L. MEMORIALS I Stow J -; ' ' ! ' vfll HD&: ; V'V V V fcS- r, U .fc " 'V'-y III H if I " ' -..-s.-- i .i i--m-n V 4.: It stands No tribute is so appropriate as a monument carved from enduring granite. unaltered, unchanged, preserving a memory tnr0Ugb. the long years. Readers of this paper have a special invitation to call at our display room, 1700 O Street, when in Lincoln, and examine our stock of monuments, which is the largest and fin est in the west, including everything from the simplest tablet to the most classical sarcopha gus. "We employ no agents, thus saving our customers their profits. BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET FREE. SEND FOR IT KIMBALL BROTHERS LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 185,000 ACRES OPEN TO ENTRY " rgr Tract of Ctoverninrnt Land In Yellowstone fount)', Mont., Ktorl to Kntry by Irellent The President today upon the rec ommendation of Secretary Lane re stored to a modi fled form of home stead entry about 185,000 acres of land in Yellowstone county, Monta na, within the Ullltngs land district, and formerly a part of the Crow In dian ItoBfTvation south of Hysham and Sanders, Montana, stations on the Northern Pacific Hallway, and Northeast of Hardin, Montana, a sta tion on the Chicago, Uurlington & Qulncy Hallway. There are scattering tracts thru out the area restored, but the mala body of the lands is situated to the east of Tullock Creek and to the east and west of Sarpy Creek, in T. 5 N., K. 35 K.. Ts. 1 to 5 N Inclusive, It. 36 E., Ts. 1 to 4 N., inclusive, R. 37 E., and parts of Ts. 1 to 4 N., In clusive, H. 38 E. Short creeks flowing into Tullock and Sarpy creeks afford some water for these lands and It is believed that wells may be obtained at a reasona ble depth. The lands are good grat ing lands and large portions may be successfully farmed. Dry farming Is being successfully carried on in that vicinity. Applications to make entry may be executed after October 26. 1914, be fore any qualified officer In the Dill lngs land district. An application may embrace 320 acres in the north or south half of a section, and, where the remaining land In a section Is not entered prior to May 15, 1915, an entry may be enlarged to Include all the land in the section, or 640 ac res. The price of the lands prior to Seotember 16. 1915. will be J3.00 ner acre. 11.00 per acre required at the time of entry ana tne remainaer in two eaual payments, three ana four years thereafter. Residence up on and cultivation of the land enter ed for three years are required. This Proclamation carries out tne administration idea of disposing of the remaining public lands to actual settlers or home builders. DOG ( Sound Established 1874 Safe Roseebauimi Bros. & Co. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Rates: One-inch cards, 60 cents; two-Inch cards, $1.00 M. A. COPSBY Physician and Suraeon Office Phone S60. Res. Phone 14 Oalls answered promptly day an. light from office. Office: Alllan National Bank building over the Pos Office. O. E. SLAGLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN Offlc AND SURGEON phon. 63 Alliance, Rs. phone Nebraska. PUBLIC STEN0GRAPUE3 At The Herald OffUe REASONABLE RATES PROMPT 8ERVIM r)e Coppernoll Res. Phone 20 F. J. I'eterM Res. Phone 4J Drs. Coppernoll & Peterser Osteopaths Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block PHONE 43 LICEN8EO EMBALMER J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books In Box Butte sounty. 01 Room 7, Opera House Block. 10tf57O PHONE: ALLIANCE t Day 498 Night 610 NEBRAinr Dr. L. W. Curtis Prepared to treat all domestic animals Phone 633 Alliance, - - - Kebr. DOING THEIK DUTY Scores of Alliance Headers Iearnlug the Duty of the Kidneys To filter the blood Is the kidneys duty- When they fall to do this tne Kid neys are weak. Backache and other kidney ills may follow. Help the kidneys do their work. Use Doan's Kidney Pills the test ed kidney remedy. Proof of their worth In the follow ing. R. W. Oaylord, N. Moorehead St., Chadron, Nebr., says: "I suffered severely from troubles caused by weak kidneys. I finally began us ing Doan's Kidney Pills and one box fixed me up all right. I recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to anyone suf fering from backache or other symp toms of kidney complaint." Price 50c, at all delaers. Don't simpl y ask for a kidney remedy eet Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Oaylord had. Foster-Mll- burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. oct-l-2t-4032 Dr. J. M. Willis Physician and Surgeon Over Mallery's Grocery Phones: ot,iceR4 , Alliance, Nebr. A. J. KENNEDY Dentlet Office In Alliance National Building over Post Office PHONE S91 BRUCE WILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In elTll courts slooe ISM and Register U. S. tend offloa mm 1908 to 1907. Infenoatloa fey mail s) specialty. Office In Land OffUe Building ALLIANCE NEBRASKA EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law Land Attorney Office rirtt National Bank Balkttas PIIONS If ILLIANCS : KBBRAS3A DRESS CUTTING SCHOOL For any information either all or write the AHi&nea Dresa Catting School. Alliance, tfebr. (Incorporated) Live Stock Commission Merchants Cattle, Sheep and Hogs We cordially