The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 04, 1914, Image 8

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    iNeorasKa ouue vuiumuci rut-
men's Association
president, George Howe, Fremont.
First Vice Trident, H. A. OrsfT, Seward.
Second Vice President. Jacob P. Hoffman, Ord.
&cretary, E. A. Miller. Kearney.
Treasurer, Fred Alexander, Scottsbluff.
Board of Control: Harry Houser, Fremont, chairman; Jacob Goeh
ring, Reward; E. W. Parkburst, Lexington; Ray Frost, Stan
ton; Thomas Jeffrey, North Platte.
A department devoted to the Interests of the volunteer Dremen
of the state of Nebrasak.
jjj Edited by Lloyd C. Thomas, state publicity chairman.
m-wif ii'itv iviuuirrrmrM
iNeligh Jay Ames.
Albion H. E. Hallstead.
Btaomfleld Harry Henatacb.
Franklin Alvln Bloedorn.
Oothenburg Arthur Johnson.
Howells Frank Luxa.
Kearney E. F. Winn.
Nellgb Jay Ames.
Lynch A. C. McFarland.
Hampton Alvln Gsussmann.
University Place Leslie A. Thomas.
Fallerton John C. Chapman.
Ulysses B. S. Oglesby.
Ord O. P. Cromwell.
Verdlgre H. II. Bruce.
Overton James M. Pullen.
Schuyler F. W. Sbonka, Jr.
Snyder Geo. W. Meyers.
Stromsburg Al Westenius.
Tilden R. O. Whitney.
Departments are requested to for
ward names as fast as publicity man
is appointed.
date thereof, the locality, and as
close an estimate of the damage as
Sec. 4. The Treasurer snau take
charge of the funds of the Depart
ment and keep a correct account of
all moneys received, expended, and
pay all warrants drawn by the Sec
retary and countersigned by the
Chief and none others, and make an
exhibit of the financial affairs of the
Department when required, and at
each annual meeting shall report the
amount paid out and the amount re
ceived during the year and the bal
ance on hand.
Sec. 5. The Board of Trustees
shall audit all bills against the De
partment, examine the Treasurer's
report before each annual meeting,
act as an executive and finance com
mittee at all entertainments given by
the Department and perform such
other duties as may be assigned to
Sec. 1. No person shall be ellgl
ble to membership In this depart
ment who is under 18 years of age,
provided however, that any minor
now belonging or may hereafter be
proposed must deposit with the Sec
retary a written permit signed by
bis parents or legal guardian which
signatures must be duly witnessed
by two creditable witnesses.
Sec. 2. Any person desiring to
become a member of this Department
may be proposed for membership by
any member In good standing at any
regular meeting. A vote shall be
taken by ballot and If five black balls
appear the candidate shall be reject
ed, and the person proposing such
candidate shall Inform him of the
result of such election.
Sec. 3. Any person elected to
The wriicr saw Harry Houser, chairman of the board of control,
in Vrrmont the other dav. Harrv kindly took us arounu tne town
mnA itnnrv other thincm showed U8 the fine equipment which the Fre- membership in the Department shall
miont department is blessed with. The Fremont boys can certainly appear at the next regular meeting
.i..: : 4 --.l 41,.;. ffi.;n Wf n-hn i alwavn tier which he was elected and sub-
ex proua o. meir cquiiwirm o.. x mc , '- scribe to the constitution and by-
B the jOD. laws. Failure to report as aforesaid
... . i .v,:. shall make his election null and
Alliance nas Decn lUCKy in inc matter oi nr maima J'- y0ld, unless he can furnish satlsfac
The first alarm since January 8 was sounded on Saturday, May 30. tory reasons to the department for
A mtl nvrfl nhed eontaininir 200 eallons of kerosene cauftbt fire his failure to appear.
. ...- i - TV tAvi fniin.1 it a hard mh to miell bc. 4. Any person becoming a
,.cn,o .a.B J," T;" - r A member of this department shall be
iha tlazG with water but they did so m good time and saved much aalangkA , k, .,
property. They expect to have their new auto chemical truck within ieast number of members, provided.
ainetv davs. when they will be able to use chemicals on nres oi mis nowever, mat ir said company shall
i' i have the same number then Bald
I member shall be assigned to the op
Som town with plenty of ambition should grab the opportunity posite company from which the last
to give themselves good advertising and uke the tournament. $1000 - waT vf nedmemberB Bhall
t flDUU will pay ail expenses, ran oi vnis is rciurneu irom me - constitute a quorum to do business
fcociation and the crowd which the tournament brings to a town win
aailv renav the business men who put up the balance. Here's the
opportunity for some live department to give itself a good boost
"Write Harry Houser at Fremont if you are interested. But you will
have to hurry.
