ANGORA ITEMS A Lower Prices on Ford Cars ffoctive Aiiguxt 1st 1914 to August 1st 1015 and guaranteed agaluat any reductions during that time. All cars fully equipped f. o. b. Detroit. Runabout -. $440 Touring Car - - 490 Town Car ... 690 (hi the United States of America only) Buyers to Share in Profits All retail buyers of new Ford cars from August lfrt 1914 to August 1st 1915 will share in the prof its of the company to the extent of $40 to $60 per car, on each car they buy, PROVIDED: we sell and deliver 300,000 new Ford cars during that period. Ford Motor Company KEELER-COURSEY Co., Alliance 201!? YEAR FALL FESTIVAL Omaha 6EPT. 30 TO OCT. 10 1914 WORLD AT HOME SHOWS Every afternoon and evening. CUetrleal Parade Fraternal Parade Evening Oct. 7. Afternoon Oct. 8. HOME COMING WEEK OCT. 5 TO 10 mr METE? DCS Attend the Territorial Pioneer Re-Unlen, PIQNbtRb spt. 30 to oet. 3. 3 HPHE two distinct types of Eczema can be relieved redily by using Dry Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin and Moist Zensal for all watery erup tions. Get it from Harry F. Thiele. Safe Home Matches are Wonderfully Cheap A first-class me chanic could not ' make, in a day, as many Safe Home matches as you can buy for five cents. Even if he could, the matches would not be of uniform size, shape, length, strength or thick ness. We make Safe Home matches by machinery mil lions and millions of them daily. The wood is treated and cut, the sticks grooved and com pressed, and the ends paraffined and 'double dipped" all by machinery. You pay no more for Safe Home matches than for the kind you now use. The price is the same five cents for a large box of perfect matches. Why perfect! Because non-poisonous. Because non-sparking. Because the sticks do not break when rightly used. Be cause the heads do not fall off. Because the flame burns evenly. Because Safe Home Matches are inpregnated to prevent live charcoal when the flame is extinguished. All grocers. Five cents a box. Angora, Nebr, Sept. 7 C. D. Icnderson is hauling sand. He ex pects to start at once on a new resi dence. E. Walsworth and family Sunday ed at Joseph Coty's. Geo. Sudyka and family spent Sun day with Eben Morey and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. King were Al liance visitors hot ween trains. Floyd O'Neul and family of near Dayard Sundayed at Kben Morey'a. Sept. 8 It. T. Ely. A. D. Hutch inson, L. L. Chambers and 11. E. Johnson were Alliance visitors be tween trains. A. T. Thompson and wife of Tor- rlngton, Wyo., came in for a few days visit with relatives. It. K. May bell. A. G. Stoner and II. Carmine autoed out to Lynn for a few days hunting. C. N. niackstone and B. E. Dow ers returned from Sand Stone, Minn. They spent the past ten days looking over the country. The boys were; glad to get back and seem satisfied ! with this country. . Sept. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Spencer of near Llnsca who have been visiting their son Fred for the past few days returned to their home this morn-' lng. ! Sept. 10 C. L. McDanlel. A. G. I Stoner, L. L. Stoner and Eben Morey were Bridgeport visitors between trains. j John Smoker is grading the cross- ngs over the railroad, llie cross- ngs have been in bad shape and the grading will greatly improve them. Sept. 11 Uuasell Stoner went hunting Wednesday afternoon and in about three hours bagged the limit of grouse. Earl Kendall who works for King & Murphy had the misfortune of having a vicious horse full with him, smashing his foot quite badly. Sept. 12 Among the shippers to day are H. K. Thomas, with one car of cattle; Kin g& Murphy, with three cars of cattle. James Murphy went to Omaha with the King & Murphy cattle. Sept. 14 Quite a large crowd at tended teh dance at Stoner's hall on Saturday night. All report a good time. I Mrs. K. T. Ely and children came n this morning from uuiae kock.i where they have been visiting for some time. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Shoopman who have been visiting at the Thompson' & Shoopman ranch east of town de parted for their home In Cairo. Kay Morrison came In from Bay ard for a few days visit. Glen Rowan was an Alliance vis itor between trains. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Thompson who : have been visiting here for the past ; few days departed for their home in J Torrlngton, Wyo. This vicinity was visited by a hea vy frost Sept. 13. It froie ice a quarter of an Inch thick in some lo calities. Mrs. L. L. Glau came In from Bridgeport where she has been visit ing her parents for the past week. C. S. Stoner Sundayed at the Thomas home. 1D rouctxit Lumber Co, ANGORA, NEBR. Lumber Building Material Paint Coal Hardware Implements Furniture Salt 1 , t i vj I a&Ai a r - t , HfeOWSE: FURNITURE K-,C . ; !f - - ' ' - - 4 ' - 1 I ' " Everything to Build and Fur nish the Home BINGHAM ITEMS Alliance Commission Co. i Bingham. Nebr., Sept. 15 J. H. ! Willey, V. A. Williams, Jack Ballin ger and M. L. Klncald were In Alli ance Thursday and Friday as wit nesses for L. K. Balllnger in bis suit against the railway company. I Sylvan Kincaid came in the 11th to visit with relatives for a while. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sellers left for Galesburg, 111.. Monday for a few weeks visit with Mr. Sellers' sisters. R. It. Klncald started for a trip In the south neighborhood Monday, to be gone three or four days. GUbaugh Bros, purchased three quarters of land from Homer Van Dorn, the consideration being $1,- 920. M. L. Kincaid 1b having a new coat of paint put on the roof of his house. Mesdames Potter and Ilixon were trading in town Monday. Frank Gilbaugh and wife took charge of the hotel and postoffice on Sunday. Welcome back to our town once more, Frank. j B. D. Stephenson left on train 44 for Oshkosh Monday. He is going to locate there. Oshkosh will get a good citizen and Bingham will lose good one. Scott Plttullo was a visitor in our burg Monday. He Is almost a stran ger here now. having moved to Whit man last spring. Shippers from Bingham Sunday were J. r . Sellers, one car; J. T. Burton, two; F. W. Yeast, six. Dick Hunt was in Monday and took out a four-horse load of ranch material for Harry Sutton. i K. K. Melvln came in from north of Ashby Sunday night to visit with his family. Ed says it is terribly lonesome batching on his homestead all alone. I Jerome Stephenson took out a load of household goods for B. D. Stephenson to his homestead twenty miles south of here. The Misses Agnes and Loretta Welch were shopping in town Mon day. Sheriff New was down from Rush ville last Frida yon official business. Lant Gaulding had started across country for Wood Lake and got as far as Ashby when his little boy got his leg broke, and Lant had to take him to Alliance to the doctor. Mrs. Gaulding proceeded on across country. ORSE SALE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 24-25 At this sale it will be a good time to dispose of yotx Broke Horses. TTe have set the date on Sept. 24 and 25, 'which will give 70m tins to finish fcaymf and rest your horses for the sale. The feeder buyer will be oat, afeo the south ern market will be in full blast; we look for the best sale of the seasoa. Our July sale was better than we expected. Allianf is the place te sell your horses. REMEMBER, it is your MARKET. Commission: $2.00 per head, singles and pairs. Bonehes of S head or more, $1.00 per head. Yardage, 10c per head on horses aot sold. NO SALB, mo commission. Let as kaow what yoa will bring m. Oscar Braman, Mgr. Lest you forget we say It yet -I you can get three magazines for one year by renewing your subscription ! to The Herald. We want all of our : old subscribers to get these magaz ines. We are selling The Herald I F. J. Was, Clerk. R. M. Hampton, Treas, A. W. Thompson, L. E. Lewis, Aucts. with three magazines all one year I for only $1.75.