The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 30, 1914, Image 6

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Burial No. 03292.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
July 23, 1914.
NOTICE la hereby siren that Win.
Nye, one of the hetra of RumpI A.
Nye, deceaied, of Alliance, Nebras
ka, who, on Jan. 10, 1909, made
Jlomeiitead Entry, No. 03292, for
ALL of Section 26, Township 24
North. Range 44 W. of Ith Princi
pal Meridian, baa filed notice of in
tention to make Final Fire Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
bore described, before Register
and Recelrer, U. S. Land Office, at
Alliance, Nebraska, on the 14th day
f Sept, 1914.
Claimant namea as witnesses:
' Cecil Wilson, of Lakeside, Nebras
ka; Benjamin Joy, of Ellsworth, Ne
braska; J. L. Hooper, pf Ellsworth,
Nebraska; M. D. Hooper, of Schlll,
W. W. WOOD,. Register.
Serial No. 612360.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Jan 16th, 1914.
NOTICE Is hereby glTen that Ma
atJ VanVleck, formerly Mamie Vot
rvba, of Long Lake, Nebraska, who,
Sept 23, 1910, made Homestead
Entry, No. 012360, for SE SEW,
flea. 6; NEU. NH SWtf . NVi SEU.
SSK SEK Section 6; N NEK of
See. 7; Ntt NH Sec 8, Township 26
North. Range 45 W. of 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
Hon. to make Final Three Tear
Proof, to establish claim to the land
abore described, before Register and
RecelTer, U. S. Land Office, at Alll
anoe, Nebraska, on the 17th day of
Aig , 1914.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
Walter R. ent, of Hay Springs, Ne
braska; Lew Gammon, of Long Lake,
Nebraska; Lee George, of Long
Lake, Nebraska; Dwight Farrow, of
Long Lake, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
Serial No. 012707.
, Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebr., June
17, 1914.
NOTICE la hereby given that Mary
Brke, of Lakeside, Nebr., who, on
Not. 28, 1910, made Homestead En
try, No: 012707, for Stt. Sft NEK.
B NW4 Sec. 6, N NW, SE4
NW14, Section 8. Township 25 N.,
Range 44 W. of 6 th Principal Merld
iaa, has filed notice of Intention to
make Final Three Year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above des
cribed, before Register and Receiver,
V. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Ne
braska, on the 25th day of Aug.,
Claimant names as witnesses;
Peter J. Long, of Lakeside, Nebr.;
Thomas L. Brlggs, of Antioch, Nebr.;
Charles L. Baggs, of Lakeside, Nebr.;
Carrol C. Joy, of Lakeside, Nebr.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
Serial No. 013359.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebr., June
17. 1914.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Sim
O. Ganoung, of Pawlet, Nebras
ka, who, on April 19, 1911, made
Homestead Entry, No. 013359, for
WEVi. NH SE4, NH SWH. See.
W.T. 23 N.. R. 43 W.; NEH SWH
NH SEHt Sec. 25. Township 23
torth. Range 44 W. of 6th Principal
Meridian, baa filed notice of inten
tion to make Final Three Year Proof,
te establish claim to the land above
described, before Register and Re
ceiver. U. S. Land Office, at Alliance
Nebraska, on the 24th day of Aug.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Martin Rochford, of Ellsworth
Nebr.; Lou Trester, of Lakeside, Ne
br.; Thomas Ross, of Ellsworth, Ne
br.; Edward Cooper, of Ellsworth
W. W.-WOOD, Register.
Large tract of good valley farm
ing land Just thrown open for free
settlement, in Oregon. Over 200,-
-00 acres in all. Good climate, rich
sott, and does not require irrigation
t raise finest crops of grain, fruit
and garden truck. For large map,
fssl Instructions and Information,
and a plat of several sections of ex
cestlonally good claims, send 83.40
to John Keefe, Eugene, Oregon;
tare years a U. S. surveyor and Urn
bcraan. An opportunity to get
aod fertile free homestead near
tow and market.
2-67S-to aug If
Severe Attack of Ootlo On rod.
K. E. Croat, who travels in Virginia snd
ether Soot hem States, was taken suddenly
ad severely ill with colic At the int store
came to the merchant recommended
Oaaaaberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Bneaedy. Two dotes of U cured him. Jib
erne should leave hone on a Journey without
bettta of this preparation. For sals by all
Serial No. 013241.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 26th, 1914. ,
NOTICE Is hereby given tbat Lew-
Is L. Unger, of Alliance, Nebraska,
who, on March 25th, 1911, made
Homestead entry, No. 013241. for
South Half of Section 17, and NWtt,
NH SWH. SEU 8WH. nd Lot 1,
Section 20, Township 23 North,
Range 47 West of Sixth Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of Inten
tion to make Final Three-Year proof.
to establish claim to the land above
described, before the . Register and
Receiver of the United States Land
Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the
26th day of August, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George D. Workman, Peter R.
