OnAW ATKIl WITH IIOSOIW Dos Butte County Boy I-rl Class la Four Y purs' Veterinary Coune Thomas 8. Leitb, son of James D. Leitb, was raised In Box Butte coun ty and baa many acquaintances In and near Alliance who will be pleas ed to learn tbat he recently graduat ed from a course In tbe veterinary department of the Iowa State Uni versity, leading his class during tbe four years. Young Dr. Lelth could no doubt find good location for the practice of his profession In western Nebras ka, where he would receive a hearty welcome if he abould decide to lo cate here; but he seems to be enam cred of the Ilawkeye state and has elected one of Its towns as the place to open bis office. Safety First Lantern The Burlington has installed a large "Safety First" lantern in front ot the depot. It is lighted with pow erful electric lights and presents an Imposing appearance from tbe front of the depot, where it can be seen both day and night by the passengers on tbe passing trains. Lightning Kills Stock Herbert Nason, thirteen miles northeast of Alliance, lost a valuable borse Monday evening by lightning during the terrific storm which visit ed this section. The bolt struck a bunch of horses, knocking over four and killing one. Other farmera and ranchmen have lost a number of head of stock late ly in thunderstorms. Coudltlous Improving Conditions in the railroad bus! sees are improving, according to In dications at Alliance and Havelock New men are being hired In the Bur lington shops at Alliance and it is understood tbat Havelock wanta one hundred more men. Called to Bister's Bedidde W. D. Fisher, secretary of the com mercial club, was called Monday night to the bedside of his sister at Topeka, ansas, by a telegram stating that she was seriously ill and not expected to live. Her name is Mrs Daisy E. Ballard. Mr. Fisher will not return until probably the first of the coming week. FOB COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Ju :ge of Box Butte County, subject to the decis ion of the voters at the Primary El ection to be held Tuesday, August 18, 1914. SMITH P. TUTTLE. 29-to Augl8-3709 I' T. P. A. Dance a Success The Bowery dance given at Gads- by Hall by the traveling men during the convention was a decided suc cess from the viewpoint of entertain ment as well as in a financial way, The boys proved themselves capital entertainers and always had a good crowd. Mies Aiken to Deuver I Miss Florence Aiken, who has been milliner at the Horace Bogue More for seventeen weeks, left on Monday for an extended trip which will include Denver, Manhattan, Kansas, and Chicago, where she makes her home. While in Alliance she made many friends who hope to see her again next season. I Fireworks We sell the old fashioned fireworks. The kind that make the noise but not the kind that hurt the girls and boys. The kind that give you lots of fun but not the kind that make you run. Balloons that go up higher and higher, not the kind that set the fire. We could talk and talk and talk; but what's .the use, come and see our stock. BEE Leading 1L, ALLIANCE WOMAN JILTED BY LOVER Arrived In Denver Looking for Fup porl Fiance but He Could not be Found There The Denver Post of Monday c n lained tbe following, regarding a woman who lives near Alliance: The course of "true" love never runs smooth; at least, tbat is the firm opinion of Mrs. R. Flora of Al liance, Nebr., who Journeyed to meet her supposed fiance and be united to blm in marrlAge. Mrs. Flora arrived with a happy and eager smile on her face as she passed through the Union depot gates, because for tbe third time she was going to be a married woman She came to Denver to marry Dan Ryan, a cowboy on the T. X. ranch near EvanBton, Wyo., who was sup posed to be on his way to Denver to claim her. All day Saturday she waited In the depot 'for the man with whom she had been corresponding. Trains came and unloaded their passengers, but tbe tanned face of Ryan was not among them. Finally she went up to Officer E. L. McKlnnon and abked him if he could not help her find the prospective bridegroom. McKlnnon beard her story, beard how she had answered Ryan a advertisement in a newspaper to correspond with a "wi dow with means," heard of the ar rangements to meet in Denver and what a grand and glorious man Ry an was. McKlnnon suggested that Mrs. Flora send a telegram to her tardy lover, with the result tbat the fol lowing message was soon sent speed ing over the wires to Evanslon: Mr. Dan Ryan, Evanston, Wyo. I am at the Elk hotel. Are you coming? Answer. R. FLORA. Until Sunday morning Mrs. Flora waited for her answer, but the an swer never came. Until Sunday noon she watched the trains from tvansion, out sun no iiyan with a wedding ring. At last she became convinced