r ? v y v O ... y-rr f H tTT "TT" TY"T. T" rf JULIUS PEARSE FIRE DEPARTMENT SUPPLY CO. Tire Hose, Fire Apparatus and Fire Department Supplies 301-305 Jacobson Building DENVER, COLO. : in idiviiit or Tin: DU'titTiD - (Continued from ikhc (in) ) Hebrews that ' -without faith It In Sponsible lo vlf.n Ood." Without tbe light of faith which pierce the darkness of the future and points Bt to US the will of Ood, it would 1 Impossible to bear the crosses rfalrb almighty (!ol offers tome of n to bear. It In this divine faith which enab les the good wife and darling child- rn of Ijouia Hue lisenstcin to con trol their grief and Buy, "My God, Tby will bo done." The presence tiere today of tbia large Mnseinbly of representative citlrcnn tells more el oquently tbnn any words of mine of the sterling qualities of the deceas ed, aa friend, cltinen, husband and father. .No ordinary worda could nvey to th bereaved a token of sympathy aucb aa your presence hern tpeaka. And the church which re solves ber children at baptism and evermore forsakes them, not even Ityond the grave, la prepared to give Christian burial to tbe deceased, Who haa boon a member of the fold for a few yeara only. Wo do not In 4olge in extravagant praises of the 4ad. Hather wo would make the ecaa!on one of teaching a lesHon to the living, for we were made not merely for tbla world, which never satisfies tbe moat utubltloua. We were made for heaven. We were made to fill the seats in heaven, vu eated by the lout an (tela. "Our souls," says St. Augustine, "were made by God and shall never ind real -until they rent In (Sod." Tbla then la our duty to be good, fconorable citixens In thia world, and so to live that we may not be afraid . die. This ta the universal doom f every man. It la appointed unto til men once to die and after death the Judgment. In the twinkling of tii 11 "Let us Figure on Your Bill" We Have a Complete Line of BUILDING MATERIAL Our Prices are Right Will be glad to give figures to any body who contemplates building 1 S. A. Foster Lumber Co, A. L. ALLIANCE, L 10 an , u the Hotil hfda farewell to Its mortal prlHon, it la In the pres ence of God, and h soon in judged. Should the soul be In mortal ain and at enmity with Ood, It will be con signed to bell forever. It will never again nee the face of Ood except at the lust Judgment, w hen I he sent ence will be confirmed. If the aoul die in peace with Ood, having done condign penance for the paat aiua it la at once admitted into the presence of Ood, to the beatific viaion. Uut we believe that between thia atate of perfection and that of reprobation there la a mean. The church baa taught from scripture, tradition and even reuaon itaelf, that the great majority depart thia life In a atate of more or lens imperfection, not pure enough to enter heaven, for nothing defile can enter there, nor wicked enough to be sent to hell for ever. Hence the connoting doctrine of purgatory where aoula are puri fied, before being admitted Into hea ven. Here we have recou rue to that article of belief. In the Apostles Creed for our consolation, the com munion of aainta. Tbla means the spiritual union that exials between the faithful on earth, tbe Buffering oula In purgatory and the aainta In heaven. Hence we have three stages of the church: the church triumph ant, the church Buffering, and the church militant. The church Buffering cannot help themaelvea. Their day of merit la over and they are represented by the church aa continually appealing to iia, their friends, to help them. "Have pity on me, have pity on me, at leust you, my friends, have pity on me, for the hand of the I,ord bath touched me." 80 we pray for the dead. Our divine Lord came to prune off the excresences that had been gathering around tbe old law. He knew the Jewa prayed for the mm innrii n ir LDING TIME I CONKLIN, Manager 224 W. Second St. 3EJG3E in dead but He never rebuked them for so doing. We therefore infer that he approved of the practice. The early fathers of the church mum have known the mind of Thrift right from the first century. They nil say we should pray for the dead. He aon tells ua that very few live so perfectly pure aa to be In a state worthy to enter their Father's home, having paased the threshold of death. Yet that A large number are not ao wicked an to be condemned to hell forever. "It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they may bo loosed from their Bins." This la good for ua also, we who are engrossed In tbe affairs of this world as If it were our greatest good and last end. When our Saviour said, "One thing is necessary," Iip meant the salvation of our souls, and by a queer perversity of human na ture we seem to Invert the order and law of Ood. Uut when we pray for the dead we enter within ourselves. We Bee