he Alliance Herald Section 2 Section 2 VOLUME XXI OFFICIAL ORGAN NEBRASKA 8TOCK GROWERS ASSOCIATION. REACHES EVERY MEMBER OFFICIAL ORGAN NEBRASKA STATE VOLUNTEER FIREMEN'8 ASSOCIATION. IT REACHES EVERY DEPARTMENT. HEADQUARTERS FOR 15,000 VOLUNTEER FIREMEN ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1914 NUMBER 2 U W M Tickets To the EMPRESS $1.00 Good any day during iuii5 if purchased on June 6th Harry DuBuque, Mgr. Real $1 Bargains will be shown in our WINDOWS For Dollar Day Their worth cannot be explained, you will have to see them to appreciate their value MILLER BROTHERS House Furnishing Store Offer Number One 1 can No. 2 cut wax beans 1 can No. 2 tomatoes 1 can No. 2 corn 1 can No. Z peas 1 can No. 2 strawberries 1 can No. 3 pears 1 can No. 3 kraut 1 can No. 3 hominy 1 No. 1 can pink salmon 1 16 oz. jar apple butter OFFER NO. 2 10 lbs. Japan rice 10 lbs. fancy navy beans zr :"frl . .111 ry u 1$1.00 R. B. C. CANNED GOODS A SPECIALTY The Moore Grocery Company Dollar Talks to Buyers (By Lloyd) IM "DOLLAR DAY" is something new for Alliance. Next Satur day, June 6, will be the first event of its kind here. The credit for this day belongs to W. S. Kewer, an Alliance live wire who is proprie tor of the Bee Hive variety store. Mr. Kewer is noted for his origin al advertising ideas and the fact (more important) that he makeu a succpss by following them. Many men have original advertising ideas in their noodle but they usually want the other fellow to try them out. That's because they haven't confidence In themselves. Mr. Kewer has confidence in his own ideas and he carries them through to success. "DOLLAR DAY" Is another evidence of the awakening now go ing on in Alliance among ihe business men.' To the commercial club belongs the credit for this awakening, or rather, to the business men belougs the credit for starting a live commercial club which is already making a big difference in the town. In spite of the fact that'times are dull arid business slow, the club' is helping the business men to realize the opportunities that are here and which have not been fully grasped heretofore. We predict that a yar from now will witness great changes of much importance to the people of Alliance. This will be more apparent to the outsider than it will to Alliance people. We don't have to go back very far to remember when we had an old frame depot, a street lighting system that was not much aliead of the stars in the heavens, and when Box Butte Avenue, our main street, had the looks of a small village as compared with the present lime. T11K OUTSIDER is the one who realizes that in Alliance we have a little city full of opportunities undeveloped and that il will not be many moons until we will surprise even ourselves at the advancement made in building and growth in business. As "Flav" Wright said at the Commercial Club banquet Tuesday evening, what Alliance needs is development of the agricultural country surrounding Alliance. This, it appears to us, is the greatest problem before the Commercial Club today, that of bringing in settlers to till the fertile land adjac ent to our city. The farmers who are here, many of whom were renters in the east and who came here with small capital, are making money, paying for their farms, adding to their holdings, building new houses and barns, buying automobiles, and showing general evi dences of prosperity. If this is shown up in its true light to the poor, hard working eastern renter who has only limited capital, but enough to buy a farm and settle here, it will mean that the popula tion of Box Butte county will double within the next few .years. ALLIANCE is the natural center of the stock raising industry of western Nebraska. The sandhill country is fitted by nature with the finest and most nutritious of grasses, the kind that make good sol id beef, making a paradise for stockmen. Alliance is their natural center or business point. The stock industry involves many millions of dollars. It is indeed encouraging to see the big preparations be ing made for a royal entertainment for Nebraska stockmen at the big annual convention to be held here on June 18, 19 and 20. Alliance appreciates the patronage and support of the stockmen and will prove herself a hostess to be proud of at the convention. READERS of The Herald should read every ad in this issue carefully, for the merchant of Alliance have cut prices to the bone to show them that this is a genuine, bona fide, bargain day. Your dol lars will go farther than ever before on Saturday. Take this paper, check over every ad carefully and visit the different stores on Satur day. Get acquainted with the merchants, for they are live ones. The Herald assures its readers that they will find no extravagant claims or stretches of the imagination in these bargains. DO YOUR PART IN HELPING ALLIANCE MAKE ITS FIRST "DOLLAR DAY" A GRAND SUCCESS. THE BENEFIT IS YOURS. START HOUSEKEEPINQ. FURNISH TOUR HOME AND GIVE THE CHILDREN A TREAT. ALL TOR A DOLLAR AT THE BEE HIVE $1.50 Copper Bottom Boilers 12 Copies 15c Sheet Music 12 lbs. 15c Candy $1.75 Mounted Casserole Granite Slop Jar . Chamber to Match Roll Toilet Paper , Huck Towel 1 dozen boxes of Matches 2 Silk Four-in-hand Ties 1 French Briar Pipe 3 packs of Envelopes 2 10c Ink Tablets $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 4 good white Men's Handkerchiefs $1.50 Glass Berry Set $1.50 4-Piece Glass Sugar and Cream Set 3 Buggy Whips $1.00 $1.00 2 Face Nets for Horses 75c Coffee Pot $1.00 1 pound Mixed Candy Any hand-painted Plate, values from 1.50 toy2.75 . $1.00 Any two hand-painted dishes, values from 1.00 to 1.50, $1.00 EE $1.00 Mop Stick .. Good Tin Bucket 2 doz. Clothes Pins House Dress Dust Cap 7 dozen Clothes Pins 3 10c bars Toilet Soap 10c roll Toilet Paper 10 Hair Nets 20 bunches Hair Pins Barrette 25c Dressing Comb Jar Cold Cream - 2 papers Needles Paper of Pins $1.00 $1.00 A GOOD FLY SWATTER FREE WITH EVERY $1.00 PURCHASE Our Windows Ablaze With $1.00 .Barg aims Tis a burning sharne we cannot sell goods at these prices every day in the week. We would if we could. Now, we are not going to tell you here just what the articles are to be come to our store and see for yourself. You Will be Surprised GEO. D. DARLING 115117 West Third Street Big DouDle Store