- Ford Parts Having- just received a liooo shipment of Ford parts, we are at your immediate dis posal, in case of breakage or wearing of any part of your car. You will find us at the new Alliance Garage "the New Home of the Ford." Keeler-Coursey Co. International harvester Manure Spreaders He I H C Lint CIAIN AND HAT MACHINES MaeWt, Impm HaaaanL Hntn Kaaaa, Stacker HarUaeara Har ttnt CORN MACHINES flaatm, Picker Pir. Cekmiere EmMim Ceflata SaeUan. SkrWtf TILLAGE Per, aeriea-Teata, aaj Dua Ultim CaKintar GENERAL UNI Ofl u4 bu IftmM v indin Craaai Saaaratere Fara Wmm Mtr Track Tarwtor Cnia Drilfa FMraGrkUara kaaaGriaeara Btaeef Iwtee LOOK for the following points in the manure spreader you buy: I. Cor rect, efficient, well-tested design. 2. Guar antee of first-class materials. 3. Re in forc ing of parts where strains usually come. 4. Strength of parts where occasional strains come. 5. Wearing qualities and protection of driving parts. 6. Repu tation of manufacturer, insuring efficient repair service. Satisfied American f armers find these essen tials in International manure spreaders. International spreaders have, besides, many feat ores that grew out of long field experience. Study the steel construction in frame, wheels, and driving mechanism; the easily-removable beater; the differ entials in rear axles, insuring even spreading while turniug corners; the reversible worm and gear; low, easily-loaded box; and many others. International spreaders are of all styles and sizes, high and low, endless and reverse apron. Write for illustrated catalogues, and when we send thenr wo will tell you where you may see the spreaders. International Harvester Company o! America iiifwifum Crawford Neb. Caiies Deeriag BcCemkk Elwielee Oihm FUae CITIZENS tlAXQL'KT sends the new commercial club their COMMERCIAL CLL'Il best wishes for Its success." I W. M. Robinson, general manager fiHiNhi' hall tilled with enthunlaMlc of ,nc ddorf Tlnno Company, Alliance fitlcctift -exaker follow til (aiiiu't Gadsby hall whs the scene Wed nesday evening of a unique gather- Ins; It as filled with live Alliance business men and visitors from neighboring towns who came to the "organization feed" of the Alliance club and to meet Secretary Fisher, i The banquet was nerved by the ladies of the Christian church and was dellclously prepared and served . with promptness In a manner that excited admiration for the capable maner In which it was handled. The menu was as follows: Cream Chicken Hot Biscuits Mashed Potatoes Oravy June Teas Relish Tickles Jelly Cottage Cheese Onions Salad I'le which has a branch in Alliance, and who owns farm property In the west section of the county, told of the success of their store here, baring sold 600 pianos since establishing , the store in Alliance seven years ago, making a net profit of from It to 16 per cent annually. "Alliance is the logical business center of this end I of the state," he snld. "I have land j here and believe In the possibilities I of advertising Box Butte county. Ev eryone in Alliance is a booster." Prof. Sparks, bead of the Chadron state normal, spoke of the normal j and brought Its compliments to Alli ance to Alliance. "We are studying the educational problems of western Nebraska," he said. "The first duty of education is to create in the indi vidual the capacity to care for lhs own wants." Secretary Fisher made a detailed and very Interesting1 talk. He told Cake ' nlB PTlence In conducting the iromerrlal club work and of the needs of Alliance. The need of co- BRUCli WILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In civil courts since 1898 tnd Register u. S. land office front 1903 to 1907. Information by mall a ipeclalty. Office In Land Office Building iLLIANCE : : NEBRASKA KUQUNli BURTON Attorney at Law Land Attorney Office First National Bank Building PHONE 180 tLLIANCE : : NEBRASKA Coffee Clears nn ih. rrom uo. n operation was emphasized by him composed by Secretary Fisher. It Hp ,0,d of the rowth of th com was entitled. "Boosting Song." and dub "Fifteen years was sung to the tune of "Marching' "8 ,b"e were p,Rht commercial Through Georgia." The accompan-'c,u,m ,n Nebraska. Today there are 1st on the nlano was Norman Mc-'253 " he