The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 30, 1914, Image 4

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Lloyd C. Thomas, City Editor
the iioulb western part of our state,
whereby It Is proposed that the
United States government construct
a system of ditches so that the flood
and waste waters of the Platte river
shall be used upon the soil, thereby
greatly Increasing the productive
ness of that portion of the state and
at the same time helping to save the
annual expenditure by the United
States government of millions of
dollars In guarding against the rav
ages of the same flood waters if per
mttted to reach the lower Mississippi
valley. We urge upo nail officers
whose official position enables them
to assist, that they give, all possible
Rntrori at th noat office, at Alliance. Nebraska, for transmission help to this proposed work, that It
Published tvsry Thursday by
C. Thomas, President
John W.
J. Carl Thomas, Vic Pres.
Thomas, 8crtary
through tbo malls aa second-class matter.
Subscription price, $1.60 per year tu advance
There Is-at least one raadidate In ize this as well as others and money
Nebraska whose face is la his favor. Its beginning to circulate most en
A copy of a Harlan county paper, re- couraglngly,
ceived at The Herald office receatly,
contains a photogravure of P. w.
Ehea of Orleans, candidate for the
democratic nomination for congress
In the Fifth district. If Tat Shea
isn't an honest, intelligent man we
don't know anything about physlog- coast, and in course or wnicn ne at-
nnsav. but we think we do a little. tended bankers' conventions m MIS'
souri. ivansas, caiiiornia, waBiiinn-
ltrVT VflTT fill WW IT I
Fred K. Farnsworth. general secre-
Edltor A. B. Wood of the Ocrlng Ury of the American Banners' Abbo-
may be carried to a successful oper
"We believe that the flood waters
of Interstate streams stored In gov
ernment reservoirs in excess of what
Is actually used for beneficial pur
poses should be released and be made
subject to the control of the state
board of irrigation, especially dur
ing the irrigation season, and we
recommend our representatives in
congress to work for legislation to
J. II. Deacon, of Camden, N. J.
We are on the eve of a period of
good business. and I think it will be accomplish such purpose,
Returning o New York, after a
trip that took him to the Pacific
i f I . A
' ) , ) s V - i I
1 1 1 ' - : ' tl
j -fxJJi t
Political Cards
Courier fails to distinguish between
a little Tammany machine at Alli
ance and the democratic party at Al
liance. In his paper recently he
Wouldn't I hate to fee run
ning a party paper with the
party officially roasting It as
the democrats at Alliance are
going after the Herald?
Don't think for a minute that The
Herald editor feels bad about that
roasting he got from the packed con
vention to which Brother Wood re
fers. Not at all. The man who ran
that convention, and at least one of
nis leading assistants, formed a part
of the rabble that Jeered William J.
elation, said: "The outlook in the
West is good. The banks havs plen
ty of money and are confident that
they will he able to take ciro of all
legitimate requirements. The crcps
uro no lm mui iu lurvfiM o.r 1 rentions wttn over 3.500 names
ginning to worry over tne aDiiuy or signed, from forty Nebraska coun
Well Known ltridgetort Attorney in
I luce for Chief Justice of Ne
braska Supreme Court
the railroads to handle them."
ties, were filed Monday afternoon at
Lincoln with the secretary of state,
asking that the name of Judge
George J. Hunt of Bridgeport be
placed on the ballot for the office of
chief Justice of the supreme court
Most of those who signed the peti
tions are well known Nebraska at
Judge Hunt is one of the earliest
and best known practitioners of the
Bryan at the democratic state con- Following I Copy of Platform Adopt Btate havinir received his first leeal
Tentlon at Grand Island four years ed Rt Democratic HUUe Omven- fr tJt VnLlsn L , V-.h1
tlon t Columbus Tueeday
ago. Feel bad? Not at an, lis an
honor and we're proud of it
'We, the representatives of
training, following his graduation,
in the law office of Captain Richards
at Omaha about thirty years &zo. He
the later became a member of the Cone
Even the most unscrupulous ar- democratic party of the state of Ne- don, Blarkson and Hunt law Arm,
tlsans in Congrers have about aband- braska, in convention aBsemDiea, and while a member of that firm
oned hope of causing nara times, wun priae in me tenets oi our pany, gainea an enviaoie position as one
and thereby gaining political advan- unfalteringly assert that the demo- of the best known practitioners in
tage, by spreading false reports as to cratic party has reached its nignest the city.
