The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 15, 1914, Image 6

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    Presto Changing Eggs Into Fruit
By Gross
-Ivjffa The kMp Ai Juicer, ci Au
TWO EcPsLHokuS PoK'us
Now vie -HAVe; A PAi(? fM'tfeV
ClCMtTaS rJi - rin I ft (CrC M
16 8E SHOT
66 1 PPLT.
at sum Rise
ri ;rrr n
i ...... -.j, i.
Get the
rWrHary of Stat AoMIUmi Wait fur
nl oh iv Fact which t-Jverr Vot
er Should Ktanw About
. AddlBon Walt, secretary of state,
has furnished Tbe Herald with the
following Information regarding the
fall election:
To be held Tuesday, Nofember 3.
Tolls open at 8 o'clock, a. m., and
close at 6 o'clock, p. m. All voters
residing In Omaha and Lincoln roust
register this year. Ite-Risl ration days,
Tuesdny October 6 autl Saturday Oc
tober 24. Polls open 8 o'clock a.
m close 9 o'clock p. ni. In cities of
700 to 25000 voter who have
hanged residence nlno last election
should register with City Clerk. No
fee charged for registration. A voter
must have resided six months in tbe
state, forty days in the county and
ten days In the precinct, township or
ward. There will he four ballots
Ihis year, viz: General IClectlon bal
lot, non-partisan Judiciary. Univer
sity Location and voting by mail.
Four New Propositions under the In
itiative and Referendum are to be
voted on, viz: Workmen's Compen
sation and Employer's Liability Act.
Memorial Armory at Nebraska City.
Kqual Suffrage for Women and Uni
versity Location. Hvery elector
should vote on all thcao propositions
1b order to definitely settle them. It
requires 35 percent of the total vote
In favor of these propositions to car
ry them. Go to the polls early as
the ballot is lengthy and requires
time and study while in the voting
MuhIc, Art and Urania
The older our country Rets the
more leisure the young folks have to
acquire culture. Their begin to un
derstand music and to talk about pic
tures and paintings, and to discuss
the drama. Children learn some
thing about these subjects now in the
grade schools, while tliey are learn
ing how to spell and even though
they do not go to high school and
college they like to be able to talk
Intelligently with other educated
people about such subjects.
After all, we get most of our edu
cation out of reading. The better
class of magazines contain as much
culture as the better class of colleg
es, Several of the magazines we of
fer, such as Today's Magazine, Wo
man's World, Gentlewoman and
Home Life, for instance, are all lib
eral educators. They stand for cul
ture. If you never took these splendid
magazines before you ought to take
at least one of them this year in our
big club offer, because you can get It
at an unprecedented bargain.
Kafcblowerw Tear liar from a Hear
Window, Blow Safe and get
Away with llig Haul
Safeblowers entered the rear of
tbe postofflce building at Mullen last
Thursday night, October 1, blew the
postoSlce safe and secured cash,
tamps and money orders worth sev
ral hundred dollars. Two men,
who were seen near the town on
Thursday, are believed to have com
mitted the deed. The rear window
had been barred. The bars were
twisted off:
The work is believed to have been
done by expert safeblowers. from
the appearance of the room and the
damaged safe. Blankets had beeu
Nsed to deaden the Bound of tbe ex
plosion and no one in the town knew
of it until early morning. Tracks of
horses were found ruutrbr and fol
lowed in the sand for some distance,
but finally lost. 1'ostoHice depart
ment detectives are working on the
Ihi You Italse Vt'KotubloM?
"A kitchen garden is half a liv
ing." they say, and even if you do
not raise vegetables for the market
you are interested in the remarkable
successes made by garduers and
truck farmers by applying new sci
entific processes to their work.
There is an immense profit in the
profitable cultivation of vegetables,
whether you eat them or sell them.
Canning factories and city markets
are demanding more and more vege
tables to feed the large percentage
of population in big cities who have
no room to raise eve a hill of pota
toes. . Whether you farm ar whether you
have only a tiny garden on your back
lot we advise you to try a new plan
next year, and follow the suggestions
made in "The Vegetable Grower,"
the new monthly devoted especially
to the culture of garden truck.
The regular price of this magazine
is fifty cents a year, but we will send
it to you, with two other magazines
and our own paper all for only $1.75
a year tbe biggest bargain in read
ing matter ever offered.
UATKfti The charge for both regu
lar and special editions is lc per word
per Insertion, six words to the line.
