T I1INGIIAM NKU.M F-om Saturday's Daily: Fr. Mnlonpy lert this noon for Ily nis. Jack Miller is In town today from tL5 ranch. J. V. Guthrie returned this noon Jrom a business trip west. Herman Lund returned this noon from a business trip to Crawford. Miss Leone Malleryq came in this oon from her school ut Maryland to ppond Sunday with home folks. M. L. Miler. proprietor of the Jleminpford Roller Mills, stopped ov r today on his way to Lakeside on business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cain, or Can ton, came in this noon for a short itit with John Snyder, his brother-in-law. They were accompanied by the children. 15. V. Heeves went to Lint'le, Wyo., this afternoon o nbusiness connect wl with the sale of his place near Ifeat town. He expected to return te first of the week. H. H. (Harve) West went to Eilcre iont on 4 3 this afternoon on busi ness, expecting to be pone about a week. He wil lvisit his sons, Geo. and Joe, at Hot Sprinps before re turning. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Cuutwell rove up to Alliance In their auto today from their place In Morril) runty, fourteen miles south. Mr. Cantwell informs The Herald that the roads south of Alliance are fine, and that conditions in his neighbor hood are good. C. C. Matthews of the Spade neigh borhood in Sheridan county came up 10 Alliance on 43 yesterday for med icine for his brother, I). N. Mat thews, who is threatened with pneu vonia. He returned to lakeside on 4 3 today. Mr. Matthews is one of The Herald's many constant readers )?i soutli Sheridan. Before leaving the city today he called at this oflico and ordered the paper sent to his on-in-)a, L. C. Wyland, Dorrhes-t-r. Nebr. (liy Herald Correspondent) IlinRham. Nebr.. Marrh 11 C. It. Anderson has sold his general mer chandise store to Hentfro llros. Ceorne and Dial Howell were ar rested Hnturdny for dlsturbtnK the peace and being drunk and using vile language. They were taken before Justice Italian! and each fined $.r.00 and coata. Carpenter A. W. Walmer 1b doing; Mrs. K. Shafenberg who has been th. framing for a house to be built ; visiting In Council muffs the Inst fcr by Ernest Haskett on his place! fPW months, returned home Satur in the Pawlet neighborhood in Gar-'day. den county. Ton, Haran was arrested Friday J. T. Anstice arrived Saturday ' night and taken before Justice H;l froni Curtis, Nebr., to make bis lard Saturday morning. He plead home here. He will work on the guilty to stealing some overshoes Hurlington as a fireman. He will and other articles from Kent fro bros make his residence at 718 West 2nd store Friday. street. J. (). Kay moved south of Alliance Mrs. C. A. House and daughter ' Thursday to live on his homestead, Mildred, who have been spending the " 18 po"th of lnnhain. W . M. rosdick of Mullen visited hi son Clyde Thursday. J. M. Cameron of St Vottsbluff who winter 1ir lft Prlilai- f.-- n ..,., b ........ ........ ...v a ...... j . ' . . w i visit at Des Moines, and from there; will return to her home at Milan, Missouri. Miss Kuth MrCormick. of The j Herald force, returned Sunday noon! with her mother from a two weeks'! trip to eastern Iowa points. They J visited with relatives at Kurlinton : and Keokuk. E. C. linker of Miller, Custer coun ty, Nebr., visited over Sunday with' his brother-in-law and sister, Kev. i and Mrs. Frank C. Karrett. Mr.; Baker has tiled on a homestead bus been visiting here the past few days returned to his home on 43 Sunday. Mrs. K. K. Kincaid was an Alli ance visitor today. ; KickiiKMi Worm Killer Expel Worms I The :ii!H' of your child's ills - the foul, fetid, offensive breath the 'starting r.p with terror and grinding I of teeth while asleep the sallow , eomplexion - the dark circles under Mile eves --- are all indications of i worms. Ktcknpoo Worm Killer is claim under the government North j what your child needs; it expels the Matte valley irrigation projec t. n w"rms- ,ho (aUKe