AUTOMOBILE TRIP AND SCHEDULE Three Automobile Trip to lie Taken Cnder Commercial Club Aus pices This Month Trip No. 1, to Crawford and return. JERRY ROWAN, Leader Schedule: Leave Bank corner at 8 a. m. Arrive Hemlngford at 9:20 a. m. Distance 22 miles. Leave Hemlngford 9:30 a. ra. Arrive Marsland 10:30. Leave at 10:40. Arrive at Belmont 11:15. Leave at 11:25. Arrive at Crawford 12:15. Dinner. Leave 1:30. Arrive Ft. Robinson 1:40. Leave 2:30. Arrive home at 8:00 p. m. Rules: Each car should be well provided -with oil, gasoline, extra tire or tube, before leaving. In case of puncture, blowout, or other accident, the driver will pull out to the roadside, and the TWO CARS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOW ING will also pull out and assist with the repairs, while all other cars will continue the journey. Ths three cars will then resume the trip and overtake the procession as pos sible. The average speed will be 20 miles per hour. Maximum speed to be not more than 25 miles per hour. The distance between cars when traveling must not be less than 300 feet. These rules will apply to all three trips. Second Trip Wednesday, June 10 LINCOLN LOWRY, Leader Leave Bank Corner at 7 a. m. Make a tour visiting Bridgeport, Angora, Bayard, Minatare, Scotts bluff. Gerlng and Mitchell. Dinner at Scottsbluff and Gering. Third Trip Sunday, June 14 H. P. COURSEY. Leader Leave Bank corner at 8 a. m. and visit the towns of Gordon. Rushville, Hay Springs, Chadron and Duulap. Schedule to be announced later. These tours are conducted under the auspices of the Alliance Commre- cial Club, an dare undertaken for the purpose of getting acquainted with the people of our neighboring cities, establishing a friendly feeling of mutual Interest, and of advertis ing the Nebraska Stockmen's Con ventlon, which convenes at Alliance this month. Everybody in Alliance and tributary territory who owns a car is invited and urged to partici pate in one or all of these tours Kindly notify any one of the mem bers of the committee named below, that you will go, and how many In vour car. so that the towns where dinner will be eaten may be notified on the morning of the trip. IRA E. TASH JERRY ROWAN LINCOLN LOWERY FRANK WILSON H. P. COURSEY. Com. BANK OPENED MONDAY MORNING Alliance Third Hanking Institution Now Doing liulne I ah ml Men Interested The First State Bank, Alliance's third banking institution, opened for business at 322 Box Butte Avenue Monday morning, June 1. The bank Is organized under state laws with a capital stock of 150,000, of which $35,000 is already paid In. The officers of the bank are W. A. George, president; George Mollring, vice president; A. II. Copsey, cash- the patient let alone make a diagno sis. Neither is It necessary for him to see the one that needs treHtroent. Ir fact distance Is no bar to a cure. If you are living a thotisptid nlles away all you hsve to do In order to be healed Is to send your Christian naii'r your surname loes not mst-t-r. Here is how the li aior works. He sits In a chair In his hum Me peasant Lome with a bottl? of cognnc before him. The pati'.nt'i given name Is told him. Then he takes a copious drink of brandy and at once goes in to a trance. On awakening from the trance he is able, so it Is said, to state correctly what Is the matter and to prescribe a perfect cure. It Is a very Interesting story and 'also a very Imaginative one. Murk ier. The directors are Chas. K. Brit- the prominent part cognac play In the affair. The peasant healer must have the best and strongest thai is manufactured or the brain or what ever It Is will not work. The ability of a bottle of the strongest French liquid to send a man Into a trance or some other state is unquestioned. tan, Chas. Tully, II. A. Copsey, Geo. Mollring and A. II. Copsey. W. A. George, president of the bank, is stale treasurer. George Mollring. H. A. Copsey, Chas. Tully are well known Alliance business men. A. H. Copsey and Mr. Brit- tan are Broken Bow men. A half of such bottle is enough to I . . am a i The bank is located In the build- Proauce mai eneci on an oruinary i oQ. H99 n n,,.t. Avonu. fr-1 individual, but the Polish healer is a riui v m avv a v mpriv nrcunled bv F. W. Irish & , clearly not ordinary Company. New