, i , 4 I twtiinrrmntiwu Nebraska State Volunteer Fire- 1 men's Association President, George Howe, Fremont. F:rst Vice President, II. A. Graff, Seward. Second Vice President, Jncob T. Hoffman, Ord. 8cretary, E. A. Miller, Kearney. Treasurer, Fred Aleiander, Scottsbluff. . Board of Control: Harrf Houaer, Fremont, chairman; Jacob Goeh rlng, Seward; R W. Park bunt, Lexington; Ray Frost, Stan ton; Thomas Jeffrey, North Flatte. A department, devoted to the Interests of the volunteer firemen of the state of Nebrasak. Edited by Lloyd C. Thomas, state publicity chairman. nrmpinuiiuiuuuxu.uumtnmtmtmm: " PUBLICITY COMMITTEEMEN Albion H. E. Halle-feAtr.' Bertrand C. II. Ffakes. -Bloom field Harry Henatftch: Franklin Alvln Bloedorw.; ' Gothenburg Arthur Johnson. Howells Fran Lux. Kearney E.' F.- Winn. Nellgh Jay Ames. . Lynch A. Ci McFarl&nV?J. Hampton Alvia GausMnao'a. ' University Place Leslie A. Thomas. Fallerton John C. Chapman. Ulysses B. S. Oglesby, Nellgh Jay Ames Ord O. P. Cromwell. ' Verdlgre H. U. Bruce. ; Overton James M. Pullen. -8chuyler F..W. Sbo&ka, Jr. Snyder GeoJ W. Meyers. ' Stromsburg Al Westenlus. -TUden R., O. Whitney. . i Departments are requested to for ward names as fast as publicity man Is appointed. j . . AN OPEN LETTER FROM W. 8. RIDOELL ' . State of Nebraska FJItri COMMISSION . - , a v.ai ,t ,lt., Lincoln, Nebraska, July 23, 1914. To Members of the Nebraska State Volunteer I'Mremen's, Association: ' As you are a member of the State Association and interested in the upbuilding of the Volunteer Fire Department of the state, I feel that you should know .what is iroinsr on in this department. . .... . :, .( This department. wilt at all times work with the .Volunteer Fire men and in my opinion, tha success of this department depends to a great extent on the efficiency and co-operation of the Volunteer Fire Departments throughout the state. You as Volunteer Firemen arc interested in reducing the fire waste in the state and I. want to say that the boy a have co-operated with me in every way possible in the past 18 months and 1 realise this was done to a certain extent because Governor. Morehead had recognized the State Association of Volun teer Firemen by appointing one of their members as the head of this department. - rn.-.i j .-.. .-: . $ ... .. - , .9 The Governor fecla.very friendly to the Volunteer Firemen of the state and I am satisfied that if nominated and reelected the fire men of the state will have a strong friend at the state house. . , There will be some yjry, important legislation before the legisla ture this winter, that.we aa jtroluntecr Greracn are very much interest ed in and 1 would suggest that you find out how your candidates for the .legislature feel in regard to helping the fire boys with some fav orable legislation. I nv satisfied the governor will do what he can to help us in any reasonable and just bills that may be introduced for our benefit. ,.,.,,,...- Let me hear from you and if you have any suggestions to make I would be glad to take them up with you at any time. Yours truly,, , , ' W. S. R1DGELL. ct limits. The chemical engine was put to use however and the fire was extinguished before it had gained any headway. But for the prompt work of the fire department, the ele vator would have been a total loss. The home of W. II. Ward at Hem Ingford was struck by lightning on Wednesday, July. 27. The prompt action of the Are department saved the residence from total des'ructlon by nre which followed the bolt. From the Hay Springs News. July si: Wednesday evening about 10 o'clock the peaceful slumbers of our citizens was broken bv the linn nt the 9re bell. The cause of the al arm was the discovery of fire in the nouse owned by Mrs. Kubat on South Baker St. The fire boys got out on short notice, but soon after coupling me nose to a Hydrant south of the track It was discovered that It wm.M not reach so all that could be done was to make use of the chcmirai n glne in keeping the fire from spread ing to adjoining buildings. This was done to such good advantage mat tne Darn, wnlch stands about thirty feet from where the house stood, was saved. The house has been occupied for a few weeks by Mike Kadllck and family as Mrs. Ku bat has moved to Crete. How . the nre originated is and will probably remain a mystery, as no one was In the house when the Are was dlscnv. ered. We have been Informed that Dotn nouse and contents were partly wverea dj insurance. ' The Red Cloud fire department Is figuring on arranging for funds to build a hall to furnish a nlnrA fnr their meetings and to care for their equipment. Tne city is paring rent for their. Quarters at the nroni.nl time. -.. .' : .. .... . ' , . ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' . : III I f7 V Plalnvlew's fire denartmnnt ilr.n whistle has been Installed. It is one of the latest makes and can be heard Dy ail any place in that bustling lit. tie town. ITnJverwIty Place Firemen Celebrate rrom naveiocK Times, July 80th: A large crowd attended the fire men celebration at University Place held last Saturday afternoon, the at tendance being estimated at about 4,000. It was said to have been the largest crowd entertained : by our neighboring city , in many years. The entertainment was all that had been promised and the program was car ried out as arranged. The fire departments competing in the various events were the Have lock and Bethany departments and the Third ward fighters of Univer sity Place. The Drosram for th Hav opened promptly at 1:30 with a big aireei parade, beaded by the mayor of the Methodist city, city officials and business, men in automobiles, firemen and fire apparatus and a thirty piece band. The band was composed of membera of th Wool o v. an university and the University flace high school bands. Following the parade an address of welcome was delivered by the mayor of the city. , . For a time the crowd was enter tained by a hose waeon run rnaHa against, time. The run was of 600 feet attaching hose to. hydrant, and the best time made was 42 seconds. Boys under 12 years of age engaged In a fifty yard dash, which was won by Dallas Johnson. The hook ' and ladder company gave an exhibition In which the ladders were placed high into the air and ladder climb ers ran nimbly up and perched them selves at the top. The first real contest was a hose carl race between Havelock and Uni versity Place in which Havelock won the 100 yard dash laying 150 feet of nose in 33 seconds. A demonstration of the University Place chemical enirlne wu iin in which the engine was pulled 160 feet wnere an imitation house had been built and set on fire. The chemical en trine extlnenlnhpd th flams, in . remarkably short space of time. Bethany and Univeraltv Pia n gaged In a hose cart ram nt inn ysro oasn. laying 150 feet of hose in which University Place won in 36 seconds. The hose race between boys of 14 years Of ae renreanntlnar Pi. and Third wards of University Place. furnished good entertainment. The boys were given garden hose, placed them to hydrants and extinguished a wnlch had been built in the street, ine contest was won by the r rai wars ooys. The 400 yard relay race was won by Havelock in 47 seconds. Have- iock ana university Place each en- icieu luur men. , A twenty minute water fight be tween xiaveioca and University Place was decided to be a draw. A Darrei was placed half way between the contesting nozzlemen and the contest was to see which could with a stream of water forc iha komi over the line. The prise money for iuib event was equauy divided. At the close of the enntoata Ilia firemen gathered at the engine house ana enjoyed a watermelon feast. In the evening a lawn social was given on the Brodball lawn and the band rornlshed music. The University PIaoa firemen h Signified their Intentions of being present at the Gala Diti reiehratinn on August 14 and 15, and partici pate in tne firemen s contest. FHIE! FIRE! ATTENTION, FIREMEN! Whenever your city is in the market for Fire Hose or Equipment, you should at once write us, as it will be to your advantage. ;, Also bear in mind that we sell Hand Extinguishers for automobiles, private houses, lumber yards and ischools. ANDERSEN COMPANY 1115 Farnam St., - - OMAHA, NEBR. Firemen CelfthratA 'JTrtlntiv From the North Platte Tribune: ' The local fire department and the department from Lexington held . a joint picnic at the points Sunday and they all report a fine time. About thirty-five firemen from T attended and in all there were near ly one hundred in the crowd. The commissary wagon left in the morn ing ior tne points; during the fore noon several hay rack loads of fire men and their guests went out. A big feed was served at noon and another in the eveninr. to which an did ample Justice. During the day refreshments were on tan anH al entertainment features were pull ed off. Among the entertainment features was a ball game between the North- Platte department team and the Lexington team. It resulted In the score of 11 to 7 'in favor of North Platte. It took eleven inn ings to decide the game the score standing 7 to 7 at the end of the ninth Inning.' The Fullerton Department had a hard fight recently when the electric light company plant caught on fire. The quick work of the department was successful In saving the plant. From the Fremont Herald: The Fremont an to trunk demonstrated Its great value to the City When on Mondav evenlnir it ... called to the artificial ice plant of the remont ice and Sand Company, and quickly squelched a fire that for a few minutes threatened to consume the building. The damage amount ed to about $150. Kearney Department Itanks High From the Kearney