THE ALLIANCE HERALD JOHN W. THOMAS, Editor Lloyd C. Thorn, City Editor Publithtd every Thuraday by TUG HEIMLD PUBLISHING COMPANY lnroriKratd Uoyd C. Thomas, Preaident J. Carl Thomaa, Vice Prea. John W. Thomaa, Secretary Entered tit the poflt office at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails a aecand-class matter. Subscription price, $1.60 per year In advance TllUMDAY, MARCH 12, 1914 POLITICS AND lOMTICIANS Thirty-one. states ar to elect gov ernors this year. Five candidates are contesting for the governorship In Alabama. Three hundred cities and towns of Illinois art' to Vote on the liquor question niAt month. Tlie I'epubllran st.ile ticket In Maine will be selected at a conven tion to be hclil In AuruhU, April 9. On April 7 the vol era of New York Will deride whether a convention hall b" lie hi to frame, a new Ht:tte constitution. Twenty-three amend mentis, Initia tive and referendum measures will bf voted on at the California election In November. Congressman .1. Thomas 1 1 eft in is the only Alabama reireecnlatlve who haa no opposition for re-election In the prluiiirlea next month. A special election will be held in the Seventh district of New Jrraey n April 7 to till the vacancy canned fcy the death of Congressman llrem ner. Former Governor Myron T. Mer rick, now aniluiHRddor at Paris, la mentioned us a possible, candidate for governor of Ohio on Ibe Repub lican ticket thia year. Lleutennnt Governor Itarrutt ()' Jlara of Illinois is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Unit ed States senator to ttucceed Law rence Y. Sherman, Republican. Socialists of North Dakota met in Grand Forks recently and nominat-; ed a full state ticket to be submitted lo the voters at the general primar ies t obe held in June, A. Caminettl, United Htales Com missioner General of Immigration, way decide to enter the contest for the Democratic nomination for gov ernor of California. Representative C. O. fjobeck may be opposed for the Democratic re nominal lou in the Second conuress lral district of Nebraska by .lames C. Dahlman, the mayor of Omalta. Michigan Democrats will renomin ate Governor Wnodbridge. N. Ferris, who la the first representative of their party to occupy Ibe executive office in more than twenty years. It Is reported that the purpose of Theodore Douu-las Robinson in going to Europe is to meet Col. Roosevelt and consult with him concerning the olitical situation in New York. Mr. Rohinxon Is a nephew of the former president and chairman of the New York Progressive state committee. Two candidates are in the field for the Republican nomination for rovernor of Michigan this year. They are Alexander J. Groestoeck, chair man of the Btate committee, and V. C. Martlndule, present necretary of ntate and a defeated candidate for the gubernatorial nomination two years ago. Jeremiah D. Hotkin, warden of the Kansas. State Penitentiary, la a candidate tor tlio Unitod Htates sen ate on the Democratic ticket. Sen ator Drtstow Becks ro-olex tlou and t harles t ur: is, former ueuulor, Is routestlug with hiiu for the Kepub llcan nomination. Congressman IVc tor Murdocli of the Ifigltlh district Ja the choice of the Progressive par ty for th esenatorehlp. people, here or anywhere else. In stead of adding insult and injury to the unjust burdens which they al ready have to bear, they should be honored and encouraged for the part they have taken In trying to Improve conditions. Now comes a solution of the prob lem that many seem not to have thought of, and that is the eleva tion of the moral condition of the colored people. The Herald has de sired to see prea tor activity among the forces that make for the social iiml spiritual Improvement of the race here. With due regard for what can bo aiomplished by law en forcement. It is very plain that de sirable citizenship cannot bo fully ob tained until the force of moral sua sion has been brought to bear upon the objects of reformation, not until right living and doing has been made a mater of conscience. With the colored people kicked and cuffed from pillar to post, and with never a