The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 27, 1914, Image 8

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It's Great to. -Get .What
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n - w k'"
VV allJilL
When You Want It
aui tlx.
, !L',n.'tL. oj i-i u.i no ,1
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, . , rr 3Mwuv- (ewa.jtw. i25-.irft
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It: . m. ";' ,v ;"' t '' ' ' ? t ' . r; v-i-'
. ,v; VjvO ... ALL KINDS OF
"A- J&r f. - flWi&V ""' " '
V . . , , , , ... . i ' 1 1 i.i 'f-1 !, ; -. , j . , i
Piters ShellstGet the Limit
" IteguUr Correspoodenl
(George Bingham)
t u.. ft. :i
LEAGUE ; $.50 BOX.: ;; $900 CASE
REFEREE .50 BOX. ; $9.0d 'ASE .
TARGET ';:.. ,;..;.,.: .70 BOX. $13.00 CASE :
niGIIGUN .70 BOX' $13.00 .CASE
IDEAL ,75 BOX." $14.00 CASE
J .75 BOX. $14.00 CASE
't' I; I I .
' i:
r i;
Anything; in Hard ware"
1 f i i
A 1 linn c a.
1 i
Commission Co.
' ; i. )
V.' 'v
,1i , f.
i '.'):
i ' '' . At this sale it will be A good iime'to dispose of your Broke Horses. "We
kT set the date ou Sept 24 and 25, which will give you time to finish haying
and rest your horses for tne sale. y The feeder buyer will be out, also the south
rn market will be in full blast; we look for the best sale of the season. v
: , 40ur. July sale1 was better than we expected. Alliance is the place t
sell your horses. REMEMBER, it is your MARKET.
Commission: $2.00 per head, singles and pairs. Bunches of 5 head. or
. jr , mom, $1.00 per head. Yardage, 10c per head on hones not gold. NO SALE,
f x ' no commission.5 Let us luiow'whaf ybuwill bring in. - .
Oscar Bramah, Mgr
F. J. Was, Clerk.
R..M. Hampton, Treas.
; ". 1 i- ' I -. ' . ( f t , i ; i
' 1 ,' t iti 4 an r",.!Ji J'
A. W. Thompson,
L. E. Lewis, Aucts.
Sidney Hocks became intoxicated
Saturday evening and tried to drire
his yoke, of steers 'Into the postof-j
flee, but .failed on account of the,
door being too narrow. There have
been many other complaints recently
on account of the narrowness of the
door at the postoffice. v
..Atlas Peck has violated the conn
dence of several of his warmest
friends and after this It will be a
bard matter for him to get a driak
of ticker that is any account. He
obtained a Jug of Bat Smith's Moon
light Reel the other day under the
pretense that he was going to use it
in celebrating his' annual birthday.
But instead of, that he took it -home
and pot sbme asfoedlta in it, and Sis
using it for pneumonia medicine.
... Frlsby Hancocks rheumatism has
taken a' turn for the worst' and he
has decided, he had better look after
his religion. Sunday he : went over
and bragged on the Dog Hill preach
er s sermon. ...
Several from this place will go to
Tlckvllle' next third Sunday to wit
ness the unveiling of the town pump
The Bind Man of the Calf Rlba
neighborhood was about to be talked
into buying a' heating stove from
Slim Pickens the other day, but the
trade was knocked in the head by
one of Slim's enemies, who told the
Blind Man that winter was over.
Cricket Hicks, who has been at
work in the Calf Ribs community
several .weeks, has returned home
with five dollars in cash. . This will
somewhat relieve the financial situa
tion around Hopwallow, as money
was beginning to get very scarce.
The examining -trial of Rax Bar
low charged with detaining the Mail
Carrier" by offering' him a drink " of
licker, was set down for trial at Rye
Straw yesterday, but was continued
on account of lack oi sufficient evi
dence to acquit the defendant."
. The Old Miser,, who some time ago
buried his money in a mule collar,
has dug it up and hid it in Gander
Creek graveyard., where - he knows
everybody Is .honest, i ..".- ; -k
The town was in . darkness , , last
Friday night on account of " Little
Fldity Flinders having eaten the poet
master's supply 'of candles.
Tobe- Moseley read an. entire pat
ent medicine advertisement, through
the other night before he ! realized
what-aa awful, risk a man runs by
getting sick. 1 , - .
