THE ALLIANCE HERALD JOHN W. THOMAS, Editor Lloyd C. Thomas, City Editor Published overy Thursday by THE HERALD PUIiLISHlNO COMPANY Incorporated Cloyd C. Thomas, President J. Carl Thomas, Vice Prea. John W. Thomas, Secretary Entered at the post office at through tbe malla as second-class Subscription price, $1 50 THURSDAY. MARCH NATIONAL HONOR AT STAKE Whlle tbe formal opening of tlie Panama cannl Is nt for next Janu ary, President. Wilson la reported to be confident Unit ships will be going through the rannl by faM. l,nng be foro then il Is expected Conpress Will pass the bill repealing the act attempting American phipa from toll. No other course Is open lo this gov ernment if our tiutlonal Integrity and frond faith are to be preferred. The free tolls act Was nquostlon abl.v a violation of the Uay-raunce-lote treaty with Oreit Ilrltalu. As suredly the t nltcd States cannot af ford to assume the position of violat ing Its own solemn treaty obliga tions for the aake of a petty pocun- owners of American Teasels. There. ta not even a question of aaltonal ad vantage at stake; the only qventlon ! whether we shall, aa a nation, break our solemn word for the prof It of a few men. The story of our canal treaty obli gations with England begins more than half a century bac. The Do minion of Canada, stretching like the United States from ocean to ocean, was the keynote of Great Drltaln's Interest. In 1850 tbe Olayton-Bul-wer treaty provided for Joint con aUuctlon of a canal wan negotiated .and ratified. In that Instrument ap peared a clause pledging each gov- erntnent not to "obtain or maintain for Itself any exclusive control" ov er auch a canal. The Clayton-Bulwer treaty stood Jfor 50 years. The time came when we wanted a canal, and wanted to build aud control it ourHOlveti. The Clayton-Rulwer treaty stood In the way. By Its terms we were pledged forever. There was nothing to be done, in honor, but to negotiate a new treaty dissolving the old one. Great Britain waa willing to cancel the agreement on what seemed to be reasonable terms. The Hay-Paunc-fote treaty or 1901 waa accordingly negotiated and ratified, superseding the old Instrument. By the terms of that treaty Great Britain relin quished its rights to partnership in the canal and the l' tilted States on Its part pledged that "the canal shall be free and open to the vessels of commerce and of war ef all nations on terms of entire equality." No specious reasoning can contro vert the plain terms of thla Boleiun covenant.. No argument of expedi ency ran hold against the demands of national honor. Tbe United States must and will fulfill the obll gallons of its treaty. The Panama anal will be used by the ships of all nations on term of entire equality. Secretary Lane of the Interior De partment, during the past few weeks has recommended to the president numerous orders of restoration and withdrawal affecting the public lands. The Secretary has also op ned to entry under the Enlarged r- . . . juuieiieaa aci several large areas In the western states. Ueuerul ref erence la made to these varioua or dera and designations in the follow-' Ing paragraphs, and additional infor mation may be obtained by those in terested rfom the lT. S. Geological Surrey. Washington, I). C. Enlarged Homestead Designations iu Colorado the extension of the rrinlege r.i ;t;o-itcre homcKtead en try to over a million acre not prev iously d-.; iiuti'd under the enlarg ed homestead act is announced by Secretar Sane, and beginning eurly In March oi.trynien will be permitted to mul:e homesteads for the increas ed amount of land, llomesteaders already on tho ground and holding ordiitary homesteads of 169 acres will be ullowed to take an addition al 160 aires of adjacent public lands upon co apliunce with the provisions f Him tnlarged homestead act. - At. lo from un area ef about one bund red thousand acrea aoutbwest Ol lurano in Ia Plata county, the lands ere situated in the South Flait e Valley, and include large por tion of Weld, Morgan, Logan and ,Beih:wU'k counties. All tbe lands fe.ive been classified as nonirrigable aui a result of extensive field inves tigations by the engineers of tbe Geological Surrey. In Washington 28,00 acres have teen designated under tbe enlarged bomealead act to become subject to Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission iiuvUt. per yenr In advance 1914 entry in March, 1914. The lands opened are quite widely scattered throughout the eautern semi-arid portion of the atate, but lie princi pally In Douglas, Lincoln, and A no tin counties. The locul land offices In the districts In which the lands :ire situated will be furnished In the near future with descriptions of the tracts designated. in Oregon nearly acres have been placed under the opera lion of the enlarged homestead act by Secretary Lane by an order which he bun Just Issued. Tbe lands are nil situated in the eastern, non-arid portion of the ntute, and have been classified as non-irrigable in charac ter by the Director of the Geological Survey. The areas are widely scat- '" located in over fifty dlf- ferent townships. Inquiries