ald- buildings In Cnrkl... The onC was Inlned bv .11. ,own do no niak th City, but the with earnestness. It was: people in it do." he said. "We want Listen for awhile and we will sing the ,noral and financial support of HOilKEH HTOLKN Stolen at Lakeside. Nebraska. about March 16, two bay shire geld Ings. four years old, stripes in faces weight 1250 pounds. Branded ion arm. inese norses were in n lu flesh. $100 reward for the return of horses and conviction of thief. Re ward for any horses bearing this brand our Booster song. every citizen of Alliance and Box Sine It with a snlrlt of six thousand nuUf countv- 'Throwing mud eood and strong 1 8nou,d not oe tolerated. Commercial Sing It with the energy that helps a c,ub9 and Blm,,ar organizations are 'round ub is as, 1914 MODEL Hackney Auto Plow We ate now filling orders for the 1914 model of the. Hack ney Auto Plow Tractor and attachments the ONE-MAN OUT FIT that leads the world as a GENERAL PURPOSE FARM POWER MACHINE. Increased output and better manufacturing facilities have enabled us to improve this model and at the same lime reduce the selling price. Specifications: Specially designed kerosene and gasoline heavy duty motor. Heavy duty transmission. Two speeds 2V4 and 3 miles an hour, forward and reverse. Kach plow independent. Power lift. Plows in plain view of operator. Light in weight. Durable in construction. Economical in fuel. A strictly One Man Outfit. Uses other than plowing: Seeding, discing, harrowing, road grading, harvesting, threshing, hauling, grinding feed, sawing wood, etc. If you contemplate purchasing a power outfit, write lor our literature and testimonials. Lininger Implement Co. DISTRIBUTORS OMAHA, NEBR. town along. Boosting for Alliance together. CHORUS Hurrah, hurrah, we sing the jub ilee. Hurrah, hurrah, we can be, All the country rich as It can be. Boosting for Alliance together. Together we are striving In boosting up our town, i Working all together for the coun try miles around, Working with the spirit that is sel dom beaten down. Boosting for Alliance together. CHORUS The first speaker on the program was Introduced by toastmaster Guth j rle. R. M. Hampton greeted the , visitors and those present in the name of the commercial club. Mr. Hampton's speech brought out, rounds of applause as he brought out telling facts from time to time. I He spoke of the first club organized j here as a commercial club and its end , ing. He told of the organization of (the second club and its ending, j I "Western Nebraska needs advertls ! ing," said Mr. Hamptou. He told of visiting a building at Chattanoo ga, Tenn., this spring and of the en tire building, occupied there by the J commercial organization. "Agita jtion would bring out many of the I needs of Alliance," he said. He sug ' gested that a c ity forester would help greatly to make uniform im provements along the streets and that the work of paving the streets could be taken up as a great Im provement. He told of the park a round the court house at Chadron, the result of the untiring work of one lady. "Improvement is a mat ter of education not misrepresenta tion." he concluded. A letter from L. W. Wakeley, of the Burlington, was read, stating that the Burlington was ready to stand their share of the expense of getting out a booklet describing the county. The ntHond speaker was George i Snow, the well known Chadron news paper man. He told of the good work being done there by the com mercial club, stating that they had no paid secretary but that they made up for this in a way by the farm demonstrator who spends his time with the farmers in the county. "The little things are what count," said Mr. Snow. "We believe in keeping up the little things things which different -ommunilies have in com mon. We want to be doing those things that will co-operate in build ing up western Nebraska. Western Nebraska can ge what It needs on ly by the towns pulling together, es pecially In the state legislature." A telegram was read from Repre sentative Kinkaid at Washington stating that construction on the Alli ance federal building would proceed within a year or more. E. W. ParkenBon, of Crawford, representing the Crawford commerc ial club, was the next speaker. He