Get the 0 Izzy, the Blindfolded Marvel By Gross 1 To APREL. fS -Holp FA-sr IBuPFOLpED marvel Will WOO 6ECj NOH r4oW c)u,vp 7 V00J .1. J la -r P S n n POTATO CROP FAIRLY GOOD lte lUltM ami Farornble Wtntliw llririR (hit Sputl.x Murh Ret. ler than Epoct"l Five weeks ao It looked like the potato crop In Box Hutte county would be almost a minus quantity, kit late rains and favorable weather are brought out the spuds in a way to surprise and delight the na tlTes. Fred Abley, whose farm Is orthwest of Alliance, seven or eight Miles from llemingford, Informed The Herald last Friday that about ve weeks prior to that time he and his son Investigated their field of potatoes, examining about a hundred bills, and decided that the crop would be a total failure. . Murh to their surprise the tubers set on and .kave made a fine growth so that now there Is good prospect of a yield av raging at least fifty bushels per aare, which with the present price eats nothing a whole lot. On the same day Mrs. John Law rence. Sr., fro mFalrvlew, ten miles aortheast of Alliance, was In town aad stated that potatoes in that Mlghborhood will make a nice crop, aalho It was not expected a few weeks ago. Other reports agree hat, while the crop this year may at be as heavy as last year, it will he a good many thousand bushels hatter than nothing. Ofirial lnH-efdiiig of Ros Hutte County CommiftNioner Alliance. Nebr., Sept. 17, 1914. 1 The Board of County Commission er met pursuant to adjournment. Officers present, C. L. Hashman, chairman, J. M. Wanek and S. C. Keck. The proposition submitted by The Western Gas Fixture Company, of -Toledo, Ohio, on electric fixture for the new court house was examined hy the board and the clerk Instruct ed to notify them to forward sam ples and cuts of the fixtures they proposed to furnish corresponding with their numbers as listed. The Surety Bond of the American Hash & Door Company, of Kansas City, Mo., filed under the terms of their contract for wood furniture for ho Jivw court house was examined it, approved. The valuation for assessment pur- poses on Lots Two and Three, Block Two, Hitchcock, Hills and Snedekers Addition to Alliance, Nebraska, was ordered reduced from 11250 to $800. The Alliance Semi-Weekly Times Wis designated by the board for the publication of delinquent tax lists Cf delinqueut tuxes for the year 1913. Whereupon the board adjourned until tomorrow morning. September llth, 1014, at B o'clock. Alliance. Nebr., Hrpt. 18". 1914. ' The Board of County Commission ers met pursuant to adjournment, wfflcers present, C. L. Hashman. ..fhairman, J. M. Wanek, and S. C. Hook. It U Ihe order of the boiird that lh clerk advertise for bids on lig tite tout ua follows! Forty ton car, mine wefght, f o b. Alliance, Nebr., Mine Hun. Party ton car. mine weight, f.o.b. Alliance, Nebr., Egg-nut and Pea mixed. Forty ton tar. mine weight, f.o.b. Alliance, Nebr., Lump. Theodore Waddel appeared before the board and complained of the val uation of Lot Five, Block Twenty one, Box Butte Addition to Alliance, Nebraska, and after viewing the property it was ordered that the val uation be reduced from 11075 10 1900. The road petition signed by J. C. HowkiiiB et al for the establishment of a certain road in Wright precinct was ordered returned to the peti tioner for additional signatured. Whereupon the board udjourned until tomorrow morning. Septninr 19th. 1914, at 9 o'clock. Alliance. Nebr.. Sept. 19, 1914. The Board of County Commission era met pursuant to adjournment. Mlticers present, C. L. Hash man, chairman. J. M. Wanek, and S. C. Keck. The following claims were examin ed and allowed and the clerk orrter- 4 to draw warrants on the General Find for same: To Whom For What Alliance Com. Club, deputy sheriffs W. M. Welch MTg. Co.. sup plies Bernard Hospital, care of Urs. O'Mara Barrougbs Add. Mach. Co.. A int. 00 6.00 50 00 repairs 3.85 Hammond & Stephens Co.. supplies 33 05 C. A. Burlew. mdse (pauper) 21.70 Dierks' Lbr. Co., material... 1 10 Conrad Slerkle, care paupers 6 2.35 W. J. Hamilton, reut (electn) 10.00 Forest Lbr. Co.. material ... 80.80 w. K. Harper, mdse (pauper) 1.S4 n. M. Hayes, prec. essessor. . I'oter Sodeberg, rent (electn) City of Alliance, lights County Treasurer, repairs Co. 4 8.00 10.00 1M6 ,8 154.41 Alliance printing Co., print 6.00 suaa .Martin, salary (Sept.). 55.00 J. V. Miller, salary (Sept.).. 