regard lug the specific location of the tracts may properly be addressed to the of ficials of the local land offices at The Dalles, La Grande, Lakeview, Burns, and Vale, in whose districts the lands are situated. In New Mexico the extension of the enlarged homestead act to near ly 40,000 acres not hitherto placed under the operation of the act, has been directed by Secretary Lane in an order recently Issued. The lands lie principally in the north eastern part of the state, within Colfax, Mora, and Union counties. The uction taken la in response to twelve petitions presented by resi dents on or near the lands designat ed. In Idaho the extension of the en larged homestead net to about 163, 000 acres of additional land and their opening to entry under the general provisions of the act, re quiring residence. Is announced by Secretary Lane of the Interior De partment. The lands, while situat ed In a number of counties In the southern part of the state, are main ly located in Twin Fulls, Cassia, rower, Oneida, and Bingham coun ties. The action is based largely upon reports of field investigations of water resources by members of i tie Geological Survey. Information as to the exact location of the lands should be obtained from the local kind offices at Blackfoot and Hailey, Ida ho. In I'tah, over 40.000 acres have been recently opened to entry under tbe provisions or the Enlarged Homestead Art, by an order issued by Secretary Lane. The lands He mostly in Kane and Washington counties In the extreme soul Invent em part of the state. The local land otllcers at Salt Lake City will be advised of the description of the lands designated In the near future, and further information as to their exact location may be secured from that office. In Idaho tbe petitions of thirteen settlers on public lands for the de signation of their lands under the non-residence provisions of the en larged homestead act have received fiut. ruble consideration by Secretary Lane. Investigations by the t?e log ical Survey having established the fact that bocauiie of the absence of ui accessible supply of water for do-ltit-btie use. It 's Impracticable for ;he petitioners to reside upon their I'tiuls. The homesteaders affected aiv residents of Cassia. Oneida end Fremont count ies. liFt IDF. YOI KSKLF The Opportunity h Here, Harked by Alliance Testimony Don't take our word for it. Don't depend on a stranger's state ment. Read Alliance endorsement. Read tbe statements of Alliance citizens. And decide for yourself. Here la one case of It. Mrs. Robert Bicknell. 504, Big Horn Ave., Alliance, Nebr., says: " I have known of the merit of Doan's Kidney Pills for over three years. I first used them in Pleasanton, Iowa. For years I had kidney complaint and was unable to find permanent relief until I began using Doan's Kid ney Pills. They removed the pain In my loins and also strengthened my back. Since then I have felt like a different person. 1 cannot recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills too high ly In retiyn for the benefit they brought." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Bicknell had. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Props.. Buffalo. N. Y. Any kind of coal you want oa band at our yards. Prices rib. FOREST LUMBER CO WILLING WORKEItH Ity Walt Mason There are many Willing .Workers down among the unemployed, and their lives aro spent In trouble and In hardship unalloyed. And they cry, "It's rank injustice that we men of willing hands must be classed with bums and hobos, with th- non productive bands. Here we stand and ask for labor, beg for work n1 beg In rain, and there's surely some thing rotten with the nation'. heart or brain. We are little Willing Workers, and no labors would we shirk, but you make us down-and-outers, for you will not give us work." I have hired some Willing Workers, able - bodied men and strong, and they surely worked like blazes but they always did things wrong. Oh, no odds what job they tackled, they would do It wapper Jawed, whether they were herding chickens or Just spading up the sod; whether they were fixing fences or repairing buegysheda, they were willing with their muscles, but they never used their heads. And I al ways bad to follow, follow sadly In their track, doinp all their labors ov-J er, with a green pain In my back.i Thla Is why the Willing Workers find this world so sad a Joint; this Is why the stern employers say to them. Skidoo! Aroint!" WALT MASON. Copyright, 1914, by The Adams Newspaper StvIcp RICHES II) Walt Mumoii The more cold coin a fellow col lars, the hungrier he gets for dol lars. When he Is young and short of troubles, he aays: "Some fifty thousand roubles will be a fortune quite imposing; when I have that I won't go nosing around in search of extra kroners, like some old greedy money loaners. By that time I'll be old and wheezy, so I'll sit down and take It easy." But when he has that bunch of guilders, he says. "Oh, chee! the fortune builders would laugh to scorn my paltry savings methinks I bear their jocund rav ings! So I'll go forth and nail u mil lion I will, so help