actual business and industrial con- service unaer me leauersnip oi rres- goon after comng t0 tniB Btate he
dltions. They have been smothered Ident Woodrow Wilson and Secre- interested himself In the rivinn-
m S3nSK ll'lllln m 1 IJ axm M rnWt M 1 I
ir, ui di. muiw .,... "Mment of the state's resources, espec
the new currency law Is the greatest ,allv tho. of iPrlt-,lon nrn(M... Tor
example of constructive financial leg
islation ever enacted by our govern
ment; that this law, together with
tariff revision downwadr, the Alask
an railway, the settlement without
war of the Mexican difficulty and the
contract for 5,000 tons of girder peace treaties, signed and to be sign
rails for New South Wales. The led, are the greatest achievements of
Wabash has practically closed
I nHMMA,l..A. rhA Dllf.k..i.h Uf .Int. .InnA Innk.nn Ant tva u.Fanil
fihivmni A Mnrihm haaknnirht 7Knltn our nmnident and nla canlnet an-1 -
coal csrs and the Atlantic Coast line surance of our unyielding confidence,
100 logging cars. The . American 1 unwavering esteem and devotion.
Bottle Company, of Newark, Ohio,!- "We' commend the services of our
has Increased Its shift from 900 to democratic senator. Gilbert M Hitch
under evidence demonstrating that
an industrial revival haa begun and
that the record crop guarantees gen
eral prosperity.
The St. Paul has released orders
for 15,000 to 20,000 tons of rails to
a Chicago district mill. The United
States Steel Corporation has taken a
lally those of Irrigation projects. Ten
years ago he moved to Bridgeport,
where he could be near his favorite
projects, and through his untiring
efforts the Belmont canal became
one of the largest irrigation projects
In the state.
Judge Hunt's political affiliations
k Lf iw. ,a I friends from all over the state, both
and democrats, have
signed his petition.
No name will be printed on - your
primary ballot as candidate for Sur
veyor of Box Butte county, write
your choice id the proper blank space
and make an X.
J. P. HAZARD will thank you for
such a compliment and If elected will
perform the duties of the office in
strict accord with the principles of
your political party wet or dry!
I wish to announce that I am a
candidate for the nomination for the
office of county commissioner of Box
Butte county, subject to the decisioa
of the Republican voters at the pri
mary on August 18, 1914.
Democratic Candidate for Reelection
Primaries, August 18, 1914.
Stands Squarely Upon His Record
Tin- in -1 n M ' LJ ff'i'r
As a candidate for State Senator
I respectfully solicit your support at
the primaries August 18th.
I wish to announce that I am a
candidate for the office of sheriff of
Box Butte county, subject to the de
cision of the Republican voters. Pri
mary, August 18, 1914.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of County Judge of Box
Butte County, subject to the decis
ion of the voters at the Primary
Election to be held Tuesday, August
18, 1914.
Only a "V" apiece is all it will
cost candidates to have their an
nouncements published in this pa
per. If a photo cut is wanted or an county superintendent of schools on
I wish to announce that I am
candidate for the nomination for
extended notice, there will be a small
additional charge.
Alliance People Who left for New
Home in Montana Were Guests
at Pleasant Surprise Party
the Republican ticket at the primar
ies on August 18th. I have been
connected with the Alliance schools
for six years as eighth grade teacher.
