Get the 0 Moore and Moore Junk By Gross M0-mOv x took,' Fit? tfUVtvi "Tile 5HET6 ONE; ON "THE V AiC of wiMgs w two -hm Milk Th.s moving IN&?I MT Hit FCldG ME A -HAM of -hh! CAVE WITH MuX tJOE I J .ONE tiP.' 7 p. 1 1 1 1 tick 1 h rN STf cteiM . .jus , ii . a, P. c - wl rr AJ ihi.iiuA-J31I-Pb.imi'Miii.1 ! hi m TI i itTUK'r- . 111 h 1 - ilirii-imr - lit m whiiiiikii . ,i.nj Mun.i.ii .ImVuiii iiiWiwiiiI 1 mi 1 m 1 , 1 , 0 .. j' n r,v(- (;:,:t w vvn.n 11 uximm i i;oons The Herald ofhce had five calls on Tuesday of this week for furnished romrs. Parties hainp furnish"'! rooms for rout should illume 310. WANT:)- Lady past SO wilh hiiidiniid tw occuiiy house with lioal ihy fliit'i'ly lady, wlio may i away part of winter. No sirk, children nor io:-s wi'.ntpfi. Call or vri'o to ,119 BiK Horn St., Allianco. Nlr. 2tj-f(42-au;27 Toil KKNT Two utjiuriiisht'.l r'oonis. Apaly at r"4 Clioyt nin', or ptii.n.? Walnut $092. 38-2t-3!l3fi sAiiDLfr:; rofi s.!it.; Tliorulirfd saddlo horxo for nii--lnf.p. Pl)on 34 or vail at Tl.r Herald ofTit. 104-tf-4410 KOIl SALB Ont , C'ot kr. II, tiv. r'ulk'ts, three laying, two vith b irks, also half jirown rhirks. AH fall bloodpil I'lynioiith Hocks from State Fair Prize Siof:k. Also fries. ,VIrR. V.. A. (Mbert, Phone lied 478. J9 5:i-2t-Fent3$ ItANCII I'OIC SATK 6000 acres deeded land. 9 GO acres school land. 12S0 acres leasnnl land. Forty miles northeast of Alliance, Nehr. M. D. CKAVATH, Owner, Grayson, Nebr. 31tf3751 ' KANCH FOU LK ASK Ahout 2, I00 acres, e'L'hteen milen south of I-kesM N rr. 20 tons of hay for nale with the lease. Address, J. P. XIFLSEN, RfdneJd, S. Pak. n.(i.-27-2t-39 10 l.ANl Tt TI'uUlK I have 160 acres, .3 16 miles from Mayard, under 'be Tri-.tate cpnal, r trade for Box Butte county land. J. C. McCOrtKLi:, Alliarce, Nebr. 12tf.27G TO TKADi: 10 0 acres liuo farm land for Alli ance residence property. Will pay cash difference for j-ood property. PLoue (Jl. 33-tf .aiis( i:u,ANi:tis Oet your P-acork coal from the Forert Lumber Company. 2 G t f Money to loan on real estate. F. E. REDDISH. tt Pofts of ail kinds for sale at the Forest Lumber Company. 21)tf Uowan Ac Wright, coal, wood and porta. Phono 71. When you build that now house or barn .'et your building materials at the Forest Lumber Company. 29tf Rowan & Writht, coal, wood and pouts. Phone 71. . l'HOTt Kilt A IT 1 1 V WOH li I make a specialty of developing 61ms and printing first-class pietims from them. Have a bi:h class cam-i t?ra and outlit and will take pictures at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Black 4 51. JORDAN ROBINSON. 34tf3S60 Buy your lumber from the Forest Lumber Company. 29tf Rowan & Wrivht, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. We now urpe all our subscribers t renew their subscription to The Herald and pet three magazines one ypr for only 2 5 cents extra. WRITE OR PHONE. J. W. Crane, who has been nisht asent at the Adams Ex press . Com pany otlice In Alliance for some time, left Monday uinht for Ravenna to take the position of day aeent. Al though that position is only tempor ary for him at present he will prob ably bo appointed to a good day posi tioa soon. If your subscription to the Herald is due, better pay up now and get four magazines for 18 cents extra. You are entitled to four magazines tm be sent to your home for one year If you will renew your subscrip tion to the Herald and pay 18 cents extra for the magazines. llif BBSS TO on: KFAIH.KS All families in this county are now subscribers tr various magazines and .'-paper.-!. The toti'l amount of nvinej paid for these- publicHttons pin'.jably tiiiiciiudrt to several thous and dollars annuatiy. 'It is money weil Hfient, of, because iiuist have f!om iliins for the family to read. Put. if you can save about, neven ty iive pT cent of this money, and full hue all tint papers and maga zines you wart, it is worth considei-nii.