Advertisers so desiring may have an
swer to their advertlHement address
ed to a box number, care of The Her
ald. Advert Iscmenta charged to patrons
having accounts are measured by the
line, not by the word.
NR. The Herald cannot be respon
sible, for more than one wrong Inser
tion due to typographical error. No
claim for error can be allowed after
tbe 10th of the following month. Any
advertisement Inserted to run until
forbidden must be stopped by written
moi:y six per cent momov
I,oan may be obtained for any pur
pose on arceptable Heal Kstate secur
ity; liberal privileges; correspondence
solicited. A. C. Agency Company, 78
Gas-Electric Rldg.. lenver, Col. 416
fierce Blrig., St. Ixmls.
LOST From section 3fi, township 22.
range 45, one red bull, branded Kltlt
on right side. Two years old. Howard
for recovery. 8. E. Hollers, Mumper.
Nebr. 43-M-3s41$
V tVl l .l
WORK XVANTED Man and wife
want steady work nn ranch Cull 34(1.
hem WANTED M.1.15
Ascents wanted: To sell Accident and
Health Insurance in Nebraska and
South Dakota. Easy to sell. Liberal
contract. Address Mutual Benefit
Health Ai Accident Association, Omaha,
Nebraska. 42-2t-402H
r'lllt SALE I. AMIS
FOlTTsALK or TltADU for Box Butte
County property or live stork: Quarter
section of tine farming land nine miles
from county seat town, Texas County,
Oklahoma. Address llox 1165, Alli
ance, Nebr.
I have 160 acres, 3'4 miles from May
ard, under the Tri-State canal, to trade
for Jtox llutte county land.
J. C. McColiKLK, Alliance, Nebr.
house. Good location. 1'hone 545, A.
I, (IrPBK. 43tM0SI
FOH SALK Six mares and three
colts for sale cheap. Inquire of Simon
Sow. Alliance. Nelir, 44tf
FOH SALE Flourishing restaurant
and bakery business In prosperous
town of 5.000 people. Small amount of
cash will handle the deal, i'resent own
er has been In business seven years.
Established. Paying good profit. In
vestigate. Address llox 3!I6, care Her
ald, Alliance, Nebr.
4 1 1 f :t!i!i
Ituwtn & Wright, coal, wood and
posts. I'hune 71.
SEE MR. FOX for Halm of Figs and
Live, and Let Live.
Tborobred saddle horse for sale
cheap. I'hune 340 or call at The ller
hH office. 164-tf-4410
nioTouuAriuc hohk
I make a specialty of developing
films and printing tlrst-clnss pictures
front them. Have a high class camera
and outnt and will take pictures at
reasonable prices. Satisfaction guar
anteed, rhone lilack 451.
.VllSi El.l.AftKOI S
When you build that new house or
barn gel your building materials at
the Forest Lumber Company. 29tf
Get your Peacock coal from the For
est Lumber Company, 29tf
Money to loan on real estate.
Posts of all kinds for sale at the
Forest Lumber Company. IDtf
Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and
posta. Phone 71.
Huy your lumber from the Forest
Lumber Company. 2tf
Rowan A Wright, coal, wood and
posts. Phone 71.
Regular Da a res Friday Night
I have started giving dances at the
Oadsby Hall every Friday evening. In
struction in dancing la given from 8:30
to 9:30 o'clock. Dancing starts at 9:30
o'clock and lasts until 12. Orchestra
In attendance. MRS. J. T. WIKER.
TAKEN UP in my pasture. Sept. 18.
four mares, three colts. Owner call and
pay all charges. J. R. I'll ELAN.
TeilaTN'o? 0 1 3 40"j-
JSollce for Publication
Department of the Interior. V. S. Land
iWtee at Alliance. Nebr., Sept. 30, 1914.
NOTICE, is hereby given that Clyde
. Clinton, of Alliance, Nebraska, who,
la April 22, 1911. made Homestead En
try, No, 01340li, for W St SE'.,. SW'W,
3ec. 26: Ei SID Sec. 27; NKV,
dec. 34: WS NVV't, Sec. 35. Township
North, Hange 51 W. of 6lh Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
10 make Final Three Year I'roof, to
atab)ish claim to tbe land above des
cribed, before Hegister and Receiver,
U. 8. Land Olllce, at Alliance, Nebr., on
the 20ih day of Nov., 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: George
'J. Burke. Albert Underwood. John A.
Lore. Rertrum H. Clinton, all or Alli
uice, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
Jerlal No. 013506.