65.00 C. M. Cox, salary (Sept.) ...100.00 C. K. Simpson, refund 17.19 Delia M. Heed, expense 18.50 N. W. JefTers. refund 3.61 George Duncan, coroners Jury 2.00 Theodore Waddell, refund . . 3.60 S. C. Iteck Aes'n. com. ser. . . 20.10 C. L. llashinan, com. ser.... 26.00 J. M. Wanek, com. ser 30.40 The following claim was examin ed and allowed and the clerk order ed to draw warrant on the Building Fund for same: D. K. Bowden, supt. services, 130.00 A committee of tax-payers and representatives of the Alliance Com mercial Club met with the board and discussed the proposition of an ex perimental irrigation well, after which the board agreed to pay half the expense of such experiment up to $r.O on three such wells, provided no nuuuiu uuk m w success, a well furnishing 35,000 gal- ions or water m ten nours pumping to be considered a successful well and each well to be located in a dif ferent direction from Alliance, Ne braska. Whereupon the board adjourned to meet at the call of the clerk. M. S. H AUG RAVES, Clerk. 42-lt-4035 NEWS OF THE W. C. T. U. Directory for 1914-15; Mat of De partment SuiHTlntendonfs Com big Meetings Directory for 1914-15 President. Mra. J. W. Reed. Vice president, Mra. J. W. Thom as. Recording secretary, Mrs. Wm. Blgnell. Assistant secretary, Mrs. W. S. Acheson. Corresponding secretary, Mrs. T. M. Southard. Treasurer, Mrs. J. J. Vance. Dejvartinent SuerlnteiideiitM Anti-Narcotics, Mrs. W. R. Pate. Bible In the Public Schools, Miss Mabel Young. Christian Citizenship. Mrs. J. A. Keegan. Co-operation with Missionaries, Mrs. A. T. Lunn. Evangelistic, Mrs. E. S. Martin. Flower Mission, Mrs. O. O. Gentry. Franchise, Mrs. W.a B. Young and Mrs. Patterson. Health and Heredity, Mrs. F. M. Phelps. Literature, Mrs. W. E. Lotspeich. L. T. L., Mrs. Valentine Lawrence. Mothers' Meetings, Mrs. Abigail Connor. Mescal Temperance, Mrs. Holla Johnson, llemingford. Press. Mrs. T. M. Southard. Rescue and Relief. Mrs. I. E. Tash. Mrs. W. S. Acheson and Mrs. Wm. Blgnell. Railroad, Mrs. Ackerman and Mrs. Simpson. Hospital, Mrs. J. Ci. Beck. Scientific Temperance Instruction. MIsb Delia Reed. Sunday School, Mrs. C. C. Smith. Systematic Giving, Mrs. J. L. Ov erman. Sabbath Observance, Mrs. Herbert Nason, Falrvlew. Social Meetings and Red Letter Days, Mrs. R. C. Strong. Work Among Foreign Speaking People, Mrs. J. W. Thomas and Mrs. R. C. Young. Vice President from Cliurcliew Methodist, Mrs. J. W. Thomas. First Presbyterian, Mrs. J. L. Ov erman. United Presbyterian, Mrs. Belle Brown. Baptist, Mrs. W. B. Young. Christian, Mrs. O. O. Gentry. Coming Meetings The W. C. T. II. will meet Septem ber 24th. Mrs. A. Cornu. leader. Subject. "Mother's Meetings". Mrs. James Gaddis, hostess. ' The W. C. T. V. will meet October 8th. Leaders, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Patterson. Subject, "Franchise". Mrs. O. O. Gentry," hostess. The W. C. T. U. will meet October 22nd. Parliamentary drill. Leader, Mrs. J. J. Vance. Hostess, Mrs. Nel lie Heath. MRS. T. M. SOUTHARD. Press Supt. Fettling Alfalfa to llore The above is the title of Extension Bulletin No. 28, recently issued from the College of Agriculture of the Un iversity of Nebraska. It contains much valuable Information on the subject named. A copy of the bul letin may be obtained free by any Nebraska farmer or stockman by sending request to Agricultural Ex periment Station of Nebraska, Lin coln. Jk lUtde the Motorcycle Att'y Joe L. Westover came over from Alliance last week to attend court and while here thought be would do a few stunts on a motor cycle. So he mounted one and start ed off like the wind. The machine went somewhat faster than Joe could ride and slipped from under blui. When Joe found out "where he was at" blood was trlckllnK across his face in little rivulets, caused by the peeling off of a few pieces of cuticle where his cranium plowed along the ground. Dr. Crawford salved up the bruises and wrapped a dish cloth around his head which gave him the appearance of a Servian after the battle was over. Rushvllle Standard. Drove Auto from Omjilia Amos Abley of Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Abley of Nonpnrell precinct. Box Butte county, drove out in his auto last week for a vIhU with bis parents, arriving Thursday. He and his father came down to Al liance Friday. Kat at Central Cafe TheRed Front, Coyle's old stand. Meals the best and plenty to eat for service can't be beat. Put up clean ana neat, we thank you ror your gooi patronage. Tell your friends to m(,et you at tne ue,j Front. D. L. SHULL. Proprietor. 