Workman, Julius Blrkle and John
Fitsgerald, all of Alliance, Nebraska.
W. W, WOOD, Register.
Serial No. 013138.'
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 16, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that Jens
J. Bollerup, Jr., of Lakeside, Nebras
ka, who, on March 25, 1911, made
Homestead Entry, No. 013138. for
W4; SH Sec 1; NH NW14; SEH
NWK; NEH SWH Section 12.
Township 23 North, Range 45 W. of
6 th Principal Meridian, has filed no
tice of intention to .make Final
Three Year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Register and Receiver, U. S. Land
Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the
18th day of Aug., 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Jacob Herman, LeRoy M. Scott,
D. L. Sturgeon, Willis Crowther, all
of Lakeside, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
Serial No. 013639.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 10, 1914. ,
NOTICE is hereby given that John
Powers, of Angora, Nebraska, who,
on June 28, 1911, made Homestead
Entry, No. 013639, for SH SEH ;
SH SWH Sec. 24, NH and SEH,
Sec. 25, Township 23 North.
Range 50 W. of 6th Principal Merld
Ian, has filed notice of Intention to
make Final Three Year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Register and Receiv
er, U. S. Land office, at Alliance, Ne
braska, on the 11th day. of August,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Glen W. Gentle, of Alliance. Nebr..
Bonua Lightner, of Angora, Nebr.,
Fred Woods, of Angora, Nebr.. Arch
V. Hull, of Angora, Nebr.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
Serial No. 012587.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S,
Land Office at Alliance. Nebraska.
JUiy 13, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Frank H. Palmer, of Alliance. Nebr
aska, who. on October 25, 1910,
made homestead entry, No. 012587,
ror hh NEtt: EH SEtt. Sec. 8:
SH NWH, Section 9; NEH Section
17, Township 23 N., Range 49 W. of
Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make Three
Year final proof, to establidh claim
to the land above described, before
the Register and Receiver of United
States Land Office, at Alliance, Neb
raska, on the 1st day of September,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Charley Coker, Jlmmle Under
wood, George Hagaman, George Mc
Coy, all of Alliance, Nebraska,
W. W. WOOD, Register.
Serial No. 011492.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
JUiy 13, 1914.
NOTICE ia hereby given that
George J. McCoy, of Alliance, Nebr
aska, who, on May 16, 1910, made
homestead entry. No. 011492, for
H: WH SEH; NH SWH Sec 2:
NEH; NH SEH; SEH Sec. 3.
Township 23 N., Range 49 W.. Sixth
Principal Meridian, has filed notice
of Intention to make Three Year fin
al proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the Reg
ister ana Receiver United States
Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska,
on tne 1st day or September, 1914
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank Palmer, Jlmmle Under
wood, Frank Boon, Frank McCoy, all
or Alliance, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD, Register,
Legal Notice
You are hereby notified that on
me m aay or November, 191Z, I
the underalxned. F. W. Harris, nnr
chased at public tax sale of the treas
urer or box uutte county, Nebraska
the following described premises sit
uated in Box Butte County. Nebras-
ka, to-wlt: The Southeast Quarter
of Section 9. TownahlD IS Rinn 4 8.
Box Butte County, Nebraska, for the
taxes for the year 1911, and E. M.
Martin, then County Treasurer of
Box Butte County, Nebraska, issued
Treasurer's Certificate of tax aale
No. 259 therefor, and I have since
paid as subsequent taxes after aame
became due and delinquent, the tax
es for 1912 and 1913; that said
premises were taxed for the year
1911 in the name of Charles Mason,
and in the years 1912 and 1913, in
the name of Robert M. Mason.
You are further notified that after
the expiration of three months from
date of service of this notice tbat I
will apply to the treasurer of . Box
Butte County, Nebraska, for a tax
deed for said Southeast Quarter of
Section 9, Township 26, Range 48,
Box Butte County, Nebraska.
Purchaser and Owner of
said Certificate.
Dated this 1st day of July, 1914.