Your support Is respectfully solicit
Hughea for York Office
D. W. Hughes, who was a resident
------ ------ - - - - i uvuivi niiv, Dvunivi uiiit'i v va ai.vi4 i m l m . -
1,200 men and is working in three cock, the first democrat ever elected f A"la.nct,0 m.a1y years, and who
shifts of eight hours each. At
Greenville, Pa., the T-lnch mills of
the Carnegie Steel Company have re
sumed operations. At the plants of
the steel corporation and throughout
the steel trade a steady resumption
of business Is reported
Railroad earnings are picking up
In the West; bank clearings are In
creasing; railway shops are being
from Nebraska to serve in that ex-
moved to York, Nebr., last fall, is a
alted body, where he has reflected "i 'orvth? oBlM10' Acountr
of The York Dally News-Times has
been received at The Herald office.
Mr. Hughes was surveyor oi Box
i Butte county for a number of years
and was highly respected here. The
Herald wishes him success.
An alfalfa patch is a fine place
nights for horses from now until October.
. Trip to Colorado
Mr. and Mrs. James Feaglns and
Mr. and Mrs. Chase FeaginB are on
an automobile trip which will in
clude a visit to various Colorado
points, including Denver, Estes
Park, LaJunta, Colorado Springs
and other points. They expect to be
gone two or three weeks.
lustre upon our state, and we extend
to him assurance of our confidence
In his ability and integrity of pur
pose, which nave aistinguisned mm
as one of the leading members of the
United States senate.
We extend to our congressmen.
Hon. Dan V. Stephens. Hon. C. O
reopened on full time; the big cop- Lobeck and Hon. John A. Magulre.
per companies of Michigan are In- our congratulations and appreciation
creasing their shipments; through- 0f the fidelity of purpose and con-
out New England the textile trades Ulstent support of democratic prin-
are nourishing. At Nertn uxrord, riDie. and nledees that have marked
Conn., the Narragansett Worsted their service in the congress of the
Mills nave reopened tor tae nrst time United States.
In two years. In the Far West It Is -The able business administration
wool shearing season, and. despite 0r Governor Morehead and the wis-
the predictions that free wool would dom displayed by our present demo
annihilate the Americas wool pro- cratlc legislators In their redemption
4iifH Vt lareoat Aiitnnl aa wm w rssl I . m i a i j J a.
rrX:: :url your Information-full advertisements, you can keep them
... . - - t-i - - - mo Tuinii lurn vui BUL'iuiai miu
es prevail
Fifty friends of Mr. and Mrs. H.
E. Boone and Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Wining, who left Tuesday noon for
their new home In Sommers. Mon
tana, surprised them Friday evening 28-augl8-3680
by calling at their home in Duncan s
Addition. The party was in the na
ture of a farewell party and was
spent in singing ' songs, enjoying
good music, and eating the delicious
lunches which were brought by the
guests, who wished them success in
their new location.
I hereby announce myself as
candidate for tie office of sheriff of
Garden County, subject to the will of
the Democratic voters at the coming
primary on August 18th.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the nomination for the office of
County Treasurer of Box Butte coun
ty on the Republican ticket, subject
to the decision of the voters at the
Primary Election to be held Tues
day, August 18, 1914.
lly Neb Darling
add to them
own sermon.
They preach their I
warrant us in annealing to the cltiz-
These are but a few. a very few, enshio of Nebraska for their contln-
of the facts. There is no need to ued confidence and sunport of our
party and its principles and we con
gratulate the democracy of Nebras
ka In having three men of such ster-
Business men the contry over img character ana personal worm as
and regardless of partlaan politics, jonn it. Moreaeau, nu-uara u
are outspoken in corroDoraung i w "-
President Wilson's declaration to the wnom to seieci a canuiume .or kot
Vlrglnla editors that the country is ernor.
. - ill 17 ntAflcrA miF nif itntM frtr
entering upon an era oi enexamyiuu i
prosperity. governor and members of the legis-
The following extracts from inter- iuro m uii.uu a ruum
Views authorized by delegates who law. inis win enawe tne wenrasxa
attended the recent convention of rarmer to store nis grain as soon as
the National Leather and Shoe Find- narvesiea. receiving a nepotiaoie
ers Association in New York are 11- warehouse receipt therefor.
i.i.trtiv nf ih cAnonl nnlnlon: "We realize the need of reform in
Henry Klelne. head of Henry legiBiauve procedure, ana we uereuy
Klelne & Co., of Chicago: "Business recomraena me aemocratic memoers
is good now and it ia soing to be or tne next legislature to worx tor
ucn reiuruia.
