The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 05, 1914, Image 3

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Nebraska State Volunteer Fire
men's Association
President, George Howe, Fremont.
First Vice President, II. A. Graff, Seward.
Second Vice President, Jacob P. Hoffman, Ord.
Secretary, E. A. Miller, Kearney.
Treasurer, Fred Alexander, Scottsbluff.
Board of Control: Harry Houser, Fremont, chairman; Jacob Goeh
ring, Seward; E. W. rarkhurst. Lexington; Ray Frost, Stan
ton; Thomas Jeffrey, North Platte.
A department devoted to the Interests of the volunteer firemen
of the Btate of Nebrasak.
Edited by Lloyd C. Thomas, state publicity chairman.
; Kxixr
(Irtctinps, brother firemen. Greetings. With this issue of Tho
Herald the new depart incut (your department) opens. We have
friven a great deal of time and work to this edition and want it to be
jt'st a starter. We want every future edition to be just as interest
ufr to you. Of course we will not devote so much space as in this
Ksue but we will keep your department full of pood, live state news
.egardinp departments, tiles and thinps of interest to volunteer firc-
Thj convention at Columbus, which is reported in another sec
?on of the paper, was an event that we will all remember. It was a
jrighty bip boost for the state association. We intend that this de
partment of the newspaper, with the assistance of the publicity mem
ber to le elected from each department in the state, shall serve to
keep us in closer touch with each other. When we po to the next
flotivention, at NYbraska City in January, 1915, we want to feel ac
quainted with each other. We want the different fire departments
to know what is going on with other departments" in the state, it
ym make the proper use of this department in The Herald you can
tiq this. We've got the ball started. Let's all help to keep it roll
ing. ' ,
Thse columns are open to you, for your use. If you liavo ques
tions which you wish discussed send them in to be printed here. If
you have a banquet, elect new officers, put out a pood fire, or do
omething else equally interesting, tell us about it. Circulate the pi
per among the members of your department. See that they read it.
Get some interesting pictures of your department, your club
rooms, your equipment, etc. Send them into this office with an ar
ticle telling about them. We will be glad to print them here for
jou. The only expense to you will be for the cuts. And, further
more, if you have suggestions of any kind to offer for the betterment
f this department, don't be afraid to tell us. See that your pub
licity man is elected at once. Send me his name and tell him to pet
Wo have received letters from many of the different firemen and
departments in the state, asking for information regarding this new
department. These letters will be given attention without delay.
The interest and promised co-operation is appreciated. Wc are mak
ing a special offer of 'one dollar per year for The Herald to firemen in
olubs of five or more subscriptions, cash with order. Send in the
names of the Urenien in your department who wish to get The Herald
ko that they will not miss future issues.
Chief Deputy Fire Commlwdoncr
A'k Chief to Make Ilcpnrtft
According to Stat Ijhw
(lly V. S. Uldgell)
We are having a great deal of dif
ficulty In securing reports of ALL
fires occurring In Nebraska. The
Fire Commission Department la, the
only official department In Nebraska
where such stltlstlcs are compiled
and If we do not obtain an account
of each fire and the amount of dam
age sustained there will be no cor
rect record of our fire losses and no
way of estimating the number of
fires occurring In the state. The
enormous annual fire loss of the
United States Is awakening the cit
izens of the country to a realisation
of the fact that this great drain on
our national wealth Is costing each
individual his shore, not only in
high Insurance rates but in tnxes,
the cost of living, etc.; for this loss
of our wealth by fire enters into ev
ery phase of our commercial life.
It is Imperatlvo that we keep a
record and know Just about how
much Nebraska offers up as a sacri
fice on the altar of fire each year.
The only way we can know is for
V v
(ieo. Howe
President itf the Association
be correct and the cause of lire Riv
en in detail. It is only a few mom
ents work to fill out these blanks
and mail them to us and fire chiefs
and mayors should be most willing
and anxious to assist this office to
compile correctly and Intelligently
the fire losses of the state.
I trust every man whose duty it
It will send In these reports prompt
ly and completely filled out and will
willingly cooperate with us in carry
ing out the purpose of the law and
reducing the fire losses of Nebraska.
Farmhouse Humeri
The home of Joseph Hutchinson,
a farmer living near Peru, waa burn
ed on Friday night, February 6th.