Iegal Notice
You are hereby notified that on
the 4th day of November, 1912, I,
the undersigned, F. W. Harris, pur
chased at public tax sale of the treas
urer of Box Butte County, Nebraska,
the following described premises sit
uated in Box Butte County, Nebras
ka, to-wlt: The Northeast Quarter of
Section 8, Township 24, Range 48,
Box Butte County, Nebraska, for the
taxes for the year 1911, and E. M.
Martin, then County Treasurer of
Box Butte County, Nebraska, Issued
Treasurer's Certificate of tax ale No.
239 therefor, and I have since paid
as subsequent taxes after same be
came due and delinquent, the taxes
for 1912 and 1913; that said prem
Ises were taxed for the years 1911,
1912 anl 1913, in the name of Park
r F. Miller.
You are further notified that after
the expiration of three months from
date of service of this notice that I
will apply to the treasurer of Box
Butte County, Nebraska, for a tax
deed for said Northeast Quarter of
Section 8, Township 24, Range 48,
Box Butte County, Nebraska.
Purchaser and Owner of
said Certificate.
Dated this 1st day of July, 1914.
Legal Notice
To Steve Banjoff, Steve Bakaloff.
James V. Meyers, Anselmo B. Smith,
If alive, and If dead, The Unknown
Heirs of Anselmo B. Smith.
You are hereby notified that on
the 4th day of November, 1912, I,
tne undersigned, F. W. Harris, pur
chased at public tax sale of the treas
urer of Box Butte County, Nebraska,
the following described premises sit
uated in Box Butte County. Nebras
ka, to-wlt: The South Half of lhe
Northeast Quarter of Section 3.
Township 24, Range 48, Box Butte
County, Nebraska, for the taxes for
the year 1911, and E. M. Martin,
then County Treasurer of Box Butte
County, Nebraska, issued Treasur
er's Certificate of tax sale No. 238
therefore, and I have since paid as
subsequent taxes after same became
due and delinquent, the taxes for the
years 1912 and 1913; that said pre
mises were taxed for the years 1911,
1912, and 1913, In the name of A. B
You are further notified that after
the expiration of three months from
date of service of this notice that I
will apply to the treasurer of Box
Butte County, Nebraska, for a tax
deed for said South Half of the
Northeast Quarter of Section 3
Township 24, Range 48, Box Butte
County, Nebraska.
Purchaser and Owner of
said Certificate.
Dated this 1st day of July, 1914.
Notice for Publication
Isolated Tract
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska
June 27, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provis
ions or Acts or Congress approved
June 27. 1906 (34 Stats., 517), and
March 2, 1907 (34 Stats., 1224)
pursuant to the application of Min
nie Snethen Cravath, Serial No,
016612, we will offer at public sale,
to the highest bidder, but at not less
than 32.60 per acre, at 9 o'clock a,
m., on the 19th day of August next
at this office, the following tract of
Lots 2, 3 and 4, Sec. 4, and Lot 1
of Sec. 5, T. 27 N., R. 44 W. 6th P.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above-described land are advised
to file their claims, or objections, on
or before the time designated for
W. W. WOOD. Register.
H. J. ELLIS, Receiver.
Notice for Publication
Isolated Tract
Department of the Interior, U.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 27, 1914.
NOTICE la herebv etvnn that
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provis
ions of Acts of Congress approved
June Z7, i06 (34 Stats., 517), and
Marca z, 1907 (34 Stats., 1224),
pursuant to the application of Hen
ry J. Wilson, Serial No. 016007. we
will offer at public sale, to the high
est bidder, but at not less than 82.75
per acre, at 9 o'clock a. m., on the
19th day of .August next, at this of
fice, the following tract of land:
The SH SEH and SH SWH of
Sec. 31, T. 26 N.. R. 43 W. 6th P.
M. This tract is ordered into the
market on a showing that the great
er portion thereof is mountainous or
too rough for cultivation.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above-described land are advised
to file their claims, or objections, on
or before the time designated for
W. W. WOOD, Register.
H. J. ELLIS. Receiver.
3 1-6 1-46 1-3760
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. a
Land Office at Alliance, Nebr., July
16. 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that
James Cobey, of Alliance. Nebr..
who, on January IS, 1911, made
Homestead Entry, No. 012883. for
NWH. and Lots 1 and I, Section 8.
Township 23 N., Range 47 W., 6tb
Principal Meridian, has filed notice
of Intention to make Final Three
Year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Regis
ter and Receiver of the United
States Land Office, at Alliance. Nebr..
on the 28th day of August, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William Sherlock. John Fltiger-
ald, Andrew Cuslck, John Sherlock,
all of AU'ance, Nebr.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
Notice Probate of Will
The State of Nebraska,
Box Butte County, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of Ma
ry E. Zoll, Deceased.