stated that their work this year was lined up and that they bad purchas ed two teams and outfits to build roads and paying a man 1 100 per month to do this work. The Craw ford elub now has dues of $5, 12.50 and 1 per month. Mr. Parkenaon said. "We believe in advertising western Nebraska and want to co operate with the other towns in bonding up this end of the state. Crawford congratulates Alliance and doing great work. Kansas tonight has a train in the east, sent by seven counties, to show what the state Is doing. Shenandoah, Iowa, has a bargain day. Albion, Nebraska, re- we're proud as cpn"y 14 men at a noon-day banquet. Seward has the budget system and raised this year $3,200. Norfolk raised $5400 last year. They had a cleanup campaign and hauled away 720 loads of trash in three days. The opinion of Alliance is good everywhere. Our goal here I over 250 members." "The newspapers of Alliance should have the support of the busi ness men," continued Mr. Fisher. "Newspapers don't get the support they should." Work outlined for the Alliance commercial club by Mr. Fisher was Seeing Alliance trip. Support for the band. . Home product dinner. Boys' banquet. Ladies' banquet. Farmers' banquet. Securing of conventions. 1't.rks for the city. . Good roads. An employment bureau. ChMiiup campaign. Post uird day. I arm de monstrator. Auxiliary organizations which can be a part of and work with the com mercial club, as outlined by Mr. Fisher, are An ad club. Automobile club. Merchants' federation. Junior comemrclal club. Woman's Commercial club. Farmers' commercial club. In closing, .Mr. Fisher recited piece called, "A Booster", which brought the guests to their feet in a round of applause. Prof. O. M. Burns told of the ef forts of the school authorities to pro vide playgrounds and of the work being done in that direction. He told of the need of a public playground at d a supervisor therefor. jaca Miner or Alliance gave one or nis stirring talks, using as bis theme, "Let's Get Together." I was inspiring and splendid. "Don't criticize. Let's push. Be live ones.' said Jack, among other good things A vote of thanks was given to the ladles, the band, and Normal Mc Corkle for their aslstance In making the affair a success. . II. Wood Injured G. H. Wood, an Alliance contract ing pal nter fell and was severely injured Wednesday while at work at the residence of Fred Allen. Mr. Wood was standing on a stepladder which tipped over causing him to fall. He struck on the porch step in such a way to severely injure bis back. He was taken to his home ana a pnyslclan was called. It was found that no bones were broken but that he had sustained severe bruises It la probable that it will be several days before he will be able to re sume bis duties. Strengthen Weak and Tired Women "I was under a great strain nurs ing a relative through three months' sickness." writes Mrs. J. C. Van De Sande. of Klrkland. III., and "Elec trie Bitters kept me from break! n down. 1 will never be without it Do you feel tired and worn out? No appetite and food won t digest 7 It isn't the spring weather. Tou need Electric Bitters. Start a month' treatment today: nothlag better for stomach, liver and kidneys. TUe great soring tonic. Relief or money back. (0c and 11.00, at yeer Urtog- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Uatks: One-inch card, 50 cents; two Inch cards, $1.00 IC. 1. IC. TYLKH Oantlst PHONE 167 OVER FIRST NATIONAL AHH ALLIANCE t t NEERAfXJf Dr. JAS. P. HAXF1ELD Dantlst OVER BRENNAN't DRUG ATORB PHONB CSS RED All electrical equipment Gas adatta istered. Evenings br aDDolnUneat ti. M. JUL LOCK. ATTORNEY AT LAW ALLIANCE NEBRASKA A. J. KENNEDY Dantlst Office In Alliance National Building over Poet Office PilONE S91 Q-oo. Q-. O-ctd-aTosr LICENSED EMBAJLMER m ALLIANCE left shoulder. Address Ft. A. WESTOVER, Lakeside. Nebr. 18tf3403. Spring IUmmI and Hjsteiu ' lea uxor During the winter months luipur Itles accumulate, your blood becomes Impure and thh'k, your kidneys, liv er and bowels fail to work, causing so-called "Spring Fever." You feel Ired, weak and lazy. Electric Bit ers the spring tonic and system cleanser Is what you need; they stimulate the kidneys, liver and bow els to healthy action, expel blood Im purities and restore your health, strength and ambition. Electric Bitters makes you feel like new Start a four weeks' treatment It wll Iput you in fine shape for your spring work. Guaranteed. At all Druggists. 