The piano and a few small articles
kere saved. The loss was $1,000,
with Insurance of $700. The farm
was located two and one-half miles
from Peru.
Paper tK-senes Credit.
The Journal at PlattsmtMiltt de
serves credit for the hllentlon It
gives the firemen f that town. It is
a live neWsper and Is a genuine
friend rf tie boys.
Crete .Man's Home Iturns
The home of Chas. Mooberry, lo
cated 300 yards west of the West
Thirteenth bridge at Crete partially
burned on the 11th of February.
"AsbehtoH" Wrapping Burns
The "asbestos" wrapping around
the furnace in the Holden home at
Dundee on Friday, February tth,
caught tire. It was soon put out.
The residence of Nick Klean east
of Ilolstein caught fire on the 11th
of the month and was entirely destroyed.
Harry Houser
Chairman Hoard of Control and
Chief of Ilie Fremont Department
Thieves Set Hani on Fire
Chicken thieves are believed to
have set lire to the barn of W. P.
Laing Ht Geneva on the 16th. The
barn was entirely destroyed but no
trace of t lie chickens was found.
New (Mlicers at liloomington
New ollii-ers were elected for the
Blooinington department on the 9th.
They are: Chief Bert Lovejoy; As
sistant Chief It. II. Miller; 1st Cap
tain Hye Dunn; 2d Captain Wm.
Ktherton; Secretary A. J. O. Dun-
luvy; Treasurer E. S. Murray;
Trustees Jesse Mallck, E. S. Mur
ray and Clayte Etherton.
W. S. Itldgell
Deputy State Fire Coinu'.lNhloner
each fire chief, mayor or village
clerk, where no fire department ex-
tsts, to report promptly to this office
every fire occurring within his city
or village The law requires that
he send these reports to us WITH
FIRE OCCURS. We have not en
forced this law rigidly in the past
and I find that a great many fire
chiefs and mayors are not comply
ing with the law nor are they mak
ing any attempt to obey same; con
sequently our figures have not been
During the coming year I am go
Ing to Insist that every fire occurr
ing within the corporate limits of
any village or town be reported to
THEREOF. If I find through the
newspapers or otherwise that a fire
has occurred and no report sent to
us I shall proceed at once to tile a
complaint and enforce the law pro
viding for a fine of NOT LESS THAN
$25 OR MORE THAN $200. Proba
bly after a few fines have been im
posed ofiicials will comply with the
law without being forced to do so.
The reports are furnished by this
Department and the data asked for
Is easy to give. The figures should
Fire at Palmyra
The home of George Dogerlet at
Palmyra caught fire on Saturday,
February 10th, burning to the
gieund. Two small boys narrowly
escn.yed death. A cook stove was,
The home of Wm. Lee, living
north of Nebraska City was partially
burned on Monday, February 9th.
Norfolk Fireman Han Originated m
Useful Record for Fire Ie
partment Secretaries
The secretary'! record exhibited
at the convention by Ilrother Joint
Martin, secretary of the Chemical
Engine company of Fremont, seems
to he Just what the secretaries were
looking for as he reports quite a
sale of them. The fact that they
only cost $5 and will last approxi
mately fifty years, making the ex
pense of the company record ten
cents a year, Is quite an Item. The
simplicity in keeping the record Is
also apprelcated.'
Urol her Martin w ill have the firm
lot ready for delivery very soon.
With each boor is a specimen leaf
giving full Instructions how to pro
ceed. Companies Interested can get
further Information by writing to
John Martin, Fremont, Neb., care of
the Hammond Printing company.
. . . v. . :
' 1
V v
Firt lu Tin Hliop
The tin shop of (ieo. Gunter at
College Tlow was pnrtlally burned oa
the 12th. The building waa saved,
but he was badly burned.
Hardware More lluriifd
The hardware store of E. C. Ken-
drlck of Marsland, burned to th
ground on the 6th. The cause was
not known.
; 4
r .