solicit your patronage. With our unexcelled facilities in every department, we are prepared to render yon most efficient service. OPENED FOR SETTLEMENT Soc retary of the Interior Opens for Entry Under Enlarged Home stead Act California Ijuid Correspondence Invited Send for Market Reports South Omaha Chicago Sioux City Secretary Lane has recently made an order opening to settlement ana entry under the enlarged homestead act about three-quarters of a mil lion acres of land in California lying In tian Bernardino, Kern, Modoc and Lassen counties. Further lnforma tlon may be obtained from the local land offices at Redding. San Francis co, Vlsalla, Los Angeles and Susan vllle. The secretary has also recently made orders opening to settlement and entry on November 10, 1914 under this act. about two and one half million acres of land in New Mexico, principally in San Miguel Union. Chaves, Luna, and Guadalupe counties, about 100.000 acres or tana in Colorado, the greater portion be ing in Routt and Rio Blanco coun ties, and 250.000 acres in Washing ton, the greater portion of which lies j in Yakima, Kittitas, and Grant coun ties, north and east of North Yaki ma, and small portions of which are in Okanogan. Ferry, end Douglas counties. Further information may be obtained from the local land of fices of the districts in which the lauds are located. The enlarged homestead act which nrovldes for the designation of these lands and under which they will be come subject to settlement and entry allows settlers to obtain 320 acres each. FIRE! FIRE I ATTENTION, FIREMEN I Whenever your city is in the market for Fire Hose or Equipment, you should at once write us, as it will be to your advantage. Also bear in mind that we sell Hand Extinguishers for automobiles, private houses, lumber yards and schools. ANDERSEN COMPANY 1115 Farnam St., OMAIIA, NEBR. , F. HL BROOMS Ei-Ikeeiver United States Land Offlse U. S. LAND ATTORNEY Townsite and Realty Agent Office Norton Bloek Alliance, Nebraska Do You Italae Vegetables? A kitchen garden is half a liv Ing." they say. and even if you do not raise vegetables for the market you are interested in the remarkable successes made by gardners and truck farmers by applying new scl entitle processes to their work. There is an Immense profit In the profitable cultivation of vegetables, whether you eat them or sell them, Canning factories and city markets are demanding more and more vege tables to feed the large percentage of population In big cities who have no room to raise even a hill of pota toes. Whether you farm or whether you have only a tiny garden on your back lot we advise you to try a new plan next year, and follow the suggestions made In "The Vegetable Grower." the new monthly devoted especially to the culture of garden truck. The regular price of this magaslne is fifty cents a year, but we will send it to you. with two other magaslnes and our own paper all for only fl.TS a year the biggest bargain in read ing matter ever offered. Your Fall told Need Attantloa No use to fuss and try to wear It out. It will wear you out Instead. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, re lief follows quickly. It checks your Cold and sooths your Cough away. Pleasant, Antiseptic and Healing. Children like it. Get a 60c bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and keep it in the house. "Our family Cough and Cold Doctor." writes Lewis Chamberlain, Manchester. Ohio. Money back If not satisfied, bit it nearly always helps. 43-5M029 CONTRACTOR and BUILDER PLANS AND ESTIMATES FUR I8HED ON APPLICATION I mploy only first-class mefcaas All work guaranteed. PHONE 279 Residence and Shop, i 7th and Mississippi. Alliance. Nebraska. Slgi Pakstksi as Sialatai III esri IT IHtl eiaef B. V. REEVES Painting, PaperhMitxlilff and Decorating Phone Black 282 alHarce. Nebr, Phone 233. Clare A. Dow ELECTRICIAN , House wiring. Motor and atv e tarter repairing ee, Nebraska Prompt Established 1874 Reliable EJQE Awty Bloau's Freely for Lumbago Your attacks of Lumbago are not nearly so hopeless as they seem. You can relieve them almost Instantly by a simple application of Sioan's Lini ment on the back and loins. Lum bago is a form of rheumatism, and yields perfectly to Sloan's, which penetrates quickly all In through the sore, tender muscles, limbers up the back and makes it reel fine. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house against colds, sore and swollen Joints, rheumatism, neural gia, sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. 43-5t-4029 SICtmE55 Nothing has ever equaled or compared with the medicinal fats in Soott's Emulsion to arrest the decline, invigorate the blood, strengthen the nervous system, aid the appe tite and restore the courage of better health. Soott'm Cmulslon ts health bulld t food, without alcohol or opiate. TRY IT l-4i "LET MB CRY TOR YOU" HARRY P. COURSE? LIVK BTOCK AND GKXEKAL AUCTIONEER Kara Bk a Bpeetelfty TERMS REA80NABLB S PHONE ttt ' ALUANCB r t NEBRASKA H. M. BULLOCK, ATTORNEY AT LAW iLLIANCE NEBRASKA L, W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office la First National Bank BMf. Phones: Office. ICS; residence, II. 60tfl$08 I) It. 13. ia. TYLKH Dentist OVER ALLIANCE PHONB 187 FIRST NATIONAL AM NEBRASKA