word to encourage them to high Ideals of tit ixenship. It is not to be wondered at that thoy "neither fear God nor regard man;" but with the encouragement that conies to them from such a movement as is now on font in Alliance and which is men tioned In the news columns of this Issue of The Herald, favorable re sults may be reasonably expected, such as are not possible of accom plishment by tha means of tines hihI prison bars. decide vol it.sKi.i 'the Opportunity In Here, Hacked l Alliance Testimony Don't take our word for it. Don't depend on a stranger's state merit. Head Alliance endorsement. Read the statements of Alliance cit i.eiis. And decide for yourself. Here is one case of it. ' Mrs. Robert Rieknell. ;.04 Rig ;orn Ave.. Alliance. Nebr., says: "1 ;;tve known of the merit of Doan's Kidney Pills for over three years. I first used them in Plcasauton, Iowa. or years 1 had kidney complaint iii'l whs unable to find permanent eltcf until 1 bevati using Doan's Kid ie Tills. They removed the pain In my loins and aim strengthened 'iy back. Since then I have felt like I a diiierent person. I cannot rero-.n- nienil Doan's Kidney Pills too high ly In return for the benefit they brought." Price ,'.0c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a knln-y remedy--- et Doan's Kidney Pills - the same that Mrs. Rieknell had. Foster-Mll- burn Co., Props., liuft'alo, . Y. (il'.M IXr, KKD ItlVEK OHIO seed i ko.m Minnesota In case we receive suflicient en couragement from Ilox Iluttu county growers we will, about April 1st. have on track at Alliance a car of small size, selected peed at O.V per bushel sacked. Don't plant diseas ed stock. 1H: quality regardless of price. Write us amount you wt6h .cserved. Ask either of your banks lllUt us FASTMAN-MINOIt. 212 South I "th. Lincoln. Nebr. 12-5t-3271 LEGAL ADVERTISING Sheriff Sale Jiy virtue of an Order of Sale di rected to me from the Clerk of the District Court of Box Dutte County, Nebraska, on a decree rendered In said court on the 25th day of March, 1913, in favor of The Alliance Build ing and Loan Association, a corpor ation, as Plaintiff, and against Julia C. Hale, as Defendant, for the sum of $1651.40, and costs taxed at I., and accruing costs, and in favor of the Alliance Grocery Company, a corporation, aa cross petitioner, and against the said Julia C. Hale, as de fendant, for the sum of $61, and in 'avor of Forest Lumber Company, a corporation, as cross petitioner, and against the said Julia C. Hale, as de fendant, for the sum of $31.50, and directing that the premises therein described, to-wlt: Lot Seven (7). In Dlock Seven teen (17), Town of Alliance, In Box Butte County, Nebraska, be apprais ed, advertised anil sold as upon exe cution, to satisfy said sums so found due and payable, In the order of their priority, I have caused said land above described to be apprais ed and will offer the same to the highest bidder, for rush in hand, on the 6th day of April, A. D. 1914. In front of the west front door of the Court House In Alliunce, in . said county, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., of said day. when and where due attendance will be given by the un dersigned. Dated March 4th. 1914. C. M. COX. Sheriff of said County. n-r.t-P.90-3304 TlIK SOLITION OF A DIFFICULT PKOIU.KM The solution of a difilcult problem In Alliance seers to be In sight. What to :. v,;;U the colored popu lation ol th j city has been a serious question. With petty t;aiut.l!:ig and other ui ful doing, resulting in an occasional shooting affray, dis grace bus been brought unjustly up n th- respectable negroes as well as the others, an 1 the city as a whole given an undesirable reputation amoii some people who are not fa io ilia r with all the facts. Ie an earnest effort to cot reel the evil ihat nave existed among the aolor. d population, of this city, ar te! s hav- been made and Ones as sessed, a special officer being ap yointod to this particular work, and yet the evils have beeu only partly rem -died. Sotne have said that the low i ought to be cleaned up by run lug the negroes all out; but