Kotle for I'oblleatlon
Deartment of the Interior. U. S. Ijtnd
IHlce at Alliance. Nebr., Sept. 11, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that Irvin
IC. White, of Lakeside, Nebr., who, on
Way 18. 1911, made Homestead Entry.
No. 013506, for N, E4 SVV'W Sec. 5;
NE'4. WV SEV Sec. 6. Township 23
North. Range 43 XV. of 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
fo make Final Three Year I'roof. to es
tablish claim to the lund above de.
bribed, before Register and Receiver,
P. S. Laini olfice, at Alliance. Nebr., on
the 80th duy of October. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: II. J.
Wilson. Charlie. Letnols, C. E. Wilson,
a. M. Wilson, all of Lakeside. Nebr.
VV. XV. WOOD. Hegister.
'"elaTNo. 01490.
tfetlce for Publication Isolated Tract
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land
v)iT)ce at Alliance, Nebr., Aug. 29, 1914.
NOTICE Is hereby given that, aa di
rected by the commissioner of the Gen
ral Land Office, under provisions of
lets of Congress approved June 27,
1906 (34 Stats., 517), and March 2, 1907
.14 Stats., 1224), pursuant to the appli
cation of Charles K. Phillips, Serial
No. 014904. we will offer at public sale,
to the highest bidder, but at not less
than 13.00 per acre, at 9 o'clock a, m.,
in the 27th day of October next, at
ihls ofnee, the following tract of land:
Wtt NE4 of Section IN. In Township
37 North of Hange 4i West of 6th V.
ML In Nebraska.
This tract Is ordered Into the mar
ket on a showing that the greater por
tion thereof is mountainous or too
rough for cultivation.
Any persons claiming adversely the
ibove-desci ibed land are advised to tile
their claims, or objections, on or be
fore the time designated for sale.
W. W. WOOD, Heglstcr.
H. J. ELLIS. Heceivcr.
Serial No. 010174.
Kollee for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. R. Lnnd
Olllce at Alliance, Nebr., Sept. 11, 1914.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Mary
Kckman, formerly Mary Hauer, of Al
liance, Nebraska, who, on Oct. 2N. 1909.
nade Homestead Entry, No. 010174 for
SE'4. S'j SW'i Sec. 17: SE4
Hec. IS; NE4, NW!, SEi; Sec. 19; N't
N Vii NE'.t Sec. 2(1, Township 2fi
North, Hance 45 W. of 6th Principal
Meridian, has tiled notice of intention
to make Final Three Year I'roof, to es
tablish claim lo the land above des
cribed, before Hegister and Heeetver,
V. B. Land Olllce. ut Alliance, Nebras
ka, on the 29th day of Oct. 1914.
Claimant names us witnesses: Frank
IB. Jesse, of Alliance, Nebr.; John Snod
ly, of Alliance, Nebr.; Eugene E.
Thompson, of Antioch, Nebr.; W. 11.
lioness, of Antioch, Nebr.
W. W. WOOD. Heglster.
Serial No. 015545.
Notice fur PubllraOon
Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land
Office at Alliance. Nebr., Sept. 11, 1914.
NOTICH is hereby given that Wll
,1am O. Iieach, of Cokedale, Colo., heir
it Simeon D. Leach, deceased, who, on
July 27, 1913, made Homestead Entry,
No. 015545. for SEi SEVi Sec. 23; E'A
4ec 26; SE14 SEW Sec. 27; NVx NEU,
NV NWIi, SE NW14 Sec. 36. Town
hlp 22 North. Hange 44 W. of 6th
Principal Meridian, has filed notice of
ntentlon to make Final Soldier's Three
Year- I'roof, to establish claim to the
and above described, before Hegister
ind Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the 16th day of
Nov. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: Perry
C. Honach. of l'awlet, Nebr.; Melvin
tf. Hale, of l'awlet, Nebr.; Fred Keller,
it Antioch, Nebr.; Frank 11. Johnston,
f Antioch, Nebr.
W. W. WOOD. Hegister.
Jerlal No. 013240.
Kotire for I'ulilleatlnn
department of the Interior. U. 8. Land
)fflce at Alliance. Nebr.,' Sept. 18, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that XV II
,1am F. Cole, of Alliance, Nebr., who,
n March 25, 1911, made Homestead
tfntry, No. 013240, for S'i NWVi. SVVV4.
WV4 SEVi. Sec. 29: SEU NEVi, Sec. 31;
Vi NWVi. SWIi NWV. Sec. 32. Town
ihlp 26 North, Hange 45 VV. of 6th
Principal Meridian, has filed notice of
ntentlon to make Final Three Year
i'roof, to establish claim to the land
Wove described, before Hegister and
Receiver. V. S. Iand Office, at Alliance.
: Nebraska, on the 5th day of Nov. 1914.
I Claimant names as witnesses: Her
man Krause, of Long Lake, Nebr.;
Thomas liriggs, of Antioch, Nebr.;
Itart liaumgardner. of Long Lake, Ne
br.; Elmer Shanks, of Long Luke, Neb.
W. W. WOOD, Hegister.
Serial No. 012834.
ftotlre for Piiblleatlon
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land
Olllce at Alliance. Nebr., Sept. 30. 1914.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Harriet
E. Clinton, of Alliance. Nebr., who, on
Dec. 31, 1910, made Homestead Entry,
No. 012831, for SWVi SEVi. S4 SWVi.
Sec. 25: SKi4 SEVi Sec. 26; E'i NWVt.
EV SWVi. Ett Sec. 35. Township 24
North, Hange 61 W. of 6th Principal
Meridian, has tiled notice of intention
to make Final Three Year I'roof. to es
tablish claim to the land above des
cribed, before Register and Receiver,
11. 8. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebr., on
the 20th day of Nov., 1914.
Claimant names aa witnesses: George
G. Burke, Albert Underwood, John A.
Lore, Bertram R. Clinton, all of Alli
ance, Nebr.
W. XV. WOOD. Register.
Serial No. 07011.
Net Ire for Pablleatlon -
Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land
Office at Alliance, Nebr.. Aug. 27. 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that John
M. Underwood, heir of Sadie Under
wood deceased, of Alliance, Nebr.. who,
on Feb. 21, 1908, made Homestead En
try No. 13004, Serial No. 07011, for Lots
4 and 5. Sec. 6, Township 23 N., Range
49 W.; Lots 3 and 4, Sec. 31, Township
24 N.. Range 49 W., and E. E', NVV.
N E V SVV Sec. I. Township 23 North,
Range 50 XV. of 6th Principal Meridian,
has- tiled notice of intention to make
Final Five Year I'roof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Hegister and Receiver, U. S. Land
Olllce, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the
23rd day of Oct.. 1914.
Claimant names aa witnesses: Elmer
L Marsh. Cde C. Coker. Perry S.
Mailey, William S. Coker, all or Alli
ance. Nebraska.
W. XV. XVOOD. Register.
Serial No. 012234.
Seller for Publication
Department or the Interior, I. S. Iand
Olfice at Alliance. Nebr.. Aug. 25. 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that Jesse
E. Mitchell, or Lakeside, Nebraska,
who, on August 20. 1910, made Home
stead Entry, No. 012234, for XV V SE'i.
SWVi. SVVV NWVi. Sec. 1. SEV S"c. 2.
N'i NEVi Sec. 11. NVs NW'.,, NW V,
N E 4 . See. 13. Township 22 Ninth.
Hange 44 W. or 6th Prim: kal Meridian,
has hied notice or intention to make
Final Three Year I'roof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Register and Receiver. V. S. Land
Office, at Alliance. Nebraska, on the
19lh day of Oct.. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: Ora
E. Black, of Ellsworth. Nebr.; William
P. Trester. of Lakeside, Nebr.; Albert
11. Trester, of Lakeside, Nebr.; Ray A.
Westover, of lakeside, Nebr.
XV. W. XVOOD, Register.
Serial No. 013869.
otire for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land
Office at Alliance, Nebr., Sept. 16, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby givm that John
It. Ramsey, of Paw let, Nebr., who, on
August 16. 1911, made Homestead En
try, No. 013869. for SWVi Sec. 29, SEVi
NEVi. E4 SEVi Sec. 30, N NEVi Sec.
31. NWVi NWVi Sec. 32. Township 22
North, Range 44 W. of 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention
to make Final Three Year I'roof, to es
tablish claim to the land above des
cribed, before Register and Receiver,
U. 8. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebras
ka, on the 9th day of Nov., 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: Frank
DcFranee. of Pawlet, Nebr.; Charles It. I
Tully, or Alliance, Nebr.; Fred Moll
ring, of Alliance, Nebr.; William Mc
Laughlin, of Pawlet, Nebr. .
XV. XV. XVOOD, Register.
Serial No. 013412.