of ,fu t"I,U(1' u i, i, ,,, . i . . .. : healthy condition. For the removal whtch he will take up his residence j of 8tomHch ,, pjn wo.mBi this spring. Kickapoo Worm Killer gives sure re- Mr. and Mrs. Henry IVtz. accom-' " f- Its laxative effect adds tone to ,.,, i t i ut t (the general system. Supplied as a panied by their daughter. Lucy. r-' conrw,W--hiMren like it. rived this noon from Linwood, Nebr., ftufp uml 8lm. ,-,.Hef. Guaranttied. to visit with County Assessor Jell-jltuy a box today. Price 2."c. All nek. Mr. Petz left Box Dutte conn- druugisls or by mail. Kickapoo Indian Med. Co., Philadel phia or St. Ivouis. ty six years ago to locate at Lin wood. He has a farm near that of! Mr. Jelinek. Mr. Petz is in the sa-; i loon business at l.inwood. j From Monday's Daily: Mr. Gutherie returned Saturday from Chad ron. D. W. Montgomery came in today from the south. Chas. Tush left last night for Den 1T on bllffitiet.b. Kill Austin is down from Mars '.nd visiting liis home folks. Charlie PtiKhnell of llemingford in the city on business today. A baby pirl was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stark Sunday morning. Jude L. A. iierry left for P.ridge irt this noon on a business trip. M. O. New. who was formerly in nsiness here, is in the city today. Mrs. Ii. V. Shepard of Hemingford as in town Saturday cm business. Mary Harry left Sunday for Ells worth to visit parents for a few S..ys. E. M. Brass of Grand Island was ii Alliance today, the guest of C. E. .Rice. Mrs. Holla Johnson of Hemingford as in town shopping Friday and Saturday. Dr. G. J. Hand was in Crawford .-sunday between trains 4 3 and 4 2 on business. Chase Feagins returned Saturday from a trip to the eastern part of ile state. D. W. Butler of Hemingford came cown yesterday to visit bis son Her aert a few days. Mr. and Mis. Sam Graham were town from the ranch the latter art of the week. Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Brown of Lakeside, was up Saturday for eye treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bronkhurst ent to Sioux City Saturday night "n visit his parents. Mrs. Marve Hunsaker of Lakeside sas been 111 the last few days, but 'F greatly improved. Mrs. Pearl Lorenson of Heming ford was in town Friday and Satur day for medical treatment. The P. O. E. have a social and business meeting at the home of Mrs. A. V. Gavin this afternoon. Miss Pevona Dickenson, teacher t Hopkins district, was in town Sat trday and Sunday visiting parents. After spending about six weeks with Alliance friends, John Boyle of lakeside left for home on 4 1 today Martin Kavan, of Linwood, Nebr., returned borne today after a week's visit with John Jelinek, county as sessor. J. v Caylor, a lormer ureman J.ei', returned today from Ardtuore, ti j cecum of ill nest, of lis brother Krwln. HOUSES TO RENT or lease. Land to rent or lease. Land or city property for sale. Phone 36. C. W. JEFFERS From Tuesday' Daily: W. H. Lunn left today for Norfolk.! Mrs. Pearl Lorenson of Heming-j ford is quite ill. j C. E. Wiltsey was in town today ( from Heminuford. , Stella Pa ye of Alliance, left today i on 4 3 for Hemingford. Dan Watson, of Berea. came in on j 4 2 Monday on business. , T. M. Colvin was down from llem-i i ingford Monday on business. . A baby boy was born Sunday to' Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Jackson. C. A. liurlew and Alex Muirhead; ime in today from Hemingford. Mrs. L. C. Smith of Hot Springs. S. D.. is visiting her daughter at the Academy. ' Bert Hutchinson and brother of! Angora were in town todi.j on business. Judgi' !.. Berry returned this noon from a trip to Bridgeport on business. Mrs. John Michael and Mrs. Gra- ham of Marsland were Alliance vis- and jet VOUI COltS atul VICIOUS itors today. Frank Vaughn and John Jelinek of Hemingford were down Monday, on business. Mrs. Geo. Dietlein leaves tonight o-uarantced. for a two weeks' visit In Burlington, . . , f l.l. i