FORD TYPE PENNSYLVANIA OILPROOF VACUUM CUP TIRES Guaranteed 4,500 Miles Newberry Hardware Co. KSK-pn i i.fiiwiiiJMiniiMnniyniM'M I'M" ;.""""' i.hmwu1'1"1 lH' ii'.ip quj iMr'-fi Vi-i'V-r N ii '-'-- - k--1- -J '- - -- , UVJJVJ $gg This Is Our Best Offer $1!gg These Four First-Class Ma&azines and Our Paper, ALL FIVE ONE YEAR, Only f I tt?M" "Es frtV'JV Ours Alone Woman's World, 35c yr. Groea's Fruit Grower, 50c yr. Fanti Life, 25c yr. Home Life, 25c yr. F All Five for About the Price of ; This is the biggest bargain in the best reading matter ever offered to our subscribers. It in cludes our paper the best weekly published in this part of the state and the Four Magazines of national prominence shown above, sample copies of which may be seen at our office. We have never sold our paper alone it less than H.50 a year. But on account of the splendid contract we have made with' these big publications we are able to give our readers the four magazines with our paper, all one year for only $1.68 just 13 cents more than the regular price of our paper alone. Send us your orders right away, give them to our representative or call and see us when you are in town. As soon as you see these clean, beautiful, interesting magazines you will want them sent to your own home for a year. S-j.68 JUST THINK WHAT IT MEANS! Our Paper and These Four Standard Maoazines ALL FIVE ONE YEAR, ONLY $18 CXSSkL t"iiimi'in n ii 1 " n ,i""-rfr''i'T "if i i "-ir 'nVf DYE & OWENS Transfer Line Dray Phone 54 Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Residence phone 636 and Blue 57a We are headquarters for everything in the line of GOAL WHITMAN M:VS. Rock Springs lump and nut, Canon City lump and nut, Sheridan nut and lump. Eastern hard coal Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. ACM E COAL $4.75 CASH TON LOTS DELIVERED ROWAN & WRIGHT PHONE 71 Oul) Oih' riw-e of SnmHMx In That Station llomoMi'.nl Hold b,T Whitman Hy Horitlrt Correspondent) Whitman, N'br., Murrh 3 C. N. Whitman and family have removed to Ctiatrr county hating rented a farm near Merna. Mr. Whitman wan employed for a number of years In the Wright lumber yard. Re cently he sold hie homestead four miles west of Whitman to George D. Moran. the consideration being $3, 400. Only one case of small pox has been reported fro mthls section of the sand hills so far. Frank Yeast, whose ranch is a few miles from Hy annls, contracted the malndy while visiting In Lincoln durin gthe holi days. Last week Dr. K. E. Darr, the physician In attendance, pro nounced hlra fully recovered, and the quarantine upon his home was remo ed. Encouraging reports come from Hot Springs, 8. D., concerning Mrs. Chas. Iloyt. wife of the prominent rancher whose extensive holdings an located about twenty miles north of Whitman. Her condition was quite Ht'rioiiB, an dit was feared that an operation would be necessnry. She and her daughter, Miss Leon a Iloyt. will remain in Hot Springs for several weeks yet. "BuM" Moran of Hyaunish is in Iowa, piirchiiniiiK a car loud of white face bulls for use on the ranch here. Harry Thurston from near Ashby is also In Iowii on a similar mission. 10. E. Wheeler, who resides on a homestead about nine miles south east of Pullman postoUlce, announc es that he will open a general store there early in the spring. He will also make application for the loca tion of a post office. Mr. Earl Purdum and Miss Fre da Cook, prominent young people re aiding In the country north of Whit man, were married at Brokeu Bow last Wednesday. They are now en joying their honeymoon trip In Ar kansas. Mr. Purdum has a wide reputation as a broncho "buster", winning the championship at the Ily annis "Home Day" In 1912. The near blinar (Mast Saturday night and Sunday made It extreme ly uncomfortable for those who were compelled to face It home from the "Rag Dance" "at the Middle Prone school house. Henry Christy, Har ry Hoyt and Ernest Purdum art .n the list of those who enjoy th-t dis tinction of having had their faces froien. Danfere of e Cold. Do you know that of all the minor ail meats colds are by far the most dangerous T It u not the oolds themselves that you need to fcer, but the esrlooi diseases that they se often lead to. For thai reason every cold should be gotten rid of with the least pos sible delav. Ta arenmnlluk this vnn will find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy of great eip to you. it loosens a cold, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration and enables the system to throw off the cold. For sale by all dealers. Advertisement. PROFESSIONAL Dl RECTORY - Kates! One-inch cards, 50 cents; two inch cards, $1.00 ' -4' BRUCE WILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Practitioner la civil couru alace 18tS tod Register U. 8. land office from 1803 to 1U07. Information by mall a ipeclalty. Office In Land Offlet Building VLL1ANCK : : NKUUA8KA IH1 CONTEST UOIMJ OX