thia proposition is so manifestly uufair tbat not many white people will en tertain it. Among the colored popu lation cf Alliance there are some aa respectable and wel behaved citizens M can be found among the white All Kinds of CEMENT CONSTRUCTION Sidewalks, Founda tions, Curb, Gutter, Retaining Walls, etc. It will pay you to see me before letting your work. ..... T. J. BEAL PHONE 782 SHERIFF'S HALF. i By virtue of an execution directed I to me from the Clerk of the District Court of Box Butte county, Nebras ka, on a Judgment obtained before the said Court on the day of March, 1913. in Tavor of A. M. Mil ler, as plaintiff, and against The Hemingford Opera House Company, of Hemingford, Nebraska, as Defend ant, for the sum of Three Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-nine and 2." 100 Dollars and costs taxed at $10.7r and accruing costs, 1 have lev led upon the following de scribed real estate taken us the prop erty of said Defendant, to satisfy said Judgment, to-wit: Lots Three (3) and Four (4). in Block Twenty (20), of (he original town of Hem ingford, Box Butte county, Nebras ka. And will offer the same for sale to tin- in (.'Heal outlier, lor cash in i hand, on the 13th day of April, A.! D. 1914, in front of the west front j door of the Court Douse in Alliance, in said county, at the hour of 'J, o'clock A. M. (that being the build-1 ing wherein the last term of Court i was held), of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated March 11th. 1914. ' O. M. COX. I Sheriff of said County, j 1 4-r,t-::f)r.-:,,r.: t NOT It E TO KI'.IHTOItS J IN TlIK COUNTY COURT OF BOX Bl'TT E COFNTY. NEBRASKA. In Him matter of the estate of Sar-j ah Watson, deceased. In the matter of the estate of Hen-' ry Watson, deceased. I. L. A. Berry. County Judge of said county of Box Butte, hereby no tify all persons having claims and demands against the estate of Henry Watson, deceased, and Sarah Wat son, deceased, that I have set and appointed the following days for the reception, examination and adjust ment of said claims and demands, as provided by law, at the County Court room In Alliance, Box Butte county, Nebraska, to-wlt: June 15, 1914, and October 15, 1914, and all persons so interested iu said estate will appear at aaid time and place and duly pre sent their said claims and demands in the manner required by law, or show ciiuse for not do duinir. and in case any of said claims have not been presented by October 15, 1914. the same shall be forever barred. Given under my hand and the seal .if lliu -..iinfv IV, lift It.ia lltli t:tir .,f! March. 1914. L. A. BERRY. (Seal) County Judge. 1 t-tt-2!)::-3331 I Muriel-: OF ANXt'AL F.LF.CTIOX Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 7th day of April, A. D. 1914, next, in the City of Alliance, Box Butte County. Nebraska, the an nual election will be held for the election of the folowing officers, to wit: one mayor, one clerk, one treas urer, one city engineer, one council man from the first ward, one coun cilman from the second ward and two members of the school board, and for the purpose cf voting upon the question of license or no license for saloons in said city, n!so upon the question, Shall the m.iyor and city council purchasrt an an? o-combina-tion chemical and hose a agon, and - pump of the capacity of not less than 1000 gallons per minute? Said election will be opened at nine o'clock in the morning and will continue open until seven o'clock In the afternoon of the same day; that the polling place of the first ward precinct will be at Mark's Hall, sit uated on the corner of Third street and I.aratale Ave., and the polling place for the second ward precinct shall be in the City Hall, situated on Third street. Dated this 3rd day of Mirch. 1914. J. D. EMERICK. City Clerk. w-mchi;-lt-33l0 FOK KALK Smal five-room house. Two blocks from court house. Pays over 10 per cent Bargain for $1050. Worth $100 more. Address P. O Box 1037, Alliance. 