"We favor the adoption of the pro
posed amendment to the constitution
providing for a uniform and progres
sive taxation.
"We favor the adoption of the pro-
Advertising la an educator. The right kind will instruct and keep
people in touch with the new things in merchandise. You can educate the
touch with your goods and the prices.
Be honest in your advertising. Do not misrepresent nor make absurd
claims, but have the goods in stock that you have talked about right up
to the mark
I hereby announce myself as
candidate for. the office of sheriff of
Garden County, subject to the will of
the Democratic voters at the coming
primary on August 18th.
Candidate for County Attorney
Democratic Ticket
Primary, Aug. 18, 1914.
I wish to announce that I am a
candidate for the nomination for
County Treasurer of Box Butte coun
ty for re-election on the Democratic
ticket, at the primary, August 18,
1914. E. M. MARTIN.
I wish to announce that I am a
candidate for nomination for the of
fice of sheriff of Box Butte county,
subject to the decision of the Demo
cratic voters at the primary, August
18, 1914. C. M. COX.
much better in a few weeks. The
country looks great. President Wil
son is doing well la having talks
with men of affairs."
Buchanan Ilarrar, of Lalng, Har-I
rr S, Chamberlain. 4 PaJftadelSthla:
"I am an optimist. We are going to posed amendment to the constitution
have a fine season ia ar line. The Providing that in all civic cases and
readjustment following tariff revis
ion is practically complete."
C. F. Kolb. Jr.. at Kotb ft Co.,
Philadelphia: "The iae(a of lune
was the best we have had aince we
have been in business, f'hoae who
are yelling calamity
in business.
in criminal cases less than felonies
five-sixths of the jury may render a
We favor the adoption of the
proposed amendment to the constitu
tion fixing the term of office and sal
aam ne right ary lor governor ana otner execu
tive omcers.
Hnmnel J. BurtchaeM. M DotUver . we uor remedial legislation to
- I II . W A 1
a n,n Can FmnrlRM -n COan-1 lug vimui cuutmmu iului
trv's business outlook Mrer was so tlon of the supreme court of Nebras-
Thomas W. Jones, Paaadelpbia. to the constitution of the state pro-
representative of twelve koeses: "I viaing lor tne election or supreme
have found things better aa the last Judges by districts.
elxty days than they eeer have been! we favor a non-partisan, non
f or "a year. There haa fceen a steady political selection of the state super-
pickup in the UBt lew weeaa m .u..u-
Keneral. confidence haa been reetor- tendenta.
ed in all lines of bustneaa." "We recognize the right to submit
Geo. A. Knapp, St. lioaia: iuuiwhmhuu
business is assured. The fall crop unaer tae reierenaum, ana u saia
and the general inspiration ec con- buoiuibbiuh mimi m mo ui i
fldence have destroyed all aomei oi iu v s .0.u.,
.hi. m, .,ik t- te Soath is democratic legislature to the enact-
K-tter than it ever.waa." nt of a law meeting the Just de-
P. H. Volk. of P. U. Tolk ft CO.. manas oi laoor. ,
of Baltimore: "I anticipate splendid wwnuiw mo importance oi ;
business this autumn. Bankers reai-iiu ui ruu i " Vi
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of County Ju 'ge of Box
Butte County, subject to the decis
ion of the voters at the Primary El-
Here Is the way to leran how to write pulling advertisements choose lection to be held Tuesday, August
some one article you wish to push, sit down where you will not be disturb-1 18, 1914
ed and imagine you are talking to a prospective buyer, to a good customer. SMITH P. TUTTLE
Talk about the article and its merits 'then put your talk into writing. Go 29-to Augl8-3709
over what you have written, cutting out the unnecessary words until you
have reduced the article to a night telegram, give it a catchy heading and FOR COMMISSIONER OF GARDEN
add' the nrlce. Your arguments in the conversational stvle will hold the! COUNTY
attention, and the price will be the clincher if you have really said some-1 P"3' ."n?unc
. . . , . , , f . i vnuuiuaic ivi vuv vauw Va uuuuii
ming. jnow you nave an aaverusement ana not a space-mier. Commlsaloner from the Third Dfa-
It is well to give your store, your business or yourself some distinctive trlct of Garden county, subject to the
name that will become a sort of trade mark. For example: "The Careful I decision of the Republican electors
Druggist", "The Sanitary Bakery", "The Style Clothing Store", "The Pains
taking Shoe Fitters". When you have selected a name, use it in your ad
vertlsements and live up to it.