me. Colonel Lil lian!" Then through the clanging marts be wanders, and all the sunny years he squanders, and travels at a pace that's killing to get the kopeck and the shilling. And when he's old and frail and battered, his heart worn out, his system shattered, from toiling up Gain's crooked trackage, he looks upon his handsome pack-1 age and sighs: "it is a measly bun dle, and my old bones I'll have to trundle until my meagre roll is pad ded with other millions to it added." Then Death comes up, the Doom that wrecks us, and soaks him in the sol ar plexus, and In his shroud morti cians wind him, nnd all his scads ire left behind him. W.ALT MASON. Copyright, 1914, by Tbe Adams Newspaper Servi-e THAT OLD COST Ily Walt Mason j When paying bills I used to ay: "Our statesmen do not earn their pay! The cost of living is so high, it fairly makes your uncle cry! If con gressmen and senators would carry on relentless wars against the causes which combine to get our goats, both yours and mine, the poor might have a chance' to thrive, and bless their stars that they're alive!" And peo ple all agree dwith me, and Bald they reaPy couldn't see why statesmen do not earn a crown by cutting robber prices down. But since I've thought the matter o'er, at statesmen I am not so sore. I rather think I am to blame that life is an expensive shame. I blow my money every day as though I'd loads to throw away; I buy the most expensive things, from butcher's meats to napkin rings; I seldom stop to count the cost, and so the bills produce a frost. And that's the way we're all Inclin ed; a rare thing is the frugal mind; ' each year we burn more thining! scads, than in their lifetime spent i our dads. WALT MASON. Copyright, 1914, by The Adams Newspaper Servico Oongh Medicine foe Children. Never give a child acoiii;h medicine that contain opium la any for ui. When opium ia given other and more serious disease may follow. Long experience has demonstrated that there ia no better or safer medicine for cough, oolds and croup in children than Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. It U equally valuable for adult. Try it. It contain no opium or other harmful drug. For sale by ail dealers. Advertisement. GENUINE RED UIVEH OHIO SEED FItOM MINNESOTA In case we receive sufficient en couragement from Box Butte county growers we will, about April 1st. have on track at Alliance a car -of email Blze, selected seed at 1KV per bushel sacked. Don't plant diseas ed stock. Buy Quality regardless of price. Write us amount you wish reserved. Ask either of your banks about us. EASTMAN-MINOR. 312 South 13th. Lincoln. Nebr. 12-51-3271 j - :.' ) ! ! 1lo)iV0 column Oil, Never Mind! Mrs. Schoppen- Blackberry thirty cents the jar! My. Isn't Jam jear? Mr. Sands Isn't it what? Mrs. Schoppen I say, isn't dam Joar er I mean, isn't jam, that that that dam dear. Oh, never mind. Little Robert Acheson, son of I. L. Acheson, is as cute a little shaver as you can find. He has an uncle, M. O. der, who Is a well known Burlington conductor. Robert's chief ambition in life is to be bald headed and wear a uniform like his r.ncle. Here is a cute little piece, com posed by five Alliance young ladies, all handsome and talented, which came to our desk. "I've been fishing 'bout a year, Dangling my bait in this town here. I've caught a heart, but what o' that When you don't know where your beau lives nt." If you're too bashful to call on tbein, boys, leave your Address and let them do the calling. OillouBurM and Constipation Cured. If you are ever troubled with biliotmness jr constipation you will be interested in the jtatenient of K. F. Erwin, Peru, Ind. "A year ago taut winter 1 had an attack of indi eestion followed bv biliousneas and consti pa- It ion. Seeing Chamberlain's Tabletaao highly recommended, I bought a bottle or tnetn and , , rl.1 WB7 -AdvertiHement. Why Not Have the LaleM? All the latest popular music Just out 10 and 15 cents. Send for bulletin. CRESCENT MUSIC & PUB. CO.. Box 789. Denver. Colo. 10-r,t?-324 0 DISCOUNT ON WORK We will give a discount of twenty I five per cent on all work the I mouth of March. This includes cleaning, dyeing and pressing. Phone 5fc. Work called for and delivered. Alliance Cleaning Works THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD for our patrons. That is why we sell the Advo Brand of Canned Goods The Quality of these good gains new friends every day. If you haven't tried ADVO yet, ask your neighbor about at G.W. Duncan & Son "Good Things to Eat" PHONE 32 .rfMin.vagrj make the Ix'sj Hemingford ; Western Nebraska Hard Wheat know bow to make il. you s sack of our dour. M. L. MILLER, Prop. 1 1 EM l Nt FORD, Sheriffs Hale By virtue of an Order of Sale di rected to roe from the Clerk of the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, on a decree rendered in said court on the 25th day of March, 1913, in favor of The Alliance Build ing and Loan Association, a corpor ation, as Plaintiff, and against Julia C. Hale, as Defendant, for the sum of $1651.40, and costs taxed at $.. and accruing costs, and In favor of the Alliance Grocery Company, a