DIG DOINGS . AT GORDON , This Is the Man That Took the "S" Out of "Skiddoo" Rarord-nrrn-UBf Attendance at the MierldM County Fair, Held T at Gordon Iat Week The Sheridan county fair, which baa been held at Gordon each rear toe the county agricultural society nd fair association waa organised atooat twenty-five years ago, increas M 1b Interest at the years go by. The annual fair for this year was held last week, four days, Tuesday to Friday. The weather waa tine and the attendance good. Thursday was record-breaker, the attendance be ing the largest In the history of the latf. The race program was exception ally Interesting. The attractions vtside of the regular fair features vsrere entertaining and a credit to the town and the people who put Mm on. The exhibits In the agrl eAlural hall were very good but not m numerous as they should hare t been. The eduoatlonal and domestic departments were not as fully repre sented as one would expect. The garden and farm products were sim ply fine, but not half as many as night bar been shown In that coun f. The Herald mentions the deficien cy In the number of exhibits hoping that greater Interest may be stlr- m1 an In thla dunnrlmpnt nf th fair. ' Persons who attend are Interested In i aesfac the exhibits. It will be at areat help to the fair when a larger! number will take part In preparing ' them. Every member of our organization' helps to make each letter of our motto a capital; "SATISFACTORY SERVICE." 1 ' He also takes the "S" out of our competitors' "Sour" customers, mak ing them "Our" customers. BYERS BROS. & CO. Live Stock C ommiss ion South Omaha, Nebraska II. G. KIDDOO South Omaha Manager Houses at: Chicago, Kansas City, St. Joseph "f " 1 " . it r "" " . . - . . Ml, . , . i.. , -i .-,,-.. , WE WANT YOUR PICTURE Tou want your pictures, and your friends want your pictures. If you haven't a Camera so you can get the pictures you want, when you want them, you are miss ing something that yon will regret In after years. The Family, the Home, the Landscape, the Herd, everything that Is near and dear can be preserved for the future by ( the use of the Camera. If you hare no Camera, we will sell you one at any price to suit you, from $2.00 up to $25.00 or higher. If yoa bare a Camera that does not suit, we will exchange with you tor what you do want. If you bare a Kodak r Camera, and are not doing your own finishing and de- Teloplng, we will do the BEST work for the least money. We develop any size film roll for 10c, and any size film pack for 16c. Prints, 3c. 4c, or 6c each, according to . sise. Work guaranteed. We handle the well known ANSCO Non-Trust line la new Cameras, and always have BARGAINS in slightly used Bastman Kodaks, Fremos, Brownies, Hawkeyes, Btc. . Send for our Free Booklet, and Prices, when in Lincoln. , Call on us CAMERA EXCHANGE 1552 O St., Lincoln, Nebr. R. S. PROUDFIT, Pres. E. L. LOVENBURO, Cashier H. K. BURKBT, Vice Pres. BERTHA C. LOVENBURO, Asst Cash. FORTUNE often leads to folly. The man who carries money on his person and loses It -or is robbed, when he could have put it In the Bank So the man IS FOOLISH 'rho pays his debts in money and falls to take a receipt and pays the debt twice is foolish for not paying by check, which la a good receipt INLAW Tou cannot afford to run the risk when we are prepared to for you. Deposit your money; get a check Account; write checks. Angora State Bank ' Angora, Nebr. "No Bach Word As Failure With a Bank Account." Announcement Business men of western Nebraska will be pleased to learn that The Kenyon Company of De Moines, Iowa, the largest manufacturers in the world of exclusive calendars, maps and specialties for advertising mse, will be represented in the counties of Box Butte, Chey enne, Garden, McPherson, Grant, Hooker, Morrill and the south half of Sheridan, by the . Herald Publishing Co. who will be pleased to show samples of Art Calendars and Hangers, Wall Pockets, Fans, Home Scene Calendars, Map Calendars, Twelve-sheet Calendars, Waterproof Signs, Lead Pencils, Leather Goods, Blotters, Pocket Maps and Novelties, at any time on request Do not give your order for these goods to solicitors but see that they are purchased through The Herald Publishing Company. " " " WELL KNOWN PEOPLE WED Cook-Can twell Nnpti&l Celebrated at First M. E. Church, Alli ance, Monday Morning WHERE IS PANCnO VILLA? In the First Methodist Episcopal church of Alliance, at 10 a. m., on Monday, September 7, 1914, occur red the wedding of two of western Nebraska's best known and highly respected young people. Miss Mary Louise Cook of Lakeside and Mr. Lynn Radley Cantwell of Alliance. The pastor, Rev. OUn S. Baker, per formed the marriage ceremony in the presence of a small company that had assembled, altho the wedding had not been previously announced. The bride, a beautiful and accom plished young lady, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cook. Since her graduation from the Alliance High school she has engaged very successfully In teaching. The groom, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cant well whose ranch is southwest of Alliance, is also a graduate of the Alliance High Bchool. He is now a student at the Kansas City Veterin ary College. The following named persons were present at the wedding: Clarence Cook and Mrs. Leo Berry, brother and slBter of the bride, who acted as best man and bridesmaid; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cook, parents of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cantwell, parents of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reddish, Mrs. Geo. Gaddis, Mrs. Jas. Feagins, Mrs. Chase Fea gins, Mrs. L. A. Berry, Mrs. O. S. Baker, Tom Tully, Lloyd Johnson, W. O. Barnes, A. T. Lunn, Leo Ber ry, J. W. Thomas. Mrs. Chase Fea gins presided at the piano and play ed Mendelssohn's wedding march as the bridal party came down the aisle to the chancel. Mr. and Mrs. Cantwell left on Burlington No. 44, following the wedding, for Kansas City, where they will make their home until he completes his course at the K. C. Veterinary College. Their many friends in western Nebraska hope that they will then locate In this part of the west. Of all the stories told of Pancho Villa and his motor car corps in the recent Mexican campaign, the tale told and verified before a group of motor truck and tire men in Hous ton, Texas, recently, is a winner in its class. "Some time ago when Villa's men were making an advance near El Toro, one of