Early Morning Fire
Two barns, an automobile and
several sheds were destroyed by fire
at Wymore on the 11th. Wires car
rying 2.300 volts of electricity were
burned through. Charles Philbrlck,
one of the department members,
made himself a hero by climbing a
pole at great danger to himself and
cutting the wires. The loss on the
buildings was $500, insured. The
auto loss was $1,500 without insur
-1 "Vv'-v 1
E. A. Miller
Secretary of the Association
Collie Dog Saved Family
The frantic barking of a collie
dog saved the lives of Mr. and Mrs.
Nick Kline and their three children
on Friday, February 14th, when
their home near Roseland was com
pletely destroyed by fire. They es
caped thru a window.
Many Attend Charily Hall
Several hundred people Attended
the Firemen's Charity nail at Kear
ney on Thursday, February 12th.
The revenue from the ball was do
nated to the "Mother Hull" hospital
The Kearney firemen always donate
from $300 to $700 every year to
wards helping the hospital. The ball
was one of the most successful af
fnirs of the kind ever held In the
- f
- s - . i
L iJ
i -
II. A. Jra(T
Mrwt Ice President
Firemen Saved Powtofrii e
The department at Callaway saved!
the postofllre from destruction hf
fire on the 11th. The chemical en
glne waa nsel in putting out the
Stove Fire at Trenton
The general metchsndlse store of
. L. Allen on the corner of Market
and Washington streets at Trenton,
was badly damaged by smoke and
water on the 12th when a small
blaze was put out.
! turned Ice 11oiim
The Coors Ice house at Drldgeport
burned on February 11th. The cold
was intense, f reeling the water a
round the Iremen as they fought.
They were at their posts during the
greater part of the night. Only by
the exceJIent work done by the fire
men was an entire block saved. Beer
valued at $300 was destroyed. The
Ice house was Insured for $500 but
there was no Insurance on contents..
Planning for Convention
The Nebraska City department
met on the 16th and planned for
holding the next stale convention la
January, 1915.' A committee con
slating of three firemen and three
merchants was appointed to solicit
Fred Alexander
TreaNiirer of the Association
Had Hla.e at PlaltMiioutli
The home of Rev. D. L. Dunkle-
i herger caught fire at Plattsmouth on
Tuesday, February 10th. The fire
was discovered in the kitchen of the
Dunkelberger home, burning thru
the floor beneath the ulnk, and at
once efforts were made to extinguish
the flames and the alarm turned in
for the city fire department, and a
number of the firemen responded
and it was thought that the fire was
extinguished, but shortly afterwards
the blaze was discovered to have
broken out ugain and Mr. Dunkel
berger succeeded in cutting a hole
in the ;ide of the room above the
place where the lire was burning,
and with the neighbors carrying wat
er the blaze was finally put out after
burning a considerable place In the
wainscoatl.ig of the kitchii.
',' A.
J. I. Hofriiinii
Kfcoiitl Vice I'renldent
ANDERSEN COMPANY STSS: Only Exclusive Fire Equipment House in the State
:t tiallon Chemical
Fire Extiiigiiiilier
No Home is com
plete without one
of these, and your
insurance rate will
be less. S:iv moii
ey and save yoi.r
We have the exclusive sale in this territory of the Anderson
Coupling Ar Fire Supply Company's Motor Fire Apparatus. In such
limited space It would be impossible to m Into iletail in the des
cription of our Motor Cars. We will simply say that the materials,
workmanship, balance, power, low center of gravity, completeness
of equipment, style, finish and ornamentation are of the highest
We have in the past year delivered three of above style in
Nebraska.- to Kearney, North Platte, and Crand Island.
1 1
does not crease the rubber, and
for that reason the life of BI
LATERAL Fire Hose is from
live to ten years loncr than
any old Style hose.
When your city is in ti.e
market for fire hose, senri to
us for sample of BI-LATERAL.
I'he Ix-hi Im ulwaytt the clieutu(tt
We wis': to lnij'recs on you this important old saying, and in no instance
is this' more true than when purchasing chemical engines. The danger of fire
nguiing is enough in Itself, to say nothing about the danger Incurred by usiDg
poorly constructed chemical tanks.
Our factory makes jhe best equipped engine, the handiest to handle, and
absolutely tho most efficient engine on the market, either single or double cylin
der. We call your special attention to our Improved hos. reel. You need only
to unreel the amount of hose necessary to reach the fire. ( A hose basket Is a
thing of tbe past.)
v nose nasaei is a u