The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 09, 1914, Image 6

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    ai, Afc- AH. AA. AA. Wav ajk aa. A. JA. AA. Aak AA. AA. AA.
Our stock of fine pennants is ready for your kui)ctH.
The best way for
Auto Owners
to advertise Alliance is to adopt the suggestion of the
Commercial Club and see that your car has Alliance Pen
nants on display at all times. We have a full line at all
tat llaavS. -J.. AJV AA. AA. AA.
We are headquarters for everything In the line of
Rock Springs lump and nut, Canon City lump and
nut, Sheridan nut and lump, Eastern hard coal
Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.
Western Nebraska Hard Wheat
makes the bent
know bow to make it
you a sack of our flour.
A. M. MILLER, Prop.
The Alliance Herald has a guaranteed circula
tion of 2500 copies per issue, the largest in
western Nebraska. Alliance and surrounding
territory are covered more thoroughly than by
any other two newspapers combined.
should place their advertising where it has the
circulation that reaches the people. If yo
want your money to bring you results see that
your next ad is placed in
The Alliance Herald
Published every Thursday. In order to insure
insertion copy for display advertising should
reach the oflice not later than Wednesday.
Phone 340 and our advertising man will call
on you.
Stock Yards Saddlery Co.
J. G. BLESSING, Proprietor
Wholesale and Retail
Harness and Saddles
Fly Nets and Lap Dusters
Cheapest on Earth, Quality Considered
Everything Hand Mad
Factory, 314 North 25 St. S. Omaha, Neb.
flour. The
Roller Mills
Ask your grocer to send
Every sack guaranteed.
Serial No. 0134CS.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
May 12, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby give that Rob
ert R. Reddish, of Alliance, Nebras
ka, who, on May 31, 1911, madi
Homestead Entry, No. 013456, for
SE'4; NH 8W4; SK NW;
NE4: Sec. 32, Ett SE4. Section
29, Township 24 North, Range SO
VV. of 6th Principal Meridian, has
filed notice of Intention to make Fi
nal Three Year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before Register and Receiver, U. S.
Land Office, at Alliance, Nebr., on
the 11th day of July, 1114.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Herbert L. Robinson, Albert Un
derwood, W. L. Vernon, Lee Marsh,
all of Alliance, Nebraska,
W. W. WOOD, Register.
8erlal No. 912627.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. 8.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
May 22, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that For
est R. Allen, of Lakeside, Nebraska,
who, on October 31, 1914), made
Homestead Entry, No. 012627, for
W SWVI Sec. 3, Lot 2, SVi NEVi :
8E4; SEM SWVi Sec. 4, NVa NE
Vi; SEVi NEVA Sec. 9, W NWVi.
Sec. 10. T. 22 N., SWVi SEVi. Sec
tion 33, Township 23 North, Range
44 W. of 6th Principal Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make Fin
al Three Year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before Reg'ster and Receiver, D. S.
Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska.
on the 17th day of July, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank DeFrance, M. A. Longan.
Oeo. E. Morgan, Tom Brown, all of
Lakeside, Nebr.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
Serial No. 012379.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
May 22, 1914.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Hugh
W. Patton, of Moffitt, Nebraska, who,
on Sept. 24, 1910, made Homestead
Entry, No. 012379, for NWVi; 8
NEK; NVi SEVi Sec. 13, E Sec
tion 14, Township 21 North, Range
4 7 W. of 6th Principal Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make Fin
al Three Year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before Register and Receiver, U. S.
Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska,
on the 16th day of July, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
W. II. Archer, of Cleman, Nebras
ka; S. M. Hickman, of Hickory. Ne
braska; H. E. Smith, of Alliance, Ne
braska; Jason B. Wade, of Moffitt,
W. W. WOOD. Register.
Serial No. 015062.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
May 25. 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that John
B. Miller, of Alliance, Nebraska, who,
on July 27, 1912. made Homestead
Entry, No. 015062, for Lots 3, 4. 5,
6. Sec. 6. T. 23 N., R. 47 W., NWVi
SWVi: SVi SWVi; SWVi SEVi. sec.
30, NWVi NEVi; WH, Section 31.
TownBhip 24 North, Range 47 W. of
6th Principal Meridian, has filed no
tice of intention to make Final Sol
dier's Three Year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
oerore Kegister and Receiver. U. S.
Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska,
on tne zutn day of July, 1914.
Claimant, names as witnesses:
Virgil Putman, Mrs. Martha Pat
more, Leonard Burrow, Glen Millet,
all of Alliance, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
Serial No. 012914.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Oflice at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 8, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that Hen
ry J. Wilson, of Lakeside, Nebraska,
who, on Jan. 19. 1911, made Home
stead Entry, No. 012914. for Lots 4,
5, 6. Sec. 6. T. 25, N.. R. 43 W. and
Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. SWVi NWVi: SEVi
NEVi; NV4 SEVi Sec. 1, Lots 1, 2.
SE4 NEVi Section 2. T. 25 N.. SVi
SEVi; Sec. 35, Township 26 North.