bank furniture and fixtures are being manufactured and will be installed as soon as received from the factory. The first deposit In the new bank was made by Clay Cunningham, a fifteen-year-old boy. The second de posit was made by J. N. Andrews of Alliance. The first check was cash ed by W. II. Swan. As he is said to have thousands of patients and a bottle of cognac is necessary for each case he must indulge in one continuous drinking bout. In fact, it is hard to see how he can find time to indulge In a trance unless the drinking and the tranciug are simultaneous. It ought to be said that the hesler requires a fee. how ever small, but that is not as essen tial as the bottle of best and strong est French brandy. One cannot but think thst brandy Inspired the story In the mind of the man who wrote it. Ilrlng In Dairy Cattle E. R. Myers arrived Tuesday from llavelnrk, Nebr., with a fine bunch of dairy rattle which he will put on his homestead, seventeen miles southeast of A'liance. Mr. Myers was formerly employed by the Bur lington and covered the entire state last year. He stated that he likes the country around Alliance the best of all. BURGLARS ROB! CRANE POOL HALL Property and Money to Value of flOO Taken Monday Night from Alliance Pool Hall OLD HICKORY 'IIIIS Mr. Wilson's watchful waiting It also interferring with the business of German ammunition factories. Unnoticed and unrestrained, the Hon. Jim Mann, republican leader in congress, still sits sobbing by the river, until the waters of the Poto mac run salt to the sea. Unoriginal New York had scarcely broken Itself of the habit of trying Thaw when It contracted the habit of trying Lieut. Becker. Mr. Melleu, who invented the "dealing with the devil" phrase, may be casting covetous eyes on the eno tmous revenues of chautauqua lecturers. Some time after 1 o'clock Monday night, burglars entered the pool hall of W. F. Crane by way of the rear door and ransacked the building, taking with them six ivory billiard balls, valued at $10 each, a watch, and cash from the register to the amount of $7.00. In addition to this they took a number of old coins, the value of which Is not known. Mr. Crane left the pool hall at 1 o'clock. The burglars cut a hole in the rear door with a knife, reaching through and pushing back the bar which opened the door. In order to keep the early morning sun from spoiling candy in the front of the building, the shades had been pulled down, preventing the night marshal from having a clear view of the In terior of the building, and allowing the thieves plenty of time for their work. This is the fourth time in four years that Mr. Crane has suffered loss from burglars. I. O. O. V. Memorial Day Sunday Is I. O. O. F. memorial day. Odd Fellows are requested to meet at the hall at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, before going to the serv Ices. LAND TO TRADE I have 190 acres, 3V4 miles from Bayard, under the Trl-State canal, to trade for Box Butte county land. J. C. McCORKLE. Alliance. Nebr. 12tf327 NOTICE TO IIIDDERH Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of County CommlssUa ers of Box Butte County, Nebraska, at the office of the County Clerk, la the Court House, in Alliance, Ne braska, until twelve o'clock noon of the 1st day of July 1914, for ta purchase of the old Court HoM building, same to be removed from Its location on Lot 23 County Addi tion to Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska. The Board of County Commission ers reserve the right to reject all bids. Bids are to be sealed and address ed to M. S. Hargraves. County Clerk, and must be plainly marked on tae outside "Proposal for the purchase of old Court House Building, Box Butte County, Nebraska." M. S. HARGRAVES, County Clerk. 