The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 24, 1914, Image 2

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Ashby, Nebr.. Sept. Id Mrs. Klii
11 bet h Calkin accompanied her Hon
Joule to Alliance Saturday where he
will attend school duriiiK tlie roniiiiK
) ear.
Thomas Stansble shipped nix cars
of cRttle from here Sunday." Kred
liurjress and Kred Knale went with
them and will take in the Bights
while there, Hiram KnoK also ship
ped a car of sheep and took his man
Albert Cardwell with him.
Miss Kda Watson who has been
isltlnj? at Torrlnaton, Wyo., stopped
off and visited over Sunday hern with
lier friend Miss Mary llabb.
T. J. llollerup and wife are the
lroud parents of a daughter born to
them Sept. 3.
Mr. Klepp, n mi'rrhar" from Den
ton, Bfter visiting bere several days
with his friend .1. 11. lllxby, left for
his home, Sal in uiy.
NeweU, S. !)., Is
a, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Will Store;
visiting his p.f
. Storey.
The liinc
kths ladies a;
Sept. 4 was j
Colossal Figure of Tin Soldier.
'.veii by the buneh
! Stransbin barn on
mided by a lurne
crowd. ICver in.' had a koo dtime
Had the Indies proved theiuselveB ve
ry royal hoBtebttes.
Lust week one day nine ladies
Blurted out very gaily in a steamer
to attend a social meeting in the
neighborhood. Everything was love
ly until the lady driving forgot to
take water and after a certain laptte
of time of course the engine was
out of Bteam and refused to work.
The ladles alighted and began work
ing to Bee what was wrong. While
cleaning the snout It gave a puff and
the lady working on It thought sure
It ha dexploded. They couldn't get
the steamer to go until five very wel
come cowboys came along and soon
had the ladles on their way. Three
of the ladies were from Gordon vis
iting here and no doubt will long
remember their trip in a sand hills
Mrs. Laura Soderstroni left Tues
day for her home at PawhuBka, Ok
la., after spending the summer here
with her daughter, Mrs. John Ken
fro. John Halloren of Ottawa, Kans.,
Is spending a few days here with his
on Arthur.
J. D. Dabb has been assisting In
the store for J. 11. Fredinburg Co.
W. J. Law son and wife of Kddvllle
tre here visiting their daughter Mrs.
Thos. Stansble.
Elmer Law-son and wife who
ranched in this country a number of
years but left about a year ago foe
Oregon have decided to loctto there
permanently and are here now visit
ing their friends and relatives and
getting their possessions ready to
Miss Joyce Hinton who has been
connected with the Ashby hotel since
last February Is now Klnkalding
on her homestead near Spade.
Lee Clinch of Rapid City, S. I)..
Is spending u week or two here with
John Fredinburg of the Ashby Lum
ber Co.
Miss Nellie llushnell came up Sat
urday from Uyaunis und went out
to Martindale to visit a couple of
weeks with her Bister Mrs. (). F.
George Smlzer left
Ansley where he will
time with his uncle.
make final 'proof on the former's
Miss Kdna MrCarty Is helping Mrs.
Frank CilbauRh In the hotel these
busy tajs.
C. W. Wilson nnd wife left Satur
day Tor Wheatland, Wyo., where
they went In their car.
M. L. lncaid and family and M. J.
Keyes and wife visited with J. J.
Granning and family Friday and Sat
urday. Archie Mathews left for his old
home Monday, at Osceola, Nebr.,
where he will rpend the winter.
.las. Ilreckner returned from Alli
ance Sunday after "having ridden
through with Wilson in his car, Sat
urday. I'hil Castle's father left Saturday
for Alliance to visit home folks for
a white.
Nell Thompson arrived here Thur
sday from Wheatland to visit some
of the boys a while.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gilbaugh vis
ited with Frank Gilbaugh and wife
Sunday and Monday.
I Harry Marr returned Monday from
' Omaha, where he had been on busi
i ness.