Hub: In the insurance reports of - the state of Nebraska Just issued, Kear ney la Shown as ranklnar thA hlrhaat of any volunteer department town in the entire state. The volunteer de partments have been doing rood work over the entire state, but the Kearney department la an!aiiv commended for their effective work. The losses in this city compared , to the number of fires, is the lowest percentage of any city. . especially Since the ntirrhnalne- nf the automobile fire truck has the de partment been able to make quick work of extinguishing fl rea hn a short interval being necessary after tne aiarm is turned In until the de partment is on the scene anrl a mnit stream of water Is playing on the nre. a great deal of experimenting by. the council and the water com missioner, in order to obtain an ef ficient system of alarms and a suf ficient pressure of water, has finally put the present avutem tn hioh point of efficiency. . v With the electric gongs warning the driver, the fire boys sleenlna: in the truck quarters and the water works, everyone is on the job at the same time, and sufficient water pres sure has been obtained tn throw a strong stream when the faucets are nrst turned on. The work of the de partment and the thought and ener gy Of the CitV Officials -havn ifnno much to make this the highest rank ing nre prevention town In the state. A lare number of annrial irnnli have had occasion to vlnft thfa oitv the past few weeks, and there are none who are not loud in their prais es of the deoartment and ! nrir when talking to the local represent atives, with the result that Insurance is more readuy granted here than possibly In any other rjohrnakn t..-vn with a volunteer department. hose, nozzles, lantern racks, ropes, axes and other articles necessary ( put the department In good fighting trim. It is probable that a move ment will be started later for the construction of a city hall and en gine house where the carts and . equipment may be given proper care. The department has rendered an ex cellent account 0 Itself whenever called out, In spite of the fact that It has had very little encouragement from the general public. With its in creased membership and proper equipment it should become one ef tne strongest volunteer Ore righting organizations In the state. The following old members, masy of whom have seen years ef service, will remain with the reorganized de partment: Fred uhn, E. A. De Wat ers, R. M. .Mitchell. A. E. Houser, Carl Travis. Frank Coykendall, Fre4 Jeffers, John Powell, J. H. Grostea or, H. E. Bogardus, Oscar Oberg. Walter Wilkins, George H. Houser, John McAllister. ! New members: Harry Sims. C. . Moss, It. W. Nowltn, W. C. Mower, M. J. McDougall, W. H. Kellermeier, Charles Wents, Fred Beltner, H. . Grosvenor, George A. Ross, W. . Collins, T. C. Larimer, Harry Stew art, A. W. Applebee. J. J. Tryner, "Doc" McCoy, E. S.' Munson.' Stev Powell, Ralph Davidson, Ernest Be atty, John Quinn, John Cassell, Fre4 Stewart, Charles Bertz, George B Ilnton, H. Hutsell, George Bahn, Lorn Blue. Guy Brown, Walter Spray, H. J. Rathman. H. J. Hansen. T. rims. venor, C. W. Stokesbary, O. L. Hick- ?mon, ti. urossnans, A M. Hiett, Jack Maxfield. Ed L. Hedges, ' M. Larson, H. E. Toof, C. Otto, Gar ' Huffman, Joe Gilson, L. Baldwin. . E. A. DeWaters Is chief of the de partment With Oscar Obers- nroai. dent, George Houser secretary an Fred Kuhn treasurer. W. H. Keller meier, the new manager for the Aur ora Lumber Company, Is- a veteraa fireman who has seen service at Sew ard. Talmage and other places, and he is lending valuable assistance ia the work of reorganization. Aurora Department Itwinmnlwii From the Aurora Republican: Tne Aurora fire denartment fcaa taken on a new lease of life. The membershlD has recent ir hmn tn. creased to 60 and the boys are per- tecting tnemseives by rrequent prac tice runs in the nse of their aonara- tus. The two hose companies gare a very pretty exhibition last Thursday evening, ach running one block on the east and west sides of the square respectively and throwing water. The performance will probably be repeat ed this evening. The boys will reorganize the hose companies with eighteen men each, leaving twenty-four for a hook and ladder company which will be form ed if the city council can see Its way clear to furnish the necessary equip ment. A petition will be presented to the council soon for additional Ice Plant Destroyed by Kir ' Guide Rock. Nebr.. Jnlv SS Pii of tihkaown origin destroyed the to yianr. at me rear or rred Watt a meat market this afternoon. The lor.s'was approximated fg.ono with hlf that amount of insurance. The chemical truck of the Red f?1mif riennrtment wo. 1n .1 freight car, but the fire was under control before the train left Rea Cloud and the call for help was with drawn. Many people came from neighboring towns In automobiles t WAlch the fire. Ed Cady, owner of a notion store a short distance from the ice plaat, suffered some loss when his stock was carried to the street when his building was In danger from the flames. 