OPENING Dance to be given by the Alliance Fire Dept. at tlx MM M Starting Saturday night, October 3rd. Iunrh will be nerved, Car nations for the ladies. This is the flint of a series of dance to be given at this hall every Saturday night by the Alliance Fire Depart ment. Admission will be 50c. Good music. You are cordially in- vited. ANTIOCH ITEMS l Anttoch. Nebr., Sept. 2B A very disastrous prairie fire swept through the Lane valley east of here last Fri day burning up several stacks of hay for W. O. Wilson. I L. R. Hoag of Shlckley, fclebr., came In on 43 Friday for a short visit with his cousin, F. H. Smith. I Nearly every one around here at tended the horse sale in Alliance on la TMirf1v n1 VHflpr. F. Peterson o' Th'ma ome In on 4 3 Thnr1iv lnf from rtnhf. whr he had been with a shipment Of ruffle. ITnm P Smith and hrMe rntrio i in on 44 Friday tnr a short vlU. with hU pamnta. Mr. and Mrs. V, TT. SMth. We wonder if the wed ding bee won't get to working In Fred's bonnet now that his younger brother got ahead of him. 1 Jos. IUalr Is here on a visit with his brother. Dr. J. A. nialr. ! Arthur Feaglns and A. B. Jarndhl shipped cattle from here Saturday night. j Herbert O'Neal of Hyannls visited over Sunday with F. H. Smith and family. Miss Ethel Brown of Thelma went up to Alliance from here Monday. Ivan Rodgers and several others of Alliance went through here Sun day on a hunting trip. Mrs. C. E. Howe and sister came down from Alliance on 4 4 Sunday. Those who shipped cattle from here Sunday were H. Hler. L. Boyer, C. E. Clough and F. C. Reeves. J. W. Wilson and M. 11. Sweeney went up to Alliance Monday in the J. W. auto. v H. J. Wilson was in Ant loch Mon day. F. H. Smith was in Alliance on business Tuesday. DO YOU KNOW ? THAT WEDNESDAY, "1MHGI1 DKY" DAY, IS tJETTlNtJ TO HE OUK Ill'SIEST DAY? Some of your neighbors know because our wagons now gather It from very part of this city. The only reason we keep on getting it is because people are well . Pleased With Our Work We can do the hard disagreeable part of your laundry work better than you can, of course, but do you know that, taking everything into considera tion, we can do it even cheaper than you can have it done at home? ONLY c PKK POUND. Surprises you, doesn't it? Don't stop there make us prove it. Wag ons call for this work on Mondays and Tuesdays, fall 160 and tell us which day to stop. Alliance Steam Laundry A MAIN LINE THRO' CENTRAL WYOMING On October 18th the Burlington will inaugurate through passenger train service between Denver and Billings over the new main line through the Big Horn Basin through Cheyenne. Orin Junction, Casper and Thermopo Ms. The establishment of through train service over this new main line of railroad is historic. It closes one of the last great breaks in the transpor tation system of the country, and offers for the first time to the social, com mercial and agricultural activities of Wyoming and of the Middle West, di ved means fro intercourse and the exchange of commodities between North ern and Southern Wyoming between the rich farming, live stock, coal and 11 regions of the Big Horn Basin, in the North, and Cheyenne, the State Capital, and Denver, the Metropolis of the Rockies, cn the South. The op--eaing of this new line should prove a great stimulus to every farmer, stock raiser, and business man in Central and Northern Wyoming. NORTHBOUND, the new train will leave Denver at 4:00 P. M. and ar rive Billings, 6:20 the next afternoon; SOUTHBOUND, leave Billings 7:30 A. M. and arrive Denver, 12:05 the next noon. It will carry a cafe-parlor ar In each direction for the daylight trip between Billings and Casper, and standard sleepers for the night trip between Casper and Denver. Let me Bend you booklets descriptive or this new country, or answer your specific inquiries about op portunities for the farmer and business man. ASHBY NEWS W. WAKELY, General Passeuger Agent, 10O4 Fariuun Street, Omaha, Neb. Ashby, Nebr., Sept. 29 Miss Lulu Colson was in town Monday having dental work done. Mrs. John Dunn and daughter of Hazelton took 43 for Alliance Mon day and will visit there a few days. N. B. Merrihew and wife of Spade