FIRST MEETING FRIDAY NIGHT JBatehualaMlc Hunch of lliilnnft Men Attends! First Hmokrr at Hly Hall lt Wwk Although the attenrlanre wad rath r mall, the. bunch of boosters who tot at the Commercial Club amoker at the city hall Friday evening was enthusiastic and every one present Mrreaaed himself aa belnK glad be Handed. The meeting waa of a "fret together" nature and was pre idod over by President Guthrie. A letter waa read from Attorney J. L. Mcintosh, of Sidney, expressing bis ragret at not being able to be pres- GOt. Secretary Fisher presented hla re pert for the montha of Auguat and September. Defore making the re port he told of the enoouragementa aad dlacotiragementa. He atated that dues amounting to 13,024.30 bad been collected elnce May 1. He told of the large amount of publicity being aecured for Alliance, of the co operation given by the Burlington railroad officials, of the fact that the Club is now starting on Its second lap Ml that the course pursued and re cults accomplished in the next few months depends upon the members. Mr. Fisher's report was as fol lows: Report for AugMit and September Secured the District Luthern con tention which will be held in Alll abcs in November. Secured the County Sunday School convention for next year. Furnished autos to entertain the delegates attending the District Ep-. worth League Convention. Was Instrumental in securing the new curb ordinance and since Its paosage by the Council over twenty Mocks have been signed to Install 4ble uniform curbing. The cluster lights will be extended one block north' on Box Butte, the secretary securing the required sign Otnrei for same. Gave $160 towards paying the ex pense of the Agriculture exhibit for Bos Butte County at the State Fair. Issued twenty thousand pamphlets advertising Box Butte county at a foot of $371, and no subscriptions papers were passed around. The council has received estimates a 500,000 gallon reservoir. This proposition was indorsed by the dir ectors and a petition was circulated Pf the secretary. Entertained the District Ketallera Convention, it being one of the most WCcessful meetings ever held In this district. . Held the drat free Labor Day plc sjte ever held In Alliance. 3,500 peo ple enjoyed this entertainment and we have received numerous complt snents regarding this picnic both from our citizens and farmer friends'. The Commercial Club paid from the ffftaaury the entire expenses, except 'TfilTl'Vt tbe prizes which were donat ed ty 6Ur businessmen. Have made a request (if Poatnlast' or Tash to install & mall box in front of the post office or elBe keep the pelt office open in the evenings, and Sir. Tash promised the Committee to remedy this matter at once. Entertained President Miller and Vice President Holden of the Bur llngton when they stopped off for a few hours In our city, and we exjthm 8howw,j nuhscriptlons from one1 M- Broome of Alliance, demo press our sympathy to Mr. Miller's !of our neighboring towns amounting cratic candidate for state represent famlly and to the Burlington for the to OVpr j40 ami np lpft Alliance "ve. was Introduced and .he in turn loss of such a splendid man as Mr. wltn jU8t 7' 80 an1 np gPCUr.d ihis introduced Ray Lyons, of Gordon, Jtflller. (from people outside of the club. This republican candidate for Btate repre- For the first time in the history of ! one CR8P shoW8 WBS R BaVing to sentatlve. Mr. Lyons made a good wr city a large sign telling of the our merchants of not less than $50. talk and was followed by Mr. Broome Advantages of Alliance to the bun- At the suggestion of the civic com- who urged that the work of the Com 4reds of people who pass through mU(pe (np cty t.ouncn has hired a mprcial Club officers receive the sup nr city has been placed on the vla-nian at a 0O8t of u 00 ppr day to port of the members, tfoct by the consent of Supt. Young, Katnpr Vp the loose papers on our Rev- spf' of Alliance made a talk aad already we have received num-!maIn BtrpPt ani t0 Pmpty the waste on ,he Bubject of the "get-together" rous inquiries from strangers re- meeting. He urged that business yarding the possibilities of our city. During these two months the dlr- m(n cultivate this spirit of good Tel We are now working on a wholesale ' prtor8 have met nine times and there low8b'P- He spoke of church work grocery ana me ooosung Bpiru woicn havp bppn pPven committee meet oar citizens have shown was the ,n)f8 (0 con8ider tne different lines aeana of attracting this concern s at- of Mor)i tentlon to Alliance. The sign was! pu August and September the