The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 17, 1914, Image 2

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Have You
A New Car ?
KEEP your new car In our enrage.
Prices are low. Service la the
You can rest assured that we will
take the very Ixwt care of your auto.
We Rive lesson to beginner. We
keep cars no that tbey are always"
ready to run. We take trouble off
your shoulder.
Oarage la fireproof, finely equipped
and open at all hour a.
This is a private garage, as well as a public
one. We take the greatest care of private
autos. This saves you trouble.
if, -,
The Alliance Garage
Dierks Lumber & Coal
Headquarters for
Building Material
Celebrated Bradley & Vroman Palnta
Barbed Wire, Cement Blocks, Lightning Rods, B. 8. Floor Covering
Antiorh, Nebr., Sept. 14 Sunday
was a very busy day In Antloch,
there being twelve cars of cattle
shipped from this place.
M. K. Johnston and wife visited
with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Beckwell
C. 1. Wakeman went up to Alli
ance Saturday on business.
Mrs. N. B. Berry and little Fran
cis returned Sunday from Merna.
I. II. and T. L. Brlggs shipped
cattle from here Sunday.
Mrs. C. P. Wakeman returned
from Anselmo Sunday.
Miss Aurilla Jackson of Purdum
came Friday and visited with F. II.
Smith and family over Sunday.
F. F. Peterson and Lee Sturgeon
shipped cattle from here Sunday.
Miss Jackson went out Sunday ev
ening with Mr. Peterson to com
mence her term of school In that
district Monday morning.
Miss Ethel Brown came in from
Thelma Sunday and went up to Alli
ance on 43.
W. N. Wilkinson of Lulu shipped
cattle and hogs from here Monday.
J. S. Brlce waa one of the shippers
of cattle from here Sunday.
Mrs. E. E. Thompson went up to
Alliance on 4 3 Monday.
W. O. Otto of Lakeside was in An
tloch Monday.
T. S. Moore of Rushville stayed
over night in Antloch Monday night.
Mr. Moore is candidate for county
treasurer on the Democratic ticket.
Wm. Elmore and wife go from
here to Chadron this week to attend
the Dawes county fair.
C. E. Carpenter came In Sunday
and went up to Alliance on 43.
C. H. Castle and Everett Taylor
leave this week for Wyoming.
Some of the school districts
around here have not been able to
secure teachers for the coming year,
The Omaha Daily News Will dive Away
Osceola, Neb.,
July 6. 1914.
Bullock Machine & Sup
ply Co., Omaha. Neb.
Gentlemen Replying
to yours, will say that I
like the Tractor I got
of you very much. It
does everything that the
company claims It to do.
I have a six-hole corn
sheller with a twenty
foot drag and it bandies
it to perfection. I would
like to know how soon
you could get another
one for me. If you can
get one in about two
weeks let me know at
Yours truly,
How It Will Save You Money
Alliance Merchant States that He
Purchased Supply of Toys Be
fore War Was Declared
Glen Miller, of Miller Brothers
told The Herald representative this1
morning that Alliance children are1
I to have their toys at Christmas time
this year the same as ever. Their or
ders for toys were placed before the
war was declared in Europe and the
goods were in the United States so
that there is no danger of them not
being delivered. Along about Christ
mas time Miller Brothers will make
an announcement, telling all about
their many toys for the little folks.
It's Great to Get What
You Want
When You Want It
Peters Shells Get the Limit
$.50 BOX.
.50 BOX.
.70 BOX.
.70 BOX.
.75 BOX.
.75 BOX.
$9.00 CASE
$9.00 CASE
$13.00 CASE
$13.00 CASE
$14.00 CASE
$14.00 CASE
"Anything in Hardware"
Newberry's Hardware Co.
The best team the United States affords can
not do plowing with the accuracy of width and
depth of furrow that the Bull Tractor does. Two
fourteen-inch plows drawn by the Bull Tractor
will turn over twenty-eight inches all the time,
for the alignment Is perfect, the drive wheel
stays In the furrow constantly and the steer
wheel hugs the land side faithfully, compelling
accurate work.
And then, too, a uniform depth of plowing is
maintained, for the power is so abundant that
when hard places in the soil are Btruck it makes
no impression on the Tractor, and good work is
forcibly done, bringing to light the rich under
soil to enhance production. Such excellent,
first-class work is intensive farming. To work
the farm with the Bull Tractor will mean a rich
Tested and Not Found Wanting
The Bull Tractor has been tested out by in
ventors, theoretical and practical mechanicians,
old established manufacturers of farm machin
ery and by thousands of farmers in different
states in all kinds of soil and in every concelva
blt traction work in the field, as well as every
variety of stationary work on or about the farm
Many ask if it will fill silos, saw wood, stack
hay or pull it into the loft, drill wells, grade
roads, haul grain to market, etc. To this it can
be said that it will positively do anything that
any stationary engine can perform, while as a
Tractor it will do anything that horses can do,
except to raise colts.