drove down to our burg Monday to transact business and look over our town. Mrs. Clemens of Page came in on 4 4 Friday and was at once driven out to Martindale to see her daugh ter, Mrs. Jess Shultz, who is quite sick. O. H. Albrecht and family return ed Saturday from Omaha, where they have been visiting during the pust three weeks. Miss Elma Wheaton returned on Saturday afternoon from Alliance, where Bhe has been in the hospital during the past two weeks. She is feeling much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Krentwlck of Hast ings who have been here visiting their daughter Mrs. John Babb dur ing the past week left Monday after noon. Miss Nova Thomas who is Kln kalding on the reserve left Saturday for Bladen where she will visit friends and attend the county flar. Harry Luderman of near Spade came down Saturday to meet his father, whom he had not Been for 17 years. His father lives In Wiscon- I sin and had come a long ways for a man who Is seventy years old. Miss Lillian Smizer left Thursday for Burke, S. D., where she will visit for about two weeks. Mrs. Elizabeth Calkins left Satur day for Alliance near which place she will teach school this winter. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kriuth of Malmo arrived Saturday to visit their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Relnhold Jones. Elmer Godney shipped from here Sunday, and John KUntworth on Saturday afternoon. J. O. Martin of Martindale returned Friday from Omaha, where he had shipped the week before. MIbs Reynolds of Gretna arrived Friday and went to Martindale Sat urday morning where she will teach school during the coming winter. Miss Casey of St. Louis, who has been spending the summer with her sister. Mrs. Chas. Winston of Survey. came to town Saturday and left, on the Sunday afternoon train for St. Louis. Thomas Woodruff, Gilbaugh Bro thers. C. B. Sowards, Chas. Winston and many others are hauling lumber for new residences on their home steads. June Rentfro of Bingham came down Thursday between trains to transact business in Ashby. His mother and brother, who live near Bingham, drove down the same day. F. B. Sterns returned Thursday from Humboldt where he had ship ped some feeders. His brother. B. W., came up with him for a visit with the home folks. Reference: Live Stock National BaiA of South Omaha, Nebraska Market Reports Free on Application. Correspond ence Solicited W. J. PERRY, Manager The Best of Salesmen and Caretakers In Every De partment and the Rest of Service Guaranteed W. J. PERRY & CO. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS UNION STOCK YARDS 154-158 Exchange Building. Telephone South 731 SOUTH OMAHA : t NEBRASKA r - 9 i i ' v ;(. 'i v; Hi 7i i UJ . . j:' ... ,. v . : ;. - i Miss Thressa Pearl' Hight The opening number of the series of entertainments to be given by the Alliance School of Music will Imi a recital by Miss ThressaPeKrl lllght at the Phelan Opera House, Friday evening, October 2nd, at 8 o'clock. Miss lllght is a member of the faculty of the School of Music and is recognized jm a leading en-tertaliM-r in readings and iniMrsoiuitions. Tit kett for the n are priced at $1.50 and are on sale at llolsten's Drug Store and at the School of Music. A mimler of Interesting numbers will be Included Li the course, to be presented during the winter months. It's Great to Get What You Waet When You Want It ALL KINDS OF AMMUNITION i ?. - r,' w ., f I."" 'i ' - trip 'ie'-jy??' ALL KINDS OF GUNS Peters Shells Get the Limit LEAGUE . REFEREE TARGET . HIGHGUN IDEAL PREMIER $.50 BOX. $9.00 CASE .50 BOX. $9.00 CASE .70 BOX. $13.00 CASE .70 BOX. $13.00 CASE .75 BOX $14.00 CASE .75 BOX. $14.00 CASE "Anything in Hardware" Newberry's Hardware Co. A town of 4,000 inhabitants in Peru has been wiped out by an earth quake, but very few newspapers found room for an item about it on the front page. Now that William Waldorf Aator hai given $100,000 to the English Red Cross, maybe he will get into the nobiiity. War is a powerful lev-eler. An exchange remarks that Col mease of S. C. has been added to the country's rather small collection of great ruins. He is a ruin, al right, but he Is sot grL