14-2tf-S29 REMOVAL SALE f p T 0) n ly? lia j u u On Monday, March 16th, we will move our store to the Marks build ing on the corner of 3rd Street and Laramie Avenue. In order to re duce our stock as low as possible, we are making special reduced prices on all goods. This is a good time to stock up on fresh groceries. U1 ft Alwiif Is u y If if y Lsa Phone 589 Two Phones Phone 589 GOODS SPRIN ..I N.. Farm Machinery and Harness This is the time to line up lor the- y itr's wotk. Yon should have: Low Down Manure Spreader, Disc, Lister, or other new Farm Machinery Ivjuip your horses with a set of H. H. & B. HARNESS Every strap is fruaranteed. I. L. ACHESON Western Nebraska Hard Wheat makes the best flour. The Hemingford Roller Mills know how to make it. Ask your grocer to tscud you a Back of our flour Every sack ku a ru tit (! M. L. MILLER, Prop. IILMIMJFOKB. NLBUANKA Let Us Do Your Job Work CLASSIFIED Advertising,1,1 ev.j uuixuui ajj FURNISHED ROOMS Over the Fa mous. Phone 277. Jutrftf4204 WIDOW with one child, niu yeurs old. would like position as housekeeper. Answer, addressing Hox No. S2n, care Herald. Alliance. Nehr. lOtf 3243 WANTKD FOUR YOUNG MEN tn eflth and every town la wern Nebraska to not u my apt-nts. Write for free particular. FflANK W. WOIA'KKTON, Dept. o. Alliance, Ne braska. .i:ui2inrc2fo Coal office at Rowan's feed store. tiOWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tt ABSTRACTERS J. D. EMERICK Hontied Abstracter i have the only set of abstract k-A In Ilox Hutte court. Office Koom 7, Opera House Block. 10;f570 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS Money to loon on real estate. . iteddish. F. 3tf RANCH FOR SALE OR TRADE Relinquishment of 100 acres under the proposed government canal, miles northeast of B.iyard, Nebras ka. Improvements are frame house. 12x24, with small lean-to; font around the house; good well sjkl pump: about 60 acres can be Irrigat ed. Address Box 2S50, Herald Of fire. Alliance, Nebraska. For nice clean Nlpserhead Lituvp ii") ul, and Eastern Hard nut coai, phono to No. 22. Dlorks Lumber A Owl Company. L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office la First National Bank Uldu. Phones: Office, 362; residence, 16. r0-tM60S Advertisement E. W. RAY, FLORIST Cut flowers and potted planis. Floral pieces made on short notice. orders given special attention. 41t;254S FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HOl'SK FOUH ALE 6 iC KENT Ne- house, einht rooms, closet with each room. Fine locution, in went part of city. FOREST Lll.MIUCK CO., I'hone 7.1. mchr.tf32Ji3 FOR SALE 7-roojii houe. Ono-haK jKiy down, otlu-c half o ouit i--cliast r. Tit Miouri Ave. PJioi Llack rui. ttr:i2ee towau & Wrijiht. coal, wood and "nts. Fhone 71. tf Huy your coal of Rowan Wright, r'houe 71. tf Steam l'low for Sale Ilarcrain in Reeve steam plow outfit. Good shape. Addrwa G. B Carr, Alliance. lO-rft-3236 WORK WANTED - Experience couple want position on ranch. Cas furnish references. Address A. II., care Herald, Alliance, Nebr. WANTED Hides. Hlioep Felts Wool. We pay highest prices. Write for prices aud tags. Or nulla Hide Jfc Fur Co., Omaha, Nebr. 12-lt-3263f WANTED A housekeeper. by widower. Address Box 3287, Herali Office. 13-20t-3287f WANTED 150 head of horses or cattle warn ed for summer pasture. Plenty of ranse and water. Thirteen mile northeast of Ellsworth. Nebr. Ad dress C. W. MATTHEWS. 13tf3285 FOR SALE Small, clean stock of Keneral merchandise. $2,000 ls cluding fixtures. I'ostufflce throws in. I'oBtotTlce pays 20 to 126 monthly. Cream station pays $G to $65 for six months in the year, making $75 to $90 per month be sides the profits from the store Cheap rent. Daily mail after next July. 25 miles from railroad Chance to buy or lease 840 acres la connection. This is a snap for tonat one. Act quick. Address If. L. Whituker. Canton, Nebr. 13tf32S(S STALLION POH SALE Thorobred Shire. Weight, 160 pounds. Good shape. 5 years old. Also 6 or 8 mares. It. J. MAIN, 4 miles south of Alliance. wl3-45$-3277 FINE HAY For sale. 803 Mis souri aveuue. MRS. E. REEVES mchl2-lt-3311 MILLET HAY for sale. Phone 22 or inquire of J. W. LiKirett 14tf3338 " Hit KKNS FOK SALE r- uW.!?0bT"i Uhode l8UBd it -T V "Mm or Phone 472.