Jack Frost and S. L. Graham of
Tlppetts were in town Tuesday trans
acting business.
Geo. Thomas of the Sutton ranch
was in town Tuesday, doing some
Wni. Welch was seen In our burg
early Tuesday morning.
11 O. Vaughn has been out putting
Improvements on his homestead.
S. G. Phillips took out a big four
horse load of posts Tuesday for V.
A. Yeast.
It. It. Kincald was a passenger to
Alliance Tuesday, where he went as
a witness for Delia Ilreckner in mak
ing proof on her "homestead.
A. J. Applegarth starts this after
noon for Alliance with some horses
for the sale.
Andy Doone was in from farm val-
milch cows, and will drive them ley for a load of posts and wire for
'Copyright, 1SU, hy Panama Pacific Inter
national Kxposltlon Company.
One of the amazing attractions of
the great Panama-Pacific Internation
al Exposition that will open In San
Francisco on February 20, 1913.
near Martindale. He became owner,
of the homesteads formerly owned
by J. O. Martin, David Hector and
("rocket Hector. Mr. Stansble be
lieves in getting land while the get
ting is good.
Max Chrlstensen left Sunday for
Upland where he has bought some
Itegular 'rresiideiit
(George Bingham)
across the country.
Tom Hoots who went down to
Flroken How to thresh returned last
week bringing his father and moth
er with him. The family will move
up In about two or three weeks, as
soon as the house is completed.
Harry Uurgess from Martindale
was In town for supplies Monday.
Harry Sutton Tuesday.
Angora, Nebr.
Ashby, Nebr., Sept. 22 K. H
Weeden came in Thursday from
Yam Sims treed a squirrel In the
Gimlet Creek woods Thursday, but
not being a dog, he' could do nothing
but stand and look at it.
Haz Harlow believes if the war
keeps up. with all Its heavy cannon
ading, the rabbits are going to be
awful shy next winter.
The Mail Carrier has not been In
for nearly a week now, and it is
feared he had to deliver some let
ters at the Hog Ford still house.
The Wild Onion school teacher Is
getting up a debate for Saturday
night on the subject of "Which is
more beneficial to humanity: Dust
or mud."
Fit Smith, who has been relied up
on in the paBt for the weather prog
nostication, attended a nice rain at
Rye Straw yesterday. I
Frisby Hancock swapped dawgs
during church last Sunday. He got
the best of the deal, he thinks, as ho
traded a hound that had no spots,
for one that had several.
Columbus Allsop, who rejoined
the Excelsior Fiddling Band to furn
ish the hoarse ruusic, has again with
drawn from the band, and prefers
to play by himself in a separate col
umn. The editor of the Tidings at Tick
ville was short, of news in his last
issue, having run out of miscellan
eous plate matter.
Sim Flinders is daily expecting his
story paper from Augusta, Maine,
and has taken a seat at the postof
flce as he is anxious to see whether
the girl In the story got home or not
before the heavy rain of week before
Isaac Hellwanger was in Hound
ing Pillows last week on business,
and came within twenty cents of buy
ing a cow.
Another rear door is being put In
at the still house on Musket Ridge.
It is expected that it will be com
pleted by Sunday.
A man's eyes have a great deal to
do with his looks.
Washington Hocks visited his
daughter near Tlckville Monday of
He reports that she and
Saturday for
visit a short
Ashby. Nebr.. Sept. 10 J. J. Uol
Jerup and wife of Lakeside, after
spending a day o rtwo here visiting
his brother T. J., left Sunday for
Elba to visit his father.
Harvey Hubbard who has been
Visiting during the past three weeks
at Hale, Mo., is back on his farm
stead. Miss Nellie Bushnell who has
been out at Survey visiting her sis
ter Mrs. t). F. Corglne, came to
town Sunday an dwent down to Hy
annls. Jennings Castle left Wednesday
for Boise, Idaho, where ho will at
tend Bchool during the coming year.
L. B. White sold out his relin
quishment last week to James Mur
phy of Vesta and left Friday for his
home at Holyoke, Colo.