that cowboys sometimes say things that they do not mean and a train for Alliance was soon to pull out of the city. When the train started on its Journey, Mrs. Flora, with bag and baggage, was on board She was going back to her 320 acres of good farming land and forget that there ever was such a person as one Dan Ryan. Joined the Show Miss Tilly Gilles, champion worn an broncho buster and all around horsewoman, passed through Alli ance Sunday on her way to Broken Bow to Join Irwin Brothers shows. tier home is at Bakerstield, Califor nia. She stated that she had been riding and bucking horses for four years. She lives on a ranch twenty miles from Bakerfleld, where in ord inary seasons they run 16,000 head of cattle. She is only twenty years of age but has traveled one season with the "101 Ranch" shows. Candidates Are Filing Candiuatea tor Box Uuile county otuces are ming their petitions. Sumo f, Xuuie uas hied tor tue nomination for county Judge. He has been in liox uune county tor uiauy tai, a taw parmtr oi 1. mail, iu me uitu ot lume u lufcii, auu um a iutt actiuaimaiice. Win. Rust, Sr., a well known and 0 01 HIVE Variety Store substantial Box Butte county farm er and ranchman, baa filed for coun ty commissioner on tbe Democratic ticket. Frank Irish, who has been in busi ness in Alliance for years, has filed for nomination for county treasurer on tbe Republican ticket. C. E. Marks, another Alliance business man, has filed for the Republican nomination for treasurer. So far the only candidates for sheriff and clerk are Cal Cox and M. S. Hargraves, who now hold these offices. Struck by Lightning A furious thunder storm Sunday afternoon was followed by another Monday evening. Lightning struck several buildings, including the Drake hotel. No one was reported Injured, although several were shock ed and there were narrow escapes. A house in the east part of town was struck but none of the inmates were Injured. (rows Fine Strawberries Some very fine strawberries are on exhibition in tbe display window at the Commercial club office. They were grown by Archie Gregory, city treasurer, who has raised plenty for his family and the neighbors this summer. They are much larger than those which have been shipped In. Automobiles Advertise Alliance The Alliance Commercial club and scores of Alliance citizens arrived In Rushville last Sunday in a string of automobiles, their object being to ad vertise the Stockmen's convention, and wild west show which will be held in that city beginnng tbe 19th of this month. Several automobiles went out west of town to meet them and a parade was formed which cir culated through the principal streets of Rushville, winding up at the Com mercial hotel where all took dinner. Judge Westover made a welcoming talk to the visitors, which was re- . . . . n A , w... sponded to by Postmaster Tash of Al liance. Rushville Standard, June 19. A Song of the Lark "You're a sweet pretty girl," is quaint old song, Yet a dear little chap warbles all day long, And he sings it to me, though I'm lone and old, When the day is warm, when the day is cold. Still he sings in the sunshine, sings in the rain, Till my reticent heart Is entuned again; And forgetting my sorrow I smile to the world, For the Meadow Lark sings, "You're a sweet pretty girl." MOLLIE D. CHESNUT. Patterson iiee to Denver N. D. Patterson, who has been em ployed as manager of tbe soda foun tain at Brennan's for two years, left Monday for Denver, where he has ac cepted a position In charge of tbe largest fountain in that. city. Mrs. Patterson left for a trip to Missouri to visit friends before she goes to Denver. Mr. Patterson was a guest at a farewell dinner party at Nohe's cafe before leaving, Monday night. Child Pleased House A touching and amusing Incident occurred at the Crystal Monday even ing that brought applause from the house for several minutes. A reel showing "Bronco Billy" was being shown. He Is the favorite of many picture show goers and tbe play was particularly interesting. Bronco Bil ly and his sweetheart were shown In shack which had been set on fire by the Indians who attacked them. The door to the shack was shut and as Bronco Billy gathered the girl in his arms a little chap down in tbe front row yelled at the top of his voice, "Open the door, twlck." The little felow's expression was so nat ural and showed that he really im agined the scene in front of him to be real, tbat it brought the house to their feet. Many laughed until they cried. The little fellow was the four year-old Sundstrom child. Posts of all kinds for sale at Forest Lumber Company. 29tf tbe Only a "V" apiece is all It will cost candidates to have their an nouncements published in this pa per. If a photo cut is wanted or an extended notice, there will be a small additional charge. Buy your lumber from the Forest Lumber Company. 