LAND OKFICK NKYYM ! The following communication has been received by the officials of the Alliance land office from the com sulssloner of the general land office at Washington: The affidavit required by existing regulations from assignors and as signees In assignments of reclama tion homestead entries under the provisions of the act of June 23, 19 10 (36 Stat, 692), and the affidavit of the entryman and the affidavits corroborative thereof required by ex isting regulations in making final proof of reclamation and the pay- ment of the water right charges on reclamation homestead entries as the basis for the Issuance of final certif icate and patent on such entries un der the provisions of the act of Aug ust 9, 1912 (37 Stat., 265), must be sworn to before officers authorised to administer oaths In homestead cases. These affidavits may be sworn to before a United States com missioner or the Judge or clerk of any court of record in the land dis trict in which the lands are situated. A notary public is not authorized to administer oaths in homestead cases and such affidavits sworn to before notary public will not be accepted by this office. WILL REMOVE TO MONTANA Morrill fount)- Iliinrhm&u Residing in Alliance Will Hell SUK-k at Public Sal Job Printing Because of our unique organization we are able to turn out superior job printing quickly and satisfactorily. We employ only printers who are experts. Our plant, the most completely equipped in western Nebraska, is in a position to turn out any size job of work on short notice. Why get unsatisfactory, shoddy printing done when you can get the kind that satisfies for the right price. Phone 340 and we will call. Mail orders given prompt attention. Herald Publishing Co. Alliance, Nebraska In this issue of The Herald ap pears the advertisement of H. E Boon's public sale of horses, cattle and machinery, to be held at the ranch In Morrill county, nineteen miles south of Alliance, Wednesday, July S. Mr. and Mrs. Coon nave decided to move to northwestern Montana, where they visited last winter. They will leave Alliance the latter part of July, with their son Clarence and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wining. They have a large number of friends in Iiox Butte and Morrill counties who will regret to see them leave Nebraska but who will be pleased to learn that they will be pleas antly situated In their new home. Mr. Boon bought a quarter section of land on which there is fruit and lot of heavy timber, two miles from Flathead lake. The timber will be cut and sawed into lumber. His son' In-law, C. M. Ellsas, also bought land there. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsas have been living in that country since last fall. While selling off hia stock and ma chinery. Mr. Boon still holds his Morrill county ranch and his resi dence property in Alliance. Inter National Park territory Is thrust upon the traveler, and from, over, around, and alongside the gla- lers. trails have been constructed 1th a view to making the -wonders of nature within the park easily ac cesRible as well as to provide patrol routes for the protection of the for ests and game. These trails lead to the camps, or parks, known as Para ise Valley, Henrys Hunting Ground, Van Trump Park, Cowllts Park, Oh napecosh River and its hot springs, Summerland, Grand Park, Moraine Park, Elyslan Fields, Spray Park, Natural Bridge, Cataract Basin, St Andrews Park, Glacier Basin, etc. In addition to the rules and regulations the circular contains lists of books and magazine articles for the benefit of those desiring more detailed In formation PAPER ton's. ICE BLANKETS Ha mil Something About Government Ownership No. 8 Advocates of govern ment ownership of tele phones have claimed that the American people are paying dividends on "wa tered" stock. Here is what Represen tative Lewis, Chief Congressional Ad vocate of Govern ment ownership, says about "wa ter" in Bell Tele phone stock: "Be it said for the Bell System that it is the one great corporation in our country that has not is sued tons of counterfeit capital. "Its bonds today repre sent the actual contribu tions of its stockholders in money to a great com mon enterprise." The telephone business nas produced no millionaires. Last year the net earnings of the Bell System were less than 6 per cent, on the actual invest ment. Five per cent, of the gross revenue, or $11, 300.000, wer2 y.aid in taxes in 1913. Belt Tch-phons Sav-cc 11ns Set the Standard for the Rest of the World. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY PKKSONAIi If any of our subscribers who paid us ror tne ciud or magazines nave failed to receive them, we request you to write us. The Susbcrlption Agency to whom we send these sub scriptlons advise us that errors are liable to occur In having names and addresses properly entered, and for fear that some of our subscribers may not be receiving the magazines we publish this notice. It is the wish of the Subscription Agency and the publishers of the magazines as well as ourselves that every subscriber receive the maga zines promptly and for a full year On account of the magazines all being published monthly, it requires nearly thirty days to get first copies of all the magazines into the bands of new subscribers. If your name has been In our office thirty days and you are not getting the magazines write us at once, for there has bee some mistake made In getting your name properly entered on the mail lng list. It is our intention to continue of fering this club of four magazine to our subscribers, It you haven't plac ed your order vi!i us, we ask you to do it now. All the subscribers who are getting the magazines spfuk highly of them. They certainly give big value for the money. Remember, you can secure our pa per and four magazines one year for 11.68. All the fun incident to motorcycle scorching comes before the motorcy cle hits something hard. PATER ton s. ICE BLANKETS Hanill- IT KEEPS FLIES H m and allnwa th rattlo to feed In pfar. It tlnra not cum the hair, bl inter the akin or make nulla taata or amcll. Kavee double ita coat in ratra milk. Cow-Ease la a rlcan non-rwnot rutins liquid (hat la ulutulutaly harmlraa-taay to apply. Krrpi the rowa in good condition and makaa money for tha farmer. Try it to-day. For Sale By F. E. Holsten Alliance, Nebr. ACiKNT WANTKI) In every county, to sell School Furniture and Hupplies Experienced man preferred, but line can be handled by Insurance, Implement, Sewing Machine, Pia no, Nursery Stock and other ag ents; also School Teachers. We manufacture the new Steel Non-IIreakable I)ekn When their merits are explain" ed, School Boards will have noth ing else. Good commissions. SCHOOL DIRKCTORH Should Investigate . STEEL FUKNITTOIK CO. Dept. N. (J rand Rapids, Mich. y - v International I Manure Spreaders ester The I IIC Line CIAtN AND NAT MACHINES Blaiin. Raaaera Haeaere, Mewera km. 3b Stackers naf Leaeare Hay Preene CORN MACHINES tlaatere, Picaere Btadera, Celtivatera Katibte Cattara SoeUan. 6arUara TILLAGE tm. SpriafTeeta. aed Dk Harrewe Cailivatere CENE&AL UNB Oil aaa Cat faiiaaa Oil Tractara Maaara SaraaaWa Creaai Seaeralare Fans Waaaa Malaa Track TareaWre Craia Drifla FaadCriadara karfaCriadar bwaaf Iaata LOOK for the following points in the manure spreader you buy: I. Cor rect, efficient, well-tested design. 2. Guar antee of first-class materials. 3. Reinforc ing of parts where strains usually come, 4. btrengtn of parts where occasional strains come. 5. Wearing qualities and protection of driving parts. 6. Repu tation of manufacturer, insuring efhcient repair service. Satisfied American farmers find these essen tials in International manure spreaders. International spreaders have, besides, many feat ores that grew out of long field experience. Study the steel construction in frame, wheels, and driving mechanism; the easily-removable beater; the differ entials in rear axles, insuring even spreading while turning corners; the reversible worm and gear; low, easily-loaded box; and uiauy others. International spreaders are of all styles and sixes, high and low, endless and reverse apron. rite tor illustrated catalogues, and when we send them wo will tell you where you may see the spreaders. m 2& m InterML'caalHarrerferCompaDyofAnerica UaMrssniMJ Crawford NeK Deerfef BcCwalck . VSnA- PaHW n Guide U Alt. Rainier National I'urk Methods of Baling the wonderful Ice fields of Mount Rainier National! Park are given in a circular on that reservation just issued by direction , of Secretary Lane. This park is situated in western Washington, about 56 miles southeast of the city of Tacoma. It has an area of 207, 360 acres and comprises Mount Rain ier and all it approaches, including one of the largest glacier systems in the world, radiating from any single peak. Surrounding the mountain are beautiful forests of fir and cedar, and in the natural parks below the snow line are luxuriant fields of wild flowers of all colors and descriptions The lower altitudes of the park are