Notice for Pablleatlon
Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land
Olllce at Alliance, Nobr., Aug. 25, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that Mitch
ell A. Longan, of Lakeside, Nebraska,
who. on April 19. 1911, made Home
stead Entry, No. 013412, for NWVi Sc
4; EV NEVi. Sec. 6, T. 22 N. : SEVi SE
Vi Sec. 32, and S',4 NWVi, NWVi SEVi,
SWVi Sec. 33, Township 2.1 North,
Range 41 W. of 6th Principal Meridian,
has tiled notice of Intention to make
Final Three Year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Register and Receiver. U. S. Land
office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the
2'itb day of Oct., 1914. 1
Claimant names as witnesses: Forest '
II. Allen, of Lakeside., Nebr.; leorg
Morgan, of Iakeside, Nebr.; Herbert
E. Douglas, of Orlando, Nebr.; Frank
Del'rancc, of Lakeside, Nebr.
XV. XV. XVOOD, Register.
Serial No. 0I2C98.
Notice for Publication
Deportment of the Interior. U. S. Lnnd
O.'lice at Alliance, Nebr., Sept. 2t. 1914.1
kotiuw is hereby given that XValter
J. Overton, or Alliance, Nebraska, who,
on Dec. 31. 1910. made Homestead En
try No. 012C9H. for SE'i SEVi Sec. 28,
SVVV, SWV Sec. 2", XV XV 1 Sec. 34,
E'i. E4 SW'i Sec. 33, Township 23
North, Range 48 VV. of 6th Principal
Meridian, has tiled notice or Intention
to make Final Three X'ear Proof, to
establish claim to the land above des
cribed, before Register and Receiver,
U. S. Land Office, at Alliance. Nebraska,
on the 11th day of Nov. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: Martin
L. Anderson, of Alliance, Nebr.; Harry
Smith, or Alliance, Nebr.; H. J. Main, I
or Alliance, Nebr.; Phil Putman, of
Lynn, Nebraska.
XV. W. XVOOD, Hegister.
Legal Notice
Mary A. Jahnkee, and August Jahn
kee, her husband, Matilda J. Peterson,
widow, P. 11. Rcnswold, Rosa Scherrer,
widow, Ada Swengel and John J.
Swengel, her husband, Pauline S. Bab
bitt and Harry 11. Rabbitt, her hus
band, Louis O. Olson, Jane Olson, his
wife, real and true name unknown,
George B. Olson, Inger Olson, his wife,
and John Olson, single, and the un
known heirs of Peter S. Olson, deceas
ed, defendants: will take notice that
on the 12th day of September, 1914,
Louise E. Rcnswold, Plaintiff herein,
filed her petition in the District Court
of Box Butte County, Nebraska, a
gainst the following named defend
ants: Mary A. Juhnkee and August
Jahnkee, her husband. Matilda J. Pet
erson, widow, P. H. Renswold, Rosa
Scherrer, widow, Ada Swengel and John
.1. Swengel, her husband, Pauline S.
Babbitt and Harry H. Rabbitt, her
husband, Louis O. Olson, Jane Olson,
his wife, teal and true nume unknown,
George B. Olson and Inger Olson, bis
wife, John Olson, single, and the un
known heirs of Peter S. Olson, deceas
ed: the object and prayer of which is
to Partition the following described
premises: Lot One (1) in Block six (6)
of the original town of Alliance. Box
Butte County, Nebraska. East half of
the South West quarter and Lots num
bered three (3) and four (4) of Section
seven (7) or Township twenty-rour
(21) North or Range forty-nine (49)
West of the 6th 1'. M. Lot One (I)
North East (Juarter of the North West
Quurtcr and North Hair or the North
Eust Quarter or Section eighteen (18)
In Township twenty-rour (24) North of
Range forty-nine (49) west of the 6th
P. M.. all or the above described prem
ises being in Box Butte County, Nebr
aska. North West Quarter of Section
thirty-one (31), Township thirty-four
(34) Range sixteen (16) west of the
6th P. M.. situated and being In Boyd
County, Nebraska; and the further ob
ject and prayer of said petition is to
cancel certain Deeds of record and to
quiet title in the following described
premises, to-wlt: South East Quarter of
Section ten (10) and the North East
Quarter of Section nineteen (19),
township twenty-rour (24), Range forty-nine
(49). west or the 6th P. M.. in
Box Butte County, Nebraska; in Oliver
li. Olson.
Said Defendants, Mary A. Jahnkee
and August Jahnkee. her husband. Ma
tilda J. Peterson, widow, P. H. Hens
wold. Rosa Scherrer, widow. Ada
Swengel and John J. Swengel, her hus
band. Pauline S. Rabbitt, and Harry II.