Takes Place of Five Horses
The Bull Tractor will take the place in the
operation of the farm of any five horses. And
its cost of operation in the field, using oil fuels
at the present price, will be less In cost to the
farmer for a day's operation than the price of
the feed for five horses. At the end of the day's
work, or the moment that the tractor stops, it
requires oniy 10 De run into a snea or some
kind, and. instead of requiring the feed and
care that five horses would require, it costs him
nothing. In other words, it doeB not eat when
it does not work.
How to Win This Bull Tractor FREE
This contest will be different than most of
the forty other contests which The Daily News
has conducted. We have investigated the mar
ket, we have looked for something which the
people want, and in the Bull Tractor we kelieve
we have found it.
Just as we announce, you can obtain this
Bull Tractor in six weeks' time. The Omaha
Daily News will conduct a free voting contest,
starting September 1 and ending October 15. At
the end of this time the contestant having the
largest number of votes will be awarded the Bull
You cannot lose on this proposition. You
have every chance in the world to win the Bull
Tractor, but if you do not win, we pay a com
mission of 10 per cent to those who enter the
contest and comply with the rules. You are
practically certain of winning the Bull Tractor,
but if you do not win and if you comply with
the rules you are absolutely certain of drawing
a good commission check.
To all who send in their names on er before
September 1, we will give 10,000 votes free. The
10.000 votes will give you a fine start, and by
adding to them during your spare time you can
win the Bull Tractor. After you have won you
can manage your farm at a cost greatly less than
you are now paying.
If after receiving full information yo do
not care to enter the contest, you will not be
obliged to do so, and you can withdraw your
name. Can anything be fairer than this?
Mall this coupon today and let us tell you
how you can win the Bull Tractor. Don't put it
Good for 10,000 Votes Free
Contest Editor, The Daily News, Omaha, Neb.
Please send me full information concern
ing your Bull Tractor contest. It is snder
stood that this request for information does
not obligate me In any way, and that, if I de
cide to continue in the contest, 10,000 free
votes on this nomination will be credited to
me towards the Bull Tractor.
Only one 10,000 free votes given
each nomination.
The Proof That Alliance Headers
Cannot Deny
What could furnish stronger evi-
dence of the efficiency of any remedy
than the test of time. Thousands of
people testify that Doan's Kidney
Pills have brought lasting results, i
Grateful endorsements should
prove undoubtedly the merits of this
remedy. Years ago people right In
this locality testified to the relief
they had derived from the use of
Doan's Kidney Pills. They now con
firm their testimonials. They say ,
that time has completed the test.
Peter Hansen, Potter, Nebr., says:
"I have more faith In Doan's Kidney
Pills than ever and I willingly con
firm all I said about them before. :
Aside from the great benefit I got
from Doan's Kidney Pills, I have
known of cases where parties have
been almost down and out with kid
ney complaint and short use of
Doan's Kidney Pills has improved
their health wonderfully. Cases of
weak and lame back, irregular ac
tion of the kidneys and bladder, all
yield readily to this remedy. Kidney
complaint and I are strangers now,
thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills. I
cannot make this endorsement too
strong." j
Price 50c, at all dealres. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy ;
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same:
that Mr. Hansen had. Foster-Mil-burn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
The Alliance Herald 11.50 year.
If you knew where you could get the purest of bakery
goods, baked right under our own eyes in the most modern ov
en and in the cleanest bakery shop in Alliance, wouldn't you
buy them there? You certainly would.
At Nohe's Bakery and Cafe you are invited to inspect our
ovens, our entire bakery shop, and our kitchen. They aro kept
spotlessly clean by bakers and cooks who know their business
thoroughly. When yo ueat goods purchased at Nohe's you
know that they are made1 from the purest and best of mater
ials as well as in clean, neat surroundings.
With each ten cent purchase at the Bakery you get bsol
utely free a coupon. For these coupons we give free sets of
fine dishes the kind that costs you good money at the store.
Come in and let us explain it to you.
Nohe's Bakery and Cafe
Phone 649 117 Box Butte Ave.
Reference: Live Stock National Ban of South
Omaha, Nebraska
Market Reports Free on Application. Correspond
ence Solicited
W. J. PERRY, Manager
The Best of Salesmen and Caretakers In Every De
partment and the Best of Service Guaranteed
154-156 Exchange Building. Telephone South 731