The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 08, 1914, Special Edition, Image 3

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If Tom Are Not Already One of Our Customer We Invite
A Trial Shipment
J. M. COOK, Manager
Great Western Commission Co.
South Omaha, Nebraska
Tsasr 7
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Effective August 1st 1914 to August 1st 1915 And
guaranteed against any reductions during that
time. All cars fully equipped f. o. b. Detroit.
Runabout ... $440
Touring' Car - - 490
Town Car - 690
(In the United States of America only)
Buyers to Share in Profits
All retail buyers of new Ford cars from August
1st 1914 to August 1st 1915 will share in the prof
its of the company to the extent of $40 to $S0 per
ear. on each car they buy. PROVIDED: we sell and
deliver 300,000 new Ford cars during that period.
Ford Motor Company
Just for Your Convenience
We have installed the latest and most modern bank fix
tures to be had. Not that it will tend to make the bank any
stronger, but that we will be enabled to serve 70a to better
The strength of this bank is backed by
the Depositors' Guarantee Fund of the
State of Nebraska, a fund of a million
dollars that guarantees the safety of your
Does this mean anything to you? Think
of it when you make your next deposit.
We endeavor to extend every courtesy onsistent with safe
and sound banking to our patrons.
The First State Bank
of Alliance, Nebraska.
Do you want trash, ref
use and rubbish hauled T
Vaults cleaned? We do
this work quickly at rea
sonable prices. Special
rates for business and res
idence property.
Phone 575
Pegg and
Best Cattle Strong and Ccmmcn
Kinds Slew.
Get Your Rig
Checkered Front
Livery Barn
Auto Livery in Connection
Best of service given.
Clean and comfortable
feeding stable
Phone 64
Opposite City Hall
On. "STo-U-z Trip
take with you a box of good
and a late
Get them at up town news
stand or at dpot
siller Bros.
J. H. Fredinberg
and Co.
General Merchandise, Hard
ware and Lumber, a Com
plete Line of Building Ma
terial, Tanks and Windimlls,
Coal . and Supplies.
First Class Meals, Clean
Comfortable Rooms
Modest Kates the Place
Where They All Stop
Really No Chanbe In Ewes and Lamb.
Movement I Karl uooj
Demand For Fecuen and price
Steady to strong.
I-n ion Ktock Yards, Soath Oman.
(Xt. i. A luavy run of initio aruvi'il
louuy, ll.nM) he.ul. Tr.o market
lor (Oiiiud taltlo presented no new
tea tin is today and was in n..iuliy In
pi i t t nn.ili ti.e same eoiiU.l.oa an
last week. iu wtdtts.U grass
cattle wi.s in vei iuir shape from Lite
sellers' point of view. I-eslrab.e stock
of till kinds was in Rood reijutKt, at
steady to strong prices. Medkim and
common kinds wcic slow sale at shad
ed figures. C'os and heifers were
not so eagerly sought alter as they
were two ir three, weclis ego, but
prices gi tici'a'.ly iVv.r; fet-J a'.out iL-ady
with lust week's decline, in Blockers
and feeders the trade was reasonably
brisk as far us the. good to cholco
grades were concerned and prices
steady to strong, but on the fair to
poor kinds it was a s ow, dragging
deal all day and in some cases desJerg
thought they had . to shade prices a.
little. In the main, It waa a good,
strong market for anything attractive
and a slow and weak trade on medium
and common stuff of all kinds.
Cattle quotations: Good to choice
beeves. $9.ri0 10.50; fair to good
beeves, .8.6')ff9.30; common to fair
beeves, $7.75ig8.50; good to choice
heifers. $G.B0(S7.50; Rood to choice
cows, $0.00(5 6.75; fair to good cow?,
$3.50f((f).00; cannera and cutters, 4.00
5.2.': veal calves. $8.00(10.50; bulls,
staRS, etc.. $).25Cc700; prime feeding
Bteers, $8.20$T8.40; good to choice
feeders, $7.50ff7 8.10; fair to good feed
ers, $t!.75(T7.25; common to fair feed
ers. $i5.0Atffi.C0; stock heifers. $5.50
6.75: stock cows. $4.r0(R6.00; stock
calves. $f.50f8.00; choice to prime
beeves, $S.00ffj 8.!0; good to choice
range beeves, $7.408.00; fair to good
beeves, $(1.75(3 7.25; common to fair
beeves, $6.00 6.65.
Some 4,300 hogs showed up today.
Trade was more or less draggy all
day and valtteB suffered a decline of
5?10c as compared with last Satur
day. Other markets reported dull and
weakened prices. Bulk of the sales
was made around $7.757.85, and tops
reached $8.10, just a dime higher than
Saturday's high price.
Sbeep and lamb receipts totaled 3V
0fkead. A fairly lively market, with
prices generally steady on fat ewea
and lambs, opened the week today.
Best lambs brought $7.35. Outside
markets reported slow trade and an
easier tendency to prices. There was
an active demand for all kinds or feed
era at steady to strong prices.