42-lt-4047$ One trouble about a mountain fued war is that there aren't enough survivors to hold a reunion after wards. Our 2r RATES: The charge for both recalar and special editions is lc per wrd per Insertion, five words to' the Advertisers so desiring may have ajMwers to their advertisement ad thVoesed to a box number, care of Ttra Herald. Advertisements charged to patrons hwli Ing accounts are measured by the not by the word. N. B. The Herald cannot be re sponsible for more than one wrong Ulertlon due to typographical error. Nk) claim for error can be allowed alter the 10th of the following menth. Any advertisement inserted t run until forbidden must be stop pd by written order. MONEY SIX PER CENT MONEY Loans may be obtained for any purpose on acceptable Real Estate security; liberal privileges; corre spondence solicited. A. C. Agency Company. 758 Gas, Electric Bldg., Denver, Col. 446 Pierce Bldg.. St. Louis. IkOST One old-fashioned brace- between Alliance and the Will U3t8peich ranch, 4 5 miles southeast. Ofd fashioned Mexican filigree work wh place for chains. $5 reward. UttMirn to Herald office. fl-4t-3999 FOUND One stray cow, white faced, with horns. One black sow. Owner can bare same by calling at my farm oast of fair grounds, proving owner ship and paying all costs. H. A. THABEHT. 41- 4t-3997 . Agents Wanted: To sell Accident and Health Insurance in Nebraska and South Dakota. Easy to Bell. Lib eral contract Address Mutual Bene fit Health & Accident Association, Omaha, Nebraska. 42- 2t-4026 WANTED All kinds of plain and faacy Bewing, by the day or piece; alee tatting, crocheting and embroi dery work done. Prices reasonable Mrs. Myrtle Green. 406 Box Butte Ave. Swptl7-lt-4003 Wanted Traveler: Age 27 to 50. Experience unnecessary. Salary, com mission and expense allowance to right man. J. E. McBrady, Chicago. Washing wanted by the hour. Gen eral house work. Phone 179. 42-lt-4034$ FOR SALE Flourishing restau rant and bakery business in prosper ous town of 5,000 people. Small amount of cash will handle the deal. Present owner has been in business seven years. Established. Paying good profit. Investigate. Address Boa 3996. care Herald, Alliance, Nwbr. 41K3996. FOR SALE or TRADE for Box Butte County property or live stock: Quarter section of fine farming land nine miles from county seat town, Texas County, Oklahoma. Address Box 1165. Alliance. Nebr. 42-9t-4037$ --r-r-f . " mvai mi'i VJi'ir tfi'iTri Y Dray Phono M WANTED FURNISHED ROOMS The Herald office had five calls on Tuesday of this week for furnished rettnis. Parties having furnished roonfs for rent should phone 340. POSITION WANTED: Bookkeep ing or stenographic work. Phone 582. 42-2t-4033 FOR KENT Three nicely furn ished rooms for light housekeeping. Close in. Phone 529. 4-4009tf SADDLE HORSE FOR SALE Thorobred saddle horse for sale cheap. Phone 340 or call at Thr Herald office. 164-tf-4410 RANCH FOR BAXE 6000 acres deeded land. 960 acres school land. 1280 acres leased land. Eprty miles northeast of Alliance, Nebr. M. D. CRAVATH. Owner, Grayson, Nebr. 31tf3751 LAND TO TRADE I have 160 acres, 3 miles from Bayard, under the Tri-State canal, to trade for Box Butte county land. J. C. McCORKLE, Alliance, Nebr. 12tf3276 TO TRADE 160 acres fine farm land for Alli ance residence property. Will pay cash difference for good property. Phone 361. 33-tf MISCELLANEOUS gAtTmirnPeac rarW Lumber Company. the 29tf Money' to loan on real estate. F. E. REDDISH. tf Pqsts of all kinds for sale at the Forest Lumber Company. 29tf Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. When you build that new house or parn get your building materials at 'the Forest Lumber Company. 29tf Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK I make a specialty of developing llms and printing first-class pictures from them. Have a high class cam era and outfit and will take pictures at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Black 451. JORDAN . ROBINSON. 84tf3860 Buy your lumber from the Forest Lumber Company. 