ourselves aa (Sod Bees ua. We know that even for every Idle word we will be called to account, and we realize the aulnt-maklng maxim, "What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and suffer tbe Iohs of hla own aoul." This Is the les son we who live should take away from the presence of death, that we were made to know, love and serve (Sod here on earth and to be happy with him forever in heaven. Only one word more. I tender to the loving wife and dear children of the deceased my most sincere sym pathy in their grief and desolation. Yet I would remind them of the great tragedy of the cross, -where Mary, the mother of Jesus, witness ed her only beloved son expire. Site had known through' all the years from the day of holy Simeon's proph ecy of the sufferings of Jesus. She NEBRASKA 1Z kept all these wordrt, pondering them in her heart And when Jesus ex pired a sword of grief pierced her tender heart. Vet she resigned to (Sod's will. She knew it was best. So would I pay to the bereaved. "(Sod knows what is best. Welcome be His holy will." A few years more and not one here but will have answered the summons of the angel of death, for life compared with eternity la like a vapor. As then a good life ia the best preparation to a happy death, so live that you may not fear to die. Keep before your minds, death, judgment, hell and heaven, and you will die in peace with Ood and man. PERU NORMAL NOTES (Ry Herald Correspondent) I'eru, Nebr.. March 23- Professors Delzell, Jean and L'ller went to Lin coln Friday and returned Saturday evening. President Hajes went to Lincoln Monday on business for the normal. Members of the tenlns club have begun to practlce although the court Is not yet in good condition. Ninety students have joined the club and all are scheduled' for practice. I'rof.' Novak has been unable to meet his physics classes thia week on account of being ill with mumps. His students presented him with some beautiful roses to show their sympathy. Prof. Hoyt of the chem istry department has been taking Prof. Novak's clanKes. Kyle Kapp spent a few days in Pent this week. Miss Builey of the training school is the proud posseHsor of a new Vic troia. She entertained the children of the model school Friday morning. Prof. Delzell made a trip to Neb raska City Tuesday evening. Miss Kuby Ferguson, head of the expression department of tho nor mal, entertajnod the students and faculty at chapel Wednesday morn ing with some splendid readings. An excellent piano recital was giv en by Miss Oenevieve Gregg in the chapel Thursday afternoon. The re cital was well attended and greatly enjoyed. The Fortnightly Art Club of the I'eru Normal gave their tenth annual exhibit March 11. 12. 13. The ex hibit was preceded Tuesday night by a reception to the faculty and citiz ens. ATtcr the general reception, a program was given consisting of Vic trola music, a reading by Miss Kflie Abbot and a scholarly lecture on "The Function of Art" by Prof. Grummann of the state university. Tbe exhibit proper opened Wednes day morning and consisted of repro ductions of the world's great master pieces in color and carbon. The ex hibit came from 11. ). Whitmore's tine art store in Omaha. A program consisting of special music and talks by members cf the art club and fac ulty was given at each of the after noon and evening sessions. The at tendance was the largest in the his tory of the dub, due In no small measure to the inspiring presence of Prof. Orummann, scholar, te.icher and art critic. Prof. (Irumann eave four lectures during the exhibit. Miss Muiz, head of the art department of the normal, is the efticietit president of the club, having succeeded MaMie C. Kills. A HIT OF AOVIt K FirM lotrt leluy. Second Don't Keriiuent If you suffer from backache; head aches or dixzy spells; ir you rest poorly and are languid in the morn ing; if the kidney secretions are ir regular and unnatural in appearance do not delay. In aucb cases the kid neys often need help. Doan'a Kidney Pills are especially prepared for kidney trouble they ar recommended by thousands. Can residents desire more convincing proof than the statement of a citizen of tbia locality? R. W. Oaylord. North Moorehead St., Chadron, Nebr.. says: "I have used Doan'a Kidney Pills off and on for about fifteen years and I would not be without them in the house. Some time ago I suffered severely from weak kidneys. I finally began using Doan'a Kidney Pills and one box removed the attack. I highly re commend Doan'B Kidney Fills to any one suffering from backache or oth er symptoms of kidney complaint." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kedney remedy -get Doan'a Kidney Pills tbe same that Mr. Oaylord had. Foster-Mil-buro Co., Props., Duffalo. N. Y. COTTONWOOD VALLEYNEWS (Uy Cottonwood Valley Steve) Mr. Kamndale, Tony Gillshanon and Frank Kamndale were at P. S. Mailey's one day this week. O. O. Clark and family were call ing at Fred Trinkel's Sunday and re port a fine time. Hubert Kobison and family were calling at the Hagaman ranch Sun day, Mrs. Coupons and Fisher, Mr Om ie Hagaman and Miss Joslo Carrie were calling at Auntie Mailey'a Sun day. 1-e Marsh will need an au'o de livery car this fall if his wife's plans work out all right, for she In going her best in the chicken business Here is hoping she wins. It. U. iteddish believes in keeping up with prosperity and travel with the bunch. As be got tired of being a crank when he wanted to take a joy ride he swapped his old car for a self-starter Studebaker. Fred Marsh took a notion that he wanted to get away from prunes, su gar and coffee 'for awhile ao came out to his brother's for a few days to rest. If the young ladies in the valley have an eye to their own interests they will be flashing their brilliant orbs on Billy Vogel and his shining Studebaker auto. Mr. Hawkins anil wife and Mrs. Westley enjoyed an all day visit with Auntie Malley one day this week and report n splendid time. John Wright and family, Mrs. Westley. all of Alliance, J. C. Hawk ins and wife of the valley took din ner at the home of Kalpb Worley Sunday and then were given a joy ride with the Hon. Link Lowery at the wheel. Come again, Link, more are waiting. We understand that Ralph has de cided that he ought to have an auto, so he has purchased a large touring car. Misses Bonnie and Shirley Haga man went over to Bayard the last of the week to visit for a few days at tbe home of John Hunt. Hub It Out (H. K. Fisher, Cottonwood Valley) Got a chronic grouch that lasts? Rub it out. Don't keep digging, up old pasts. Rub 'cm out. Stranded, without one penny! Worrying wont help you any. Rub it out. Frowns don't stack up 'longslde o' grins, Rub 'em out. Lack of nerve it never wins. So rub it out. Th' world ain't got no use for you, Mopin" 'round, a feelin blue. When old man Crouch lays hold on you. When You Telephone Why Not Smile? Politeness is Contagious The more deliberate and courteous we are the more deliberate and courteous thoe with whom vre talk become. The telephone voice should be clear and distinct, and have a pleasant, rising Inflection. The Smiling Voice Is the Winning Way. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE Just rub him out. Don't trade God's sunshine for dark clouds; Rub 'em out. Lay out your dread dead past In shrouds. And rub it out. There's good in every wind that blows, There's sweetness, too, in every rose Am! friends to help you, goodness knows, To rub it out. Put up your grouch, ob, friend of mine Just rub it out. Each storm may pass, the sun will shine; Rub it out. There's happiness in every minute. Brace up, take courage, try to win It. The world's all right and God's still in It. So rub it out. MARSLAND NEWS Marsland, Nebr., March 25 Ora Phillips was a passenger east on 44 Thursday morning. - G. P. Taylor who. has been sick with tonsilitis. and grippe tbe past week is up and around again. Miss Mudgett returned on 4 4 Sun day morning after spending a few days on her claim in South Dakota. Mrs. Riggs took her place as teacher while she was gone. Opr Thudium stopped here one day this week while being changed from Belmont to Hemlngford. Miss Alice Enyeart was an Alli ance visitor over Saturday night re turning Sunday on 43. Geo. Young went to Denver Mon day night on 4 2 to assist his wife to get ready to return home. Mr. Young has been in Denver the past four months for her health. Ofa Phillips returned Troiii New Castle Monday morning where he has been on business. W. E. Davidson was a passenger to Omaha to attend the merchants' convention on Monday. He expects to be gone a week or ten days. We understand Dr. Willis will soon move to Alliance to make his future borne. We all hate to see the doctor go but hope he has success in his new location. As yet, there seems to be no doctor In sight for Mars land. A very good location though. E. T. Gregg who injured his shoul der while working on his ice house during tbe winter went to Crawford Monday to try the osteopath doctor at that place, lie seems to have no use for the arm at present and is in hopes that something can be done to get full use of the arm back again. W. L. Austin took the helper en gine to Alliance Monday night for a washout, returning Tuesday morn ing. Persons with wnom yon talk over the telephone cannot see you. The im pression you make is ac c o ni p 1 i r h e d wholly through the tone of your voice and what you say. Speak slowly and enun ciate clearly when you talk. Half the art of tele phoning lies in deliberate leeeh. This pives clear ness and emphasis. COMPANY