The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 03, 1914, Image 3

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Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Rffectlve August 1st 1014 to August 1st 101B and
guaranteed against any redactions daring that
time. All cars folly equipped f. o. b. Detroit.
Runabout ... $440
Touring Car . . 490
Town Car ... 690
(In the United States of America only)
Buyers to Share in Profits
All retail buyers of new Ford cars from August
1st 1114 to August 1st 1915 will share in the prof
its of the company to the extent of $40 to $60 per
ear, on each ear they buy, PROVIDED: we sell and
deliver 300,000 new Ford cars during that period.
Ford Motor Company
SEPT. 30 TO OCT. 10
Every afternoon and evening.
Electrical Parade Fraternal Parade
Evening Oct. 7.
DIAMCCDft Attend the Territorial Pioneer Re-Unlen,
PIONEERS Bpt. 30 to Oot. 3.
rJpHE two distinct types of Eczema
can be relieved redily by using
Dry Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin
and Moist Zensal for all watery erup
tions. Get it from Harry F. Thiele.
Matches? Pooh!
They Were Too Small
to Bother About
The first phos
phorus match was
made in 1812.
Then, for a hundred
years, man forgot
about matches.
He invented the
telegraph, the tele
phone, the wireless,
the turbine engine,
the ocean liner, the
flying machine. He
gridironed the sur
face of the earth
with railroads. But
matches? Pooh!
They seemed too
small to bother
And yet, if there is
one thing more than
another that this
country has needed,
it is a better match
a match that will
strike anywhere
and yet be safe
a match that
Sc a box. All grocers.
Afternoon Oot. 8.
won't spark or sputter,
or break easily a match
that will burn evenly
and is non-poisonous.
The Safe Home Match
is a real safety match.
It strikes . anywhere.
It does not spark. It docs
not sputter. It burns
evenly. The -stick is
strong and sturdy. You -cannot
break it unless
you apply very much
more force than you
are likely to do.
Best of all, the Safe
Home Match is non-poisonous.
Ask for them by name. ,
New IleguUUonn for Federal Meat
Inspection Ilecome KfTective
November 1, 1014
The new meat-inspection regula
tions governing the slaughtering of
cattle, sheep, swine and goats, and
the preparation of meat food prod
ucts in inspected establishments,
were signed by the secretary of agri
culture on July 15, 1914.
All the regulations become effect
ive November 1, 1914, except those
governing imported meats, which go
into effect January 1, 1916.
The Department of Agriculture is
limited by law to Jurisdiction over
the slaughtering and packing estab
lishments wh'ch sell their products
interstate or foreign commerce.
These establishments slaughter 60
per cent of the meat used In the Un
ited States. The slaughtering and
packing establishments which sell
their product wholly within the state
in which the animals are slaughter
ed are beyond the jurisdiction of the
The new regulations, which occu
py 87 printed pages, codify the many
amendments and rulings made since
the adoption of the old regulations
on April 1, 1908, and also add to the
requirements a number of features
suggested by eight years' experience
in meat inspection and conforming
with recent scientific discoveries.
The more Important changes made
s a result of the development of
veterinary science and practical ex
perience in meat inspection, are as
Diseased Animals tn be Condemned
Prior to Slaughter
The new regulations provide that
inspectors shall make a rigid ante-
mortem inspection, and if they find
clear evidence In the live animal of
the existence of a disease which un
fits its meat for food they shall con
demn the animal and prevent Its en
try for slaughter Into the food-preparing
departments of the establish
ment. The animal so condemned
must be slaughtered in a separate
place and put at once into the denat
urlng tana to be turned into fertiliz
er or other nonedible products. This
rule is more strict than the ante
mortem inspection prescribed In the
old regulations. -
Heretofore animals showing some
evidence of disease on ante-mortem
Inspection were slaughtered on the
same killing floors as healthy ani
mals, and were not finally condemn
ed until they were subjected to post
mortem examination.
Under the new rules, where the
ante-mortem inspector suspects a
live animal of having a disease which
might render it unfit for food, but is
not certain of this condition, he will,
as In the past, mark the animal "U.
Suspect," which will make its car
cass subject to special post-mortem
examination. The ante-mortem in
spector is also authorized to detain
the. animal for further observation
and taking of temperature In cases
where that seems desirable in reach
ing a decision.
