The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 24, 1914, Image 9

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    The Greatest
in the History of the
World Is Now In
All of the important European nations are at war. Arm
ies numbering tens of thousands are clashing and will clash
every day. Thousands of lives will be lost. Millions of dol
lars will be wasted. The entire map of Europe will be chang
ed. You are vitally interested in this war. You are reading
about it in the newspapers and you are talking about it in your
homes and at your places of business. Regardless of where
your sympathies lie, you want to know just what is happening.
Through a special arrangement with the Omaha Daily
News, we re enabled to make a clubbing proposition which will
interest everyone in western Nebraska. With every subscrip
tion to the Omaha Daily News and to the Alliance Ilerald we
are authorizecTto give you an
This atlas consists of twenty pages containing 18x12 maps of
Europe, Kussia, Austria-Hungary, the Balkan states, France, Ger
many, Italy, Greece, and a large double page world map. It also
contains descriptive matter about the Triple Alliance and the 'friplw
Entente, the cause of the war, the peace and war strength of the
various war nations, and portraits of the European rulers.
This atlas is prepared by George F. Cram, one of the largest
atlas makers in the world, and Is absolutely reliable. It is exactly
what you need in conjunction with your dally newspaper, and with
this atlas you can trace the course of the various armies across
Europe in a moment's time.
The Omaha Daily News has
earned the distinction of being
"Nebraska's Greatest Newspa
per." It covers the European
war news and the news of all
the world accurately and com
prehensively, and in addition
It contains timely and interest
ing market page, sporting de
partment, editorial page, wom
an's page, and many other
high-priced and distinctive fea
tures. The subscription price for
the Daily News & Sunday News
Is 13.00 per year, and for the
Daily News without Sunday
12.00 per year.
The Alliance Ilerald is the
official organ of the Nebraska
Stock Growers Association and
of the Nebraska Volunteer
Firemens Association. It is a
weekly newspaper which ranks
as one of the best in the mid
dle west. Its reports on stock
conditions are the best of any
Nebraska newspaper. Its ed
itorial page is timely and care
fully edited, and its news de
partments are equal to or bet
ter than any other weekly Ne
braska paper. Subscription
prioe, J 1-50 per year.
Alliance Herald,
Alliance, Nebr.
Enclosed find 4.50 ($3.50). Send me the Omaha Daily
& Sunday News (Omaha Daily News) for one year and the
Alliance Herald for one year, and in accordance with your of
fer, send an Atlas of the War in Europe to me free.
Town State
K. F. D Box .
Sl !nN of (irnHM Sleom from Itlfc-
lull ItmtherV IUihIi Itrtng III
Prirp on Hip Market
$13,248.36 Tor 108 hend of steers,
ritht o(T the prass and never a bite
of anything to eat except ranch grass
and hay. isn't so bad. That is what
Blgnell Brothers reeelved on a ship
ment to South Omaha this season,
and they claim It is the larpest sum
ever paid on that market for the
same number of prnas cattle from
this part of the country.
There has been a good deal of
friendly rivalry among ranchmen
around Alliance. As mentioned in
The Ilerald last week, Hall & Gra
ham sold steers in South Omaha re
cently that brought as high rts $8.35
for a part of the shipment, a little
higher price than the Blgnell cattle
brought but not as much per head.
Blgnell Brothers' six loads averaged
1.496 pounds, which at $8.20 made
the average price per head $122.67.
The Blgnell steers were sold by
the well known live stock commis
sion firm of L. E. Roberts & Co.,
and of course, they as well as the
owners, are proud of the price received.
fined $R and costs by Tollce Judge
Zurn. He had $25.40 on him and
after paying costs still had $15 left.
Me thanked Chief .letters for arrest
ing him. stating that If he had not
been taken from the train he would
n't have had a cent left In staying
with the bunch. He continued on
his way east, happy and rejoicing.
Kihlbit at IpMt
A fine case of Box Butte county
exhibits has been placed In the Bur
linpton depot. It contains small
grains, corn, potatoes and other
products of the county, making a
very Interesting exhibit.
HeinliiRforcl Men Visit Alliance
Sam Graham drove down to Alli
ance in his automobile Tuesday, ac
companied by his father, ltobert
Craham, Sr. The latter made The
Herald ofllce a pleasant call while In
the city, taking a look thru the me
chanical department.
Ike M. Shriner ami Family Will Ile
sUe in Florida, Where He
Ifa-t I tail Estate
Another old timer and his family
have decided to go to a milder cli
mate before the cold of the coming
' winter sets in. Ike M. Shriner of
Ellsworth was in Alliance YVednes-
day of last week on business prepar
atory to leaving Friday for Largo,
Florida, near which town he bought
some citrous fruit grove land three
years ago. Mrs. Shriner and child
ren are visiting at Ravenna, where
they will join Mr. Shriner as he
passes thru and proceed to their new
home in the south.
I Ike Shriner is one of the well
known old timers in this country,
having been in this part of Nebraska
since 1889. He was with W. D.