reciea ai a cost 01 ja.uw. ami n 0BDScnpuon papers nH8Bed Around. Held one of the most successful Dollar Day sales ever given. the!tlme 735 ,inP8 or 3515 wor,is mo8t u beln done by the city council, merchants furnishing free matinee' wnich waa furnished from our of- Suggestions and short talks were tickets with each dollar purchase. ' fl(tp j made by J. P. Hazard, George Dar- Have arranged for a big dairy! The Alliance News printed during JnK' E- T- Kibble. A. T. Lunn. Lloyd meeting with the State Agriculture j 8ame period of time 988 lines or Thomas emphasized the need of bet College to be held this month. a totaj 0 5 49s words of the work ter attendance at Commercial Club Held the first Postal Card Day ev- 0, our club' Tnp nera)ai 1,782 mtings and told a short story to er held in the western part of Ne- llnpg or a total of 1 0 93 words and bring out the point that evoked braska and over three thousand pos- Ulp Tmpg 3 og5 linpg a ,otai of much laughter. tal card and Box Butte county pum-j jg 390 worrtg AU of this has been Secretary Fisher stated that the pblels were mailed by our citizens. R0(i artVertising for our city and the Kovernment has provided funds for Distributed 3000 pamphlets at the flub Rn(j papprg not oniy our farm demonstrators for only a cer State Fair, thuB putting land seekers Btatp but throughout the weHt have ! tain number of counties in the state la direct touch with our country. 'Conled articles which have anneured Bnd how tnat ,lox Butte county We have arranged with aome or.,, ,hp abovp pappr8. oar lanu owners 10 lur.uaii u.r periOQ or inree years lariuu iree pro Tiding the people accepting this pro-' position pay the taxes and make their own improvementa. Already we nave receiveu numerous leiiers; from farmers who are looking for1 just auch a proposition and next hotffttn IA A hue. a ' 12-16-20 Gauge tu sjT Brwfc l.jim "',s Hammerlc$ X LfZrll2. Xn shout mt oDIeetiooable hnni. or bum; no ho)r on top tor can to Mow out through or wer to rt Int thorouglily yinn etncal im w.uiot.i wirr;, ring itrcngth or safety; U t U Ic hrrrtMcitin -""7 (xinca cost, i (H) txitt on other cun-Prm b.ittoa CutnJir MelM-tto ! DUll J lril nandalj Crad A ' 12-sa.uaa sum. 12 SO. la tu Srnd t stamp puotace dr hits catalog rlr-rritiina all IuiM ryjwitint liot; uns (hammer and hammer !"' H agaTi6mreteating riitet. etc. I o it now I ft -! . . .:. ....... it vnu snoot Z. " 1 i""" "T ... . , oaofc ii.o uirt uf u-i ful infonnaiiim tor ho..ttr. It tell manaiM h - ? ril'",din '"' for all Mandard lifle. pistol am ar.ul ihrn . . . ".."rr ""'. i's ixx'K i tree io any HlOiltrr WHO Wl arud three t..nM po.tage u 1 lie Marliu J-irearms Co.. Willow St., Sew Haven. Co.i month a large number of people will be here from Missouri expecting to make their homes here. Have opened a Traffic Bureau and already we have saved our shippers money and we have presented claims to the railroad company which when adjusted will he a big saving to our merchanta. We have the latest tar iffs and classifications and urge ev ery member to make use of this de partment. , The city council endorsed our pro position of hiring an experienced landscape artist to draw the proper working plans for our park grounds which have been lying idle for three years and already work has been started to make these grounds fit for the purpose bought for. Alliance had the pleasure of en tertaining the Northwest Conference of the Methodist church, It being the most successful convention ever held In this part of the country. Entertained the Crawford boosters when they made a visit to our city, and they were more than pleased with the reception given them by our cltlxens. President Hungerford sAld: "Alliance treated us royally; they are the live wires of western Nebraska, and Alliance gave us the most cordial reception on our trip." Box Butte County secured first prize at the state fair on Manitoba millet from western Nebraska, sec ond on collective exhibit on alfalfa, and third on flax, and we had to compete against the Irrigation dist rict In this contest. Alliance merchants had the first co-operative style show ever given In Nebraska, and already several magazines of note have written arti cles on this novel affair. It shows that Alliance merchants have awek ened to the fact that "In Union there is strength." A ".poclai committee appointe-1 by the dirci-t-iis met with the county tiinilMioner to consider the Irngi tlon proJict and as a result th1? coun ty has agreed to help In this work and to furnish part, of the money. Mr. Newberry has very kindly con sented to furnish all the material free for the experiments. At the expense of nearly eighty dollars the advertising committee 'J has placed an exhibit case In the,BIon on ncptemDer 6, from Omaha to Burlington depot and over one tbous-! and people view this agriculture dis- play every day. This Is the first ex- niDit ever piacea in our aepoi ana Shows one of the little things that can be done by organization. . Ararnged for a farmers' institute October 29. It -has been four years since Alliance has had a farmers' In stitute which shows that Box Butte i county needs Just such an organtza- tlnn ai tior Pnmmprrlnl ftilh to Innfa I after the interests of all concerned.) 