densely timbered with fir, cedar, hemlock, maple, alder, cottonwood, and spruce. The forested areas ex tending to an altitude of 4,000 feet is reached, and the high, broad plat eaus between the glacial canyons present incomparable scenes of div ersified beauties, seemingly arrang ed to suit every taste. These "parks" as they are called, are studded here and there with lakes and streams bordered with clumps of picturesque alpine firs and gorgeous beds of wild flowers, and in numerous instances apparently tender blossoms will be found pushing their heads out from under the snow. The general eleva tion of the glacial valleys at the boundary lines of the park is about 2,000 feet above sea level. These valleys afford a comparatively easy grade to the lower ends, or "snouts" of the various glaciers approximate ly an average additional elevation of 2,000 feet. At these glacier snouts the real alpine nature of Mount Ha- Get Your Rig AT THE Checkered Front Livery Barn Aulo Iiv::y in Connection Best of service given. Clean and comfortable feeding stable Phone 64 Opposite City llall QUY MAPPS. Proprietor All Kinds of CEMENT CONSTRUCTION Sidewalks. Founda tions, Curb, Gutter, Retaining Walls, etc. It will pay you to see me before letting your work T. J. BEAL PHONE 782 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Rates: One-inch cards, 50 cents; two inch cards, $1.00 M. M. BULLOCK. ATTORNEY AT LAW ALLIANCE i NEBRASKA 1311. I). K5. TYLKU Dentist PHONE 18? OVER FIRST NATIONAL IAN ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA General Contractors We Construct CEMENT SIDEWALKS or anything in the Cement Line Brick Work. Tile and Plastering Old Fashioned Fire Places and Mantels LUND & GLARUM Phone 249 Alliance, Nebr. A. J. KENNEDY Dsntlst Offlc In Alliance National Building over Port Office PHONE 391 C3-00. C3-. G-o,d.a"b3T LICENSED EMBALMER nnnmiiiiiinniiiiiitit. Buy Snow White Bread from your grocer or at our bakery. We also make all kinds of pastry, and carry a complete line of soft drinks and confectionery. Stephenson & Reed 111 Box Butte Ave. Phone 133 ftmmiiiiiiiiin mnntmti PHONE: ALLIANCE Day 498 Night C10 NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office REASONABLE RATE8 PROMPT 8ERVICB CONTRACTOR and BUILDER PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURN ISHED ON APPLICATION I Amploy only first-class meohanleav All work guaranteed. PHONE 279 Residence and 8hop, 7th and Mississippi. Alliance, Nebraska. Ii. A. COPSEY Physician and 8urgeon Office Phone 380. Res. Phone Mf Calls suit we red. promptly day a4 aiBai irom ornce. (Knees: Alliance National Dank bulldln Of floe. " O. E. SLAG-LE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office phone 69 Res. phone IS Alliance, Nebraska. Orle Coppernoll Res. Phone 20 P. J. Peteree Res. Phone U Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths Rooms 7, S and 9, Rumer Block PHONE 43 take with you a box of good and a late Get them at up town news stand or at depot .LdClllex BIOS. Want Ads arc the little fellows that bring the business. The Herald guarantees more bona fide replies than any other Alliance newspaper or you get your Money Back 300 LICE Or More on One Hen la by no mejna ancommoa. No oast woold axpeci to lattea altar ua that lumbar ortirka" ami. Int haa blood, but many axpeci t tha old bca to to ahead ahaUim . out ti while lie a ad miiea arc ; aaODlnt kar very life. U a have couattd over 2000 dead Uca under row of tea tint, om m rvoet board oainted the nlrht before ariifc Ua a Lxx Killer. 1 hia (real kilter doM double duty contact aiua Banco, Bca. I bedbui. etc. about tha rooatat tha I vapor killa Ilea oa tha caickena eittlnf over It. ratoponlylaairtisotcaaa. r tab at avat tu.fc lovaa Tareealiia II eta, Mela.. H Ml ruakxr fteueave. F, J. I1RENNAN WW 5 Dr. L. W. Curtis Prepared to treat all domestic animals Phone 633 Alliance, - - - Nebr. Auto Livery Quick Service Careful Driving Phones: Gange 118. Res. 293 Britt's Garage Blooded and High Grade Milk Cows HOLSTEINS A SPECIALTY Any Number Wanted F. M. I lyndshaw & Son THEOFORD, NEBR. Their fickleness is some girls Interesting. what makes BRUCE WILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorns Practitioner in civil courts since 1MI and Register U. S. land office trm 1903 to 1907. Information by mail specialty. Offlca In Land Office Building 1LLU.NCE : : NEBRASKA EUGENE BURTON Attorn y at Law Land Attorney Office First National Bank Bulldia PHONE 180 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA