I ! i i ' ' ft '- r5 1 . "L V. 0 4- - n i-ithii- f;lkt - "ir if SJhoes! shoes SJioes! fTi i At- Bought At 30c .ST. 30c On The Dollar. - - AH We Want Is Our Money Out - Men's, Women's and Children's Low Shoes, Pumps, Work Shoes, Dress Shoes (HAMILTON-BROWN and HANNAN) Come, look them over. We will save you money at the following prices: $6.00 values $3.00 $4.50 values $2.00 $3.50 values $1.50 5.00 " 2.50 4.00 " . 2.00 500 Pairs At Fifty Cents a Pair 3.00 2.50 1.00 1.00 AT THE OLD Bicknell Grocery. Stand. Third and Laramie Avenue. On the corner II, old hickory cmrs Ths dore of peace bad better go armed tkese days. A woman's idea of keeping a iec rat 4a to keep it going. Tammany leadera aay that if vol S Steers are needed they will aend a the lotting la good. regiment. They evidently heard that WALT MASON. This blooming month deaervea all praise, and ahould inspire some poet song; it ought to hare two hundred Something About Government Ownership No. 4 1 t i i It was an epoch in the world's history when the Bell System opened a long distance line between ITew York and Chicago, is 1893, and demonstrated that speech could bo transmitted 1.000 miles. . Today the busi cess man in Den ver sends his voice clear and distinct into the office of the New York mer. chant, 2,000 miles distant. A small army of skilled telephone workmen in the Rockies are now building the home stretch C5I of the great Bell route from New York to San Francisco, and transcon tinental conversations ov er the Bell System will be one of the wonders usher ed in by the Panama-Pa-' cine Exposition next spring. Last year the first 900-mile tele- Ehone line was uilt in Europe, where practically all telephone systems are government owned, two decades after a thousand mile line had been in suc cessful operation in the United States. J BeU Telephone Service Has Set the Standard for the Rat the World. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY fro - Stock Yards Sad dlery Co. J. G. BLESSING, Proprietor Wholesale sad Rrtail Harness and Saddles Cbeaseal a Eartb, QaaBt j Coasteered Every tfaiac lUnd Made Factory. 3H North 25 St S. Omaha, Nee. days, and each a fortnight long. In May the winter chill la gone, and there's not heat enough to hurt, and we can play upon the lawn, or manu facture pies of dirt. The 'garden Bass we love is cheap, and we may nave a run repast; tne nights are cool, and we can sleep as slept Old Masters In the past. In May the flies are far between, and one can slumber in his bed, on Sunday morn, without a screen in which to bide his weary head. The chlggera and the bugs and bees are not yet organiz-d for strife, and one may sit beneath the trees, and there enjoy a peaceful life. May 1b the resting place be twixt the winter stress and summer strain; It keepa the two from getting mixed, atid shields us from all kinda of pain. And now the girls are bend lng o'er their needles, morning, night and noon, and buying glad rags at the store, which they will wear aa brides in June. And every one feels young and gay, existence ia a cheer ful thing; and he's a dead one who in May declines to smile and dance and sins.; I WALT MASON. ABB MAKTIN XI A nre started in th' livery stable under Melodeon Hall ylaterday, an' it looked fer awhile like th' historic ole play house wua doomed, but Constable Newt Plum finally found his helmet an' put it out It'a a wise feller who kin tell th gunboat Dolphin from th' scout ship Cheater. TICK "TiaHTEKNSM OP LIFE Judge Rentoul of the city of Lon don court baa discovered thirteen mistakes of life. Hera they are: To attempt to set vp your own standard of right and wrong and ex pect everybody to conform te It. To try to measure the enjoyment of otberB by your own. ' To expect uniformity of opinions in this world. To look for Judgment and experi ence in youth. To endeavor to mould all disposi tions alike. To not yield in unimportant trif lea. To look for perfection in your own actions. To worry ourselves and others about what cannot be remedied. Not to help everybody, wherever, however and whenever you can. To consider anything Impossible that we cannot ourselven perform. To believe only what our finite minds can grasp. Not to make allowances for the weaknesses of others. To estimate people by some out side quality for It Is that within that makea the man. Judge Thomas C. T. Train of the New York court of general sessions gives "thirteen rules of life" to off set the "thirteen mistakes of life" enumerated by Judge Rentoul of the London court. Here they are: ; Keep your head at all times. . Trust yourself above everyone else. Do not deal In Ilea. Do not give way to hating, even though you are hated. Do not look too good. Do not talk too vis Talk with the crowds, but keep your virtue. Walk with kings if you will, but do not lose sight of the common peo ple, r Live every day so that neither your foes not your friends can hurt you. , Let all men count with you, but none too much. Make allowances for all doaMx. , Fill every minute with sixty sec onds of work. Be a man. Bad roads cost the American peo ple millions of dollars annually. T e average cost of carting on ton over one mile of American road la 24 cents, as against IS cents and leas per ton mile In Hnrope. A Kanaaa man waa so well pleased with his experience on Go-to-Church Sunday that he declared he eesld scarcely wait for return data ia February, 2915. Some men are always preaching economy and expecting their wires to do th praoUeUg. a'VT'OU owe it to yours8lf to give your eyes the best there is for them, by having your glasses fitted " by E. C. DRAKE Registered Optician Over Thiele's Drug Store ALLIANCE, . . NEBRASKA Broken Lenses Duplicated $40.1 PHONOGRAPH FREE! ft J Farmers' Clubs, Lodges, Churches, Sunday Schools, Literary Clubs, Social Clubs, Commercial Clubs In the Northwest, . If Jutck Action Is Taken. The Instrument Is the SBBSsl"' Midi bj tlii Columbian 6rsphiphoni Cc, And Retails for $40.00. Ask Any Columbian Dealer. rpUR "REQAL" sunda upright and la. -a dnpeudeut of uuy table, cabiurt or otfcer Utt' of furulltirn: not too bulky for ear removal. UDobtruxlv la d alg-n, flutaK oonoiate&Uy luto the plan ol any room. The height of the "REGAL is SSW tarbtta cuDVfDlant for winding and for roplaolng records aud nwdlea. The ton la 16. by 17 H Inches. The Srteh is pr feck The motor in drlvxn K & annku t one winding. The tone quality and tone volume prtea, vlaytnjr three record produced bv the Columbia reprodomr, tone arm and oontlnnoue tone ehambrv rt-KU Uied at wilt by meana of ta tone-control shuttera, are beyond oomparBMUi wila ttx THIS IS NOT Write Today for .A. CONTEST. Full Particulars. Farm. Stock Home Co., Minaeapolie, Mian. kottoimfa tept. Please send fall particulars of your poonograph offer. '-'', Name of organ lutlon OtBoer or member PwtCNUoe Rural Route. ee " State...,;... Hiiintit eae A Herald Want Ad Will Sell It 1 4...