All animals at the time of slaugh
ter, even though no symptoms of dis
ease are visible on ante-mortem ex
amination, are subject to careful
post-mortem examination before the
meat can be marked "U. S. Inspected
and Passed" and allowed to leave the
Withdrawal of Inspection
The regulations prescribe that any
inspected establishment which vio
lates any regulation may suffer the
penalty of having all Inspection with
drawn. This would mean that such
establishments could not ship any
meat in interstate commerce or
abroad. This is designed to strength
en the department's authority to
compel establishments to observe
sanitary conditolns.
Packers to be Permitted to SHI Sec.
ond-Clatm Sterilized Meat on Plan
Somewhat Similar to that Follow
ed. by the (Jernian and Austrian
In view of the present shortage
and high prices of meat, and the
fact that every pound of meat that is
condemned necessarily adds to the
cost bf producing meat that is pass
ed, the new regulations provide
measures whereby the packers can
Bterilize and cook thoroughly cer
tain classes of meat and sell it in
cans or sealed containers, labeled
plainly "Second-class ' Sterilized."
This sterilized cooked meat, which
the packers are to be permitted to
sell as "Second-class Sterilized." is
the meat of portions of animals the
fat of which the old regulations per
mitted the packers to make into edi
ble lard and tallow. The process of
rendering served to sterilize the fat
and make it entirely hygienic. The
new plan extends the same principle
so as to utilize the lean portions of
this meat which heretofore packers
have not been allowed to sell for
food purposes.
This action follows scientific in
vestigatlons made by specialists of
the department, and by Independent
veterinarians and physiologists
which have made it clear that large
quantities of meat which are perfect
ly good food when thoroughly cook
ed have been condemned because of
the presence of strictly localized
cysts or lesions in animals. This
meat Is of the type which the Ger
man and Austrian governments have
long permitted their packers to ster
illze by cooking and sell at shops In
a cooked condition.
This meat which, cooked, finds
ready sale at a lower price than raw
meat in Germany and Austria, con
sists of portions of the flesh of ani
mals which have localized cysts or
lesions which make the immediately
affected muscle or tissue unsuitable
for food, but which do not affect the
remaining flesh of the animal or ren
der It unhealthful. Portions (usual
ly organs or glands) containing cysts
or lesions are rut away and con
demned. These cysts and lesions do
not come from any of the highly
dangerous diseases, for any Indica
tions of which the regulations re
quire the condemnation of the whole
Under both the old and the new
regulations, in rases where the dis
eased condition Is trivial and strict
ly localized, the unaffected portions
of the carcass, which are free from
any suspicion of disease, are passed
for food and allowed to be sold In
the raw state.
On the other hand, all carcasses
and all parts diseased to an extent
rendering them unfit for food are
condemned. Between these two
classes lies the class of meat which
may be sterilized under the new reg
ulations. This consists of parts of
carcasses believed to be entirely
healthful, but which come from car
casses affected to a somewhat great
er extent than would allow the pass
ing of these parts for food, in the
raw state, because these parts may
contain a chance cyst which, If eaten
raw, mignt lead to tapeworm or oth
er diseases. These accidental cysts
or lesions, even if present, are ren
dered entirely harmless by thorough
sterilization In cooking.
while the packers of Germany and
Austria for many years have widely
availed themselves of this method rf
raving, by rooking, a huge waste of
meat, it is not known how far the
American puckers will care to follow
the practice. It Is believed, howev
er, that If It Is undertaken it. will
make available a large quantity of
cooked meat which Is now wasted.
PoNt-Mortem Inspection
The provisions relating to the post
mortem Inspection of carcasses have
been made clearer and more explicit,
so as to make the rules under which
the Inspectors pass or condemn car
casses or portions of them exact and
in accordance with the latest scien
tific knowledge. The regulations
governing the carcasses of hogs sus
pected of hog cholera have been
made much more stringent.
Safeguarding Inspection Marks
The rules and regulations govern
ing the disposal of condemned meat
and the use and Integrity of the Fed
eral marks have been redrafted to
meet fully all conditions which have
developed during the past, six yeara.