50c and 91.00. 11. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. E3. "WV E.-3T ETLorlat Cut FLOWER.8 and Potted PLANTS Constantly on Hand FLORAL PIECES Made on Short Notice. PLANTS. RENTED For Parties and Public Gatherings Phone 682-435 GEfOZME'Stt Vila 'to not so much !a lu freat fTWrimcr m .rV Bind eUheW diasMMsi eaff twkuhrw. htff )j(lndudln( Bel (lock), counttnrt j nt, MpacUny, bowl troubtaa dM f -lomutiy.ipoltedof linprppM rood. j! WHh mm, fowl or animals, ma. mm' w fcw bowals maaaa haaka. Coa- liaued IrrcfuUrtty IDtana aoma aickncaa, difficult to cura If no! fatal. Thotmnda (Iva GarmoaiHia retulariy twtca a weak to chlcacaa, yoaat a ad eld, t tha aamallme fcavlnf H ever handy aa ready remedy for other diaaanaa. Sold by daalara or port paid. One alia only, 30,cesia. F. J. HKENNAN Headache and Nervouaneea Oared. "Chamberlain's Tablets are entitled to all the praise I can give them," writes Mi. Kicbara Clp. Poencerport. ti. I. They hare cured me of headache and nervons- net and restored mo to my normal health." ror aale by all dealers. Advertisement -W ANTED- ."Mm Young; Men and Women to prepare for positions as bookkeep ers, stenographers, salesmen, secre taries, managers, etc., at salaries ranging from f G20 to $3,000 a year, For catalog and further Information address. HASTINGS IH'NINKSB tXHXKGE (The big mid-west school) Hastings, Nebr. F. L. Groom, Pres. II. L. Renlck, Sec. IMMNU TIIKIK DUTY Score of Herald Header Are I yearn liuc the Iuty of the Kldneya To filter the blood is the kidneys duty. When they fall to do this the kid neys are weak. Backache and other kidney ills may follow; Help the kidneys do their work. Use Doun's Kidney Pills the tea ted kidney remedy. Alliance people endorse the! worth. Mrs. J. E. Wbaley, 422 E. Oregon St.. Alliance, Nebr., says: "I bave had no reason to change my high opinion of Uoan's Kidney Pills since I publicly recommended them in May 1907. Over three years ago my kid neys became badly disordered and the kidney secretions were unnatur al. Whenever I stooped, sharp pains darted thru ray loins and it was dlf ficult for me to straighten. I tried many remedies but all failed to help me until 1 procured Doan s Kidney Pills at Moisten s Drug Store. They brought relief in a short time and continued using them until I was free from kidney complaint." For sale by all dealers? Price 60 tents. Foster-Milburrt Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United Ktates. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. How'h Thin We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years. PHONE: Day 491 Night 110 KCTWaCTA UBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office REASONABLE RATES PROMPT SERVICI CONTRACTOR and BUILDER' PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURN ISHED ON APPLICATION I employ only first-class meahaalaaV All work guaranteed. PHONE 279 Residence and Shop, 7th and Mississippi. Alliance, Nebraska. WM. MAUNIER 'All kinds ef Scavenger Work Bonded by the City PHONB 67 OEO. J. HAND, Physician and 8orgeon EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 380. Res. Phone 141' Calls answered promptly day night from office Office: Allbvnsa National Bank building over the Poet Office. O. E. SLAGLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office phone 65 Res. phone 81 Alliance, Nebraska. Orie Coppernoll Res. Phone 20 V. J. P Ree. Phone 4S Dr5. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block PHONE 43 On. "2"ovlx "Xrip take with you a box of good and a late Get them at up town news stand or at depot .LlliQx Broa Blooded and Higfi Grade Milk Covs HOLSTEINS A SPECIALTY Any Number 'Wanted Public Invited The public is cordially invited to any and all of the sessions of the con vocation of the Episcopal church to be held on May 12th and 13th; May 14th; May 15th. F. Me llyndshaw & Son THEDFORD, NEBR. OFFICE ROOMS TO RUN? Phone 312. J. C. McCORKXS. 19-U-3J44 POTATO LAND TO RUNT Ad joining Alliance. Pboee 313. J. C. McCORKLB. 19-U-SI44 j