-. in it not? -We have. made arrangements whcithy we can sv thU conn.-, ur.ity him Ireds of dollars by merely order ing thojr reaiiiiiic matter th tiu h our ofhie. Due --1 o'l'er is a choie-. ..f any tl ie of forty mas.' a. 'a net-, ar ranypd in (hiit-Iive chiln in ro:rbin tv.i'i'i with our own paper for only 51.7T, a yei'r. You will find thl-s bli.' oti'er adver ti'd on another pace of this paper. Look up the advi nisoment and read all el, out this remark) bio otter. Sel ect the elub : on like best, and ;-er,d 'is your order iiht in mail it, tel ( it, or brine' it 1o uh, and we will it up at once ko that you pet your ma s'P'iines. If thorp i nnythinp: in the adver-t!:-enient you do not understand droo iuto our odlce poTUPthpo and let us 'p'. !m all iihotit it.. It'ts tlie best cliibbiii?T offer we have ever seen, and wp are anxious to have every reader take a dva nta fe of it. t Sle;i Th:;t Kirsf KaM "otili Clirck your fall couch or cold at once don't wait it may lead to serious lnni; trouble, weaken your Vitality and develop a chronic lunq ailment. Ot a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey today: it is purp and harmless use it. freely for tin t fall (ouch or cold. If Baby or Children are nick pive it to them. 11 v ill re lievo quickly and permanently. It soothe." tho irritated throat,' lunps and ;ir passives, t-oocenn Phloem, is antiseptic and fortifies the Byntem at'.airift cedds. It purely prevents cold serais from pettinK a hold. Guaranteed. Only 25c rt vonr Prusr plst. 29-U-3810 Prevoiifmjr WaMe In Silage There will always be . fome waste on top of the !jilo. unless tht? feeding oT'erailer.s are l.-,f.un iijjtiodia.tfdy aitir tilJIrt:. The dejith to which sikige ppoih? varies from two to twortiy-l'our inches, dependins ujion the prectintions taken to prevent it. Varum 4 ynefliods of lessening waste havo been advoated. Sorae tramp or p.u k the surface of the Eilare iai !y for a work or more. Another Method th't is sometimes used is to soak thoroly th to layer and seed in with oats. Tlie oats perminate and form a solid covering which keeps out the air. A covering of oat chuff or cut straw may be put on top of th tihipe to protect it, or the ears ::p.y be remove, from thp last few loads of corn before cuttin?: and the surface soaked wi'h water. All those no-hois are n.U fjaisfactory in that they keep out the air and thus Jo:-eti t' e waste. 1'Mension Rii'letin'No. 21, Nebraska CoU?:;e or Avriculi ure, Ni.-br.i-ka CoiDinercI.-.l S lends WashiiU'ton. I). C. S. pt. 3 A re port Issued by the Federal Bureau of Education shows that there are ten commercial schools and business1 ...U.--.,.j i .. f'l.n 11114 .... I .'ii' ri in .i' u.ii.'iiu. i nr. i u x y rolhnont was 2.151 j npils. It is es timated that more than half this number completed commercial courses and a large number are now employed in Nebraska business in .sTiiu'iniiM. In tie- entire nation there are 018 busiivsK colleges ami commercial i-chool and they accomodate 160, 557 students annually. This iH an avora'-'o annual attendance f 260 pupils per school. II WOMEN ONLY KNEW What a Heap of Happine it Would Biiiiy to Alliance Homes Hard to do housework with an aching barf'k. Brines you hours of misery at leisure or at work. If women only knew the cause that - - Backache pains often come from weak kidneys, "fwould save much needless woe. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak Sidneys. Read what an Alliance citizen says: Mrs. (5. E. Leidy, 322 E. Dakota St., Alliance, Nebr., says: 'I can hishly recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to all sufferers from kidney complaint, as I have used them on a number of occasions with good re sults." "When Your Back is Lame Re member the Name." Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ask dis tinctly for Douii's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. Leidy had the rem edy backed by home testimony. 50c all stores. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo. N. Y. sept 3-10 ' For Police Judge W. T. Sthlupp, familiarly known ns "Bill", to his many friends In Al liance, will be a candidate for police Judge at the election held this fall. Petitions are now being circulated by bis friends nominating him for this place. SAVE THE If yoit Isticw hrro you eouM et the purest of lialvt'iy poodv, baked vip;!it iindi'r our own eyes in the most. nioiWn ov en and in the cleanest bakery shop in Alliance, wouldn't you buy than tlit-ro? You certainly 'would. At Nolic 's Bakery and Cafe you are invited to inspect our ovens, our entire bakery shop, and our kitchen. They ore kept spotlessly th an by bakers and cooks who know their business thoroughly. "When yd' goods purchased nt Nohe's yon know that they are made from the purest and best oC mater ials M wi 11 as iu clean, neat surroundings. With each ten cent, purchase, at the Bakery you pet bsol utely free a coupon. For these coupons we give free sets of fin dishes tho kind that costs you good money r.t the store. Come in and let us explain it to you. Nohe's Bakery and Cafe l'hone C49 School starts on Monday, September 7th. Now is the time to buy the things the child reji. need. At 1 li is store you will find children's hair ribbons, boys' tics, children's hose, pencils, tablets, ink, rulers, elc. "Watch for announcement of (ilass Water Sets. Quality Variety Store Mrs. . B. Lotspeich, Prop. The Pufeiit Uroech-Loa.linn (S Gun Built t unamiTl" if. ....... 4. -lit:: .1.ntn fo 3 r ns-. ;,! , '-ii j.,.i l - .( - . - ilii.i.!v - n:'v o!ii'ciieu..liU: h-inn or bumf ; no In 'Its oit t dr en u iijow out iliren.-h or tvatrr ! prt 'n i ni't ii'i.e up Ki.ii rail-, rue-- or tlfreits so'.id met I lin-orli (not a thc!J.t vmxl' i.rriiei-i k I i 1 .1 v s? n;.-!iv- I m:' j:it iMr.'';iu ytrciift'tt or 63'-ty: it i tiie M.ttmk Lrecclj-WJii'': Hotinn w . n'.i -ii in il "5 f n.;i li.e in kJ K.iue:c !t is HurnHni wi.'.i Se'M St-c I Ureec.h (insile Hi r!i aa n a ) 5o!J J Tc,v-Sit Etw-Mon -Mailed lUrret (. .ncli r. I - cJ.-.i cm o.i. r f -.n- ) Pros Sutton Cartritiira !-. .o - . i T:-: Hi.V t -.!! f ..r -i 'i: 4 -i.'y ( VTI t"- 1: :10 V. ri.e'lt WO't ii li' t hrO't.'h CxlrBC- tr 1 uk.Uvti I-oa'. ti Tii ,;.'-r Hammer i5tv. J 1 it lilt r 'i r My ; i: Mr intct d in t-liuv.t-.iliuity: si-M..a'U G.-iju "A" iZ-ni.i.;e t'"". t-2.C0 lii-or 2).uM.;.r . $2 i IO. W r.-ie.n4 ty.,t..-.,ns and l.;r i or. SiJasfiJl S. r'OJV72S ii- i. ,-r.l j?Azrj.VTf ru r-l ri:lt-s. etc. 1 o it now ! 42 Willow Street, Neie Haven. Conu. If vrtf Tinnt 8 :, p'-t"! or ''. v 'i sliooM la-s c y . t'.c fjal Haul li yU4 W1UOI Book 1I r-"" u . ''i l n.fotinmi..!l l'..r i-hi... .. i .-. U t.tu a.l i-.iM.ut . - ,!,, Jin. .s, primer and r. l-dinK leoW fa.- ul i-.ii.lav,l r'! . , p: -i-'I ! t!i..i.--.e.i a'reruiimi'.o: lujw tu tiieas-.tre rwlirt ?r(rr:it. ty; .Viw y tei bnw lu rut vmit ,ir.vt .ma i"it "i'11'1' in and a, , an.t f t'.-r kS- .in.. Tli lt.k e- fr f 1 :e ."t.r ho v-i! thne tiiiii p. .U;;i: to 'I his Slarlin J .'rrms Co., 43 Viliv St., X.