the motor trucks In the main force ran out of gasoline. A service truck loaded with gaso line, oil, extra tires and a complete repair outfit was ordered up from the rear and refilled the gas tank. The march was continued . and the service wagon then waited for the rear guard to come up. While the truck was thus resting in the road between the main body and the rear guard, the Federals, under Colonel Coo-Coo, made an attack on the service car from the left flank. All the service squad had in the way of weapons was a sack of Bull Durham, a spy glass and a shot gun. Nothing daunted. Corporal Pedro ordered the spare Firestone tires with their steel rims, which the ser vice wagon carried, unloaded from the truck and placed as a barricade. Behind this rubber and steel bul wark, Villa's men felt safe. As the Federals fired, the bullets rebounded and killed Colonel Coo Coo's men In great numbers," the gallant Coo-Coo himself being among the five killed or wounded. Thus, weakened, the Federals were forced to retreat. When . the rear guard came up they found the service wag on, crew enjoying a quiet game ' of Monte within the confines of the rubber rampart." In view of the effect ' this story may have had upon Villa, it la sug gested that war correspondents look behind every pile of Firestone tires they come across, considering the possibility of finding Pancho . there ensconced enjoying a quiet game ia safety. ' After some men start they are toe lazy to stop. HERE The Book of the Hour Europe at War" WITH COMPLETE ATLAS AND MAPS Sixteen pages of authentic Maps, of vital facts, and most invaluable pictures. It is all of an Atlas and more than an Atlas at the same time. It is a book that belongs in every home. It is necessary to the man who thinks. It is appealing to the woman who feels. It la educational to the children who are growing up. This Important War Book is JUST OFF THE PRESS We have Becured it EXCLUSIVELY for the people of this city. It is the latest word on this tremendous situation; it is the most valuable compendium of facts that has come from the press. And that is why we have secured it for you. This Book, if you bought it through the agents that are now distributing It through the coun try, would cost you 91.00. But through our arrangement direct with the publisher's representatives we are able to give it to you today for Just Don't Read This Notice unless you are a young man or are interested in helping young men. Most young men are Interested In athletics, and those who are not should be. The Y. M. B. C Invites ALL young men to be present at their meeting this (Thursday) even ing, in room 14, McCorkle building. A special exhibition between two of the boys will be "pulled off." And this is not the only Interesting fea ture of the evening. The admission, of course, is free. 25 CENTS A PleaH&nt Summer in Alliance After spending the summer very pleasantly at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. C. A. Dow, in Alliance, Mrs. Walton returned to her home at Bel mond, Iowa, leaving this city on No. 44 Monday. While here she formed the acquaintance of many ladies who will welcome her return whenever she may have the privilege of com ing again. Attended Sheridan County Fair Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. C. Jameson of Ellsworth and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Broome of Alliance attended the Sheridan county fair at Gordon last week, making the trip from Alliance to Gordon and back in Mr. Jame son's automobile, which for conven ience be keeps in the Alliance Gar age. , Young Ladies from Lakeside ' The Misses Pearl and Belle Weib llng of Lakeside were in Alliance from Saturday to Monday, shopping and visiting friends. Miss Pearl at tended the Alliance State Junior Normal at its last session and will teach school this fall and the com ing winter in Sheridan county, six miles from Lakeside. I Aud One Coupon A most remarkable value considering the exclusive maps and the rare pictures of Europe's armament which It contains. "Europe at War" shows the pictures of some of the greatest Battleships in the Naval Fleets of the world. Other pages show the Aerial Battle Fleets that are warring above the clouds. Still oth ers show the armored automobiles of Germany Dreadnaughts of the land. Here also- is a double page in colors Bhowing the most carefully drawn world-map ever print ed a Mercator's Projection that should be in every Home. And over farther is another double page Map In Colors showing all of Europe, showing the boundaries that. are now being destroyed; show ing the great forts that are now trying hopelessly to protect those boundaries; showing all the rela tions and inter-relations of one country to another. And besides these there are colored maps of every individual country drawn separately. One glance at this map. and you see in an instant why Germany has been pouring her soldiers by the hundreds of thousands upon the City of Liege why she is determined to go through Belgium at any cost why she MUST go through Belgium at any cost. These are the Vital things in a War Atlas, and all these vital things are here. Then there is all the important data upon the European situation which has been collected for this great book by the most famous experts in the world. When you read this array of facts, you will KNOW how history is shaping itself in that War-Ridden Continent. Get This Great Book Today We can promise you delivery NOW but we can not tell how long we can keep up our supply. So get your "Europe at War" today. The publishers tell us that their first edition is already approach ing the Million Mark. Their great presses are run ning night and day to keep up the supply. We are fortunate in being able to tell you that Our order has been filled. Our books are at hand and all you have to do is to sign this Coupon and bring or send it in, in order to get yours. So you. too, are fortunate. Sign the coupon and bring or send it in, and DO IT NOW. All of you living in the city can get your "Eur ope at War" right at this office. Just bring in your 25c and your Coupon today. Do it NOW while our supply lasts. HERALD, Alliance, Nebr. Inclosed please find 23c for which send me one copy of your great War Hook, entitled "Europe at War." (Note: It ordering by mall, please inclose 5 cents extra for postage and wrapping.) ' Why worry about the European war situations? You can find things to worry about much nearer home. The Alliance Herald