Old Trusty Incubators Brooders and Repairs 100 Egg (holds 120) 150 Egg (holds 175) 200 Egg (holds 240) $10.00 12.50 16.50 Newberry Hardware Co. one fi) in Simonson Addition to he City of Alliance, Ilox Dutte Coun y, Nebraska, for the taxes for the ear 1909; that he has since and af ter the same became delinquent paid at subsequent tax the taxes for the years 1910, 1911 and 1912; that said lot was taxed and assessed for each of said years In the name of Eugene Sights and said lot stands of record In the name of Eugene Sights tn the Register of Deeds' office In said County, and that after the ex piration of three months from the date of the service of this notice, the said F. M. Knight will apply to the treasurer of said County for a tax deed to said lot. Dated this 26th day of March, 1914. F. M. KNIGHT. Purchaser. 18-4t-40r-3364 !jvpw,w .dim. 'Dial )MBJl!P j ukMusMMbAHXlt? WIT Mi jAlill.li I Uh , te-imroi iiiiAii JUV- DYE & OWENS H Transfer Line Dray Phone 54 Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Residence phone 636 and Blue 57 Weare headquarters for everything in the line of COAL Rock Springs lump and nut. Canon City lump and nut, Sheridan nut and lump, Eastern hard coal Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. Acme Coal $4.75 CASH TON LOTS DELIVERED ROWAN & WRIGHT PHONE 71 LK(JAI. ADVERTISING Notice TO ABSOLOM SHANKS: Notice is hereby given that F. M. Knight did on the 6th day of Nov ember, A. D. 1911, purchase at pub lic tax sale of the treasurer of Box Butte County, Nebraska, Lot num bered eleven (11), In Block number ed one (1), In Wyoming Avenue Ad dition to the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, for the taxes for the year 1910; that he has since and after the same became de linquent" paid as subsequent tax the taxes for the years 1911 and 1912; that said lot was taxed and assessed for the year 1910 in the name of Earnest Melnts. for the year 1911 in the name of Absolum Shanks, and for the year 1912 In the name of Ab soloni Shanks, and the said lots stand of record in the name of Ab solom Shanks in the Register of Deeds' oflice in said County, and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of this LEGAL advertising years 1910 and 1911; that said land was taxed and assessed for the year 1909 in the name of Hattie Sber wood, and for the years 1910 and 1911 lit the name of Hattie E. Sher wood, and said lands stand of record In the name of Sarah J. West in the Register of Deeds' office in said County, and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of this notice, the said F. M Knight will apply to the treasurer of said County for a tax deed to said land. Dated this 26th day of March, 1914. F. M. KNIGHT. Purchaser. 16-11-407-3362 LEGAL ADVERTISING Notice TO SHERIDAN REALTY COM PANY, A CORPORATION. LILr LIE LISTER, MILLIE LISTER, AND JAMES LISTER: Notice is hereby givn that F. M. Knight, on the 7th day o fNovem ber, A. D. 1910, purchased at public ax sale of the treasurer of Box Butte County, Nebraska, the northeast quarter (NEVi ). section twenty (20) ownship twenty-four (24), north range forty-eight (48), w. 6th l. M.. In Box Butte County, Nebraska, for the taxes for the year 1909; that he has since and after the same be came delinquent paid as subsequent tax the taxes for the years 1910, 1911 and 1912; the said land was axed and assessed for the year 1909 n the name of George LiBter, and for the years 1910, 1911 and 1912 n the name of Sheridan Realty Com pany and said land stands of record n the nnme of Sheridan Realty Com pany, a corporation, Mine lisier, Millie Lister and James Lister in the Register of Deeds' office in said County, and that after the expira tion of three months from the date of the service of this notice, the said F. M. Knight will apply to the treasurer of said County for a tax deed to said land. Dated this 26tta day of March. 1914. F. -M. KNIGHT. Purchaser. 16-4t-404-336.r Nutlet TO S. C. BOON: Notice Is hereby given that F. M. Knight did on the 7th day of Nov ember, A. D. 1910, purchase at pub lic tax sale of the treasurer of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Lots num bered nine (9). and ten (10). In Block numbered five (5), in Wyom ing Avenue Addition to the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebras ka: for the taxes for the year 1909; that he has Blnce and after the same became delinquent paid as subse quent tax the taxes for the yeurs 1910. 