-w llav-i. t'.oii.i. Dray Phone E4 Blooded and High Grade Milk Cows HOLSTEINS A SPECIALTY Any Number Wanted F. M. Ilyndshavv& Son THEDFORD, NEBR. COUPONS 117 Box Butte Ave. 12-1G-20 Gauge Hammerless 1: 7 i. 1 Six r..:. tr ,y"vv i,'-tt V'W .'J "Si "-. r.;4 4 si,.! nmcrVs rcueH'me W s f li:. - i:icc! cm. v i. h ut ..f" DYE & OWEHS Transfer Lme Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Residence phone 038 and Blue 7" On ""oa.r Trip take with you a box of good CIG-AKS and a late Get them at up town news stand or at depot filler Bros. r. V. ... -A ! use tact is, tlie mnfr:'7;lnes wo kpH'ic : iiti Ti..i Ii...i i r.. o - i.. ; .iiin iij in tiipi tui 4. i i m sj firii (represents th binceit readlne: value 'ever offered the public. Have yon tent us your order? If not, send It or phone tis today. TOSHER i! Get Your Rur AT Til 10 Checkered Front Livery 15am Auto Livery in Connection Best of novice jriven. VI Cleat and comfortable feeding stable rhone 64 Opposite City Hall h r ANDY LANCJI'OUn P RO FESSIONAL ,DI RECTO RY Kates: One-inch cards, 50 cents; two-inch cards, $1.00 Ii. W. IIOWMAN I'hysl( lan and Surgcou Ofuco in First National Bank Flldg. Phones: Office, 362; residence, 16. 1 50tf 1608 ' in. i, r:. tvivioi Dentist PHONE tC7 OVER FIRST NATIONAL BA ALLIANCPJ NF.nilAP M. A. C()P5liY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 360. Res. Phone 3 Calls answered promptly day night from office. Office: AtUau. Vaiiotial Rank building over the Po OffteP O. E. SLAGLE, M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURCcON Ofice phone 65 Res. phor, Alliance, Nebraska. rie CopjorneU K. J. Pefet. Rt-s. Phone 'JO R,b. Phone ' i- Dr..Coppcrno!lS: Pclerfcr ' ' Otiteopsths Rooms 7. 8 and 9, Rumor Clock ' PHONE 43 C3-ec. Gr. 0-dd.o"br LICENSED EMBALMER ' PHONE: Dnv 4!S Night 6P A LET A NICK NKPTs..yr Dr. L. W. Curtis Prfprirt-'d to treat all t.)'.:-.lic nninvils I'lione 633 . e Alliance, - - - Nebr. Dr. J.-M. Willis Physician and Surgeon Over Mallery's Crocery Phones: , Alliance, Nebr. LET ME CUY FX)lt TOU" HARRY P. COURSEY LIVE STOCK A.VI GEXEIIAL, AUCTIONEER Farm Bale a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE PHONE 114 ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA TK" GLADDENS SORE, iliil FEET "TI'"' maknt' m !'., t.nrnin, fairly dance with .f. :;;!.t. A nt he and jii'is. the corns, bleitt'rs iiii.l. buuHu .i. tired" f.t CllijHf. tv out t i( mci -i an t .r f.:lr ti nt t.i-:r op r-.';r f.x't.. Ni ii,..;t.--r Ui'.w lianl rix votk, tlo' lutijr yo-i dAfv liow far Ten wiilk, or ao .v lonsr. veu ie;r,;!u oit Mi;;r f-.t, 'TXZ" ' brni foot "TE- 1 rfat r- i'.ful onu'orl i.i won r tiresl. Year feft- achlnp, Fwolhn, tinrt iti't fc. t. jtist tintrle for joy; shoes ta'vcr Imit or ci-etil tight. f!et a 25- ecnt hex of "TIZ" now fnn'l, any dru(T?int or rtejvu tmert store. Ed f. ffint firture Iuvcit wc-ir snml'.-r -'in'Vt, ' w n vf i- ' . 1 1 i;"ti Tho fact is, tho four martaIiiPH we sell with The Herald for 18c extra, represents th biggest reading value ever 'offered the public. Have yous itsriit 8 your order? If not. send it or phono us today. At The Herald Office REASONABLE .RATES PROMPT 6ERVI3.1I A.-J. KENNEDY ' .. ' Dentist .. . ,. , Office In AI!iaoc' NaVfn.! iCu Building over Pott Ofic piiont: S!1 , J. D. EMERICK Bonded AbHtracter. 1 have the only set of abstract books in Box Butte county. Offki Hoora 7, Opera House Block. lOtf 570 tL AI. BULLOCK. : attorney AT LAW t,T,UTy NF.nrtAKA, li R U C E WILCO X Lawyer and Land ,".torr.e Practitioner In civil courts cince iiii ;id JiegiMter V. S. land office f-'i 1 503 to luu. Iafonoatloa by tnaU ' ipeeiaUy. Office in Land Office Bulidlru! ITJJANCH : : NKITtASKA. EUQENir UURTCN Attorney t Law -Land Attor'ney Offite Kirt Katlotial (k.rtk Ptilldlca PHONK HO l '.f Vf.' vrHTtAKKV F. M. EROOME Kx-Ilceeiver United Statet .. Land Ofiice U. S. LAND ATTORNEY Towijsite and Ilealty Agent Office Norton Block Alliance, - - Nebraska o". rXT. Burns CONTRACTOR and BUILDER PLANS AND ESTIMATES FUn." ISHCD ON APPLICATION I niploy only first-clasa mechaal , All work guaranteed. PHONE 279 Residence and Shop, 7tr and Mississippi. Alliance, Nebraska. SI(R Paiatinf ate (riialif ll eft Is first clsu B. V. REEVES Painting, Paperliangjng and Decorating Phone Black 282 Alliance. Nebr. i POBUC STENOGIlAPDHi