Range 44 West of 6th Principal Mer
idian, has filed notice of intention to
make Final Three Year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Register and Receiv
er, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Ne
braska, ou the 23rd day of July.
Claimant names as witnesses:
A. M. Wilson, of BlUworth. Ne
braska; Irwin White, of Lakeside.
Nebraska; Frank D. ody, of Lake
side, Nebraska; Harry Nye, ef Lake
side, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
Lest you forget, The Alliance Her
ald, 11.50 per year.
Serial No. 013138.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 16, 1914.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Jens
J. Bollerup, Jr., of Lakeside, Nebras
ka, who, on March 25, 1911, made
Homestead Entry, No. 013138, for
WVi: SVi Sec. 1; NVi NWVi; SEVi
NWVi; NEVi SWVi Section 12,
TownBhip 23 North, Range 45 W. of
6th Principal Meridian, has filed no
tice of intention to make Final
Three Year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Register and Receiver, U. 8. Land
Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the
18th day of Aug., 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Jacob Herman, LeRoy M. Scott,
D. L. Sturgeon, Willis Crowther, all
of Lakeside, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
Serial No. 012360.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 16th, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that Ma
mie VanVleck, formerly Mamie Vot
ruba, of Long Lake, Nebraska, who,
on Sept. 23, 1910, made Homestead
Entry, No. 012360, for SEVi SEVi
Sec. 6; NEVi, N SWVi, NVi SEVi,
SEVi SEVi Section 6; NVi NEVi of
Sec. 7; NVi NVi Sec. 8, Township 26
North, Range 45 W. of tJth Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the 17th day of
Aug., 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Walter R. ent, of Hay Springs, Ne
braska; Lew Gammon, of Long Lake,
Nebraska; Lee George, of Long
Lake, Nebraska; Dwlght Farrow, of
Long Lake, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD, Register
Serial No. 015958.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. II. S
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
May 28. 1914.
NOTICE is hereby Kiven that Job
eph R. Duell. of Alliance. Nebraska.
who, on May 16, 1913, made Home
stead Entry. No. 0159 58. for all of
section 6. township 22 north, range
4 w. or 6tu Principal meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make Fl
nal Soldier's Three Year Proof, to
establish claim to the land ahnvn
described, before Register and Re
ceiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance,
Nebraska, on the 20th flay of July,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank H. Palmer. Georee B. Mr-
Gill, Samuel Shelton, George Curtis,
ail or Alliance, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
Serial No. 012707.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S
Land Office at Alliance, Nebr., June
17, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that Mary
Brice, of Lakeside, Nebr., who, on
Nov. 28, 1910, made Homestead En
try, No. 012707, for SVi. SVi NEVi.
SVi NWVi Sec. 5, NVi NWVi. SEVi
NWVi. Section 8. Township 25 N.,
Range 44 W. of 6th Principal Merid
ian, has filed notice of intention to
make Final Three Year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above des
cribed, before Register and Receiver.
U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Ne
braska, on the 25th day of Aug.,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Peter J. Long, of Lakeside, Nebr.;
Thomas L. Briggs, of Antioch. Nebr.;
Charles L. Baggs, of Lakeside, Nebr.;
Carrol C. Joy, of Lakeside, Nebr.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
Serial No. 013359.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Oflice at Alliance, Nebr., June
17, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that Sim
eon O. Ganoung, of Pawlet, Nebras
ka, who. on April 19, 1911. made
Homestead Entry, No. 013359, for
NEVi, NVi SEVi. NVi SWVi, Sec.
30. T. 23 N.. R. 43 W.; NEVi SWVi,
NVi SEVi. Sec. 25, Township 33
North, Range 44 W. of 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final Three Year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Register and Re
ceiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance,
Nebraska, on the 24th day of Aug.,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Martin Rochford, of Ellsworth,
Nebr.; Lou Trester, of Lakeside, N
br.; Thomas Ross, of Ellsworth, Ne
br.; Edward Cooper, of Ellsworth,
W. W. WOOD, Register.
When you build that new house or
barn get your building materials at
the Forest Lumber Company.
Iegal Notice
You are hereby notified that on
the 4th day of November, 1912, I,
the undersigned. F. W. Harris, pur
chased at public tax sale of the treas
urer of Box Butte County, Nebraska,
the following described premises sit
uated in Box Butte County, Nebras
ka, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter
of Section 9, Township 25, Range 48,
Box Butte County, Nebraska, for the
taxes for the year 1911, and E. M.
Martin, then County Treasurer of
Box Butte County, Nebraska, issued
Treasurer's Certificate of tax sale
No. 259 therefor, and I have since
paid as subsequent taxes after same
became due and delinquent, the tax
es for 1912 and 1913; that said
premises were taxed for the year
1911 in the name of Charles Mason,
and in the years 1912 and 1913, in
the name of Robert M. Mason.
You are further notified that after
the expiration of three months from
date of service of this notice that I
will apply to the treasurer of Box
Butte County, Nebraska, for a tax
deed for said Southeast Quarter
Section 9, Township 25, Range
Box Butte County, Nebraska.