1911 and 1912; thut said lots were taxed ana assessed lor ine years isoa. iiw ana law in me name of S. C. Boon, and for the year 191Z in the name or ss. u Boone, and the said lots stand or record in the name of S. C. Boon in the Register of Deeds' office In said County, and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of this notice, the said F. M Knight will apply to the treasurer of said County for a tax deed to said lots. Dted this 26th day of March, 1914. F. M. KNIGHT. Purchaser 16-4t-403-3366 JVNIORH IIAVF. FLKRRATION Member of Junior (Iamm Hold 4'ele- oration In Honor of the t'ljom YtrtortoN After winning two games of bas ket ball Thursday the boys' team from the alumni, and the girls' team from the Freshmen girls the Junior class of the High school procured several packages of "good things to eat" and marched a short distance north of the High school, where a celebration was held. A large bon fire was built after gathering up all the "tumble weeds" for a distance In every direction and making a pile about ten feet high. The light from the fire could be seen for several blocks. War dances, yells and songs were indulged In during the celebra tion. Wood was added to the fire, after which roast apples, "hot dogs" (the kind you get at Coney), sand wiches and pickles were devoured by the members of the class. The "Freshles" appeared on the scene. and after feasting their eyes dis persed. After the feed and more yells and songs, the crowd adjourned by common consent. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Rates: One-inch cards. 50 cents; two inch cards, $1.00 . BRUCE WILCOX w. tyi-ksk Lawyer and ' Land Attorn Dentist Practitioner la civil courts sine 1893 PHONE 167 tn4 Register U. 8. laid office from ovc riR.T N.TinMll Anatf 1903 to 1907. Information by mall a OVE" F,R NATIONAL ANN ipeclalty. ALLIANCE : : NKBRJLtXJ? Office In Land Office Building 1LLIANCE NEBRASKA --------------------- Dr. JAS. P. flAXFIELD EUQENli BURTON o.nti.t SpriiiK Blood nnri System Cleanser During the winter months impur ities accumulate, your blood becomes Impure and thick, your kidneys, liv er and bowels fall to work, causing so-called "Spring Fever." You feel tired, weak and laiy. Electric Bit ters the spring tonic and system cleanser is what you need; they stimulate the kidneys, liver and bow els to healthy action, expel blood Im purities and restore your health. strength and ambition. Electric Bitters makes you feel like new. Start a four weeks' treatment it wll lput you in fine shape for your spring work. Guaranteed. At all Druggists. 60c and 11.00. II. E. Bucklen fi Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. A S81R EH C 'CVOPK RATION' Howard, Kinre.Hr to D. (Teiu Denv er, liiirlington Immigration Ar nl, AMire Help Ed Marks, of Alliance, is on a trip in eastern Nebraska and adjacent territory. A letter from Mr. Marks was read at the meeting of the com mercial club executive committee Thursday evening. Mr. Marks stat ed that he had called on Mr. Howard, successor to D. Clem Deaver, the Burlington Immigration agent, and that Mr. Howard bad promised his co-operation and assistance in the work of giving proper publicity to Box Butte county. Mr. Marks ex pects to return to Alliance In a few days. Attorney at Law Land Attorney Office First National Bank Bulldlni PHONE 180 iLLIANCE : : NEBRASKA M. M. BULLOCK ATTORNEY AT LAW ILLIANCE NEBRASKA PHONB 625 RED All electrical equipment. Oaa ada la Uttered. Evenings by appointment A. J. KENNEDY Dentist Office In Alliance National Ban Building over Poet Offloe PHONE 891 WE PRINT SALE BILLS AND PRINT TMCM RIGHT G-co. Gr. G-a,c3.s"b3r Hl-tN3tU EMBALMER PHONE: Day 498 Night S10 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA IttY STORK FROM FATHER Henry and Grant Keeneu Purrlm! Dry Goods Mini (Ji'occr) Stock. from J. G. Keeneu Henry and (.Irani Keeneu, sous of J. J. Keenen, who has been in the grocery and dry goods business In Alliance for several years, have pur chased the business and stock from their father and will now run It in their own name, as Keenen Brothers. The store is located at 115 Box Butte avenue, phone 697. Mr. Keen en has gone to bis homestead to make his home. RECITAL IS POSTI-ONKD On Account of Absence of Student, I Alliance School of MiinIc PoHtjHUieN Recital Notice TO F. M. WATSON: Notice is hereby jjiveu that F. M Knight did on the 7th day of Nov ember, A. D., 1910, purchase at pub lie tax sale of the treasurer or Box Butte County, Nebraska, Lots num bered ten (10), and eleven (11), in Block numbered three (3), in Wy oming Avenue Addition to the City of Alliance. Box Butte County. Ne braska, for the taxes for the year! 1909; that he has since and after the same became delinquent paid as sub sequent tax the taxes for the years 1910. 1911 and 1912; that said lots were taxed and assessed for all of said years in the name of F. M. Wat son, and the said lots stand of record In the name of F. M. Watson in the Register of Deeds' oflice in said County, and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of this notice, the said F. M. Knight will apply to the treasurer of said County for a tax deed to said lots. Dated this 26th day of March, 1914. F. M. KNKiHT. Purchaser 16-4t-401-3368 LAM) TO TRADE 1 have 160 acreB, 3 miles from Bayard, under the Trl-State canal, to trade for Box Butte county land. J. C. Mci'ORKLE, Alliance, Nt-br. 12tf3276 Notice TO ADELIA RAMSDELL: Notice la hereby given that F. M. Knight did on the 7th day of Nov ember. A. D. 1910, purchase at pub lic tax sale of the treasurer of Box Kntta Pnnntv Vuhroilt u "VV'oui notice, the said K M. Knight will ap-j half (Wi ), and BOUthast quarter Ply to the treasurer of said County SK ,i ). section thirteen (13). town. f0r ' d Xa- . . Uhip twenty-four (24). N. range uf- 1914. F. M. 16-H-402-33C7 KNKiHT. Purchaser. Notice TO SARAH J. WEST: Notice Is hereby given that F. M. Knight did on the 7th day of Nov ember. 