HEMIHGFORD IBVS (By Herslrt Correspondent) Hemlngford, May 20 Wn. Dill Ins was In from the sand bills Satur day and purchased a 36 h. p., seren- passenger 8tudebaker of Kd Matin, Ed Mabtn autord up to Lusk, Wyo 8anda on few daya business trip . Rupert Walker Is putting a fresh coat of paint on the Opera House, both Inside and out. C. A. Burlew's residence, and out buildings are receiving a freah coat of saint. It. A. Jonea la doing the work. Wm. Iodence was In from the ranch the first of the week, attending to business matters. The fanners are putting in long hours thla fine weather, many being behind with their work on account Of the wet weather. C. A. Root has been suffering the past week with neuralgia of the face, Miss Polite fierce departed Mon day for a visit at Missoula, Mont. Mill susin uaTiuBun u uiiiug iiri j position at the First State bank. Joe Wlnten, of Canton, lost a floe addle horse Monday by lightning. Joe Caha was la from the Canton neighborhood Tuesday evening. K. L. Pierce and wife; accompan ied by Jas. Ilarry autoed to Alliance Tuesday afternoon. .-. Chaa. Buahnell came op from bia homestead near Morrill Tvoaday for a few days with relatives., here. On Tuesday evening a three course banquet was given at the Hate? Wad dell, In honor of the sesJor class of the Hemlngford High school. The banquet was given by .the juniors, who. decorated the dining room In the class colors and pennants, mak ing an attractive display. Sixteen places were laid. Including the four teachers of the Hemlngford schools, John Coker was In the valley this 12:15 wss delayed seven hours. week on business. Claude Delaner. who waa up the Fred Marsh Is working for his Iloe on business, returned Monday, brother, Lee, at present. j, T. Rogers, parents of Mrs. Jesse Mrs. W. 8. Coker Is out at the Mount, postmistress here, will leave ranch for a while to do the cooking. this week with his family for an Ov while the men are putting In the crops. The road boss has finally come to lire and started to fix up the roads. Why not have a good-roads dsy, and everyone turn out and help fix one road that all con get to. After It Is fixed the county wilt pay some one to keep 11 up so we can all get to town. R. R. Reddish and family took a joy ride In to town Saturday night to see the Indian war. They repoit it was fine. Lee Marsh was over at Andy Caus lck'a one day this week to get a corn planter. He'ls going to rest this year. I-ee Is planting 60 acres of corn. He will have to purchase one of those auto-corn huskers this fall. Miss Beulab Reddish spent Sunday with the home folks at the ranch. O. (1. Clark goes tooting these days , with his new Ford car, ! R. R. Reddiah went to town Mon day on business. 11. L. Robins was In town Monday for supplies for his ranch. W. R. Drake and wife were Joy riding In the valley Sunday and call ed at the ranch of r. S. Malley. O. H. Hagaman drove in to town one day this week. Get In the game. Hally, and drive a car. W. S. Coker waa calling at the ranch of O. 11. Hagaman one day this week. Thomas Dean and alster, Mrs. Lunn, was visiting at the Malley home Sunday. COTTONWOOD CHIPS (By Cottonwood Valley Steve) J. C. Wright and family were ever Sunday visiting at the home of J. C. Hawkins. , H. E. Fisher waa In the valley on Monday on business. . , , , Herman Rehder went over to his farm Monday. Glen Gentle Is In the valley this week with his horse. etland trip to the Yellowstone Park. The party will Include six people and they will take ten horses and three conveyances, stopping at Hot Springs wind c,ave and Cody, Wyo.. on the way. Tney expert to oe aosent a bout four months. Miss Uncapher. the teacher here, has been on the sick l'st for the past few days. Miss Daughterly Is taking her place during her absence. C. E. May and Earnest Beaver of Broadwater have been cleaning the Browns Creek ditch here. They now moved to Broadwater where they will continue their work further east. Frank Brossard and family of Yu ma, Colo., purchased the O. J. Life farm four miles north of here, where they will make their home. Horse buyers from the east are very busy here buying and shipping horses to the south and east. O. E. Gebauer la visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Gebau er, of this place. Charlie Thompson of Greely, Colo., Is visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ramsdale the roadmaster at this place. Charlie is a brother of Mrs. Ramsdale.' Miss Anna Uncapher who had been 111 for several days Is back on her job teaching school. Jesse Edson will be located in his own building three blocks east of his former place Boon, where In a few days he will be ready to serve his customers as before. IIORTHPORT HEWS This section was visited by anoth er nice rain. