictures with a maple lan tern. j The ohiRHes of 'Ifl and '17 have I reserved seats for chapel and these sections, in addition to the one fef : ected by the class of '15, Include ' most of the seat ing space of the cha pel. To the under classmen, they have left only the front rows and an occasional chair placed in the side alslo. Miss Delzell and Mrs. Hunt In are attending the state teachers associa tion at Omaha the first week in Nov ember. Their rooms will be in charge of the practice teachers lur lm their absence. Miss Helzell will be fcone one week, and Mrs. Rustln will be absent two weeks vislthiv; in L.ncoln and Otu.ha schools. Don't forget the fun you had at l.t.at year's circus, and bring your friends alon;? tc. join the students In an evening of merriment. The stunts put on and lie good things to eat will far excel those of last year. Re member the date, and keep it open for the circus, November 13. PREACHED ON SAFETY FIRST Sermon PreAched by Ilakernfleld lMv ln Wan Head at Alliance Safe ty Meeting nil Oct. 2tli Card of Thanktt To my friends and voters of Box Butte county: I extenn my sincere thanks for the success of my re-election for County Treasurer. Respectfully yours, E. M. MARTIN. Can! of Thank To the many friends and voters of Box Butte county who assisted in my I re-election : I wish to extend to you my sincere thanks. CALVI NHASIIMAN. Card of Thanks I wish to thank my many friends for their loyal support during my campaign for the office of sheriff of Box Butte county and desire to say that I greatly appreciate their as sistance. CAL COX. OLD HICKORY CHIPS Gen. French not only wants to fight the battles but to write them up afterward. Col. Roosevelt's newest feat of po litical rough riding la of course a ' success. The "Safety First" meeting of the Alliance division of the Burlington was held In Alliance Wednesday, Oc tober 28. At this meeting a sermon preached on September 27 by Rev. James R. West, at Bakersfleld, Calif., was read. Rev. West is pastor of the Fir Tnptlst church at BakerB fleld and lit "Sal- y 1 .rst" srevlce was attei !". by L. ilreds of wor shippers. Rev. V : ild I: part: Front tune back when this "Safe ty First" movement was brought to my attention It has Interested me greatly and since I have come to know more about It, it interests me more still. At the bottom it stands for this principle: Life is of more value than money or property, or anything else, and the first consider ation should not be money, should not be pleasure, should not be prof It, but "safety" to life and limb. Now that principle is a safe physical principle and it is an equally good and safe moral and spiritual princi ple. ThlB movement for safety, like Topsy, Just "growed", and now it is so great that It Is the slogan of every up-to-date railroad and steamship company In the land. It is the slo gan of every great city In the land that is spending time and dollars for sanitation to clear the rivers of In fectious diseases. It. is the slogan of every up-to-date concern where ma chinery is involved and where hum an life and safety is concerned. One' Company's Record I have been delighted and surpris ed to see how much in earnest the railroad company and some of these other concerns are for the safety of their employes, and the safety of the public. In the promotion of safety It is interesting to me to note that the companies have suggestions lorid the line of safety, and that the Southern Pacific in the year lit 1.3 had 2607 Just such suggestions. To show you how it has grown, in the year 1914 there were 4013 sugges tions turned in. I have a whole book of safety suggestions that are printed and distributed among riai- road employes. You can see from this, expending as the Southern Pa cific dots, for example, as much as 00 every day for the promotion of safety, that they are tremendously In earnest, about this matter and the safety of their employes and safety of the public. Now don't you think that inasmuch as they are doing this we should give them our co-openi-tion? A CroMdim Suggestion Now let's see, this crossing busi ness. An observation in ivia anow- ed that 69 per cent of the people coming to crossings looked neither to the right nor left; that 2.7 per cent looked in only one direction and that 27 per cent looked In both direc tions, and still a little bit lower fig ures for horse drawn vehicles; and only 3! people out of 1000 stopped, and looked and listened in order to be certain. Whenever I come up to a railroad and I hope I am prepar ed to die I alwaya try to think of three things. One is that the train cannot go around me; that they would have to install a side track for It to get around me, but I can get around the train