1910, purchase at public tax sale of the treasurer of Box Butte County,' Nebraska, all that part of the northeast quarter of the north east quarter (NE4 NE). of sec tion eighteen (18), township twen ty-seven (27). N. range forty-nine (49), W. 6th P. M., lying and situate west of the east line of Cheyenne Avenue and south of the north line of Ord Street and east of the east line of Ogalalla Avenue, In the town of Hemingford, Nebraska, said street and avenue being as shown on the plat of said town of Heinlugford, as same is recorded and shown in Book "A", page 400, of the deed record of said County, for the taxes for the ty (50), W. 6th I. M., in Box Butte County, Nebraska, for the taxes for the year 1909; that he has since and after the same became delinquent paid as subsequent tax the taxeB for the years 1910. 1911 and 1912; that said land was taxed and aHsesued for each of auld years in the name of Adellu IlaniBdell and said land stands of record in the name of Adelia Ramsdell in the Register of Deeds office in sal dCounty, and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of this notice, the said F. M. Knight will apply to the treasurer of said County for tax deed to said lot. Dated this 26lh day of Mjircb 1914. F. M. KNKiHT. Purchaser 16-41-406-3363 Notice TO EUOENE SIUHTH: Notice is hereby given that F. M Knight did on the 7th day of Nov ember, A. D.. 1910, purchase at pub year 1909; that he has since and af-'llc sale of the treasurer of Box ter the same became delinquent, paid Butte County, Nebraska, Lot num as subsequent tax the taxes for the bered five (). in Block numbered Notice TO ABSOLOM SHANKS: Notice is hereby given that F. M. Knight did on the 6th day of Nov ember, A. D., 1911, purchase at pub ic tax sale of the treasurer of Box Butte County, Nebraska, Ixts num- io'i fourteen (14), and fifteen tl'i). i!i Hlock numbered four (4), ii '..o:uii'g Avenue Addition to the :tv f Alliance. Box Butte County, .N ii.-iiska, for the taxea for the year 19 10; that he has since and after the 6am.' necanie aeunqueni paia as suo- eequent tax, the taxes for the years 1911 and 1912; that said lots were taxed and assessed for the year 1910 in the name of Frank O'Connors, for the year 1911 in the name of Frank O'Connor, and for the year 1912 in the name of Absolam Shanks, and said lots stand of record in the name of Absolom Shanks in the Register of Deeds' office in said County, and that after the expiration of three months from the date of the service of this notice, the said F. M. Knight will apply to the treasurer of said County for a tax deed to said lots. Dated this 26th day of March 1914. F. M. KNIGHT. Purchaser lfi-lt-400-3369 Roy Beckwith was operated on at the hospital this morning by Dr. Sia gle. Mr. Beckwith was doing very well this afternoon and feeling much better. He will probably be con tin ed to the hospital for two weeks. I - - j O'Bannon Brothers ELL Avery Tractors, Plows and Threshing Machines The "Yellow Fellow" ROWAN'S CORNER ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA The students' recital of the Alli ance Scnool oi music, wnicn nau i been announced for March 26, has been postponed on account of the fact that the High school orchestra and some of the teachers will be out of town on that date. The date of the recital will be announced later. NOTICE Not ice la hereby given that I have given my son Wencel C. Lackey his time with full power to collect all moneys due him. and that I will not be responsible for debts of any kind or description hereafter Incurred or contracted by him. M Alt Y T. SCHRAUTEM1ER. 3268-4t- C I Line lj l -TR rr si IE. "W. -A. "3T Cut r L O W E R.3 and Potted PLANTS Constantly on Hand FLORAL PIECE8 Made on 8hort Notice PLANT8 RENTED For Parties and Public Gatherings - Phone 682-435 public stenographer; At The Herald Office REASONABLE RATES . PROMPT SERVICE AUaUST HORNBURQ Professional Trained Nurse Phone 813 Alliance - Nebraska CONTRACTOR and BUILDER PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURN ISHED ON APPLICATION I nipl6y only first-clans meohaoleav All work guaranteed. . PHONE 279 Residence and Shop, 7th and Mississippi. . Alliance, Nebraska. WM, MAUNIER 'All klnda of . Scavenger Work Bonded by the City PHONE 67 OHO. J. HAND, Physician and Surgeon EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon . Office Phone 360. Rea. Phone 342 Calls anawered promptly day and night from office. Office: Alliance), National Bank building over the Peat Office. O. E. SLAGLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . Office phone 65 Ret. phone 12 Alliance, Nebraska. Orle Coppernoll Rea. Phono 20 P. J. Petersen Rea. Phone 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths Room 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block PHONE 43 On "STovLr 1"xlp take with you a box of good CIG-AI2S and a late Get them at up town news stand or at depot - Ciller Broa Blooded and High Grade Milk Cows HOLSTEIIIS A SPECIALTY Any Number Wanted I F. M. Ilyndshaw & Son THEOFORD, NE8FL i