The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 10, 1914, Image 11

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    Lower Prices on Ford Cars
ttteetfve August 1st 1914 to August 1st 1915 and
gMranteed against any redactions during that
ssin. Ail cars fully equipped f. o. b. Detroit.
Runabout ... $440
Touring Car - - . . 490
Town Car . .690
(In the United States of America only)
Buyers to Share in Profits"
AM retail oarers of new Tord ears from August
1st 1114 to August 1st 1916 will share in the prof
its of the company to the extent of $40 to $60 per
ear, en each car they buy, PROVIDED: we sell and
deMTer 300,000 new Ford cars during that period.
Ford Motor Company
Rand McNally Company's
Postpaid, 25 Cents
16 pages of Maps '
Y. M. C..A. Bldg.
201" YEAR
' Omaha '
SEPT. 30 TO OCT. 10
. 1914
Every afternoon and evening.
Electrical Parade Fraternal Parade
Evening Oct. 7. Afternoon Oct. 6.
DIANCCDC Attend the Territorial Pioneer Re-Union,
PIONbERb 8pt 30 to Oct. 3.
JpHE two distinct types of Eczema
can be relieved redily by using
Dry Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin
and Moist Zensal for all watery erup
tions. Get it from Harry F. Thiele.
Keeps Lit in a
' Stiff Wind
One thing you'll
notice when you
light a Safe Home
Match is that it
keeps lit in a stiff
wind. ,
of course, but it
does not go out
The stick is abso
lutely dry that is
one reason for 'the
superiority of Safe
Home Matches.
Another reason is,
the head is unusu
ally large. .
We are within
the limits . of the
truth when we say
that you get as much
real service from three
Safe Home Matches as
from five ordinary
Safe Home Matches are
absolutely non-poisonous.
.For that reason
alone tfiey should be
in every home in
All grocers. Ask for them by name.
. i
. (Omitted last week)
Antloch, Nebr., Auk. 31 Mrs. C.
T.,Buahnell of Morrill, Nebr., was
TlalMns: rriends here a few days last
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Smith of Carl
ton. Nebr., visited with his nephew,
F. II.- Smith, last week.
Mrs. Thad Wakeman of Chadron
Is here for a short Tlslt with Mr. and
Mrs. C. P. Wakeman.
Mrs. E. E. Thompson visited In
Alliance a few days last week.
Mrs. E. Saylor came down from
Alliance last week, where she had
been visiting for a few days.
Miss Lora Smith, who has spent
the past three years teaching In
Mexico, visited Saturday and Sunday
With her cousin, F. H. Smith.
J. W. Wilson and C. W. Rooker
were la Alliance Saturday, the 29th,
on business.
The Burlington paint gang was
here Friday and Saturday of last
week painting the town red.
F. II. Smith was In Hyannls a
few daVS last Week vlsltlno- friend
D. H. Brlggs has secured the con
tract for carrying the mail on the
route from Anttneh tn T.iitn ,
h Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wakeman and
Mrs. Thad Wakeman went to Alli
ance on 43 Thursday and returned
W. W. Beck returned from Omaha
last Thursday where he had been
with a shipment of cattle.
Rev. Hivener and wife remained
here during last week, making calls
In the neighborhood. We are In
hones to see a better crowd mit tn
church now that the busy season Is
The ranchers around here are
nearly done haying. All of them
cave goueu meir nay up in good
snape this year.
Miss Ella Hood came down Sat
urday and stayed over Sunday with
her sister, Mrs. E. E. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Crowther of Lake
side called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank
McGinnls Sunday.
Mrs. Ella Young went home Sun
day after snendlne: two weeka with
Mrs. C. P. Wakeman.
UD Some of their nnsaeaslnna. Mr
Stephenson bought land up there the
fore part of the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McElroy were
In Saturday from Tippetts. Mrs. Mc
Elroy is postmistress at that place.
A. E. Huckley took No. 43 to Al
liance Saturday. Guess It is too dry
here for Buck.
Most every one Is through haying
In this neck of the woods.
Mrs. Anna Redlg, formerly Anna
Welch, left Sunday noon for Redlg,
So. Dak.
The dance at the school house Sat
urday night was well attended and
atl report a good time.