Rabbitt, her husband, Louis O. Olson,
Jane Olson, his wife, real and true
name unknown. George B. Olson and
Inger Olson, his wife, John Olson, sin
gle, and the unknown heirs of Peter
S. Olson, deceased, are required to an
swer said petition on or before the 2nd
day of November, 1914.
Dated this 17th duy of September,
By Eugene Burton, her Attorney.
Street Improvement Resolution
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and
City Council or the City or Alliance,
Nebraska, that street curbing be with
in thirty days from the publication or
this resolution constructed at and a
long the sides or all the streets and
avenues or parts thereof embraced
within street improvement district
number three or said City, and abutt
ing on and adjacent to the following
lots ami parcels of land, to-wlt:
Lots 3 to 10 Inclusive, County Addi
tion to City of Alliance, Nebraska:
l,ots 1 to 6 inclusive. Block 9, Second
Addition lo City of Alliance, Nebraska:
Lots 1 to 6 inclusive. Block 6, Second
Addition to City of Alliance, Nebraska;
l.ols 1 to 6 Inclusive, Block 2. First
Addition to City of Alliance, Nebraska;
Lota 10 to 18 inclusive. Block 3, Sec
ond County Addition to City of Alli
ance. Nebraska;
Lots 7 to 12 inclusive. Block 8. Sec
ond Addition to City of Alliance, Ne
braska; Lota 7 to 12 inclusive. Block 7, Sec
ond Addition to City of Alliance, Ne
braska; Lois 7 to 12 inclusive. Block 3, First
Addition lo City of Alliance, Nebraska;
Said street curbing to be laid in ac
cordance with the provisions of ordin
ance number 2u0 or said City and un
der the regulations of the Committee
ot the City Council on streets and al
leys. Said resolution was adopted by the
following vote, lo-wil: P. E. Romig,
yes: Geo. Fleming. ys; J. R. Snyder,
yes; XV. II. Swan, absent; and tbe same
wos upproved by Mayor A. D. Rodgeis.
Attest: GEO. F. SNYDER.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
40-4l-494-39!i7 .
Metier to Creditors
State of Nebraska,
Box Butte County, SB.
In the Matter of the Estate of Marls
Schwenk, Deceased.
I, L A. Berry, County Judge of Box
Butte county, Nebraska, hereby notify
all persons having claims and demands
against the estate of Marie Schwenk,
that I have set and appointed
the 8th day or May, 1915, at 10 o'clock
In the forenoon, at the County Court
room in Alliance for the examination
or all claims against the estate or said
decedent with a view to their allow
ance and payment.
All persons Interested as creditors of
the said estate will present their
claims to me at said time, or show
cause ror not so doing, and In case any
claims are not so presented by said
time they shall be rorever barred.
Thiassaotlce shall be served by publi
cation Thereof for four consecutive
weeks In the Alliance Herald, a news
paper published In Alliance, prior to
the day or hearing.
Given under my hand and the seal or
said court this 6th day of October, 1914.
(SEAL) County Judge.
4 i.i.r,ii'i-4''r1
Notice to Creditors
State of Nebraska,
Hiix llutte County, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob
Schwenk, Deceased.
I. L A. Berry, County Judge of Box
Butte county, Nebraska, hereby notify
ali persons having claims and demands
ngaiiiMt the estate of Jacob Schwenk,
that I have set and appointed
the Kth day of May, 1915, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon, nt the County Court
room in Alliance for the examination
of all claims the estate of said
decedent with a view to their allow
ance and payment.
All persons interested as creditors of
the said estate will present their
claims to me at said time, or show
cause for not so doing, and in case any
claims are not so presented by said
time they shall be forever barred.
This notice shall be served by publi
cation thereof for four consecutive
weeks in the Alliance Herald, u news
paper published in Alliance, prior to
the day of hearing.
Given under my hand and the seal of
said court this 6th day of October, 1914.
(SEAL) County Judge.
Not lee to Creditors
State of Nebraska, ,
Box Butte Countv, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of Kather-
ine Schwenk, Deceased.
I. L A. Berry. County Judge of Box
Butte county. Nebraska, hereby notify
all persons having claims and demands
against the estate of Katherlne Sch
wenk, that I have set and appointed
the 8th day or May. 1915, at 10 o'clock
in the rorenoon, nt the County Court
room in Alliance ror the examination
or all claims against the estate or said
decedent with a view to their allow
ance and payment.