The State of Nebraska to the heirs
and next of kin of the said Mary
E. Zoll, Deceased:
TAKE NOTICE, Tbat upon filing
of a written Instrument purporting
to be the last will and testament of
Mary E. Zoll for probate and allow
ance and of a petition (or appoint
ment of. Administratrix and adminis
tration of said estate It is ordered
that said matter be et (or hearing
the 4th day el 6etteniber A. D. 1914.
before Bald County Court, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at which
time any person interested may ap
pear and contest the same; and no
tice of this proceeding is ordered
published three weeks successively
In the Alliance Herald, a weekly
newspaper, published in this state.
In Testimony Whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and the seal
of the County Court at Alliance this
16th day of July A. D. 1914.
L. A. BERRY, County Judge.
Sealed proposals will be received
by the Board of County Commission
ers of Box Butte County, Nebraska,
at the office of the County Clerk, in
the Court House, in Alliance, Box
Butte County, Nebraska, until twelve
o'clock noon of the 12th day of Aug
ust, 1914, for the letting of the con
tract for a bridge, according to plans
and specifications, over the Niobrara
River, In Box Butte County, Nebras
ka, about one mile south of Mars
land, Nebraska.
Each Beparate proposal must be
accompanied by cash or a draft for
the sum not less than five per cent
of the amount bid, made payable to
E. M. Martin, County Treasurer, and
to be forfeited to Box Butte County,
for damages sustained in case the
bidder, within ten days, after being
notified of award fall to enter into
contract for the work bid upon, and
to give satisfactory surety bond for
the full amount of the contract, for
the faithful performance of the con
tract and a guarantee of materials
and labor furnished.
The Board of County Commission
ers reserve the right to reject any
part of or all bids.
: Plans and specifications for the
bridge may be obtained of the Coun
ty Clerk at his office in the Court
House In Alliance, Nebraska.
Bids are to be sealed and address
ed to M. S. Hargraves, County Clerk,
and must be plainly marked on the
outside, "Proposal for bridge over
Niobrara River."
County Clerk.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the mate of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth In full, la submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the general elec
tion to be held Tuesday, November 3rd,
A. D. 1914.
"FOR a Joint resolution to amend section
1 of Article t of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relating to revenue.
Be It Resolved and Enacted by the People
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section 1 of Article t
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, be amended to read a follows:
Sec. 1. The rules of taxation shall be
uniform as to any given class and taxes
hall be levied upon such property as the
Legislature shall prescribe. Taxes may
also be Imposed on incomes, privileges
and occupations, which taxes may be
graduated and progressive and reasonable
exemptions may be provided. In addition
to those hereinafter specifically mentioned
in section 2 of this article.
See. 2. That at the general election in
November. 1UU. there shall be submitted
to the electors of the stats for their ap
proval or rejection the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution in the fol
lowing form: "For amendment to the
Constitution providing for uniform and
progressive taxation" and "against said
proposed amendment to the Constitution
providing for uniform and progressive
Approved, March 17, 1918.
I. Addison Walt. Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska Is a true and correct copy of the
original enrolled and engrossed bill, as
passed by the Thirty-third session or the
Legislature of the State of Nebraska, aa
appears from said original bill on tils in
tUis office, and that said proposed amend
ment is submitted to the qualified voters
of the State of Nebraska for their adop
tion or rejection at the general election
to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day at
November, A. D. 1914.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Ureal Seal of
the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this 2&rd day of March,
In the year of our Ixrd. On Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of the
Independence of the United States the
One Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of
this State the Forty-seventh.
(Seal)) Secretary of State.
I offer for quick aale, on easy
terms, at exceptionally low prices,
the following Alliance property:
36 lota in Hill's addition. Site 5 Ox
4 lota in the west part of town, near
the tracks, on which the S. C.
Reck lumber yard is located. Sise
I lota near the creamery, on which
Spry'a barn stands. Slse 60x140.
This la your chance to get a good
Investment in. Alliance property at
the right price. See or write
General Delivery, Alliance, Nebr.
When renewing your subscription
te The Herald don't forget to remind
us of the big magaslne offer.
Serial No. 012443
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
July 25, 1914.