0. A. Gregory, Inspector for nor Sent an agriculture display to Chl- ,nal training schools in Nebraska, cago which has been placed on exhl-'a8A Introduced and made a speech tin.. h tv. n.iUoin in ov. that brought aDDlaUse. He stated hlblt room across the street from the Union depot. This Is the flrat exhlb-: It ever sent to Chicago from our county, and it goes to show that our Commerc al -C ub is recottn zed by,".1'" i,JUl ninie nag one the best people on earth. AxvnncTAsi Trw o mnnTn V III frrl 1 II H 1 wx Ka nilv Via 11 tnr iha nhiV.nia thus giving them an opportunity to make suggestions and to offer their nejn , Found employment fof seventy people In August And thirty-eight in September, a total of one hundred and eight Tor the two months. Three bf the so-called grafters ho r.n, iir f on.w.rBo- mani ,i.irin.r ihc two nmntlm rII of u.hrb naVe been refused finp of ()maha Tradp Exhibit published 830 i lines or 4130 words telling what our, i.iuK ! rfninr anri th Lincoln Tmri nvl,,w nKiihot rinrini? th -.n. rlh rrpatt,s lter.Nst T'refiirtnt r.nthrin r.t nnnihpr ptter8 showing the work being I done an(j interest created by the' cjut Prof. Clements on "Agriculture" Prof s l. Clements, of the Alll- . ft am ttinrla a utit;.a 7Z272arJsttceanm3 Co.', 42 Willow S treat. Now Hwaa. Coon. . ... . - .. . ycu Miuum nave a copy ot tne ideal HanJ It teil all aliuui d shotgun mmtinitioii y khootrr wuo will Wlii Elaf - r W V. ance High school. Instructor In the agricultural course department, made a talk that was both interest ing and Instructive. , His subject was, "Agriculture In Our High Schools." He told of the work be ing done In the Alliance High school, of the agricultural course establish ed under the Shumway act last year. "The course Is not to make farm ers out of the boys," said Prof. Clem ents. "It Is to arouse Interest in the things on the farm. He told of the location of the five acres of ground used by the Alliance school, one-quarter mile north of the High school building, leased from Fred Mollring. He said, "Kach boy has a small plot oi' ground for his own use. I would like to keep the class busy all summer." Prof. Clements said that Milo maize was green and grow ing this year after' the other crops were dry. He stated that they want samples of seed for next spring. The class will test seed corn, wheat, rye, etc., In the laboratory free of charge for the farmers. A special study is to be made of potatoes next venr There are sixty boys and girls In this department this term. The course Is not compulsory. A. T. Limn on "Freight Rate" A. T. Lunn, of the Newberry Hard ware Company, spoke on "Freight Rates." Messrs. A. T. Lunn, L. H. Highland and Glen Miller are th. Commercial Club committee on this' question. Mr. Lunn told what the recent reductlnos In Nebraska freight rates, mane oy tne Nebraska State Railway Commission, had done buH the difference It made In the nrirea of certain commodities. He read a letter from the Burlington regarding; a change in certain rates to Alliance. The following figures, given by him. are interesting: Old and new rates, from Chicago to Crawford, per 100 pounds: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Kth Old New New ance: 1st 2.00 1.72 1.37 1.09 -.9o' 1.83 1.51 1.13 .84 .68 rates from Chicago to Alll- 2nd 1.58 3rd 1.25 4th 5th 1.81 .97 81 The following rates, established hv .... T , . . " ,ue eorassa htaie uauway Commls- A11'8""' aro a follows 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Old 1.01 .93 .80 .65 .54 New .95 .81 .65 .49 .39 Mr. Lunn stated that the Commer cial clubs of Sioux City, Iowa, St. Joseph and Kansas City, Mo., had protested to the interstate commerce commission against the new rates. Other Speakers .lt he ,lked Alliance, that he liked heu et together spirit here. That, he had BPe" the exhibit of Box Butte , f ou",y at ,he s,ate Fttlr and thought; jof the