29tf When you build that new house or barn get your building materials at the Forest Lumber Company. 29tf Get your Peacock N coal from the Forest Lumber Company. 29tt Carl Thomas, of Alliance, the ex- peri macninist operator, was over from that place last Friday evening to look over the Chronicle's Inter- type and to give us a few instructions on the care and handling of the ma chine. He Is a Tonne man who thoroughly understands bis work. Chadron Chronicle. LOST Saturday morning, June 20, lady's pocketbook containing money, check book and other articles. Finder please return to Herald office for in formation and receive reward. 29-3t-3716 ItKSPKCTED CITIZEN DIES John von Bargen Paftes Away at St. Joseph Hospital Last Friday It becomes The Herald's sorrow ful duty to chronicle tbe demise of a highly respected man who for a long time has been a citizen of Pox Butte county and who for ten years preced ing his death resided in Alliance. John von Bargen was born Feb. IB, 1855, In Germany. He emigrat ed to America in 1882 and settled first in Minnesota. In 1884 became with his brother to Box Butto coun ty, Nebraska, and settled near Hem- ingford. About ten years ago he moved to Alliance. His death occurred at St. Josephs hospital in this city, on Fridav. June 19, 1914. He was never married but had a large number of friends. many of whom attended the funeral service, which was held in lmman - uel's Evangelical Lutheran church, of which he was a devoted member, Sunday afternoon, and conducted by the pastor, Rev. Titus Lang. Inter ment was in Greenwood cemetery. Card of Thanks Wa v.-iai in herewith TnrMi nnr . ....... . . j most heartfelt thanks to all friends and neighbors of our deceased broth er and uncle, John von Bargen, for all their services and for all love and sympathy shown to him, and espec ially during bis late illness. HENRY VON BARGEN, MRS. REBECCA KONSBRUCK, MISS TERESA KONSBRUCK. LOCAL ITEMS John Lvle a former Alliance brake man is visitine In the city. Rev. A. n. Haislon went to Craw- ford Wednesday. p a T-nine ift Monday nicht for Jericho Springs. Mo., where his mo- ther is very sick. Tom Rrndstreet. of the Grand Is- land commission firm, is in the city on hudlnesa. Mrs. nr. Plehn of Soott.blnff re- t iirnnH trt Viar ViAmo finnrinv frnm o l U I iiv va u. v j j v m visit in the east. Attorney Bruce Wilcox made a business trip to ScottBbluft the first of the week Louis H. Brandt left Tuesday noon for Excelsior Springs, Mo., to take treatment at tbe springs for rheu matism. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown left Wednesday for Henry, where they will visit for two weeks with rela tlves. VHa T?nhv .Innea. of Jerirho Springs, Mo., who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Laing dur ing the convention, returned to her home Monday. She stated tbat she enjoyed the convention immensely, Charles J. Sall. ged 43, and Flor ence E. Stafford, aged 35, were mar ried Wednesday morning by Judge Berry. Mr. Sail Is from Lyons, Col orado. where they will make their home. Mrs. Sail is a Denver woman Harold Bearden was operated on Tuesday morning at the hospital for appendicitis Mrs. Anna Allen went to Sturgls, S. D., Wednesday, to attend her bro ther's Kolden wedding. She will re turn soon to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. O. Laicg. Mrs. C. O. Morrison of Bayard, who has been visiting Mrs. C. W. Jeffers and family during the con vention, returned home Monday. NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the city of Alliance, Nebraska, until 8 p m., July 21. 1914, for 1 Motor Combination Chemical and hose wagon with one forty (40) gallon Chemical tank on same, with hose body of twelve hundred (1200) feet capacity, with divisional body fully equipped. Parties submitting proposals are to furnish their own specifications. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Payments will be made as cash 11,000, balance on short terms. Address all bids as follows: To Geo. F. Snyder, City Clerk, Alliance, Nebraska. For furnishing Fire Ap paratus. A. D. RODGERS, Mayor. GEO. F. SNYDER, City Clerk. 28-51-3669 AT THE CHURCHES- Sunday, June 4 BAPTIST CHURCH 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. Preaching. 2:80 p. m. Junior B. Y. P. U. 7:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U. meeting. 8:00 p. m. Preaching. Choir practice, Thursday, 8 p. m. Cordial Invitat'on to all. Frank C. Barrett, Paster rhone 781 CHRISTIAN CHURCH Ninth St. and Box Butte Ave. 10:00 a. m. Bible school. 11:00 a. m. Preaching. 3:00 p. m. Junior C. E. 6:30 p. m. C. E. meeting. 8:00 p. m. Preaching. Everybody is cordially invited to all services. 