Hiram nox came in on the train
Tuesday morning with two cars of
sheep which he purchased at Mars
land. Mrs. Frank Gosha left last Wed
nesday for Kansas City where she
will take treatment for cancer.
The many friends of Miss 151 ma
Wheaton are sorry to hear that she
had to go the St. Joseph hospital at
Alliance for an operation, but all
will be glad to know she is getting
Along nicely.
Mrs. S. S. Parkerson and daugh
ter Marie are visiting Mrs. Parki
son's parents at Broken How this
J. C. Jones of Survey was In our
burg on business last Sunday.
F. G. King and family of Survey
visited over Sunday at the Nlckf-r-on
.Lee Clinch of Rapid City, who is
visiting here with John Fredinburg.
went to Alliance on business Satur
day. Cll liipiio of Aiiutui: fUJUnl With
bU brother Fred Hippe at Haselton
a few days last week.
Messrs. John Dunn and Fred Hipp
of Hazelton went. to Alliance on bus
iness Monday of this week.
Guy Sievers of Broken Bow is
here doing the plumbing on the
Thurston residence on Capitol Hill.
Mrs. Margaret King has bought
the Ormsby residence and other
F. H. and Glenn Barr shipped two
cars of cattle from here Sunday.
Glenn went down with, them to do
the honors.
Mrs. J. K. Jones and sons of Ans
ley spent a few days last week visit
ing the Ha bo family.
Mrs. John Renfro and children
spent Sunday at Bingham visiting
friends and relatives.
Lawrence Bixby who has been
visiting at Lincoln during the past
two weeks returned Monday and
went out to his borne near Spade.
Last week Thomas Stansble pur
chased three more sections of laud
Sept. 15 L. L.
Chambers came in from Minatare.
Clarence Roseuberger of Heming- this week.
Fairfax to look after his cattle here, to"-' was an Angora visitor between, her husband are not getting along
and shipped several cars from here 'rains, very well, but he is poorly and has a
Sunday. ' "r- A- Ward of Gerlng came ! policy.
Mrs. Mary E. Dixon of Marquette ,n this morning. He came with the The Old Miser is much gratified to
came up on 43 Thursday and went lntpntion of locating here If sutiPled know he has saved some money this
out to her homestead. wl,n tne surroundings. summer by not needing a fire to keep
Frank Raven, who has been down Mr- ttnd Mrs Terrell who have -warm by.
at Falls City under the doctor's care Dfien visiting at the Lewis home the AtlaB Peck was seen at. preaching
for the past two weeks, returned naBt two weeks returned to their .last Sunday with a necktie on. He
Sunday to his homestead here. home at Kearney. is either about to run for some of-
John Barnes, who shipped cattle Sent- 16 I)r- Bradshaw autoed in flee or get married again,
from here Thursday returned Sun-' rrom Goodatreak this morning. Some miscreants visited the Rye
day from Omaha. 1 Mr- am MrB- Wm- Meeker of Straw store the other night and at-
Mrs. R. E. Jones and children who Bridgeport were the guests of Mr. tempted to turn the building around,
have been visiting the Babb family and Mrs- l- K- Maybell. not knowing that the storekeeper
a few days left Friday for their home. Mlss Cora A- Thompson, county, bad Just put In bis fall stock of
at Ansley. superintendent, was In town between goods.
Gilbert Chappell who has been trains. I
taking treatment at the Hot Springs James kverett is going around on"
hooniiui i. , . .... i.. crutches. While in A II In ru n Sent '15
u'oi',iui iui mr ictm inu i r- - - - - i -
turned Sunday from that place. ne waa struck by an auto which
Mrs. Elizabeth Calkins who has bruised him quite badly. Luckily,
been at Alliance during the past two no bones were broken,
weeks returned Sunday and went Sell- 17 Mr8- ,- K- Maybell vls-
out to her homestead to get things ,tpd w'th Mrs. Meeker of Bridgeport,
ready for winter. 1 L- Stoner and Sons are moving
Mrs. Harry Burgess and daughter the Robinson building onto Its new opened in District No. 153 last Mon
came down on 4 4 Sunday to go out foundation. day. Sept. 7, with an attendance of
to their claim. I Thompson brothers of Cairo came 29, and is progressing very satisfac-
W. II. Showers and Leonard Babb 1,1 101 a ,pw la8 nunnng. iran lorny wnn miss L.ona weaver as
Pullman. Nebr.. Sept. 11 School
went up to Alliance the latter part of "ftyB np fan 8ee Kreat Improvement
the week and will ship down some ln Angora.