NOTICE Is hereby given that
Moses H. L&mberson, of Strasburg
er, Nebr., who, on April 29, 1911,
made Homestead Entry, No. 012443,
SEH. EH SEH. EH NEH Sec. 22,
WH SWH Sec. 23, Township 25
North, Range 43 W. of 6th Princi
pal Meridian, has filed notice of In
tention to make Final Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the 10th day of
Sept., 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William Otto, of Lakeside, Nebr
aska; Christopher Mosler, of Lake
side, Nebraska; William Kicken, of
Ellsworth, Nebraska; Charles Cable,
of Ellsworth, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
Serial No. 011909.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
July 25, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that Sera
S. Lamberson, of Strasburger, Nebr
aska, who, on June 18, 1910, made
Homestead Entry, No. 011909, for
E Sec. 21. SW NWK. Wtt
SW4 Section 22, Township 25
North. Range 43 W. of 6th Principal
Merdlan, has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the 10th day of
Sept., 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William Otto, of Lakeside, Nebr
aska; Christopher Mosler, of Lake
side, Nebraska; William Kicken, of
Ellsworth, Nebraska; Charles Cable,
of Ellsworth, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
If your subscription to the Herald
Is due, better pay up now and get
four magazines for 18 cents extra.
You are entitled to four magazines
to be sent to your home for one
year If you will renew your subscrip
tion to the Herald and pay 18 cents
extra for the magazines.
Serial No. 013639. .
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
July 23. 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that John
Powers, of Angora, Nebraska, who,
on June 28, 1911, made Homestead
Entry, No. 013639. for S SEU: S
Vt SWU Sec. 24, NH and SE of
Section 25, Township 23 North,
Range 60 W. of 6th Principal Merld
lan, has filed notice of intention to
make Final Three Year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Register and Receiv
er. U. S. Land Office, at Alliance,
Nebraska, on the 14th day of Sept.,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Glen W. Gentle, of Alliance, Ne
braska; Bonus Lightner, of Angora,
Nebraska; Fred Woods, of Angora,
Nebraska; Arch D. Hull, of Angora,
W. W. WOOD, Register.
We now urge all our subscribers
to renew their subscription to The
Herald and get four magazines one
year for only 18 cents extra. WRITE
Look young I Common garden Sage
and Sulphur darkens so naturally
nobody can tell
Grandmother kept her hair beautifully
darkened, gioaey and abundant with a
brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. When
ever her hair fell out or took on that
dull, faded or streaked appearance, this
simple mixture was applied with won
derful effect. By asking at any drug
store for "WyetVe Sae and Bulphur
Hair Remedy," you will get a large
bottle of this old-time recipe, ready to
use, for about 60 cents. This simple
mixture can be depended upon to restore
natural color and beauty to the hair and
ia splendid for dandruff, dry, itchy scalp
and falling hair.
A well-known downtown druggist aays
everybody usee Wyeth'e Sage and Sul
phur, because it darkens so naturally and
evenly that nobody can tell it has been
applied it's so easy to use, too. You
simply dampen a comb or soft brush
and draw it through your hair, taking
one strand at a time. By morning the
gray hair disappears; after another appli
cation or two, it ia restored to its natural
oolor and looks glossy, soft and abun
dant. Lest you forget. The Alliance Her
ald, fl.60 per year.
300 LICE
Or More
on One Hen
Is by MBMunoasN. No ess veold sxasot
to lamas steer wirt Htslasiherof auca.
rag sis wooa, m nuf eapea k
tk eld ses te te skW sksuuif
set ecce walls Ucs sad si lies are K
ta ear very Ufa W Mrs
M ever 3000 easi set aadar
a lev of lea seas, es s
fcosrd Dsaited Ike alitri ssfore vufc
Lee's Ucs Killer. Tais ireaiklUerdoss.
soebte amy coatsct I
bad bus. SIC abeot I
vapor LUs bee ea the ckicksas shtlsf,
wjk Pet a eely is sirUsta esse.
m., m a, n m, restorse
Buy Snow
from your grocer, or at
our bakery. . We also
make all kinds of pastry,
and carry a complete line
of soft drinks and confec
tionery. Stephenson
i HI Box Butte Ave. Phone 133 3
We Construct
or anything In the
Cement Line
Brick Work, Tile and
Old Fashioned Fire Places
and Mantels
Phone 249 Alliance, Nebr.
Cleaning and Pressing
Suits called for and delivered
Union Cleaning &
Pressing Work
Chas. Lea, Proprietor
Orders taken by Mr. lea only
Do you want trash, ref
use and rubbish hauled V
Taults cleaned f We do
this work quick! at rea
sonable prices. Special
rates for business and res
idenoe property.
Phone 675
Pegg and