uifiv."' tuna, vtiiu iriauvm. F. J. Carter returned on 4 3 from Table Rock and Beatrice, where he has been visiting with relatives. Eum lie Burton, county attorney, was called to Scottsbluff Monday noon on accouul or illness or bis father. Mrs. H. G. Worth and daughter stopped off in Alliance today between trains enroute from Wayne to Scotts bluff. L. S. Powell who lives three miles north of town fel ltrhough a hole in a nay mow tnts morning, breaking a riD. ' duun uuias inuinvu iiuiij u nil to Rushville Sunday. He left fori Bridgeport Monday to bring his wifej bark today. I Dr. Geo. J. Hand was summoned to Hemingford yesterday by tele phone on a professional call. He went up on 43. Mrs. Ed Shields, wife of the Bur lington brakeman, came in on 43 Monday from her homestead in Mon tana, to stay several days. Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Murry, and Mrs. S. Herre stopped off in Alliance today between trains, enroute from Alnsworth to Potter, Nebr. The P. K. O. me tat the nome of Mrs. A. V. Gavin Monday afternoon. After the business meeting they en- The six months term of school in district 11 closes tomorrow, and the teacher. Miss Ruth Morris, will re turn to her home. G. II. Willis, the Dalton banker, returned home yesterday after an ov er Sunday visit at the home of bis! daughter, Mru. Earl I). Mallery. Real, thrilling western scenes at the Crystal tonight. "The Invad ers", a special three-reel feature. Price of admission la the sa.re, 10c. horses booked for brer.kiny. Cut prices on first 30 head. I'll start the first of May. Work References if N. S. SNYDER "LET ME CUY FOR YOC" HARRY P. COURSEY LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL ACCTIONEEH Farm Kale a Scllt TERMS REASONABLE PHONE f,6 4 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA Poor Eyesight is a Defect of Nature it' u waul to fight it mit ::lt nature in the iiuitt-.T of rx'finht, that 1m your privilege, but it is a litMni; gwiic. Sensible People submit to the dictate of nature wlieu the tirt lgn of eye trou ble nM'Hr. Delay In danger oun. Consult mu eye ieriliftt if there Is reason to believe Utut your eye are not Just as they ohoulil be. I make tottt that cannot fail to reveal the trouble and wu prtfared to give relief by over rouiiux the csuix). Itroken I(iiN4t dupllrutei. SHERIi rs SALE I3y virtue of an Order of Snl di rected to me from the Clerk of the Dlctrlct Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, on a Decree rendered In said Court on the JSth dny of Orto- oer. i?i;t, in fsvor of Calvin L. Hash man, plaintiff, and ora E. Phillips, intervening defendant and cross ne- tltloner. and against Herbert Versa w and Bur bar a A. Versaw, bis wife, de fendants, for the turn of $894. 0, in favor of the said Calvin L. Hashman. Plaintiff, decreed a flrst lien on prem ises hereinafter described, and the sum of $769 .80, in favor of the said Ora E. Phillips. Intervening defend ant and cross-petitioner, and decreed a second Hen on premises hereinaf ter described, and costs taxed nt $13.75 and accruing costs, and di recting that the premises therein de scribed, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter (SEVi) of Section Four (4). Township Twenty-five (25), North of range Forty-nlno (49), weBt of the Sixth Principal Meridian In Box Butte county, Nebraska, be apprais ed, advertised aud sold as upon exe cution, to satisfy said sums of mon ey so found due and decreed to be paid, 1 have caused said land to be appraised and will offer the same to the highest bidder, for cash In hand on the 13th day of April. A. D. 1914. In front of the west front door of the court house in Alliance, In said county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., of said day. when and where due attendance will be given by the un-dersii'MHil. Dated March 12th. 1914. C. M. COX. Sheriff of said County. 14-r.t-394-333o M. FOR SALE iz automobile. 