All persons Interested as creditors of
the said estate will present their
claims lo me at said time, or show
cause ror not so doing, and In cose any
claims are not so presented by said
time they shall be rorever barred.
This notice shall be served by publi
cation thereof ror rour consecutive
weeks In the Alliance Herald, a news
paper published In Alliance, prior to
the day or hearing.
Given under my hand and the seal or
said court this 6th day of October. 1914.
(SEAL) County Judge.
4 1-it-r.i 1 -407
Howard Fulliton. No. 013263.
Notice for Publication
Department or the Interior. V. S. Ijtnd
ottlce nt Alliance, Nebr., Oct. 7, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that How
ard Fulliton. or Lakeside, Nebr., who,
on March 22. 1911. made Homestead
Entry. No. 013263. ror Ixits 4. 6. Sec. 6.
T. 22 N.. R. 43 W.; NEVi. Lots 3.4. SE
Vi NXVVi. Sec. 1; Iots 1. 2.3. S NE'4
Sec. 2. Township 22 North, Range 44
XV. or 6th Principal Meridian, has nied
notice or Intention to make Final
Three Year Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before Reg
ister and Receiver. U. S. Land Office, at
Alliance, Nebraska, on the 21st day of
Nov. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: Frank
DeFrance, F. R. Allen, Albert Abra
ham, M. A. Longan. atl of Lakeside. Ne
braska. W. XV. WOOD, Register.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the btate ot Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth In full, is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the general elec
tion to be held Tuesday, November rd.
A. D. 1914.
"FOR a Joint resolution to amend section
1 or Article 9 or the Constitution or the
State or Nebraska, relating to revenue.
Be it Resolved and Enacted by the People
or the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section 1 of Article
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska be amended to read us follows:
Sec. 1. The rules or taxation shall be
uniform as to any given class and taxes
shall be levied upon such properly as the
Legislature shull prescribe. Taxes may
also be imposed on incomes, privileges
ar.d occupations, which taxes may be
graduated and progressive and reasonable
exemptions may be provided. In addition
Jo those hereinafter specifically mentioned
In section 2 of this article.
Sec. 2. That at the general election in
November, 1914, there shall be submitted
to the electors of the state for their ap
proval or rejection the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution in the fol
lowing farm: "For amendment to the
Constitution- providing for uniform and
progressive taxation" and "against said
proposed amendment to Uie Constitution
providing for uniform and progressive
Approved, March 27. 1911.
I, Addison Walt. Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the Slate of Ne
braska Is a true and correct copy or the
original enrolled and engrossed bill, as
Eassed by the Thirty-third session of the
eglslature of tne Slate or Nebraska, as
appears from said original bill on Hie In
this office, and that said proposed amend
ment Is submitted to the qualified voters
of the Slate or Nebraska far their adop
tion or rejection at tbe general election
to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of
November. A. D. 1914.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of
the State or Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this 13rd day or March,
In the year of our l,ord, Due Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of the
Independence of the United States the
One Hundred and Thlrt v-eveiuit, and or
this Slate Uie Forty-seventh.
ISeal) ewe! slaty r Slats. I
The fallowing proposed amendment tm
the constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth In full, is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebsaa
ka, to be voted upon at the general es
41on to be held Tuesday, November 3rd.
A. D. 1914.
"FOR a joint resolution proposing amead
ments to Section 1, of Article V, a4
Section 24, of Article V. of the Consti
tution ot Nebraska, relating to term of
office and nalary ot Governor and otanr
executive officers.
Be it Resolved and Enacted by the People
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the general tectloo
for state and legislative otlices, to be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the first Moa
day In November. 1914, the following be
submitted as amendments to Section 1
and 24. of Article V, of the Constitution
of Nebraska:
Sec. 1. The executive department
shall consist of a Governor, who shall
hold his olfice for a term of two year
from the first Thursday after the first
Tuesday In January, next after his elec
tion, and until his successor Is elected aad
qualified. In addition to the Governor, the
executive department shall Include he
following officers: Lieutenant Governor,
Secretary or State. Auditor or Public .fc
counts. Treasurer. Superintendent or Pub
lic Instruction. Attorney General, and
Commissioner of Public Lands and Buikl
lngs. each of whom shall hold his ofllfee
for the term of two years trom the first
Thursday after the first Tuesday in Janu
ary, next after his election, and until Itwi
successor Is elected and qualified; Pro
vided, however, that the first election of
said officers shall be held on the Tuesday
succeeding the first Monday In November.