Quotations on range sheep and
lambs: Lambs, good to choice. $7 30
"17.00; lambs, fair to good. $7.00fi 7.30;
lambs, feeders. $fi.00f; 7.15: yearlings,
good to choice. $o.75(R6.fO; yearlings,
fair to good. $5.505.75; yearlings,
feeders, $5.40(fi 5.90; wetherB, good to
choice, $5.20??5.50; wethers, fair to
good. $5.0005.20; wethers, feeders,
$4.304.85; ewes, good to choice. $4.50
CM.75; ewes, fair to good, $4.2504.50;
ewes, feeders. IS RO04.J5.
HE two distinct types of Eczema
can be relieved redilv bv usin?
Dry Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin
and Moist Zensal for all watery erup
tions. . Get it from Harry F. Thiele.
In stamps fA.utO OUrJLO? ANGELES
rffo&rg Compatiy CAuiwhA
Sealed bids will be received by the
Board of County Commissioners of
Box Butte county, Nebraska, at the
office of the County Clerk, in the
Court House, in Alliance, Nebraska,
until twelve o clock noon of the 15th
day of October. 1914, for car lota of
lignite coal, mine weights, F. O. B
Alliance, Nebraska, aa follows:
Forty ton car mine run.
forty ton car egg-nut and pea
Forty ton car lump.
The Board of County Commission
era reserve the right to reject any
part of, or all bids.
43-2t-4074 County Clerk
or lease. Land
to rent or lease.
Land or city
property for
sale. Phone 36.
We have had lecturers in this
Hartwifj S Amine Herb Tea town a good many tlmes on the prop-
J r , er method of feeding the hog and
I the best way of feeding the cow to
J get her to give the largest quantity
i of milk. We have not had lectures,
j however, on the proper method of
'feeding poultry. V. E. Shlrely of
Central City, Nebr., ia an authority
on poultry. lie will tell about the
feeding of poultry both on the farm
and in town at the Farmers' Insti
tute to be held here soon
We are always proud of Ncbraaka
raised speakers. Miss Aural Scott
who is to address the ladies at the
coming Farmers' Institute, la a na
tive of Nebraska. Her early educa
tion waa obtained in a aod school
house in the sand hills, later she at
tended the Ord High school and last
ly the University of Nebraska. She
is a practical girl and her demon
: strationa are appreciated. Her ev
jenlng lecture is full of life, and we
are assured by the Agricultural Ex
j tension Department that it ia one of
the best and most entertaining lee
turea they have.
Nature's famous remedy
for constipation, indigestion,
liver and kidney trouble
Only 25c Urge package. Trial package Fret
M . lU KM ns, fmom.
(ft sty Mfl'd
Manufacturing !
If you know where
to look, you will find
on the outside of
every case of Safe
Home matches cer
tain numbers, letters
or symbols. To you
these mean nothing.
To us they mean a
very great deal.
They tell us many
things, and enable
us to determine:
(i) When the matches
were made year,
month, day and hour.
(a) Whtrt they were
made in which of five
factories and on which
of several hundred
machines I
(3) The temperature
and humidity in the air
at the time of manu
facture 1 1
(4) The names of the men and
women who made themlll
Does this impress
you as good manu
facturing? Or doesn't it ?
We refer to it, not in a
spirit of boastfulness, but
to give you an idea of the
extraordinary care that
marks every step in the
making of Safe Home
The experiments and tests
which we have made, in
an honest effort to pro
duce a perfect match,
have cost us about a
quarter of a million dol
lars. Why did we do all
this research work ? Be
cause it is good business
because, in the long run,
U will pay.
We do not ask you to pay
more money for matches,
than you have been pay
ingmerely to see that
you get better matches
for what you do pay.
This you can do if you ask
for Safe Home matches
by name.
All grocers. Five cents a box.
ss3 Take Our
f l I IV XX I I
advice swat thut fly! Ilctter
atill, keep ttie die out of your
liome. That's wliat i!o iu :hii
bukcry, So wLiii yiu vvr .ur
tine, tusty euke yiu;'rw uro t
i;et tonic! liiii tuu'l in a cleaU,
-aiiiturv, up Ui 'Lie litkihon.
We curry a wi.J. .moi Uncut of
paftry, ami f v.'Uiih you hve
u-ard f our brt. . j
Phone 745 or 572
I2M Box Butte Ave. !?4 R. First Stret
You can't afford to fool with medicine. When you
are ill or any member of your family is ill you ought
to tfo to a drug store where experience is at your serv
ice. That means come here. We are drug experts.
We know the drug store business from pills to poison.
We are safer and cheaper, because we are more careful
and more enterprising, than many back number drug
gists. We are up to date and keep abreast of the time'
We now urge all our Bubscrlbers
to renew their subscription to The
Herald and get three magatlnes one
year for only 2$ cents extra. WRITE
Sickening headaches, Indigestion,
constipation, indicate unhealthy con
dition of the bowels. Hollister's
Kocky Mountain Tea makes the bow
els work naturally and restores your
system to perfect health and
strength. Begin tonight. II. F.
Phone Number 6
Phone Number 4