The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 10, 1914, Image 12

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"Whenever your city is in
the market for Fire Hose or
Equipment, you should at
once write us, as it will be to
your advantage.
Also bear in mind that we
sell Hand Extinguishers for
Angora, Nebr., Aug. 26 Dr. and
Mrs. F. D. Walsworth of Wichita,
Kans., who have been visiting E. L.
WaUworth and family, returned
home Monday, Aug. 24, via the auto
Earl Dove is the proud possessor
of a 4 h. p. Xcelsior motorcycle pur
chased in Denver.
E. I. Walsworth is having a well
put down on bis place Just west of
town. He expects to start building
Rev. G. W. Berry is building a
new residence on his ranch two
miles east of town.
Aug. 27 Rowan Bros, had a fine
Union Meeting of Four Churches at
United Presbyterian Church
Sunday, August 23rd
The regular union meeting of the
First and United Tresbyterian
churches, the Baptist and the Chris
tian churches was held Sunday ev
ening, August 23, at the United Pres
byterian church. A short talk was
made by Rev. F. C. Barrett of the
Baptist church, who left last week
for his new location.
The sermon of the evening was
given by Rev. H. J. Young of the
Christian church. His subject was
automobiles, private houses,
lumber yards and schools.
1115 Farnam St.,
Building Material
1 !.-" ..'!
i;- If
; v w
Everything to Build and Fur
nish the Home
Alliance Commission Co.
At this sale it will be a good time to dispose of your Broke Ilorsea. "We
kave set the date on Sept. 24 and 25, -which will give you time to inish hayiag
and rest your horses for the sale. The feeder buyer will be out, also the soutk
era market will be in full blast ; we look for the best sale of the seasom.
Our July sale was better than we expected. Alliance is the place te
sell your horses. REMEMBER, it is your MARKET.
Commission : $2.00 per head, singles and pairs. Bmnches of 5 head or
more, $1.00 per head. Yardage, 10c per head on horses not sold. NO SALE,
commission. Let us know what yom will bring in.
Oscar Braman, Mgr.
F. J. Was, Clerk.
R. M. Hampton, Treas.
A. W. Thompson,
L. E. Lewis, Aucts.
Methodic t Episcopal Charch at Angora
horse killed 'by lightning the night
of Aug. 25.
Angora has been blest with sev
eral fine rains the past week.
Several sign painters dropped into
our little town last week and pro
ceeded to improve its appearance.
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Maybell have
again resumed duties at the depot.
having returned via the auto route
from an extended visit to parts of
Kansas and Arkansas.
Aug. 28 Quite a number from
Angora and vicinity attended the re
union at Bayard.
A new barn is being built at the
school house large enough to accom
odate several head of horses. Feed
will also be furnished the horses of
children who have to drive to school.
Miss Mabel Laurence is helping at
the L. L. Chambers store.
B. E. Bowers and C. W. Black
stone left Thursday evening, Aug.
27, for Sandstone, Minn. They ex
pect to be gone a week or ten days.
Aug. 29 E. L. Lovenburg has his
new residence nearly completed.
Among the shippers today are Ed
Buebaker, 2 cars; B. Lightner, 1
car; Cassman, 7 cars; all fine look
ing grass ted cattle.
The Misses Gladys and Vera Jef
fers who have been viBiting at the
A. Shipley home returned to their
home in Alliance this morning.
Jno. Burry is building a garage at
his place west of town.
There's music In the air. C. S.
Stoner has a new Holland piano.
W. E. Powell is erecting a silo on
his ranch east of town. This is the
first silo in our community.
Aug. 30 About twenty from here
attended the wild west show at the
palmer ranch. All were well pleas
ed with the performance.
A. L. Robinson came down from
Alliance to visit his brother Geo. II.
Aug. 31 J. H. Powell has the
plasterers at work on his new resi
dence. Mrs. T. E. Chambers and daugh
ter, of Minatare, are here visiting at
the L. L. Chambers home.
Mish Hazel Morey returned from
Bingham where she has been visit
ing her sister Mrs. C. H. Fleming.
Kinkald, Nebr., Sept. 3 Mrs. Ed
Klub and children of Chicago ra-
rived Friday for a visit with her sis
ters, Mrs. Geo. Stafford and Miss
Martha Haack.
School began Monday in District
No. 93, with Miss Hembry as teach
Henry and Grant Keenen visited
with B." C. Soth Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Geo. Stafford, Miss Martha
Haack and Mrs. Ed Klub and child
ren were visitors Saturday afternoon
at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schotte'B.