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Melvln of Osh kosh were here visiting with Mrs. Young for a few days. Mrs. Young Is the mother of Mrs. Melvln. Mrs. V. Smith and Mrs. J. Fulton were In McGrew a few daya visiting with Mrs. W. D. Gibbons. The U. P. had a wreck east of Osh kosh last Saturday. The tender, three coaches and three stock cars were derailed. No lives lost, except one ho a killed. The train due here t V y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y BLACKLEG 0 OS The simplest, safest, surest and quickest way to vaccinate cattle against blackleg. No Dose to Measure, No Liquid to Spill. No String to Rot Just a little pill to be placed under the skin by a single thrust of the instrument. Every lot of Blacklegoids is thoroughly tested on cattle before a single vial is put on the market, Blacklegoids will retain their potency indefinitely under ordinary conditions. We Keep In Stock a Large Supply Of Sulphur and Black Leaf To Extract for Sheep j Cattle Dips Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. Flour bacco HOLS TENS ALLIANCE, THE REXALL STORE NEBRASKA PERU NORMAL NOTES (By Herald Correspondent) Peru, Nebr., May 18 The annual debatea were held In the chapel Sat urday night. The first prize, twen ty-five dollars and two gold medals, was awarded to Robert Vernon, the second prize, ten dollars and a gold medal, to Casslus Kennedy, and the third prize, a gold medal, to C. Ivan Wlnslow. The graduate recital of Miss Delia Leatherbury was given In the high school room Wednesday evening. Miss Leatherbury la a graduate of the expression department of the Normal. A chorus made up of children of the model school entertained the Normal students at chapel Wednes day under the direction of Miss Car penter. State examinations were held Fri day and Saturday In the high school room. Pres. Hayes and Dean Rouse are away delivering commencement ad dresses. They will be absent most of this week. The military drill boys, with Prof. Beck in command, went Into camp at noon Thursday and will break camp Sunday, returning to Peru, whtre they will resume active service in the classroom Monday. Prof. Del tell has gone to Excelsior Springs for ten days. Now is the time to plant a few extra acres of corn to fill a Common SENSE SILO The same kind that T.H. Barnes built near Alliance. Forest Lumber Co. A. A. RALLs, Manager Alliance, :-: Nebraska ii,rer- hi! Hi!! Ill We leomae TO THE Stockmen's Convention, June 18,19 and 20th Alliance, Nebraska Everything up-to-date, Best of Music, Attractions Clean and Etertaining lllllilllllllimillllllllMII'll'lI'llllMllllllll'l 11 i.iiiiininmmtmm ..A "a ;t'i $230.00 Given for prizes for the PARDE Alone By The Alliance Commercial Club iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiifiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiinni For further particulars write, W. D. FISHER, Sec'y. Gome i" i flj 1. "1 f i i i I .i: 1 i i -i ! : : For a Good Time You Will Have MR. STOCKMAN It is undoubtedly true that a thorough knowledge of the various laws governing the particular instances wherein a claim for damages may arise is essential to the proper handling of a claim for damages, yet there is another field of knowledge just as important. This second field is a knowledge of the manner and methods em ployed in handling stock from the time it is put in the pens at the shipping point until it reaches the purchaser at the Stock Yards, to gether with a knowledge of the stock growing industry and of stock itself. Necessarily then, in order to competently handle stock claims -there must be an association of individuals who are thoroughly fa miliar with all such conditionswho give time to the consideration and study of such. We are so organized that we can handle your claims on a com mission basis no recovery, no pay. We will appreciate your .business and give it the carefu) and prompt consideration to which it is entitled. Very truly yours, Stockmen's Claim Association BEG BUILDING. OHAHA, NEBRASKA y y y X y y y y y y y y y y y y y y V Y y y f I y y y y