A. E. Buckley returned Sunday
noon from Alliance.
B. L. Westover Is moving his
homestead to L. E. Balllnaer's. and
expects to move to Brown county,
Hunters have begun to arrive from
Omaba to kill off some of our good
birds. We don't think it Is right to
let outsiders come In and kill off
grouse, when the neonle here need
There will not be much corn
; around here as the dry weather last
. ed too long. The potatoes are a fail
ure, too, not enough raised to supply
the neighborhood.
Perry Thayer had quite a serious
accident one day last week. He was
stacking hay on the old Klncald
ranch when a load of hay knocked
him off the stack, rendering him un
conscious for some time. Dr. Slagle
was railed from Alliance to attend
him, but he was a little better when
the doctor arrived.
" Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sellers took
their daughter Opal to Alliance on
Wednesday morning to have a brok
en bone set in her arm.
.'There are a lot of homesteaders
.fast as they prove up they are sell
ing ouu
C. E. Fosdlck went tn AllUn.
Sunday noon to work in the railroad
Ashby, Nebr., Sept. 1 Mr. and
Mrs. J. I. Burres of Burres, Nebr.,
came in on 43 Friday and went out
to visit with J. B. Kerr and family.
Mr. Burres is a brother of Mrs. Kerr.
We are sorry to learn that James
L. Overman, the section foreman, is
on the sick list again.
J. II. Fredinburg and family drove
the car out to Spade Sunday and
spent the day at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. II. Bixby.
The Bunch Grass ladies will Rive
Important Measure Affecting West
ern Nebraska and Other States
Will llecome a Law
a dance and supper In the spacious
barn at the Stansble ranch Friday : " .hv"l V, ' '" I" '
(Omitted last week)
Washington, Aug. 30 President
Wilson early this week wil sign one
lof the most Important bills affect
ing homesteaders of western Nebras
ka and western states, that congreBs
nas passed in recent years.
The final form of the Taylor bill,
which has passed both branches of
congress, and which the president is
ready to sign, is as follows:
"Any person otherwise duly qual
ified to make entry or entries of pub
lic lands under the homestead, or
desert land laws, who has heretofore
or may hereafter make entry under
said laws, and who, through no
fault of his own, ma yhave lost, for-
cight, Sept
Mrs. Emily Thurston returned Sat
urday from Hyannls where she bad
been visiting and transacting busi
ness during the past week.
Mrs. B. W. Sterns and children of
Humboldt arrived Friday and 1b vis
iting her husband's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. M. M. Sterns, and also F. B.
Sterns, a brother.
Miss Joyce Hinton visited her par
ents at Spade last Sunday'.
Mrs. A. G. Storey returned Mon
day from Thedford, where she has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy
Jones, during the past two weeks.
P. J. Gilroy left Monday for a visit
of about two weeks with friends and
relatives at Spalding, Nebr.
The new residences on Capitol
Hill are looming up and will soon be
ready for the plasterers. Everybody
in Ashby is working these days on
buildings and other improvements.
Mr. and Mrs. Boone Hawthorne.
about twelve miles south, are the
parents of a fine big boy, born to
them Aug. 29.
W. E. Merrlhew. the dentist, nut
In two very busy days here last
our burg two dayB every month, and
will be here again probably the 26th
of September.
School will begin next Monday
and no doubt the youngsters will all
be glad to be back at their work
again. All should start at the be
John Noah, who has been suffer
ing with acute indigestion during the
past week, is In a serious condition
A. J. Abbott shipped from here
last Saturday, and Thomas Wood
ruff shipped Sunday afternoon. Ev
ery week now brings some cattle In
to be sent to market.
Will Thurston branded at the
stockyards Monday afternoon and a
large number of friends were pres
ent to neip turn do the act.
Ralph Wheaton went to Alliance
last Thursday and took bis sister El
ma to see Dr. Copsey. From there
he went on to Wheatland. Wvo..
where he is making preparations to
move in a month or so. Quite a
number from here are making plans
to move to Wheatland this fall and
be ready for spring work
Messrs. Jergens and Harding left
Saturday for, their home at Cedar
Uiuffs, after visiting : several days
wun tneir friend Relnhold Jons
who may hereafter lose, forfeit or I
abandon same will be entitled to the
benefits of the homestead, or desert
land laws as though such former en
try, or entries, bad never been made,
provided that such applicant should
show to the satisfaction of the sec
retary of the Interior that the prior
entry, or entries, were made in good
faith, were loBt, forfeited or aban
doned because of matters beyond his
control, and that he has not specu-
isiea in ms ngnt, nor committed a
fraud, or attempted fraud in connec
tion with such entry, or entries.'
