The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 26, 1914, Image 6

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The Unknown Ilo'rs and Devisee
f John K. Clayton. deceased, and
the unknown heirs and devises of
John C. Clayton,' d seel v lit
talce notice Unit on the 4th day of
rrtinisry, ' 1914. Theodore Colvln,
Plaluttrr herein. fllv but petition In
tie IM-41-L-t Court of Box Butte Coun
tf, Nebraska, against wild defendant
tSi object nnd prayer of which ere
to Quiet title la the ji!;Snlfr o the
8onrthont Quarter (SK'i) of Sw
Uen Twenty-seven (27, In Town
afctp Twenty-seven, (27), North of
Range TOj ( &e), e4, in Box
Butte . County, N braska, us againet
the defendant and all pereoiv claim
tec through or under them and to ex
tad the defendant ami each of
ktm from all riht, title and Inter
est therein.
' You are required to answer eald
petition on or before the 23rd day of
March, 1914.
Doted February 4th, 1914.
Serial No. 011524
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Lend Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
reb. t, 1914.
. NOTICE la hereby given that
Thomaa V. Drown
Of Lakeside, Nebraska, who, on May
IT, 1910, made Homestead Entry,
Ko. 011624. for WViNWVi; SEVi
NWtt, OW'i Sec. 2; EV Sec. S;
NTEV4NWV4. Section 11, Township
S3 North, Range 44 W. of 6th Prin
cipal Meridian, has filed notice of
Intention to make Final Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
afcove described, before Register and
Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the 6th day of
April, 1914.
jj Claimant names aa witnesses:
'' Charles E. Murphy, Andrew II.
Trester, Albert L. Trester, Frank E.
Westover, all of Lakeside, Nebraska.
Serial No. 012341
I Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, .U. 8.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Jan. 29, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Sep
tember 21, 1910, made Homestead En
xy No. 012341, for E'NB'.i Sec. 2,
T. 22 N. R. 48 W,TtSEH. 8V4NEV4,
SViNWtf. KHSW'4, Soc. 35. Twp.
U North, Range 48 W. of Gih Prin
cipal Meridian, hn filed notice of
Intention to snake Final Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, - before Register
end Receiver, U. S. Land Office, nt
Alliance, Nebraska, on the 2'ith day
of March, 1914. ' '
Claimant names as witnesses:
Charles A. Snow, James O. Kenjie-
ay, Edward North, eud Herman K.
j?tiHth. all or Alliance, Nebraska.
i 1 Register.
Fell 2 C 374-3221
Serial No. 013148
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, IT. S.
Land Office at .Alliance, Nebraska.
NOTICE la hereby given that
of Antloch, Nebraska, who, on Mar.
1, 1911, wade Homestead Entry No.
11148. for EliSEVi Sec. 10; Sfc;
IW4 Sec; 11; W4NWVi Sec. 12,
Twp. 23 N.. R. 46 W. of 6th P. M.,
!.f!fdoWN5 Z "ot Jutetitlont: to
make Final Three Year Proof, to
etabUeh claim to the land above de
scribed, before Register and Ro
reiver, U. S. Ind Office, at Alliance,
Kepraska. on the 21st day of March.
Saimant names as witnesses;
Jieonard "Uoycof Alliance, 'Nebr.;
Oieii Sturgeon of Alliance, Nebrae
kar James William Howe of Antl
ch, Nebr.; William Elmore of Ami
ch, NebruskA. ' i '
' W. W. WOOD. Register.
Jar29-6t-31S8 369
Notice fer Publication
Department of the Interior. U. 8
Ltnd Office at Ailiame. Nebraska
Jan. 10. 1914.
NOTICE la hereby gtven that
4. Alliance, Nebraska, who. on No
vember 19, 1910. made llomeaead
rtntry. No. 0125C3. for WH. SEVi. 8
iKE Sec. 17, and EV4NEV4. Sec.
It,. Twp. 23 N., R. (0 W. of 6th P.
!.." has tiled notice of Intention to
ke Fine! Three Year Proof, to
4blih claim to the land above de
axartbed. before Register and Receiv
er, U. S. Land Office, at AHiance.