29tf Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. DARKEN GRAY 111, LOOK YOUNG, PRETTY Grandma's recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur darkens so naturally that nobody can telL Almost everyone knows that Page Tea and Sulpiiur, properly compounded, brings buck the natural color and lustre to tiiis hair when faded, streaked or gray ; ftlao ends dandruff, itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture ww to make it at home, which is mussy and trouble some. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair F.nody, you will get a large but tle of this famous old recipe for about 60 cents. Don't stay pray! Try it! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, aa it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time: by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy. Phone 233. Clare A. Dow ELECTRICIAN wiring. Motor and auto starter repairing House Alliance, Nebraska DYE & OWENS Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Residence phono 136 and Bin 17' September Travel Specialties $30 WYOMINd STATE FAIR, DOUOLAS, SKIT. 29 TO OCT. 2 This 1914 exhibit of Wyoming's agricultural, mineral and industrial products, will be the greatest, in the history of this new commonwealth. The Burlington's new Central Wyoming mainline 1b nearing comple tion; it will directly connect Wyoming's richest agricultural region th Big Horn Basin, the beautiful resort of Thermopolis, the rapidly growing cities of Casper and Douglas, with Cheyenne, the Capital; also with Den ver, and Colorado on the South; construction of a connection is now under way between this new mainline and the Scottsbluff-Guernsey Hoe. lite 1 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Rates: One-inch cards, 50 cents; two-inch cards, $1.00 H. M. BULLOCK. ATTORNEY AT LAW ALLIANCE NEBRASKi L. W. BOWMAN PbyslcLui and Surgeon Office In First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office, 362; residence, 16. 50tfl608 Till. 13. E. T YE-Kit Dentist PHONE 167 OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANS ALLIANCE NEBRASY H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 360. Rea. Phono S41 Calls answered promptly day am night from office. Offices: All lane National Bank building over the P01 Office C. E. SLAGLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office phone 68 Res. phono If Alliance. Nebraska. Orle Coppemoll Rea. Phone 20 F. J. Peters Res. Phono 41 Drs. Coppernoll & Peterser Osteopaths Rooms 7, 8 and 9. Rumer Block PHONE 43 LICENSED EMBALMER PHONE: ALLIANCE r Day 498 Night 610 NEBRASV Dr. L. W. Curtis Prepared to treat all domestic animals Phone 633 Alliance, - - - Nebr. Dr. J. M. Willis Physician and Surgeon Over Mallery's Grocery Phones: "ice,. 8 Alliance, Nebr. "LET ME CRY FOR YOU" HARRY P. COURSEY LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Farm Sales Specialty TERMS REASONABLE PHONE CM ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA -TO- PACIFIC COAST Ask about rates and train service for the Fair at Douglas. J. KRIDELBAUGII, Ticket Agent, Alliance, Net. L. W. WAKELEV, General Passenger Agent, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office REASONABLE RATES PROMPT 8ERVICK A. J. KENNEDY Dentist Office In Alliance National BaJ Building over Post Office PHONE 391 J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter. I bare the only set of abatraot books in Box Butte county. 0 CISC'. Room 7, Opera House Block. 10tf570 BRUCE WILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In civil courts since 1811 and Register U. S. land office froa 1903 to 1907. Information by mall a . specialty. Office In Land Office Building ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA - EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law Land Attorney Office First National Bank Bulldln PHONE 180 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA DRESS CUTTING SCHOOL For any information either call or write the Alliance Dress Chitting School. Alliance, Nebr. F. M. BROOME Ex-Receiver United State Land Office U. S. LAND ATTORNEY Townsite and Realty Agent Office Norton Block Alliance, - - Nebraska 3"- "7 BirriG CONTRACTOR and BUILDER PLANS AND ESTIMATES FU ISHED ON APPLICATION I employ only first-class mechaal All work guaranteed. PHONE 279 Residence and Shop, 7th and Mississippi. Alliance, Nebraska. Slgi fainting ai CraiBing II irk li first class B. V. REEVES Painting, Paperhanging and Decorating Phone Black 282 Alliance. Nebr.