Purchaser and Owner
said Certificate.
Dated this 1st day of July, 1914.
31-4t-4 53-3736
IiC&ral Notice
You are hereby notified that on
the 4th day of November, 1912, I,
the undersigned, F. W. Harris, pur
chased at public tax sale of the treas
urer of Box Butte County, Nebraska,
the following described premises sit
uated in Box Butte County, Nebras
ka, to-wlt: The Northeast Quarter of
Section 8, Township 24, Range 48,
Box Butte County, Nebraska, for the
taxes for the year 1911, and E. M.
Martin, then County Treasurer of
Box Butte County, Nebraska, issued
Treasurer's Certificate of tax ale No.
239 therefor, and I have since paid
as subsequent taxes after same be
came due and delinquent, the taxes
for 1912 and 1913; that said prem
ises were taxed for the years 1911,
1912 and 1913, in the name of Park
er F. Miller.
You are further notified that after
the expiration of three months from
date of service of this notice that I
will apply to the treasurer of Box
Butte County, Nebraska, for a tax
deed for said Northeast Quarter of
Section 8. Township 24 Range 48,
Box Butte County. Nebraska.
Purchaser and Owner of
said Certificate.
Dated this 1st day of July, 1914.
Legal Notice
To Steve Banjoff, Steve Bakaloff,
.Iamp V. Mevern iniultnn n Cmh
if alive, and if dead. The Unknown'
Heirs of Anselmo B. Smith. j
You are hereby notified that on'
the 4th day of November, 1912, I,1
the undersigned, F. W. Harris, pur-i
chased at Dubllc tax sale of thn treas
urer of Box Butte County, Nebraska,
the following described premises sit
uated in Box Butte County, Nebras
ka, to-wit: The South Half of the
Northeast Quarter of Section 3,
Township 24, Range 48, Box Butte
County, Nebraska, for the taxes for
the year 1911, and E. M. Martin,
then County Treasurer of Box Butte
County, Nebraska, issued Treasur
er's Certificate of tax sale No. 238
therefore, and I have since paid as
subsequent taxes after same became
due and delinquent, the taxes for the
years 1912 and 1913; that said pre
mises were taxed for the years 1911,
1912, and 1913, in the name of A. B.
You are further notified that after
the expiration of three months from
date of service of this notice that I
will apply to the treasurer of Box
Butte County, Nebraska, for a tax
deed for said South Half of the
Northeast Quarter of Section 3,
Township 24, Range 48, Box Butte
County, Nebraska.
Purchaser and Owner of
said Certificate.
Dated this 1st day of July, 1914.
Large tract of good valley farm
ing land just thrown open for free
settlement, In Oregon. Over 200,-
000 acres in all. Good climate, rich
soil, and does not require irrigation
to raise finest crops of grain, fruit,
and garden truck. For large map,
full instructions and information,
and a plat of several sections of ex
ceptionally good claims, send $3.40
to John Keefe, Eugene, Oregon;
three years a U. S. surveyor and tlm
berman. An opportunity to get a
good fertile free homestead near
town and market.
28-3673-to aug 15
protects horses
and return f mm
fiies ana m
q-.'tots. Aps"ti ith hand A aprayer, only
very thin tpray over xj.
fiies and mos
not (diked to the
tk i n it forma a pro-
tcuive coatinc tht2.t
The cost la tnllinc;
timftof annlvfn Itui
man on miouit;
vu uu-4iiea it nay uka a axira fratiiMat ar pUcattaa
ThmiuM, Ui, Met., tt.Oa. SptirarSteu.
F. J. Bit EX NAN
Severe Attack of Ooltc Ouret
E. E. Crofla. mhn trawU in Vt,u;t. ..J
other Southern Butts, was taken suddenly
buu acTt-reij in wnn eoite. At lite Irat store
Chamberlain' Colio, ChoU mni Diarrll
Kmeiy. Two dotes of it cured him. 'b
one should leave home oa a journey without
a bottle of thit preparation. For sale by all
dealer. -AdTeriiaeuiefl.
i tunc dunag hu.- ' ' . A
mltry vrtllirr rhai--S3s'lf fcjT
The Flerald prints legal
blanks by the thousands.
We keep on hand a large
stock at all times. If you
are in need of one or one
hundred phone 340 and
we will see that your
needs are filled.
Herald Publish
ing Co.
Alliance, - Nebraska
Buy Snow
from your grocer or at
our bakery. We also
make all kinds of pastry,
and carry a complete line
of soft drinks and confec
tionery. Stephenson
111 Box Butte Ave. Phone 133
1 T . i i TI . ITU i 1 1 jr T. TtT TTTTTTTTF r I T T TTtTI
We Construct
or anything in the
Cement Line
Brick Work, Tile, and
Old Fashioned Firs Places
and Mantels
Phone 249 Alliance, Nebr.
All Kinds of
Sidewalks, Founda
tions, Curb, Gutter,
Retaining Walls, etc.
It will pay you to see
me before letting
your work