People will begin to watch for your advertisements when they find
there is some information in them. You create confidence if people always oia salary or lour aouars per
v -...,. ..a a -.-i. a r.irv- aaj na mileage, i nave been a
'"u P.' -' resident In Ttlu PrMk nrwlnrt fnr
oiicu u ruuo uut your auTcriiBeiut-ui win ueirr uo iuijuiiio nuuuui 'UUI I twenty-Six yeara
knowing It. I Respectfully,
Suggestion is a potent factor in personal salesmanship, and it is like- ROSCOE VANCE,
- ,A tA ....1fl ,f,t
lu nut Klff f.MAF In HvortUnli If it la hot wnather talk nf inn v ' "'"
clothing. This is the season for an ice chest. Now is the time to push the
sale of cool drinks. "In the spring a young man's fancy turns lightly to
live" also to spring wearing apparel, leu aoout tnese mings. now is T n(,Pfihv ....,, m- -.nM.--
tbe clothing mader What is the ice chest maae or ana wnat new reaturesifor re-election to the office of Coun
has it? Are you careful in serving your cool drinks are your glasses al-lty Judge of Box Butte county, sub
ways polished and ia all about your fountain sanitary? Are your syrups Nf i,tne dec,"11 ,of tbf Tter" ?j
j. . . . j, . iiiuisi cimuuu tu in uciu
ur" "uu uaor ui m Tuesdar. Aueuat 18. 1914
I at the coming August primaries. If
nominated and elected I pledge my
self to look after the duties of this
important office in a businesslike and
economical manner and will accept
! J0to-augl8-J739
22 Years in Schools of Kansas
and Nebraska. Principal
Central School, Alliance
- Q. H. Burns
Candidate for Republican Nom
ination to office of Superintend
ent Rox Butte County at Pri
mary Election, Aug. 18, 1914.
Woodruff Ball
Republican Candidate for
State Senator
From 28th Senatorial District
Connected with the Live Stock
Business in this district over 15 years.
Made final proof on original home
stead in August, 1903, under the 6-year
act. This was the land involved ia
the "Beer Bottle Corner case."
Made final proof on Klnkald Addi
tional In July, 1910.
Member of the present State Fores
tratlon Commission.
Has secured $15,000.00 additional
funds for forestration work in Ne
braska from the general government.
Has secured the permanent reten
tion of the National Forest Reserves
In this state for the heneflt of the
present and future generations.
Has labored persistently to secure
from the general government an ap
propriation with which to conduct ex
periments to increase the quality and
quantity of grating or forage grasses
In the sand hills. This should en
hance the value of all sandhill lands.
Initiated ths fight which wrote into
the present State Live Stock Sanitary
Board Law the requirement that the
cattlemen thereon must reside la
Westers Nebraska.
Conceived the idea of and promoted
"The Northwest Round-Up" Associa
tion. From the above it will he seen that
Mr. Ball is closely Identified with the
Interests of the 28th Senatorial Dis
trict, equipped with experience to
know its needs and thoroughly capable
of safeguarding and promoting Its
legislative requirements.
You can make no mistake in sup
porting the candidacy of Mr. Ball. .
Political Adv.