. Now that hot weather is here, the danger of fires among dry lum
ber piles, etc., vacant frame buildings, is greater. In recent years
the volunteer firemen of the state have been becoming more efficient at 8 o'clock p. m.
than ever. They are saving millions of dollars worth of property in
the state of Nebraska alone each year. Keep your record clear, keep
yeur department thoroughly organized, and don't let the fire loss in
your town show up. That counts for you when you go to the next
banual convention.
cents and not more than $1.50.
Sec. 3. For willful disobedience
of any order given by the chief or
captain of the company to which he
belongs, or any Interference wltb
him In the discharge of bis duty as
member or officer, such members
hall be expelled.
Sec. 4. Any person chewing to
bacco, or spitting on the floor of any
of the rooms of this Department
shall be fined 25 rents.
Sec. 5. Any member appearing at
meeting or o fire In a state of in
toxication shall be expelled at once.
Sec. 6. Any person gambling or
bringing Intoxicating drinks to any
of the rooms of the Department shall
be expelled at once.
Sec. 7. Any member of a comp
any who shall wilfully turn a stream
or water on any person or persons
shall pay a fine of $1.00 for the first
offense, and for the second offense
shall be expelled.
Sec. 8. Any member for leaving
the room without the permission of
the chair; for not coming to order
when called, or using profane or in
decent language In the rooms of the
Department or while on duty shall
be fined 50 cents.
Sec. 9. All fines and assessments
against any person not paid by the
next quarterly meeting after such
fine or assessment is laid, such per
son shall be suspended, and shall not
be again proposed for membership
until at least one year after such
Sec. 10. No Hose Company under
this Department shall consist of
more than 21 men.
Sec. 11. All fines Bhall be collect
ed by the treasurer and reported to
the secretary.
Sec. 12. All powers or controver
sies not delegated in the Constitu
tion shall be decided by a majority
vote of the members present.
This Constitution and By-Laws
shall not be altered or amended ex
cept that written notice of such pro
posed change shall be given at a pre
vious meeting, when by a majority
vote such change may be made.
Sec. 13. Sickness, absence from
town or urgent business only, shall
constitute a valid excuse.
Annual Meeting
Sec. 1. The annual meetings of
this organization shall be held on
the third Wednesday of April each
year at which the election of Depart
mcnt officers shall take place and
mommy meetings snail De neld on
the third Wednesday of each month
Chautauqua Starts June 23rd
Warm weather is the time for picnics. Get the boys together
end spend a Sunday with your families and friends in some cool pic
nic ground. A spirit of fraternity is a good thing to cultivate among
the members.
Some departments in the state are organizing base ball teams
aad you can bet your last dollar that they are winners, too. The
lass of men that belong to volunteer fire departments are the kind
that make good ball players, good business men, and good citizens.
The Alliance fire department is to have as its guest on Friday,
June 19, Governor Morchcad. He will be accompanied by W. S. Hid
frell, state fire commissioner. Both of these gentlemen will address
the boys that evening. This is during the annual convention of the
Nebraska Stockgrowers Association, the gala time of the year in Al
Jiance. The Alliance department extends a general invitation to
firemen throughout the state to attend thai; evening. Visitors are
guaranteed a good time.
"The Association Department in The Herald is a mighty good
thing for the volunteer firemen of the state," said Harry Houser, re
cently. "I think that the departments should make good use of this
department in your paper to keep in close touch with each other. It
will of course become more interesting as the annual convention ab-
proaches. The next convention at Nebraska City should be the best
ever held. Many new members will be there and new departments
U'lfl Viva inin t a aioni!n4iAn
We are In receipt of a letter from
N. E. Johnson, newly elected chief of
lb Valley fire department. Mr.
Johnson Is a live wire and expresses
much Interest In our department. He
will appoint a publicity man for Val
ley department.
The newly elected officers at Val
ley are: John Monahon. president;
J. B. Nichols, vice president; N. E.
Johnson, chief: John Derthick. as
sistant chief; Lawrence Coy, secre
tary; It. M. Erway, treasurer.
fcay of Ifcwhler Fire Department's
n.stitution and By-lawn
fail lie I'ned by Other
We have received requests from a
umber of departments just organ
ise or re-organixlng. asking for a
ample constitution and by-laws. For
tie benefit of those who have made
these requests and others who de
sire one. we are re-printing here
with a copy of the Deuhler Fire De
partment constitution and by-laws
recently adopted. They have been
pronounced as being very good, al
though it may be necessary to modi-
f or change them to suit local con
ditions in d' Cerent towns. Clip
tfcess out and save for future refer
Bection 1. This organisation
ahall be known and designated as the
Deahler Volunteer Eire Department.