As a result, it is made certain that
the mark "U. S. Inspected and Pass
ed can appear only on meat that
has passed a rigid ante-mortem and
post-mortem inspection at the hands
of skilled veterinarians.
lUw Pork Prohibited in Certain Food
Prod acta
On account of the danger from
trichinae In pork and the lack of any
known method of Inspection which
affords an absolute safeguard, the
regulations prescribe that no muscle
tissue of pork shall be allowed as an
ingredient of any article such as
summer sausage, or similar foods.
which customarily are eaten without
cooking. To be included. In articles,
which may be eaten without home
cooking, the pork must have been
subjected to a temperature sufficient
to destroy all live trichinae, or sub
jected to some other approved treat
ment which may hereafter be dis
Sanitary Ilegulations '
The regulations governing the
sanitary condition of packing estab
UshmentB, the cleanliness of employ
ees, and the care of utensils and In
struments, have been redrafted Into
a series of definite rules. This, It is
believed, makes compliance with
the rules easier on the part of the
packers and makes detection of vio
lations simpler for the Inspectors.
These rules are very explicit, as to
the provision' of washing and toilet
facilities for the help, as to the con
dition of the clothing, and as to the
cleanliness of the hands of those han
dling the meat. The rules also ex
plicltly prohibit the passing of meat
blch has been allowed to touch
floors or become contaminated by
contact with condemned meat or
knives used in butchering diseased
Imported Meat
The regulations regarding import
ed meats are redrafted so as to be
more comprehensive and complete
Each foreign country from which
meats are being shipped to the Unit
ed States will be supplied with cop
ies, as will United States consuls, so
that a strict compliance with them
may be had.
Take a glass of Salts if your Back hart
or Bladder bothers you Drink
more water.
If you mutt have your meat every d:.
eat it, but flush your kidneys with rail
occasionally, says a noted authority w;
Mis us that meat forms urio acid wliic:
almost paralyze the kidneys in their ef
forts to expel it from the blood. Thr
become sluggish and weaken, then yi
suffer with a dull misery in the kid no
region, sharp pains ia the back or i
headache, dizziness, your stomach sotu
tongue is eoated and when the weatl.t
is bad you have rheumatie twinges. 1 1
urine get cloudy, full of sediment, ti
channels often get sore and irritate
obliging you to seek relief two or tl.n
time during the night.
To neutralize theea irritating acids,",
cleanse the kidneys and flush oft ti
body's urinous waate get four ounce
Jad Salts from any pharmacy her
take a tablepoonful ia a glass t
water before breakfast for a lew dn
and your kidneys will then aco fine. 1 lit
famous salts ia mads from the aeid
grapes and lemon juice, combined wit
lithia, and has been used for genaratioi
to flush and stimulate sluggish kidney?
aUo to neutralise the acids m urim
so it no ' longer irritates, thus endiu,
V ladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive cannot
jure, and makeeVe delightful
itLia -water drink.
Job Printing
Herald Publishing Co.
Alliance, Nebraska
This garage is at your service at all hours
for quick repairing. Just phone. You will re
ceive prompt and efficient attention.
J. L. Nicolai, Prop.
116 Box Butte Ave. Phone 118 Livery Cars
About "Big Business"
Mere bigness isn't a business sin.
Many a large business serves the public much bet
ter than a small business could because it is able to
render service in direct proportion to its size.
Big business has given the American people the
most efficient telephone service at the lowest rates
in the world.
Big business has popularized the telephone in the
United States until today there are more telephones
used in this country than in all the other nations of
the earth combined.
The Bell System is a large organization, but it is
made up of real flesh and blood folks who are
anxious to serve you in a big. broad-minded, cour
teous way.
"Wt Advertise So the PeofU May Know."
Because of our unique organization we
are able to turn out superior job printing
quickly and satisfactorily. Wo employ
only printers who are experts. Our plant,
the most completely equipped in western
Nebraska, is in a position to turn out any
size job of work on- short notice. Why
get unsatisfactory, shoddy printing done
when you can get the kind that satisfies
for the right price. Fhone 340 and we
will call. Mail orders given prompt attention.
w1 m-a
.vlfa.:'$..Vf.t..Y....JI If ,Mtm.
WHEN you have a blowout oa
the road or your engine goes)
wrong or something else get
out of gesr we are at your service.
We tow "dead" cars home or we
epnlr them on the spot.
If you can reach us with ynur own
Kwer we guarantee to locate the
trouble at once and tlx It right at
least cost to you.