Rumer in the mercantile business in
Alliance for thirteen years. He then
homesteaded a claim in Grant coun
ty south of Whitman. For some
years past he has resided at Ells
worth. The Herald regrets to see
Mr. Shriner and family leave Nebras
ka, but will keep them posted on
happenings in this part of the west
and may have the pleasure of occas-
, tonally Riving its many readers some
news from them. '
Clarence O. Rosenberger -IleturtMtl
Monday from Nebraska State
Fair, at IJiicolii
Clarence O. Rosenberger, who
! had charge of the Box Butte rounty
'exhibit at the Nebraska State Fair at
Lincoln this year, returned Monday
from Lincoln. Box Butte county
took first prize on Manitoba millet,
grown by Mr. McNulty. The exhibit
j took second prize on the collective
: exhibit of alfalfa, incldulng three
! crops for the year. Third prize was
! won on flax in the sheaf, grown by
C. E. Rosenberger. The total amount
of premiums received was $31.86.
Mr. Kibble will not return for a few
Here Is Our Special Free Offer
Send In $4.50 for a year's subscription to both the Omaha
Daily & Sunday News and the Alliance Herald, or $3.50 for a year's
subscription to the Omaha Daily News and the Alliance Herald, and
an Atlas of the War in Europe will be sent you free.
If you are taking the paper now, your subscription will be ex
tended from the present expiration date. You need one of these
maps. Do not wait until the supply is exhausted. Fill out this
coupon and send it today.
Miss Ke"ler Entertained
Miss Nelle Keeler entertained last
Saturday evening at a theatre party
in honor of her cousin. Mrs. Lacy of
Texas, who has been visiting here. ,
Guests were Misses Mildred Camp
bell, Julia Frankle, Irene Ric. Ther-I
esa O'Donnell, Charlotte Mollriug,:
Nell Tash, Hazel Katen, Ruth Katen
and Vivian Holloway. After attend
ing the Empress the party went to
the Tash residence, where a delicious
five-course lunch was served on the
The Dalton Delegate
The above la the nnma nf the now
newspaper at Dalton. Nebr., of which
iom w. Luy is editor and Bertha
A. Lally is publisher. Editor Lally
stopped in Alliance Tuesday on his
way to Hyannis. While here be in
formed The Herald that business is
starting out fine. He is wonderfully
pleased with Dalton and the sur
rounding country.
j Taid Time Checks in Gold
j The statement of condition of the
Alliance National Bank, as called for
by the Comptroller of the Currency,
appeared in our last issue and shows
their usual strong reserve. As cus
tomary, to meet pay day require
ments last week, this bank paid in
gold, notwithstanding the talked of
gold shortage in eastern money centers.
Tlianks for Arresting
A. E. Stark, a transient on his way
to Omaha, waa arrested on Thursday
by Chief of Police Jeffers at the de
pot when he refused to leave a car
and transfer to another one. Stark
was drunk and with a car of labor
ers on their way to Omaha. He was
locked up and after sobering was
We Construct
or anything hi the
Cement Line
Brick Work, Tile and
Old Fashioned Fire Places
and Mantels
Phone 249 Alliance, Nebr.
More Headaches
Come From Eye
Trouble Than
From Any Other
Many people suffer intense pains
when they could be entirely
I have hundreds of cases that bear
me out in this statement
E. C. Drake
306 Box Butte Ave.
Over Thiele's Drug Store
Phone: Res. 627, Office 121
J. H. Fredinberg
and Co.
General Merchandise, Hard
ware and Lumber, a Com
plete Line of Building Ma
terial, Tanks and Windimlls,
Coal and Supplies.
First Class Meals, Clean
Comfortable Rooms
Modest Kates the Place
Where They All Stop
Whenever your city is in
the market for Fire Hose or
Equipment, you should at
once write us, as it will be to
your advantage.
Also bear in mind that we
sell Hand Extinguishers for
automobiles, private houses,
lumber yards and schools.
1115 Farnam St.,
All's Not Cake
that glitters. Somo enkos are
fixed to cutch the cyo and fool
tho taste. But they wouldn't
even take the booby prize in a
pure food show. ttcwnro doped
cakes ! Our cakes, like our brend
and other things, are mndo from
the best of materials. Onr repu
tation guarantees this.
Phone 745 or 572
121 Box Butte Ave. 124 E. First Street
We wish everybody In the world were well. Of
course there wouldn't be any need for druggists then
and we would be making our living at something else,
but this world unfortunately is heir to all sorts of ills
and aches and pains. That's why there are so many
proprietary medicines on the market. Some of these
are of recognized standing and have merit. Others are
made just to selL We carry only reliable kinds.
Phone Number 6
Phone Number 6
Just for Your Convenience
We have installed the latest and most modern bank fix
tures to be had. Not that it will tend to make the bank any
stronger, but that we will be enabled to serve you to better
The strength of this bank is backed by
the Depositors' Guarantee Fund of the
State of Nebraska, a fund of a million
dollars that guarantees the safety of your
Does this mean anything to you? Think
of it when you make your next deposit.
We endeavor to extend every courtesy consistent with safe
and sound banking to our patrons.
The First State Bank
of Alliance, Nebraska.
Stock Yards Saddlery Co.
J. G. BLESSING, Proprietor
Wholesale unj Retail
Harness and Saddles
Fly Nets and Lap Dusters
Cheapest on Earth. Quality Considered
Everything Hand Mad
Factory. 314 North 25 St. S. Omaha, Neb.