A M r4 RAM f , ft .3a UJ rs M 008 l Head of HORSES aod MULE: t 3,000 nd MONTANA Tue 0 sdav and. lAednesday (flfru b (o) THE ONLY SALE OF ITS KIND On the banks of the Little Horn River on the northern border of the Crow Reservation on above dates I will sell all the KurnltiH horses and mules belonging to all the Indian Tribes on this great reservation. The Indians will gather their horses and mules and deliv er them to the large stock yards that have been erected for the purpose at the Big Horn Y, two miles east of Hardin. I will then classify their horses regardless of ownership and they will be sold under government supervision o the highest bidder. Do not think because these are Indian horses that they are worthless ponies. They are good class of small and medium horses and are as fat as horses can get on that nutritious bunch grass that has made Montana famous for the best grass fattened beef and horses in the world. There will be several h undred head of fancy ponies, some half breed Shellands and small mules, of all ages, sexes and colors. The Indians will be there by the hundreds. This will be a novel horse sale, and will be well worth your while to come if in need of any kind of horses or mules. Besides the above 1 will sell 1200 head of good native horses and mules as follows: 400 head will be broke horses, mares and mules of all ages and weights from 1000 to 1500 pounds- tuu ueau oi umiroKC mares ami geiuings weighing yuw to HUU IDs.; 100 head of saddle horses, a great many of which would do for cavalry; 200 head of yearling and two year old colts, both horses and mules; 100 head of mares with unhranded colts at side. The above horses are consined by the ranchers of the Big Horn Valley and the country tributary to the prosperous town of Hardin, Montana. The Bankers and Business Men of Hardin are giving me every as sistance to get these horses all in, and now, Mr. Buyer, I can candidly say that 1 can show you more horses in; I l in r ... l'iW . --J1l I and mules for the money by attending this sale than. you can possibly see any other way. I need but little introduction to the horse 'buying or horse selling public in the West, having held a series of successful sales covering a period of ten years at (Jillette, Wyoming, and other points in Wyoming. Common fairness be- 1 iween buyer ana seller is my policy, r reight rates from Hardin to Missouri River points, .96.80. unknown to me will please bring drafts or letter of credit. Buy ers Go A. Con way, Maunia HARDIN, MONTANA Auctioneer: Col. flint Kelley, Hardin, Montana. lead of la- v H.l5; i I "' . MULES III 4 ger, 1L IT