. Poke Easier, is making an ideal
husband, contrary to the predictions
made when toe married again last
year. He has cleaned off a ' nice
place on the. bank . of the creek for
her to do family washing, and in or
der to be ever near her, he -has pick
ed out a fishing place right across
the stream. . "A,
, Slim Pickens, came to Hogwallow
yesterday morning and after-resting
a while on the front porch bought
fifteen rents worth of bologna . sau
sage. Cricket; HicKa, an Old friend
came up and hesitated, but Slim did
not. fecognUe him until the sausage
was all gone. ; . ' ' -, . ' a -
The Mail Carrier's watch has been
left at Dock Hock's blacksmith shop
where it is undergoing extensive re
pairs. Dock is fast gaining notoriety
as a machinist.
Poke Eazley is spending the week
at the postoffice Watching the dirt
daubers . build nests on) the- rafters.
This is the only job of work" Poke
ever witnessed without suggesting a
better way to do it.
Miss Hostetter Hocks has written
to the "Advice to. the Lovelone" de
partment of a city, paper asking for
a recipe for the cure of sun-grins.
Ellick Hellwanger says he would pre
scribe the eating of green gooseberries.-
'. 'li '., .-5 i ..;-!) ' '
Of Interest to Prospective Entrymen
.,, Of peculiar interest to prospective
homestead entrymen on mineral land
is the act Of congress approved July
17, 1914. - Heretofore where ' coal
lands have been, withdrawn by the
government, it Mas been possible for
agricultural entrymen to secure the
surface of these lands with the res
ervation' of the coal to the govern
ment, but In the case of lands with
drawn or classified as containing
phosphates, nitrates, potash, oil, gas,
or asphaltic minerals,, such acquisi
tion of title to the agricultural sur
face, with reservation of the miner
als to the government, has not been
possible. - The new act extends to
lands containing these other miner
als essentially the same i conditions
as have hitherto applied to coal
lands, and, as a' reeult; large areas
in the west withdrawn, particularly
for phosphate and petroleum, will be
subject to agricultural entry,' with
the reservation of mineral rights to
the government, v Many such areas
have been designated under the En
larged Homestead act, and the effect
of this - is- to Increase .materially the
area In the west subject to agricul
tural entry, without In any way Jeop
ardising the interests of the govern
ment In the minerals.
Every man who isn't prominent
imagines be will be some day.
Whenever - your city is in
'the market for Fire Hose or
'Equipment, you should at
once write us, asit'will be to
your advantage.
Also bear in mind that we
sell Hand Extinguishers for
automobiles, private houses,
lumber yards and schools, . I
- ' 1115 Farnam St, -
Sheehan English
Opera Co.
:, August m
muay jNigm
As y
mi vr I ,
ti t 'hf.n :! . v j i n:
'is " 5
y y . .;..!' i.' ' ! i i-
"'mrw -.'. . fi ', .' '
"V il j " 4 J
:;. K !" v. :
V ,;.. .i K . ..
Joseph Sheehan supported by an all star cast in "II Trovo-.
tore," "Bohemian Girl" and "Martha," best act from each
' i;
opera m one evening. Elegant costumes and scenic investure.';
Reserved seats now on sale, 75c and $1. Gallery, 50 cents,
. ,y
I ii I
.v ...... -v. ' , i..
ii !
r v v it . i
School starts on Monday, September 7th. .Now is thi,
'time to buy the things the children need. .At this store yott!
will find children's hair ribbons, boys' ties, children's hose,;
pencils, tablets, ink, rulers,-etc. .-. ' !ii
Watch for announcement of Glass Water Seta.
Ouality.Variety Store
M " '. It "
.urs. i. u. LiotSDeich. lTror.
" 1 1
Juit-,.(ja.,-) (M,f ,!,:
. If you knew where you ould get. the, purest, of bakery )
goods, baked. right under our own eyes in the most modern ov-
en and irithe cleanejsf jbakoxy shop Aljiaiicet' wouldn't you ,
buy them there T You certainly would' ; - i.
At Nohe's Bakery and Cafo voli are invito
: otens, our entire bakery shop, and our kitchen. . They are kept
spotlessly clean by bakers and cooks who know their business !
thoroughly.. When yo ue'at' gopds1 purchased at 'Nghe's ycrir;
. 'know that' they are made from' the purest and best of mater.
ials as well as in .clean, neat surroundings. ' ' i',l
With each ten cent purchase at the Bakery ( you ge bsol-i
utely free a coupon. For these coupons we give free acta ptl
fine dishes the kind that costs you good money at the store. !
Uome in and let us explain it to you..
i i ' ' . t ' i ' ' Ii . ..: ' i . f. ;
Nolie's Bakery and' Cafe !
; Phone 649 ... - 117 Boi Butte Avel