because I am blessed with an automatic running gear that is more adjustable than the train. The train, I always re member, has to stick to the track, and I don't have to stick to the track. And I don't want to be mash ed on the track either, and I am not going to be If I keep my senses. Then I always try to remember that a train is u great big affair and that It takes it some time to get under way and Bome time to stop. But when I come against an emergency signal it is astonishing how quickly I can stop. SURPRISES MANY IN ALLIANCE The QUICK action of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-l-ka, the remedy which be came famous by curing appendicitis, is surprising Alliance people. Many have found that this simple remedy drains so much foul matter from the system that A SINGLE DOSE re lieves constipation, soiir stomach and gas on the stomach almost IMMEDI ATELY. Adler-i-ka is the most thor ouch bowel cleanser ever sold. H. Thlele, Druggist. adv-nov 5-4 089 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ItATF.JIi The eharira for both regu lar and special editions is lc per word per Insertion, six words to the line. Advertisers so desiring- may have an swera to their advertisement address ed to u box number, cars of The Her ald. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts are measured by the lino, not by the word. N.B. Tho Herald cannot be respon sible for more than one wrong Inser tion due to typographical error. No claim for error can be allowed after the 10th of the following month. Any advertisement Inserted to run until forbidden must be stopped by written order. FOR SALT? fix lots and seven-room house with windmill and out-buildings, In liuncan'a Addition, l'rice, 11200 cash. Address A. K. Judson, Hall Hotel, I)en ver. Colo. 46-2t-4144 WAtfTrcn aiTt'ATiow WORK WANTKI) Man and wife it.) Kti'nriv work on rnnrh. "nM 840. NELSON J. L -RANGER as Hans Hanson with the Hans Hansen Co. PHELAN Ol'KRA HOUSE Thursday Nov. 12 PRICES 25-50-75 FUIl 9ALK LANDS Homestead Land In Moffat Co.. Colo. Ideal conditions. Send 25c for descriptive circular. JltKKN & OWNKNS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Craig, Colo. 4149-oct2!-2tt KOR SALE or TRADK for Box Butte County property or live stock: QAarter section or nne rarmlng land nine miles from county seat town. Texas County. Oklahoma. Address Box 1165. Alli ance, Nebr. 2-9t-4037f LAND TO Til A OK T have 160 acres. 3V4 miles from Bay ard, under the Tri-Stnte canal, to trade or linx Ilutte county land. J. C. McCOUKLE. Alliance. Nebr. 12-tf-3276 KO II S A 1,10 J I St JILL A lOOl'S FOR SALE One Maxwell automor 1!I. In bi'Ht condition. Made for dur ability. Just the machine you wont for service. At a bargain. Price $325. M. 8. Shull, Central Cafe. ST. MATTHKWS ClirKCH Sunday, Kovemlier 8 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Morning prayer and ser mon. 7:30 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon. Subjects: Morning, "The Ameri can King": evening. "The Judge." Mondays and Wednesdays. Roys Club, at 7:30. Wednesday. Guild at 2:30. Thursday, Bazaar opens at 2:30. Supper from 5:30. Dean A. Thorold Eller, Rector Don't Delay Treating Your Cough A slight cough often becomes, r- ious. Lungs get congested. Bronchial Tubes fill with mucous. Your vital ity Is reduced. You need Dr. Bell's I'ine-Tar-Honey. It soothes your ir ritated air passages, loosens mucous and makes your system resist Colds Give the Baby and Children Dr. Bella I'ine-Tar-Honey. It s guaranteed to help them. Only 25c, at your drug Kiat. 48-41-4029 NOTICE Lunette Rockey Saving left wj bed and board, I will not be respon sible for debts contracted by her. CAUL ROCKEY. 4187-48-2t HKI.P WANTKI) MAI.K Wanted Traveler: Ak- 27 to f.ft. Ex- )t-rlc!u-e utiiiiLi KHury. Salary, i-o.nmls- ion and -xp line allow-fine- to right a;m. .1. K. McJIrady, Chicago. U-4I24I Ofllce Safe for siilo. Good size: cheap. . I-'. I-'aiu-hi-r, at pool hull, 200 linx -mo v.-.. r.tfmt FOR SALE OR KENT Six room linuni'. All new bath uxlurea. Cnod lo cation. Phone 515 or 80. A. L. Gregg. 1tf40K2 FOR SAL.10 Six mares and three colts for sale cheap. Inquire of Simon Snrv AU'nnee N-br 44tf FOR SAL.K Flourishing restaurant and bakery business in prosperous town of 5,000 people. (Small amount of cash will handle the deal. Present own er has been in business seven years. Kstablished. Paying, good profit. In vestigate. Address pox 3996. care Her ald, Alliance, Nebr. 41tfS!Htfi Rowan & Wright, coal, wood posts. Phone 71. and SF.K Mils. FO.V for Halm of Figs and Live and Let L.ive. 4H.4t-40fi3$ Tborobtcd saddle horse for sale cheap. I'hone 340 or call at The Her ald nfflec. l(!4-tf-4410 FOIl It KMT IIOtK9 FOR RKNT A large house. Can be arranged for two fumiiius. See George Hills or call phone 165. FOR RKNT ROOMS FURNISHED ROOMS for renTinTr?