Miss Bernice Jeffers, who has been
assisting Mrs. Hugh Smith with her
work the past month during haying,
returned to her home in Alliance
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. workman were
visiting Pete Workman the first of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Soth were
shopping in Alliance Thursday.
Geo. Stafford is helping H. E
Smith with his haying this week.
timely, "Safety First." He spoke of
the far reaching influence of the
railroad slogan of Safety First in
the matter of physical safety and
told of the need of such a slogan in
the field of character and life build
ing. He said that when Mr. F. M.
Adam was placed In the Garden of
Eden the first commandment to him
was for him to work; to dress and
keep the garden. The garden of our
life has in it one tree that must be
kept by us all and that Is the tree
of character.
The matter of work is important
and needs to be better taught to our
boyB and girls. The matter of recre
ation was taken up also as an im
portant factor in the life of the
town. Some rather new ideas were
advanced which set many to think
ing along new lines. Mr. Young said
that while he was bitterly opposed
to the saloon yet there were other
things that worried him more than
they did. He favored the public
ownership and control of the recrea
tion centers such as the pool halls
and public dance floors. The estab
lishment of parks ana social centers
for the benefit of the public. He
said that it was unfair to the peo-i
pie of a town and detrimental to its
life to allow the opportunity for re
creation to be made into a money
making scheme. He spoke in I
strong terms of the failure of the;
people of Alliance to put thru the
movement for the Commercial Club
building that was proposed. Regard
ing the children of town he made
some very apt illustrations. He
said that there is a time in the day's
program from getting up time till
breakfast that the parents knew
about. From breakfast till school
there Is usually a period that is not
well filled. Then from that time till
noon the school keeps him busy and
the noon hour has many possibilities
that are not often controlled either
by parents or teachers. After school
in the evening till supper time there
is very often no plans for the time
of the child. It is his play time and
is left unguarded. Then after sup
per many a child who has no busi
ness away from the home or the
watchful care of the parent is out on
the streets learning those things that
will be a detriment to the child's af
ter life. He made an appeal for the
city of Alliance to provide itself with
public play grounds and some one
thoroughly equipped to direct the
recreation of the community's child
ren. He repeatedly stated that there
must be a sense of community re
sponsibility that must be met in a
town of the new order to get the re
turns of manhood that we want. He
spoke of the fact that we boast of the
fine public buildings of our towns
and cities but we never hear the
proud boast that we develop the
highest standards of manhood as the
result of our city activities.
Kntertalned at Kensington
Mrs. Abigail Cornu entertained at
a Kensington on Thursday afternoon
of last week. Refreshments were
served and a very delightful time 1b
reported by all who were present.
The guests were: Mesdames Ella
Young, Davidson, Geo. Davis, B. Po-
nath, Margaret Kelly, Martha Pat
more, Soules, E. G. Lalng, A. S.
Mote, Lowry, W. M. Beach, A. T.
Lunn, Vernon, G. E. Cornu, Wat-
kins, Grace Kennedy, Phelps, and
Miss Mayzo Soules.
J. H. Fredinberg
and Go.
General Merchandise, Hard
ware and Lumber, a Com
plete Line of Building Ma
terial, Tanks and Windimlls,
Coal and Supplies.
First Class Meals, Clean
Comfortable Rooms
Modest Rates the Place
Where They All Stop
Do you want trash, ref
use and rubbish hauled!
Vaults cleaned f We do
this work quickly at rea
sonable prices. Special
rates for business and res
idence property.
Phone 575
Pegg and
or lease. Land
to rent or lease.
Land or city
property for
sale. Phone 36.
Stop That First Fall Cough
Check your fall cough or cold at
once don't wait It may lead t
serious lung trouble, weaken your
vitality and develop a chronic lung
ailment. Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's
Pine-Tar Honey today; It is pure and
harmless use It freely for that faM
cough or cold. If Baby or Childrea
are sick give It to them, it will re
lieve quickly and permanently. It
soothes the Irritated throat, lungs
and air passages. LoosenB Phlegm,
is antiseptic and fortifies the system
against colds. It surely prevenU
cold germs from eettlnsr a hold.
Guaranteed. Only 25c at your Drug
gist. 39-U-3810
Subscribe for The Alliance Her
ald, $1.50 per year.
Reference: Live Stock National Bank of South
Omaha, Nebraska
Market Reports Free on Application. Correspond
ence Solicited
W. J. PERRY, Manager
The Best of Salesmen aud Caretakers In Every De
partment and the Beat of Service Guaranteed
154-156 Exchange Building. Telephone South 731