milk cows. i Ml88 Rosie Shutock is helping at
Miss Nellie Wolsleberry left Satur- ,ne G- A- I)ov store while Earl Dove
day for her home near Sargent, af- 18 aaing a vacation
The sale at Will Rice's. Sept. 5,
was wel lattended and his high grade
stock and poultry brought good
i prices.
ter making an extended visit here ept. 1H Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Sig-1 Corn cutting ln Dogtown Valley
with her sister, Mrs. Lena Paige. Illan Alliance made a business trip and vicinity is occupying all the at
Dr. W. E. Merrlhew the dentlm to Angora Sept. 18
will be here the 27th and 28th of Among the shippers today are Viv
t his month. Ian, 3 cars cattle; J. King. 2 cars;
Mrs. May Gibson of Anselmo will Walston. 1 car.
be in Ashby the first of next week SeDt. 20 Harry Barber and son
with a line of hats for the ladies to WH'e departed for Omaha this' Dale and party of friends, of Free-
select from. morning. Willie will enter school, . port, Ills., in the near future
Mrs. J. O. Martin of Martindale ana "irry will remain a few days
visited Tuesday and Wednesday with until Willie gets used to his sur
lier brother. D. S. Rector. roundings.
Mrs lllrum I'llna uh liu. Sept. 21 Mrs. R. H. Atwell und
relatives and friends at Broken Bow two Bons l"ft Monday for Springfield I
and Anslev durine the nnst
returned Saturday. Bridgeport and the body of baby
Mrs. June Kentfro of Bingham -,ucll rugate, who died Saturday
visited over Sunday with Mrs. John evening at 6 o'clock. The baby will
Rentfro here. D buried In Springfield, the former
Mrs. Emily Thurston and sister. non, of tho Atwell and Fugate fam-
Miss Sarah Wright, came up Thurs- ,,l,,B-
day and spent a few days here visit- Kay K,y al,d family spent Sunday
Ing with the Thurston brothers here. at ,ne Harry Fetters home.
Eleven cars of cattle were shinned
from here Saturday adn several on
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stansbie and
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lawson left in
their steamer Thursday for Wheat
land, Wyo., and will visit friends
and relatives along teh way.
Mrs. Pearl Blevens of Hardin
Mont., came down Thursday tl viBlt
tention and surplus help of the lo
cality. A nice lot of feed is being
prepared for the winter.
Mrs. uuy rneips is expecting a
visit from her Bister Miss Eleanor
Emery Lee made a trip to Whit
man Thursday, Sept. 10, for lumber
and building material to Improve his
Jack Burr and family have return-
month oti.-uiii,aujr me r ugaie lamiiy or eu irom ineir visu 10 AnBiey, ieDr.
Frank was unable to return with
them on account of a severe attack
of rheumatism.
Willis Braman is building a corn
crib to receive the bumper crop he
has raised this year.
As there have been no ball games,
horse races or even dog fights in the
neighborhood lately news is very
C. K. Venrick has bought a corn
binder. He had engaged considera
ble corn to cut but after cutting only
a few acres the binder has gone bad
and is now laid up for repairs. There
is considerable disappointment on
account of It.
I Antloch
Mrs. C. I
Nebr., Sept. 22 Mr. and
Wakeman went to Alli
ance Friday the 18th.
L. D. Blair of Alliance was ln An
tloch Monday.