- vale residence. Phone 454. if"" FURNISHF.l) ROOMS With or with out meals. One room suitable for stud ents or working girls for light house- Keeping. Also nam for rent. 40H Sweetwater. Phone 176. 4t4t-45-1t FOR KENT BLSINKSS PROPERTY FOR UKNT. BUSINKSS LOCATION Two rooms In The Herald Building on Ilox Dutte Avenue. Fine location for email buainesa. Rent reasonable. Light, clean. I'hone 340 or call at The Herald office. 4fitf4128 PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK I make a specialty of developing Alms and printing first-class pictures from them. Have a high class camera and outfit and will take pictures at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guar anteed. Phone Black 451. J4tf3S60 JORDAN ROBINSON. MISCELLAW KOITS Plan Tvnlng In Alliance two weeka prepared to tak care of all work. Phone 352. novl-2t Minora Not Allowed Minors are not allowed in the Mis sion Pool Hall. Curry & Mappa, Pro ii'1"'"" 7-tf-4in WANTED Washing hour Pbnne 179. to do by the 1t$ Money to loan on real estate. tf V. K. REDDISH. Rowan & Wright, coal, wood posts. Phone 71. and SiOO IlKWARD for best motion picture plots by ama teurs. Not a school. Particulars for stamp. Photoplay Bureau, Fulton, Mo. 4X-lt-41X Rowan & Wright, posts. Phone 71. coal, wood and Regular Da sees Friday Night I have started giving dancea at the Gadsby Hall every Friday evening. In struction In dancing la given from 8:30 to 9:30 o'clock. Dancing starts at 9:30 o'clock and lasta until 12. Orchestra in attendance. MRS. J. T. WIKER. 4Stf4064 Serial No. 016779. Notice for lnlilletloi Isolated Tract PUBLIC LAND SALIC Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Olfice at Alliance, Nebr., Oct. 8. 1914. NOT1CK is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land OIHce, under provisions of Acta of Congress approved June 27, 190H (34 Statu., 617), and March 2. 1907 (34 Stain.. 1224), pursuant to the application of John Dougherty, Serial No. 01C779. we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3.0(1 per acre, at 9 o'clock a. in., on the fcth day of December next, at this office, the following tract of land: S 8I3.; Si, SW4 of Section 24. T. 23 N.. It. 45 W.. 6th P. M. Any persons claiming adversely the &bove-de.-ribed land are advised to file their claim, or oljectlons. on or be fore the time designated for sale. W. W. WOOD. Register. H. J. F.LL1S, Receiver. 47-7t-fHS-41V7 Nolle to Kon-lteaildrot Defendant The defendant. Globe Investment Company, will lake notica that on the lit Ui day of August, 1914. Granville M. Burns, tho plaintiff, filed hia petition In the District Court of Box Butte County. Nebraska, against it, the aaid. J: t r n n n rv n BAKING POWDER amiiwmmmtaatmamanwmn ,ti t I in ill isms i limMMOHI in i in wi We are Exclusive Agents In Alliance for O O I ... COAL ... The Coal that always gives Absolute Satisfaction WE ALSO SELL Ice, Feed, Gas, Coal OH and Lubricating Oil J. H. VAUGHN & SON 213 Ilox Ilutte Ave. Phone 5. National Canned Goods Week Novembar 2-7 Buy Your Canned Goods at Mallery's ' Fire Sale The appearance of the goods is slightly damaged by smoke Bring your pocketbook and see how much we can save you flallery Grocery Company Special Engagement OPERA HOUSE AN ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED ATTRACTION Jas. T. MeAlpla'a Great Swedish Comedy Drama HANS HANSON ONE NIGHT ONLY THURSDAY, NOV. 12 A Superb Band and Orchestra rot of Special tl Flo Special Seeaery ONCH SEEN. NEVER FOllGOTTEN 5 iti at Halsten's Prices 25c, 50c, 75c defendant, the object and prayer of which 1m to have declared paid and sat isfied of record a certain indenture of ; mortgage dated epteniDer zutn, for the sum of $460.00. due in 6 years after date, and recorded on the Jllh day of September, IS8H. in Book 8, at pake 304. of the mortKaife records of said county of Box Butte, said mort gage helm; on Lots One (1) and Two (2) , and the South half Northeast Quarter (S1 NIC) of Sectiou Three (3) , Township Twenty-six (20), North of Range Fifty (B0). West of the 6th Principal Meridian. Box Butte County, State of Nebraska; also that the title to said premises be quieted in the plaintiff against said defendant and that said defendant and its grantees AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE I offer for sale at a reasonable prloe uard Cord Touriaa; Car la ttrst rlsJM eoodltlosi. Completely equipped. WARD B. NORTON be excluded from all interest thernia. You are required to answer aaid pe tition on or before the 14th day of De cember, 1914. Dated November Znd, A. D.. 1911. GRANVILLE M. BURNS. 48-6t-622-4m l'lauitiff.