1916. and each succeeding election sfiaM
be held at the name rel.itive time In each
even year thereafter. The Governor, Sec
retary of Plate, Auditor of Public Ac
counts, and Treasurer shall reside at tfce
seat or government during their terms of
office, and keep the public records, bnotas
and papers there, and shall perform such
duties as ni.iv he equlred by law.
Sec. 24. The salary 6f the Governor
Shall be five thousand (15,000.00) do 1 tire
per annum. The salaries or Auditor of
Public accounts and Secretary or State,
Superintendent or Public Instruction and
Commissioner or Public Lands and Bulls! -Ings
shall be two thousand five hundred
(92,500.00) dollars each per annum, and of
the Attorney General, four thousand dol
lars 1 f 4,000.00) per annum, the salary, of
the State Treasurer shall be three thoa
sand ($.1. 000.00) dollars per annum, and tfce
Lieutenant Governor shall receive one aad
one-half the comaensatton of a seiiattk",
and after the adoption of this constitu
tion they shall not receive to their own
use any fees, costs, Interests upon pubao
moneys In their hands, or under their con
trol, perquisites of office or other com
pensation, and all fees that may hereafter
be payable by law for services performed
by an officer provided for In this art tele
or the constitution shall be paid In ad
vance Into the state treasury. There shall
he no allowance ror clerk hire In the of
fices of the Superintendent or Public In
struction and Attorney Geneml.
Sec. 2. That at said election on the
Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in
November, 1914. on the ballot or each
elector voting thereat, there shall be
printed or written the words: "For njp
posed amendments to the eonstltutrt,
fixing the term of office and salirv for
governor, and other executive officers."
and "Against proposed amendments to
the constitution, fixing the term of offtoe
and salary for governor, and other execu
tive officers."
Approved. April 21. 1913.
1. Addison XX'alt. Secretary or Stat. e
the Stale or Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the toregolng proposed amendment
to the Constitution or the Stale or Ne
braska Is a true and correct copy ot the
original enrolled and engrossed bill, aa
passed by the Thirty-third secston or tbe
Legislature or the State or Nebraska, as
appears rrom said original bill on file In
this cfttce. and that said proposed amend
ment Is submitted to the qualified voters
of the State or Nebraska far their adop
tion or rejection at the general electron
to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of
November, A. D. 1914.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of
the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this 23rd day of March.
In the year of our Iord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and or he
Independence of the United S.ates ai
One Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and 4T
this State the Forty-seventh.
(Seal) Secretary of State
Ths following proposed amendment
un constitution of Uie State of Nebnu
as hereinafter set forth In full. Is subn
ted to the electors at IK. ftr.t. n kiKi
ka, to be voted udob at the innin,! K
Uoa to be held Tuesday, November M.
, 1711,
"A Joint Resolution to amend Secteeet
six () of Article one (1) of the Oooatt
tutton or the State of Nebraska,
Be It Enacted by ths People of ths State
of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section six () ef
Article one (1) of the Constitution of ttxa
State of Nebraska be amended to read aa
Section S. The right of trial by Jury 1
shall remain inviolate; but In ail civO
esses and in criminal cases less than
felonies, five-sixths of the jury may
render a verdict and the Legislature
authorlxe trial by a jury of a less number
than twelve men la courts Inferior to Uie
district court
Sec. 2. That at the general election for
state and legislative officers to be held tat
the State of Nebraska on the first Tues
day after the first Monday In November
In 1914, there shall be printed upon tbe
ballot of each elector far his approval or
rejection the above and foregoing amend
ment In the fallowing farm: "For pro
posed amendment to the constitution pro
viding that in all civil cases and in crim
inal cases less than tetanies, five-sixths
ff the jury may render a verdict," and
Against the proposed amendment to the
Constitution provided that In all civU
cases and In criminal cases less than fsto
nles five-sixths of the Jury may reader a
Approved. April L 1911.
I, Addison Walt. Secretary of State, ef
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska is a true and correct copy of the
original enrolled and engrossed bill, as
assed by the Thirty-third session of the
eglslature of the State or Nebraska, aa
appears from said original bill oa file la
this office, and that said proposed amend
ment is submitted to the qualified voters
of the State of Nebraska far their adop
tion or rejection at the general election
to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day oft
November, A. D. 1914.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
set my band and affixed ths Great Seal ef
the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this 23rd day ot March,
In the year of our Ixrd. One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of the
Independence of the Cnlted States the
One Hundred end Thirty-seventh, and ef
this Slate ths forty-seventh.
Seal) Secretary of Siata,