President and Hccretar) of M. II. A. Offer to Heat Entire lxlge In Membership Contest An unusually interesting session of the M. H. A. was held at the hall Monday evening. In addition to the regular business session refresh ments were served and a social time enjoyed, A number of new mem bers were initiated. Frank Sunders, president, and E. L. Lawrence, secretary, offered to go into a contest with the entire lodge for new members, the contest to last sixty days and the losing side to pro vide Ice cream and cake for the lodge. The challenge was accepted and the contest Is now going on. It will be extremely Interesting. EUOBNH BURTON Attorney at - Law Land Attorney ffloe First National Bank nulldlng rifONE 180 VLLIANCK : t NEBRASKA m. i. m. 'tyil,iei - Dentist PHONE 117 OVER FIRST NATIONAL SAMJ8 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA' H. M. BULLOCK. ATTORNEY AT LAW tLLIANCK : : NEBRASKA O. E. SLAG-LE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office phone M Res. phone 52 Alliance, Nebraska. Orte Coppernoll Res. Phone 20 F. J. Petersen Kes. Phone 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block PHONE 43 Gl:0. J. HAND, Physician and Surgeon EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Hce Hive Improvements With more room than formerly, still the Bee Hive finds it necessary to make some changes in the ar rangement of the store in order to make room for. the ever increasing stock of goods. So:iie new shelving completed yesterday enables Mr. Kewer and his assistants to better display the large stock of china and glassware. Ii. A; COPSIiY Physician and 8urgeon Office Phone 360. Res. Phone 342 Calls answered promptly day and light from office. Offices: Alliance National Hank building over the Post Office. WE PRINT SALE BILLS AND PRINT TlttM RIGHT APMONBST SALE mimx I will sell at Public Auction at the farm of the late Samuel Albro, 2 south and l2 mile east of Alliance on THURSDAY, MARCH 12th Commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m. 20 HEAD OF DAIRY CATTLE 20 Or. JAS. P. flAX FIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUQ STORt rilONB 626 RBO All electrical equipment. Oaa t&mlm tatered. Evenings by appointment A. J. KENNEDY Osntlst Office In Alliance National ulldlng ever Poet Ofrlee P4IONB 191 O-oo. Q-. Q-a,a.a"b3r LICENSED EMBALMER PHONE: Day 49S Night 110 ALLIANCE NERRAJCXJ E3. "W. K."3T florist Cut F L O W E R.8 and Potted PLANTS Constantly on Hand FLORAL PIECE8 Made on Short Notice PLANT8 RENTED For Parties and Public Gathering Phone 682-433 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office REASONABLE RATES PROMPT SERVICK AUOUST HORNBURC1 Professional Trained Nurse Phone 613 Alliance - Nebraska CONTRACTOR and BUILDER PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURN ISHED ON APPLICATION I otnploy only first-class meohaniesY All work guaranteed. ! PHONE 279 Residence and Shop, 7th and Mississippi. Alliance, Nebraska. WM. MAUNIER 'All klnda of Scavenger Work Bonded by the City PHONE 67 One half Jersey cow, 6 yrs. old. 1 A 1 5..k-l-.'lrfi.''V ' ' J v ' u" 4 row. 3 Mre nA VW- . J . A. v ' Mt''WK'ifiW WSS .$M One red milch cow, cow. 6 vrt. old. F iretn soon. One thoroughbred Jersey boll, 3 yrs. old. One thoroughbred Hoi stein cow, 8 V. yean via. yfyrt'!ri If 1 . I A tlolstein cow, Jyr. old, with heifer calf by side. One thoroughbred Jersey cow, 6 yr. old with a heifer calf by side. One 3-4 Jersey cow 3 years old. One thoroughbred Holsten bull, 1 yr. old. 4 kit Springs calves. 4 last fall heifer calves. All the above cattle were carefully selected and bred for dairying purposes. 6 HEAD OF HORSES Viz. Ore bay mare, 10 yrs. old. Weight about 1200. One Lay mare, 7 yrs. old. Weight about 1200. One bay mare, 4 yrs. old. Weight about 1200. The above mares are all with fcal. One sorrel driving mare, 3 yrs. old. One black horse colt, 2 yrs. old. One sorrel pony. 100 THOROUGHBRED WHITE LEGHORN CHICKENS ' IMPLEMENTS One McCormick mower, 1 cultivator, 1 breaking plow, 1 stirring plow, 1 harrow, 1 lister with potato attach, meat, 1 box farm wagon, 1 wagon and hayrack, 1 single buggy, 1 set double harness, 1 set single harness, 1 hayrake, 1 cornsheller, 1 grindstone, 1 Empire cream separator, 1 5-gallon barrel churn. FREE LUNCH AT NOON TpfrYlQ" Sums of $10.00 and less cash. Over that amojnt 6 months time will be given on bankable I wl I I IO. paper drawing 10 per cent interest Mrs. CLARA ALBRO, Administratrix H. P. COURSEY, Auctioneer F. J. WAS, Clerk On "!o"u.r Trip take with you a box of good CIG-iiBS and a late . Get them at up town news . stand or at depot Ciller Bros. lisMslassiisiltoBaBBsi flutomobila jaundry Prices on application Work guaranteed Leonard Pilkington AT HEELER'S GARAGE DR. W. M. LEE Veterinarian PHONE Office Red 72 Residence 7X1 Alliance. Nebraska Blooded and High Grade Milk Cows HOLSTEINS A SPECIALTY Any Number Wanted r.M.llyndshaw&Son THEDFORD, NEBR.