Sec 1. The officers of this depart
ment shall consist of a Chief, First
Assistant Chief, Secretary and
Treasurer and one member from
arh company as a board of Trustees
the Chief and First Assistant Chief
10 do exomcio members of the Board
of TrnateML.
Sec. 2. All elections shall be by
ballot unless otherwise ordered by a
two-thirds vote of the members pres
ent, and the candidate receiving the
highest number of votes shall be
Sec. 3. At their annual meeting
in April of each year, each comnanv
shall select one member of said com
pany as a member of the Board of
Trustees and the Secretary of said
company shall make returns of such
selection, properly certified to, to
gether with the names of officers
elected to the Secretary of the De
partment on or before the date of
tne annual meeting of the Depart
Sec. 4. Should any vacancy occur
In any of the offices of the Depart
ment, such vacancy may be filled bv
the usual manner of electing officers
as is prescribed elsewhere.
Duties of Oflicen,
bee. 1. It shall be the duty of the
inier 10 preside at all meetings of
the Department, and call enecial
meetings when he may deem it nec
essary, or at the written reauest of
nve members of the department.
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the
Assistant Chief to assist the Chief in
the discharge of his duties and In
uia ansence perform the same.
Sec 3. It shall be the duty of the
Secretary to keep an accurate record
of all meetings, also a roll of all
memDers, active and honorary, and
an account or all receipts and dis-
oursements. lie shall write all com
Vt llMlnallAH. t am
umuivouum, issue an summons or
nonces required, attest to all mnnv
ordered paid, keep an accurate rec
uru oi me aaia and amount of all
orders Issued on the Treasurer. kn
all books and papers belonging to the
ueparimeni, and turn over and a
count for the same to his successor
woen amy elected and ouiiiflAri i
shall also be the duty of the Secre
tary to keep a record of all fires, the
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of ev
ery member of this department to
obey all reasonable orders of the of
ficers in command and to attend all
stated and special meetings a, the
usual signal thereof and to serve on
all committees to which he may be
Sec. 3. The Company organiza
tions shall at all times be subordin
ate to the Department organization
nU the Department shall have the
right to interfere with any company
on all questions affecting the wel
fare of the Department. The De
partment may at any time take such
measures as it may deem necessary
to better the organization of any of
me companies.
Sec. 4. Any member of this De
partment who may have served five
consecutive years may, upon applica
tion to the Company to which he may
oe a memDer, become an honorary
member, and thereby be exempt from
all duties as a fireman. But an hon
orary member shall not have the
right to hold office or vote at the
meetings of the Department. The
fact that a member may have taken
out a certificate showing that he has
served five years shall not make him
an honorary member.
oec. 5. Any member wishine to
address the Department at any meet
mg snail nrst rise to his feet and ad
aress tne presiding officer, and if
recognized shall be aHowed to Dro-
bee. 6. No member of this Den.
artment when proposed for an office
or appointed to serve upon a com
mittee, shall refuse to permit his
name to be used in connection with
the same; or, if elected or appointed
refuse to serve, unless he can give
good and sufficient reasons, so con.
sidered by the Department.
bee. 7. Any member who may re
move from within the corporate lim
its of the city of Deshler shall there
by forfeit his membership and shall
turn over to the proper officer his
unirorm or any other property of the
Department he may have in his pos
Sec. 1. Uniforms shall be consid
ered tne property of the Department
and any member leaving the Depart
ment snau rorreit any claim he m
have In the same providing same has
not oeen purchased by the member.
Power to Assent
see. i. jne Department may at
any time, .by a vote of the majority
or tne members present, assess the
members equally for the purpose
stated In the motion. Any person
irtuBiuK iu pay any assessment un
der tbis section within 10 days shall
be suspended. At the expiration of
the 10 days he shall be notified by
iaw secretary or said assessment and
then If the same is not paid within
me next u days said suspension
snau De nnal.
Sec. 1. Any officer or member of
a committee, for the neglect of his
amy snau pay a One of not less than
.a cents nor more than 11.00.
Sec. 2. For leaving the drae rnru
of a hose cart, or hook and Uii
wagon, or refusing to give assistance
wnue going to or returning from i
fire, or at a fire or otherwise on do
ty, except he be excused by the chief
or captain of his company, a member
snau pay anne of not leas than 64
Officer and Duties
Sec. 1. The following is the joint
Constitution of Deshler Hose Carts
No. 1 and No. 2.
Sec. 2. The officers of each com
pany shall consist of a Captain, As
sistant Captain and Secretary who
shall be elected annually by ballot,
at the annual meeting, by a majority
of the members present, if a quorum
Sec. 3. Should any vacancy oc
cur in any of the offices of the com
panies, or it mere snouid not be an
election held at the annual meeting,
sum omces may be nned at any
meeting in the manner prescribed
for the election of officers at the an
nual meeting.