25-41-439-3545 Mrs. E. S. Martin and Miss Glen Mounts left at midnight Monday for a .trip to Vermont, where they will visit during the summer with rela tives. They were accompanied by Miss Evalyn McBirney, of Hemlng ford, who went east on a visit. COOL L'HKAM VI KKI.Y "After separation, cream should be quickly cooled to as low a tem perature as is possible with freshly pumped well water," advises the dairy department of the Nebraska College of Agriculture. "Have a' small tank thru which the water from the well flows. Set the cream In a deep can in this tank. Stir the cream until It is of the same temperature as the water. Do not mix warm cream and cold cream. The warm cream quickly sours the cream which has stood for a day or more." IIAISF. FEFJDKIIN AT HOME Raise feeders at home was the ad vice of Dean E. A. Burnett at the recent Beef Producers' Day meeting at the Nebraska College of Agricul ture to the 4 50 cattle men in attend ance. The statement was offered as 1 the only solution for the scarcity of baby beef. Even tho the present day land values are high, it was ar gued that if the best use is made of all roughage and if other good bus iness management is exercised, beef may be grown at a profit on high priced land. Campaign Against Billboards The Woman's Club has petitioned the Commercial Club to take action to remove the unsightly billboards in the business district of Alliance. The matter will be taken up by the board of directors. Mrs. C. C. Pflug of Hyannis came to Alliance Friday with her three children for a visit with her sister, Mrs. J. F. Hilton. Mrs. Pflug will remain here about two weeks. Dr. L. W. Curtis Prepared to treat all domestic animals Phone 633 Alliance, - - Nebr. Auto Livery Quick Service Careful Driving Phones: Garige 118. Res. 293 Britt's Garage AGItlt'l ll I It A I. MOTOIM'1 l-KS Two motorcycles have recently been purchased by the Agricultural Extension Service of the Nebraska College of Agriculture to reduce tra veling expenses and to add to the ef ficiency of the work. Frequently much time has been lost by speakers and other assistants of the depart ment when their destination happen ed to be in a rural community, an in land village, or a town not adequate ly supplied with passenger service. Sometimes men are required to spend several days visiting different parts of one county, and it has been necessary to spend large sums for local transportation. The new means of conveyance has already made it possible for the workers to cover more territory at moderate distances from incoln at a saving to the state. $10,000 JIFT TO NEBRASKA Several more specialists on differ ent agricultural subjects will be add ed, temporarily at least, to the Agri cultural Extension Service of the Ne braska College of Agriculture on ac count of the passage of the Lever bill by congress. Nebraska will re ceive $5,000 next July 1 and an ad ditional $5,000 next January 1. Ad ditional contributions will be grant ed if the Nebraska legislature will appropriate an equal amount. The money is to be used for persona not having an opportunity to study agri culture in the schools and colleges. None of the money may be used for the purchase or the upkeep of agri cultural school buildings. If the Nebraska legislature makes it possi ble for the additional federal con tributions to be received, a much more generous amount of agricultur al information may be sent directly to the people than is offered at pros nt. OF THE WONDERFUL POWER COGNAC The latest healer of the ills to which human flesh is heir makes his home in Poland. It is said that his method is simple in the extreme and very unique. All be needs in order to perform a cure is the given name of the patient and a bottle of the strongest French cognac. lie does Depositors re Protected by the Depositors Cua runty Fund of the State of Scbraskx Announcing the Opening of The F STATE BA K CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 $35,000.00 PAID IN W. A. GEORGE, President GEO. MOLLRING, Vice President A. H. COPSEY, CssJuer Chas. L Brittan H. A. Copsey DIRECTORS: Geo. Mollring Ckss. Titty . H Copsey Its officials are men well known in Nebraska for their integrity and business acumen. Its business will be conducted along strictly high class banking lines. An earnest endeavor will be made to merit the patronage of the business men, ranchmen and farmers and business in all banking lines in this section of the state. We invite you to call and become acquainted No account too small or none too large but that it will receive proper consideration Depositors Are Protected by the Depositors Guranty Fund of the State of Nebraska FIRST ST A TE BANK 322 Box Butte Avenue Alliance, Nebraska not require to be to?d what is ail'ng