corporation, as cross petitioner, and against the said Julia C. Hale, as de fendant, for the sum of $61, and in favor of Forest Lumber Company, a corporation, as cross petitioner, and against the said Julia C. Hale, us de fendant, for the rum of $31.50, and directing that the premises therein described, to-wit : Lot Seven (7), in Block Seven teen (17), Town of Alliance, in Box Butte County, Nebraska, be apprais ed, advertised and sold as upon exe cution, to satisfy said sums so found due and payable, in the order of their priority, 1 have caused said land above described to be apprais ed and will ofTer the same to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the 6th day of April, A. D. 1914, in front of the west front door of ' the Court Houee in Alliance, in said county, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the un dersigned. Dated March 4th. 1914. C. M. COX. Sheriff of said County. 13-5t-390-3304 Peacock coal, a new Colorado coal, is the best on the market. Try It and you will like it. 9 per ton Phone 73. FOREST LUMBER CO. Eye Defects Nearly all defects of the eyes are really physical defects In the curva ture of the eye ball and lense In the eye. The crystaline lens of the eye is elastic and is supplied with mus cles which force it into proper cur vature in the act of forming images on the retina. My Glasses relieve the muscular strain by directing the rays to the proper focal point. With the strain re , lieved nature is free to restore the eyes to health and strength. E. C. DRAKE REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Alliance, .... Nebraska "LET MK CilY FOR YOU" HARRY P. COURSEY LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Special!) TERMS REASONABLE PHONE 664 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA Hour. The Roller Mills A&k your grocer to send Every sack guaranteed. NEBRASKA 1 CLASSIFIED Advertising FURNISH KI) ROOMS Over the Fa moits. Pbone 277. J;iirCtf4204 WIDOW with one child, nine years old, would like position a housekeeper. Answer, addressing Box No. o'JI.I. care Herald, Alliance, Nebr. 1 0tf3 2 43 W A NT 101) FOUR YOUNG MEN km wh and every town In wester Nebraska to nod at my agents. Write for free particulars. FRANK VT. WOLVKRTON, Dept. I, Alliance,. Ne braska. Jan2!Hf::!200 Coal office at Rowan' feed siore. rtOWAN & WRIGlfT, 71. tf ABSTRACTERS I. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract ok3 in Box Butte county. Office Room 7, Opera House Block. 10tf570 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE MSCLLATHOJS Money to loan on real estate. F tf. Reddish. 3tf RANCH FOR SALE OR TRADE Relinquishment of 100 acres under the proposed government canal, 8 miles northeast of Bayard, Nebras ka. Improvements are frame house. 12x24, witA small lean-to; fence around the house; good well and pump; about 60 acres can be irrigat ed. Address Box 2850. Herald Of fioe. Alliance, Nebraska. For nice clean Niggerhead Lump and Nut, and Eastern Hard nut coal, phone to No. 22. Dlerks Lumber & Coal Company. L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office lo First National Bank Bid. Phones: Office, 862; residence, 16. 50-tf-1608 Advertisement E. W. RAY, FLORIST Cut flowers and potted plants Floral pieces made on short notice Mail orders given special attention. 41tf2549 FOR KEEMSJTE HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT New house, eight rooms, closet with each room. Fine location In west part of city. FOREST LUMBER CO.. Phone 73. mch.'tf3283 FOR SALE -7-roojn house. One-half pay down, other half to suit pur chuMr. 711 Misouri Ave. Phooe Black 504. Rtf322C Rowan 4 Wright, coal, wood and osts. Phone 71. tf Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright Phone 71. tf Steam Plow for Sale Bargain In Reeves steam plow ouifit. Good nhapi'. Address G. B ' Carr, Alliance. 10-St-3236 SHOW CASE FOR SALE CHEAP At Harper'B store. w-rachl-lt-3267 TWO TYPEWRITERS FOR SAL CHEAP One Underwood and one L. C. Smith. Harper's Store. w-mchl-lt-3267 WORK WANTED Experienced couple want position on raneh. Can furnish references. - Address A. H.. care Herald, Alliance, Nebr. WANTED Hides, Sheep Pelts & Wool. We pay highest prices. Write for prices and tags. Omaha Hide A Fur Co., Omaha, Nebr. 12-4t-3263 WANTED A housekeeper, by widower. Address Box 3287. Herald Office. 13-20t-3287$ WANTED 150 head of horses or cattle want' ed for summer pasture. Plenty of range and water. Thirteen miles northeast of Ellsworth, Nebr. Ad dress C. W. 'MATTHEWS. 13tf3285 FOR SALE Small, clean stock of general merchandise. 12,000 In cluding fixtures. Postoffice thrown In. Postofflce pays $20 to $2S monthly. Cream station pays f50 to $65 for six months In tbe year; making $75 to $90 per month be sides the profits from the store. Cheap rent. Daily mall after next July. 25 miles from railroad. Chance to buy or lease 840 acres la connection. This la a snap for some one. Act ouick. Address M. L Whitakcr. Canton, Nebr. 13U3286 STALLION FOH SALE Thorobred Shire. Weight. 1600 pounds. Good shape. 5 years old Also 6 or 8 mares. R. J. MAIN. 4 miles south of Alliance. wl3-45$-3277