finest school systems In the .state and its corps of teachers the' C)Sft . State Representative Kurl D. Mai-( lerV to,d of the work in securing the appropriation for agricultural cours- PS " ,,h Nebraska schools; of the "ork ne by Prof. Condra In taking, fl,lm" of Nebraska scenes to be used, at the Panama-Paciflc exposition net year. Mr. Mallery will use his influence in getting Mr. Condra to take pictures of Alliance and sur- rounding territory in Alliance ana urgea mat. Dusiness men make it their business to attend church and take an interest in see ing that the churches succeed as well as other lines of endeavor in the citv; Mayor A. D. Rodgers made a short and Interesting talk, telling of what would have to get busy at once to get in. He told of the cost of a uemoiiairaior ana or me Denents that would come to the county The meeting voted to hold a I farm er's banquet on the night of October 29. at 6 o'clock. This is the date of the Farmers' Institute. President Guthrie was instructed to appoint a committee to make proper arrange ments for the banquet. The question of a Junior Commer cial Club waa talked over. A boys' banquet will be given about Novem ber 15. and the boys' club organised at that time. If you ahould find a farm without some chickens you would think that there waa something wrong with the farmer. Yet most of us have never thought when we have seen a Farm era' Institute without poultry lectur ers that there was something the matter with the Institute. There are probably few subjects that inter est all the farmers more than the subject of poultry. Not only does it interest the farmers but the town people as well. The State Depart ment of Agriculture Extension has secured the services of V. E. Shirely of Central City. Nebraska, and he will be present at the Farmers' In stitute to be held in this city. All the people in the community should take advantage of this opportunity of learning something new about this subject. THE SECOND STREET GARAGE New Garage Opened at 1 1 4 West Second Street I kave had nine years' experience In this line of work have been employed for the past six months ia a local garage and the ma jority of the an to owners of 'Alliance and Box Butte eonnty are acquainted with the charac ter of my work ALL WORK GUARANTEED ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY CHARGES REASONABLE At your service at all hours use the tele phone or watch for the big racing car. Phone TheSecond Street Garage OTIS MARTin, Proprietor DO YOU KNOW ? THAT WEDNESDAY, IS GETTING TO' UK Some of your neighbors know because our wagons now gather it from every part of tills city. The only reason we keep on getting It is because people are well Pleased With Our Work We can do the hard disagreeable part of your laundry work better than you ran, of course, but do you know that, taking everything into considera tion, we can do it even cheaper than you can have it done at home? ONLY 6c PER POUND. Surprises you, doesn't it? Don't stop' there make us prove it. Wag ons call for this work on Mondays and Tuesdays. Call 160 and tell as which day to stop. Alliance Steam Laundry nil Reference: Live Stock National BaiA of South Omaha, Nebraska Market Reports Free on Application. Correspond ence Solicited W. J. PERRY, Manager The Best of Salesmen and Caretakers In Every Do partment and the Best of Service Guaranteed W. J. PERRY & CO. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS UNION STOCK YARDS 154-156 Exchange Building. Telephone Soath 7S1 SOUTH OMAHA : : NEBRASKA 161 "HOUGH DRY" DAY, OUR UUSIEST DAY? Stock Yards Saddlery Co. J. G. BLESSING, Proprietor Wholesale and Retail Harness and Saddles Fly Nets and Lap Dusters Cheapest on Earth, Quality Considered Everything ttaod Mad Factory, 314 North 25 St. S. Omaha, Neb. Scavenger Do you want trash, ref use and rubbish hauled f Vaults cleaned T We do this work quickly at rea sonable prices. Special rates for business and res idence property. Phone 575 Pegg and Darnell Get Your Rig AT THE Checkered Front ,Livery Barn Auto Livery in Connection Best of service given. Clean and comfortable feeding stable Phone 64 Opposite City Hall ANDY LANG FORD J. H. Fredinberg and Co. ASHBY, NEBRASKA General Merchandise, Hard ware and Lumber, a Com plete Line of Building Ma terial, Tanks and Windimlls, Coal and Supplies. THE FREDINBURG HOTEL First Class Meals, Clean Comfortable Rooms Modest Rates the Place Where They AU Stop HOUSES TO RENT or lease. Land to rent or lease. Land or city property for sale. Phone 36. C, VV. JEFFERS ffauL.jl aV4 m Mh-MMAm ' 1