11. J. Young, Minister rhone 844 I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science services will be aeld in Wood's hall, over Duncan's grocery store every Sunday at 11 m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. T. MATTHEW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 10 a. m. Sunday School at Parish House. 11:00 a. m. Morning prayer and Bermon by Dean Ware' 8:00 p. m. Evening prayer and address by Dean Ware, Dean Ware's Bible Class will meet at the Parish House on Friday, at 4 lp - m Geo. G. Ware, Dean Phone Black 419 I IMMANUEL GERMAN EVAN GELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Yellowstone Ave. and 7th St. 10:00 a. m. German services. There will be no evening service. "Ptus Lang, Pastor, 722 Missouri Ave. Phone Black 603 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Corner Niobrara and 4th Street 10:00 a. m. Sunday school, grad ed Bible classes. 11:00 a. m. Preaching. 7:00 p. m. Epworth League. 8:00 p. m. Preaching. Tuesday evening choir practice, Sunday afternoon rehearsal, I i a. n . s vveanesaay evening ai ;v yray meeting and Bible stuay ana so- i ... . ciai oour The doors or tnis cnurcn are open t0 PeoDle at a11 services. A cor dial and Dome welcome extenaea to W worsmp witn US, 11 you nave " tner church home in the city. grangers win ue waue weicuuie. Olin 8. Baker, Pastor. I 1 DO IlO We UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cor. Laramie Ave. and 5th St. ly.uu a. m. cuuuieus xjuy pio gram. ii:uO a. m. lliustra'ed sermon lor children. i;vi p. iu. O. Y. P. C. U. a: no if. in. ireacmng, subject, a oobyei Arum." rrayer lueeiiug at 8:00 p. Iu. on weuiieMiay evening. Cuoir practice at :oo p. m. Fri " A welcome to an. Kev. YY. 1 Torrente, Pastor mens im FlltST 1'ttLMiVlLiUAN CULHtU Cor. Hox l)u ue Ave. and biiui u ioioo a. in. bunuay acnooi. li: 00 a. in. reacuiiiK service, our uieupiesnip." cvu p. iu. cnrisiian Endeavor. fe;uu if. in. 1'ieacniiig service tiuojeci, "Mountains aiiu vanejs. aii ate mvueu. liev. l. M. beet, Pallor UfcllMAN COAullEtiAllONAL l ,oruer bww.lwaMft luird blreet :u a. in. tiunaay bcnooi. iv:40 rt. ta. I'reacniug service. t . p. m. I'reacmng service, iiveiy uetuiiku coruiany inviieu. Avev, . oai erut, i"ior iiuio ttetula Lu Agricultural euucauou uoius lUe young luan a neau up auu mates hiiu iroua vk tne larui ana wa woi'K uarry x.. iiaioiu, principal oi me ttuveiBiiy bcuool ot Agriculture, at me uuiai buoik course ai tue -Nt- braska University Farm last week, nillllllllllll111"11 11 MllllllllllllMlll Watch Our Window for Saturday Candy Specials Sugar Bowl Candy Kitchen llllllliiiiiillllMlllllllillM The young man who by a study of agriculture learns the insensely in teresting phases of country life is not only content to return to the tar.a but glad of the opportunity. - On the other hand, an agricultural educa tion secured away from home gives gives the student a broadened vision which develops him in a personal way. Lest you forget we say it yet you can get four magazines for one year by renewing your subscription to the Herald and paying 18 cents extra for the magazines. This is a. real bargain and we want all of our old subscribers to get these magaz ines. Tailor-Made Suits Cleaning and Pressing Suits called for and delivered PHONE 41 Union Cleaning & Pressing Work Chas. Lea, Proprietor Orders taken by Mr. lea only The Real Celebration KOI SPRINGS, S. D. JULY 4-5 Balloon Ascension and Parachute Leap, 5000 Feet Bands: Edgemont and Rushville Big Decorated Auto Parade Hnb and Hub Hose Race, Crawford vs RuBhville. Water Fight, Rush ville vs Crawford. Many Other Attractions Program Saturday, July 4th: 10:00 a. m. Decorated Auto Parade, 1st prize 40; 2nd prise S20. 11:30 a. m. Oration, L. H. Hedrick. City Park. 12:00 m. Dinner. 1:00 p. m. Band concert. 1:45 p. m. Free for all 100 yard dash for men. 1st prize $10;. 2nd prize $5. 2:00 p. m. Boys' foot race, IS years and under, 100 yards. 1st prize 3; 2nd prise $2. 2:15 p. m. Novelty shoe race. 1st prize S2; 2nd prize $1. 2:30 p. m. Hub and Hub hose race, Crawford vs Rushville. Purse $75. 2:45 p. m. Greased pole and greas ed pig. Purse $5 each. 3:00 p, m. Life saving exhibltioa Minnekahta Block by Chief John Mueller. 3:45 p. m. Balloon ascension and parachute leap. 4:30 p. m. Water fight, Rushville vs Crawford. Purse $50. 7:00 p. m. Band concert. ' Big Bowery Dance at City Pavll llon afternoon and night. Program Sunday, July 5th 2:00 p. m. Ball game. Rapid City vs Chadron. 5:00 p. m. Balloon ascension and parachute leap. Don't Miss This Big Celebration J. C. WHALEY, Marshal ot the Day. L - IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIimilllllf niiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiitiittiiimTtwrr 3QE 3DE