Sec. 4. Members In arrears for
fines, dues or assessments will not
be permitted to vote for officers.
Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the
Captain to assume command of the
company at fires; to grant leave of
absence to members at fires; to see
that every member performs his al
lotted duty and shall enforce an ob
servance of the Constitution and by
laws of the company at all times;
and to preside at all meetings of the
Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the
Foreman to assist the Captain in the
discharge of his duties or in bis ab
sence to perform the same.
Sec. 7. It Bhall be the duty of the
Captain to Bee that the hose cart and
apparatus are at all times clean and
in good order ready for fire duty.
Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of
the Captain to call special meetings
if de dee mit necessary, or at the
written request of three members,
within three days after such applica
tion, and shall preside at all such
meetings in like manner as at a reg
ular meeting.
Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the
Secretary to call the roll at the hose
house after all fires, also to keep a
record of the annual meetings and a
record of the officers elected and
shall file with the Secretary of the
Department before the annual meet
lng of the Department a certified list
of the officers elected.
Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of
every member of the company, as
soon as he shall hear an alarm of
fire, to go at once to the hose house,
unless he shall know that the appar
atus has left the house (In which
case he shall join it as soon as prac
ticable) and discharge such duty as
may be assigned him by the officer
in command, and to obey all reason
able orders of such officers, and also
to attend all stated and special meet
lngs at the usual signal therefor.
Sec. 11. There shall be an annu
al meeting of the members of hose
company No. 1 on the first Monday
in April and or company No. Z. on
the second Monday in April for the
election of officers and the transac
tion of such other business as may
require attention.
Sec. 12. The companies shall
have the power to enact such by-laws
from time to time, not inconsistent
with the constitution, as they may
deem expedient.
Sec. 13. Seven members shall
constitute a quorum to do business.
See. 14. No part of this eonstltu
tion shall be repealed, altered or sus
pended, unless a proposal In writing
specifying the Intended alteration
shall be brought to the notice of the
companies met in joint meeting, then
must be carried by a two-thirds vote
of all members present at the next
quarterly meeting of the Depart-
1. Roll Call.
2. Reading of minutes of previ
ous meeting.
S. Report of Committee.
4. Report of Officers.
S. Collection of fines and assess
6. Presentation of bills and com
7. Miscellaneous business.
S. Election of officers.
9. Second roll call.
10. Adjournment.
Ira n iri n n in
P n n L U Um
This man Darling, who is het
In the next few days you are going to hear a good
deal about Nels Darling. We are going to tell you right
now who he is.
lie lectures here at our Chautauqua on the fourth
He is the business man's lecturer who talks on better
stores, better business, better cities and townB, better
communities. .
Gets right down and talks in plain every-day terms
He can tell a business man how to straighten out
many of the kinks in his business and tell a commercial
club or any organization of business men how to put their
town on the map and make it 6tick there.
He is a specialist on city and community develop
ment. It's his business, lie talks it the year around
and is consulted by business men everywhere he goes.
His knowledge of these things has made him valua
ble as a Chautauqua lecturer because a Chautauqua has
a bigger job than just to furnish a town a few days of
Darling has been over two big ltedpath Chautauqua
circuits, making towns as large as Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
Kansas City, Cheyenne, Wyo., and many, many cities as
large as these through his Lyceum season, and what
does he dot Gets business men together for an hour's
talk on city and community problems. Darling has no
set lecture. He analyzes conditions in every place, re
ports his findings and draws expert conclusions. Many
a city has paid Darling a $250 fee for an hour's observa
tion and analysis.
He lectured at the Chautauqua at Longmont, Colo.,
last summer and a few days later received an invitation
to address the Colorado State Lumbermen's Association
at a handsome fee. His Lyceum bookings prevented his
going back. At Mount Pleasant, Texas, he was heard by
the secretary of the commercial club of a near-by town
and offered a $200 fee to make an address the next day
in this near-by town, but his Chautauqua plans prevented
The Colorado Hardware Dealers Association held
their annual meeting last March in Denver. President
Uuddlestone, in a speech to the convention, advised the
dealers interested in better merchandising and better cit
iznship to get Darling to lecture in their town.
Darling Is Going to be
Here This Summer
He will make one address at our Chautauqua and be
gone. He is a busy, busy man. Every man and woman in
this whole country should hear him.
The small city and town has a big fight on to bold ground
against the rapid growth of the large cities. Darling is show
ing hundreds of smaller cities and towns how to hold their
It is one of the big purpose numbers of the Chautauqua.
iet everybody out to hear Darling FOURTH DAY
He will have something every man will take home with
him a bunch of new Ideas that need be applied right here to
make this city and community what it ought to be.
Get Everybody Out!
Fourth Day