P. J. Rock and Fred Smith went
to Chadron Thursday the 17th to
take in the Dawes County Fair.
Wm. Elmore and wife came hnmo
to Alliance
her mother. Mrs. Alice Lovatt. and
sister. Mrs. Thomas Horan.
J. E. Shackelford spent a few
days last week visiting friends at
John Skipper of Bingham was in
our rllv KnnHuv
Mrs. Flora Preston and Miss Irene fro,m c,nadron Sunday.
Weekly of Long Lake spent Sunday t L- IIow went "P
evening and Monday forenoon in our " '
burg attending to business. I G- ''son bas two nephews vis-
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haggenbart of hlnl rrom Merna. Nebr.
Giltner are here visiting J. P. Babb . L- M- 80011 of Lakeside was in
and family. Mr. Haggenbart is a ,hls ehborhood Monday buying
brother of Mrs. Babb. cat',e
Messrs. P. J. Gilroy. George Smiz-' Mr and Mra- J- w- Wilson drove
er. W. H. Moore and Misses Lillian u,f to A,,ittnt' Thursday the 17th ln
Smizer and Lola Keller attended the ,hV,r ""V-
dance at Hyannis Friday night. I Mri- "OI"r Wilson was called to
Englewood. S. D.. the 16th on ac-
1 count of the serious sickness of her
1 C. W. Hooker and wife went to Al
liance on 4 3 Monday.
I Mrs. C. H. Johnson went to Hem-
ingrord Monday for a short visit.
Mrs. c. H. Loo 111 is of Lulu brought
here Saturday
were W. E. Lotspelch. F. W. Yeast.
M. L. Kincald and J. H. Willey. Mr.
Lotspeich and son Ralph, J. H. Wil
ley and C. C Thompson accompan
ied the shipment to Omaha.
Roy McKinley of Kackett was in
town Sunday.
Wm. Robb of Rackett, accompan
ied by L. E. Ballinger and O. I. Ar
nold, went to Alliance Monday to
take the train for Alliance,
Mrs. J. W. Wilson Is driving
auto now. She has turned
mules over to Jess.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunsaker of
Lakeside attended church here Sun
day evening.
. Rev, Hlvener'a sermon Sunday
was excellent. His theme was sand
hill wells, rock bottom wells and
wells of Salvation.
" ""WBk
Malinda. Nebr., Sept. 17 Mrs.
Bert Miller and Miss Audrey Dean
were callers at Mrs. Joe Derr's one
day last week.
Miss Hazel Beyer who has been
visiting with her aunt at Broadwater
returned home last week, to enter
A new sod house is being built at
the A. C. Wright place.
J. W. Cogar and wife and Dr.
Bradshaw and wife were at the
Ulufls last Sunday.
Everyone Is through haying in
this part of the country but I A.
Dean and J. W. Meek. They expect
to be through by Christmas.
James Nerud who has been spend
ing the summer with his brother
near Malinda returned to Minatare
Sept. 4, to enter school. He is very
much missed at the Fairmont Union
Sunday School.
Mr. and Mrs. Cogar and family
were callers at Mr. and Mrs. Beyer's
Sunday, Sept. 13.
School commences Monday, Sept.
21, ln District No. 24, with Miss
Heed as teacher.
Mrs. J. B. Conrad and children
spent the day with Mrs. L. A. Dean
last Tuesday, Sept. 15.
Job Printing
Because of our unique organization we
are able to turn out superior job printing
quickly and satisfactorily. We employ
only printers who are experts. Our plant,
the most completely equipped in western
Nebraska, is in a position to turn out any
size job of work on short notice. Why
get unsatisfactory, shoddy printing done
when you can get the kind that satisfies
for the right price. Phone 340 and we
will call. Mail orders given prompt attention.
Herald Publishing Co.
Alliance, Nebraska
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A 1. 1. PpiwTiwr: Diirposfs
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K'H : 8S!
Th Smft BrMckXoaJinc
Cua Built 1
12-16-20 Gauge
Visit t"- T-
.1 . 1 naniinerlcss rrnratinir
cant frre tin wiTh Vain. P.. ""'.w o..t tIiro.,Ph or water to Bet in r
I,,.- 1. 1.. : " eicc, us wiiiu sicci iirrerii not !. l f .,- ii
"r' 5lrl?a' n without Mcriticing Mrensth or .afetv , U ii.. f"'.Tl' LT.Ti
.1, ..,.... 1. 1 , v. rr'. i" wiiiu sicci urcecii nntiHr nivh
-M.,.i B.".! ("h lT cost, W . tr?? h' "? WL S',,-&K1 Top-Sid. EWti..
remove ioa.led cartridge" orktv from m.oS?, T"i","f ?" Crtridi. Rela-a-U
ir.K abihty : .tandard 2!2"J 12...,-J,?.,a.n:"M "J"'" ' e"eed in khoot-
8 stamoi nKtnc, f. I.; , ' T 7.' T .-or o.
-o repeat.'" ahotguns (hammer and hammer
lc). all t n-repeatina rifles, etc. Doit now!
42 Willow tL N H r-
If YOU Shoot n i"' 'n'' r ,,,""'un- "" 'h''l live copy of the Ideal Hand
powder, bullru nrimVr? I .'I""? of u,,,ful lf","''n for shimiim. It tells all abuitt
ammunition"' !nm'e7,u" d0o,n 'w , '" 'ifl. P"l J otu.
expense in half Md "1 .K,, jt?"? y.", 1,nw to cut y"r ""fo
end three atamps novtaSL ta Tl,- I ,e'"",,,R- Thia book Is freo to any fchoofrr who will
amp postage to a ,e Marn j.lrcarm, Wi w
i mm
nrjivi mtAi
Cat less meat if you fael Backachy or
have bladder trouble Tak
glass of Salts,
No mnn or romnn who eata moat roTi
'.'u!y cm ciaku a midtuke ly flushing the
t.idiipys occ.iMinn.illy, say a well known
nutlmrity. Meat forma uric acid which
excitps ths kidneys, they become ovt-r-ikid
fnim the atrain, iluprgish and
fail to filti.-r the waste and poionj from
tiie bloxl, then we gvt ick. Nearly ai!
rliciunatism, headaches, liver trouldo,
!ii'rvuusne, (li.iinosa, sleeidesaness and
.jiinary disorders come from slugis-h
'to moment you feel a dull ache in t
..iiuys or your back hurts or if tho
uiiiie is c!"udy, offensive, full cf g" li
:i!Tt, irre-vtlar of f a"".-.'? cr s.'. ri ' ',
a uensatioa of acaldin, stop eating ci'-l
on.l get alout four ounces of Jad
Salts from any pharmacy; take a
talilepoonful iu a glass of water before
breakfast and in a few days your kidneys
will act lino. This famous salts is raadj
from the acid of era pea and lemon juice,
combined with lithia. and has boon ued
for fenerations to flush and stimulate
the kidneys, alo to neutralize the acids
in urine d it no longor causis irriiation,
thus emiinif bladder weakness.
Jad haks is inexienaive ami cannot
injure; mukes a delightful etferveocent
lithiawaUr driuk which everyone
should take now and then to Keep the
kidneys clean and activt and the Mood
pure thereby avoiding serious kidney
eotliui i.vca.
Lincoln Sanitarium
Newly Rebuilt, Doubled Capacity,
Electric Elevator. Modern
in every way
Located on our premises and used
in the
Unsurpassed in the treatment of
Heart, Stomach, Kidney aud Liver
Moderate charges. Write for rates
Dr. O. W. Kverett, Mgr.
1403 M St., Unculn, Neb.
Prof. William 11. Taft also has
nothing to say, but contrary to his
custom, he Is not saying it.
Cteaa, Classi Entsrtaiasient Everrbodf Ooes; AsX
, llSedB, LADIES' DIME atATIsfct bAILT
I dont go homs sayinqi