95,0OO Fire at Grand Island The dry goods store of P. Martin & Brother at Grand Island was com pletely gutteu by fire on July 21. The building occupied by the store, 6x 132 feet, was almost totally destroy ed. The total loss to all was esti mated at 195,000, partially Insure. All of the city's equipment was use on the fire which vu nut several hours severe fighting. The Spalding department is pla n'ng on a three-days celebratiea SOOn. Their nlana will He ed later. The plant of the Argosy at Ansler was destroyed by fire recently with . loss of 15,000. Anderson Motor Fire Truck for Alliance Fire Department Above is a cut of ttie Anderson Motor Fire Truck like the one pur chased by the city of Alliance for the Alliance Fire Department. The truck is manufactured by the Anderson Coupling & Fire Supply Company of Kansas City and was Bold by the Andersen Company of Omaha by Mr. C. J. Andersen. The motor and chassis of the truck are made especially for the Ander son company by the Kissel Car manufacturing company and nothing but the Kissel chassis Is used. The motor and chassis are of a heavier type than the regular Kissel stock cars. The balance of the car is made In Kansas City, Kansas, at the Anderson factory. Every detail of manufac turing the cars Is looked over and attended to by Mr. S. O. Harpster, who has made this business a life study. The Alliance car will be equipped with Goodyear Cushion Demounta ble tires. This tire is of dual construction, preventing the car from skid ding. The car carries a chemical engine of suitable size, made of the best Lake Superior copper, fitted with by-pass system and 200 feet of chemical hose. This hose is placed on a reel above the chassis in place of a basket shown on the cut. The car will be fully equipped with all tools, axe. crowbar, lanterns, extra chemical extinguisher charges, and also two S-gallon hand extinguish ers, a very large searchlight, and two front lights, one tall light, all of the lights being lighted by electricity from storage batteries. Sterling. Colo., North Platte, Nebr., and other nearby departments have the Anderson trucks and report them very satisfactory. Delivery will soon be made of the sew Alliance truck and the Alliance department will then be fully equipped Cor coping with any fire that comes along. Tourtuuaent at Fetrttburg Petersburg. Nebr., July 23, 1114. Dear Lloyd : j Sometime ago I was cboaen by our department as your correspondent, but up until this time we have never had anything that I tkought of any real Interest to firemea happen here. At our last regular meeting, howev er, it was decided to have a firemen's tournament here. To begin with, ta ; department nut in regular session' with Chair man Score presiding. After the op ening of the meeting and soma die euBsion of minor matters our chair man tendered his resignation. This was accepted. Lottbs Tokea was chosen to fill his place. Following this Oalef Anderson called for his diploma, which was granted. Joe Jullck called for his diploma, which was also granted, both parties re-enllsting. Under the order of new business a tournament Fire 0epartmerit Equipment was proposed and a committee ap pointed to investigate and see if the people of this town were willing to carry it through. At this writing tne committee has reported most fa roraoiy ana preparations are now beginning to care for the biggest tournament and baseball meet in this neck of the woods ever held. Committees are at work in all de partments preparing to hold this big event. The dates set are August 27, 28 and 29 three big days. There will be something doing all the time. Ludwtg, ef Hose Co. No. 1, Petersburg. Nebr. Tuesday evening at a little before 6, the elevator located on the sheep' ranch Just east of town was struck ! by lightning. The fire alarm was! sounded and the department re-' sponded very quickly only to discov-' er that the fire was beyond the wat-j rV. v TOD ;' VIM K, BY f mr - . iw-"' w ai No city, town, or village can afford to be without a chemical engine of some kind. We sell the Anderson Motor Truck esuin pea with chemical engine. ' . . . Cities and towns in Nebraska now equipped with motor apparatus are Omaha, Lincoln, Fremont, Columbus, Grand lataad, Kearney, North Platte, and Alliance. ' We sold all but two of these cities. Our chemical equipment is acknowledged to be the best in the market. For towns and villages, w build hand-draws appar atus as shown on above cut, In any size tank. We ask all firemen interested to send to us for catalog. We are pleased to write you at all times. Ariderseii Company 1115 Faraan Street Omaha, Nebraska i f i