22 h. p.. model 12. Tires in good condition. Thor oughly overhauled. Equlped with Presto-Lite tank and rumble seat. Fully equipped. Bargain. For full information and price see G. E. Slaughter. 120 Box Butte Avenue, Allia nee. 14-lt-32D8 illinery Openin AT fl fr (! I IF ' j SATURDAY MAN AND WIFE WANTED for work on ranch. Address Box 3293. cine Alliance Herald. irtf3293 Ray Wood, son of G. II. Wood, hud tonsils and ahnold removed this morning. He is doing nicely. Stubborn, Aiiuolng Cough Cured "My husband hud a cough for fif teen years and my son for eight years. Dr. Kings New Discovery completely cured them, for which 1 am most thankful," writes Mrs. Da vid Moor, of Saginaw, Ala. What Dr. King's New Discovery did for these men, It will do for you. Dr. King's New Discovery should be in every home. S'ops hacking coughs, relieves la grippe and all throat und lung ailments. Money back if It fails. All drupgists. Price fi0c and $1.00. H. E. Bucklen & Co.. Phila. or St. Iouls. LOW ONE WAY RATES, CONDUCTED PARTIES TO CALIFORNIA From March lf.th to April 15th. then- will be low one way fares, suck as $30 from principal Nebraska towns to the Pacific Coast, and $25 to Utah and parts of Idaho and Montana. Travelers can easily Join the Bur lington's Personally Conducted Tourist Sleeper Parties to California, through their nearest agent. WINTER TOURIST FARES to Southern resorts are yet available. The Winter season of the Southland and Cuba is at ita height during March. Then, later, many Southern tourists come homeward by way of Washing ton, D. C. The capital city nnd its historic environs are at their best dar ing April and May. "SEE AMERICA FIRST." Our railroads have such u perfect inter change of through circuit routes, through train, ticket and baggage ar rangements as to make traveling about tho most educational and enjoya ble diversion available to our people. J. KRIDELBAUGH Agent, Alliance 4 L. VV. Wukeloy, Gtm. Passenger Agent, Omaha jagp Rest Family Iaxatlve Beware of constipation. Use Dr. King's New Life Pills and keep well. Mtb. Charles E. Smith, of W. Frank lin, Mp., calls them "Our family lax ative." Nothing better for adults or aged. Get them today, 25c. All Druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. NOTICE This is to certify that I the under signed have resigned tts being pres ident of The Mid-West Development Company, of Hemingford, Nebr., on the 23 day of Feb.. 1914. Signed C. O. ROSEN II ERGKR. 12-31-3275 I I . II III I I HI! Hurrv! Hiirrv'F' -i ,, 1 n ' one weeK in E. C. DRAKE REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Alllanc, .... Nebraska eerie Only Commencing March 17, Ending March 23 FOR CASH ONLY SAMPLE PRICES Japan Ilice (uot broken), per lb 05c , ., n;. Fancy Kacoti, per lb 20c ,oo, l on,, . cans lor 25c boU, wna1 10(J .o.h1 leas, per cat. . ,10c Apricots Peaches, RaspberrieH, o.n.ny per ran 10c Blackberries and I'lums, the best, K-tt.cy S.veet Potatoes . 15c 1Ion .60c Iomaloi s, J lb. can, lor 25c ' Vvv.rs, - can 15c " ,1!'-,f!;!;,,?--; , a" Hc a special offer for $1.00 b((! Auvl.u Salmon, 1 can 15c Tink Salmon, 1 lb. can 10c 1 2-lb. can Tomatoes Tork and Beans, 3 lb. can 10c 1 2-lb. can lVas It. B. (J. Pork and Beans, : for 25c 1 2-lb. can Strawberries Small K. B. C. Oats 10c 1 1-lb. can Pink Salmon flood Japan Tea, bulk, per lb 35c 1 2-lb. can Corn (JIosk Starch, :J lb. box 20c 1 3-lb. can Baked Beans (linger Snaps, bulk, per lb. 10c 1 3-lb. can Hominy Navy Beans, per lb. 05c 1 3-lb. can Kraut Fancy Dried Peaches, per lb 10c 1 bottle Menu Catsup Haisins, bulk, per lb. 10c 2 lbs. Hand Picked Navy Beans We will place on sale several boxes of Fancy Oranges at 20c per dozen. Don't overlook this, as it is an unusual offer. These prices are CASH and will be delivered to any part of the city, saving you from 15 per cent to 20 per cent on your groceries. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, The Moore Grocery Co. IE N. W. Corner Third St. and Laramie Ave. 3 bed: Phone 9 in J