College President Visits Alliance
(Omitted last week)
President R. B. Cone of Hastings
College was in Alliance a half day
last Thursday, enroute to Bridge
port and Scottsbluff. He was tour
ing western Nebraska in the inter
est of the school. While here he
called to see a number of leading
You needn't rejoice, Johnny, for
although a number of teachers have!
He is planning on coming to 'been stranded in Europe there will
be enough to run all schools . this
(Omitted last week)
Bingham, Nebr., Aug. 30 Emett
Hlxon was in town Saturday after
supplies to take to his homestead.
The new school house is almost
complete. It will be ready for school
by the 7th of September. f
Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Stephenson left
i Friday for Wheatland, Wyo., to look
flush the Kidneys at one when Back
hurts or Bladder bothers Meat
forms uric acid.
Job Printing
Because of our unique organization we
are able to turn out superior job printing
quickly and satisfactorily. We employ
only printers who are experts. Our plant,
the most completely equipped in western
Nebraska, is in a pautSoB to turn out any
size job of work on short notice. Why
get unsatisfactory, sho&ly printing done
when you can get the Kind that satisfies
for the right price. Fboae 340 and we
will call. Mail orders given prompt at-tention.
Herald Publishing Go,
Alliance, Nebraska
1 i -i i I v 1 1 . 1
M tM I. I
hi I'M I
Are You
Looking For
A Bargain?
PERHAPS you are looking for a
used car.
Take our most candid advice
buy a used car only from a dealer of
highest reputation. You can't afford
to take a chance.
If you are satisfied as to our relia
bility, drop in and see the used curs
we have for sale. -
Really bargniuB. We guarantee cars
In good running order when they
leave our garage.
- r
You can safely buy a- good used car from
us. Prices very low. Our personal guarantee!
protects you. Talk it over with us. J
J. L. Nicolai, Prop.
116 Box Butte Ave. Phone 118 Livery Cars
Ko man or woman who eats meat regu
'.rlv ran make a mistake by flushing
tie Uiduevs occasionally, says a well-
nown authority. Meat forma urio acid
liicti clogs the kidney pores so they
it.7ri shly filter or strain only part of
ii waste and poisons from the blood.
hen you act sick. Nearly all rheum-
he a Inches, liver trouble, nervoua-
v constipation, dizziness, eW'plesEnca,
ii.diir (Unorders torn from sluggish kia
'J i.o i.iu.Dent you feel a dull ache in the
xMneTi or your back hurU, or if the
urine is cloudy, ouentive, full of khJi-
.Ticnt, irregular of passage or attended
v a aensation of scalding, tret about four
. .u nee of Jad Salts from any reliable
-hannacy and taka a table poonful in
i glass of water before breakfast for a
W days and your kidneys will then act
lie. ibis famous salU ia made from
ha acid of trrapes and lemon juice, com-
inod with lithia and has been used for
iterations to flush clocked kidneys and
Simulate them to activity, also to neii-
r!)!'i79 the acids in urine so It no longer
jn"ji j-'ation, thus ending bladder dia-
Ivi halts is ineipennv and cuft-
u-Ji, injure; make a delightful ciKr-
veacent lithia-water drink which all rei-
ulur moot eaters should take now and
then to keen the kidnevs clen and the
blood pure, therthy avoiding serious kid-
ncv ecu" i.t-i.
Our Telephone Policy
To give the best telephone service that we know
how to produce.
To charge the lowest possible rates consistent
with prompt and efficient service.
To treat every patron with the utmost courtesy
and consideration.
To win and merit a reputation for integrity,
efficiency and decency.
To instill these principles in the minds of every
one of our employees, from the oldest to the young
est, and to have these employees proud of the Com
pany proud to serve it and its patrons, and jeal
ous of their own and the Company's good name.
"Wt Advertise So the People Hoy Know."