Niirka, on the 14th day of March,
n.t!!r:nt names as witnesses:
Wi;:!:.ii; r. Vogel, Albert Under
,.!, Burr Tfderwood, Walter Vog
el, till of Aliian Nebraska.
7-7t 260 3176
Serial No. 012966
Notice fr Publ leal Inn
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Iand Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Feb. 8. 1914.
NOTICE Is hereby given that
Kthel Mclennan, formerly ICtliel
of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Mar.
11, 1911, made Homestead Entry,
No. 012966, for .BVb8W: SE
Sec. 19; FjxA NWH; NEVi Sec. 30;
and SW'4 8Vf Sec. 20; W,4
NV'4! SE14 NW'4, Section 29,
Township 23 North, Range 48 W.
of 6th Principal Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
Three Year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Register and Receiver, U. 8. Land
Oftlce, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the
20th day of April, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank Boon, of Lynn, Nebraska;
Chris Anderson, of Lynn. Nebraska;
Martin Anderson, of Alliance, Ne
braska: Harry Smith, of Alliance,
W. W. WOOD, Register.
Serial .No. 012442.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
February 7, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Charles A. Powell, of Alliance, Ne
braska, who, on Dec. 31, 1910, made
Homestead Entry, No. 012442, for
SJ4SE4; SEKSWtt: whswk
Sec. 27; REV4? SE4SW4 Sec. 28;
NVaNE '4 Section 33, and NW4
NWU Sec. 34, Township 24 North,
Range 47 W. of 6th Principal Merid
ian, baa filed notice of Intention to
make Final Throe Year Proof, to es
tablisn claim to the land above des
cribed, before Register and Receiv
er, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Ne
braska, on the 20th day of March,
Claimant names as witnesses:
C h a r 1 e a Thompson, William
Drown, Joseph Rills, Ev Reck, all of
Alliance, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
N'ollce for Publication Isolated
Public Iind Sale
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
January 26, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under pro
visions of Acta of Congress approv
ed June 27, 1906 (34 Stata., 517),
and March 2, 1907 (34 Stats.,
1224), pursuant to the application
of Thomas M. Tully. Serial No.
014 356, we will offer at public sale,
to the highest bidder, but at not
leHB than $3.75 per acre, at 9 o'-
ilock a. m., on the Eleventh day of
March next, at this office, the fol
lowing tract of land: SV4 SW'4.and
SE4 of Section 8 in Township 26
North of Range 43 West of 6th P.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above-described land are advised
to file their claims, or objections, on
or before the time designated for
sale. W. W. WOOD.
H. J. ELLIS. Register.
Serial No. 012947.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Feb. 5. 1914. ""
NOTICE is hereby Riven that Rob
ert W. Westley. of Alliance, Nebras
ka, who, on Feb. 9, 1911, made
Homestead Entry, No. 01947, ' for
W Sec. 17; NWtt and Lots 2 and
3, Section 20, Township 22 North.
Range 47 W. of 6tb Principal Mer
idian, haa tiled notice of intention
to make Final Three Year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described, before Register and Re
ceiver. II. S. Land Office, at Alliance.
Nebraska, on ' the "th day of April.
1914. .
Claimant names as witnesses:
V. E. Covalt. G. W. Elliott. Char
ley Snow, Frank II. Mofiitt, all ot
Clenian, Nebraska.
' W. W. WOOD. Replster.
Serial No. 012509
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska.
Jan. 17, 1914.
NOTICE Is hereby given that
of liitkeekle, Nebraska, who, on Oct.
li, 1910, made Homestead Entry No
01 3009, for 8W8Ett See. S; W
Section 10 and SKSE Sec
SWtfNWVi Sec. 11, of Townehip 1.5
North, Range 45 W. ot 6th Principal
.Meridian, baa filed notice of Inten
t'"u to uuike Final Three Year Proof
to ea'ablihh claim to the land above
described, be-fore Regteter- and Re
ceiver. U. S. Lend Office, at All!-
t.nce, Nebraska, on the 2let d.iy o'.
March. 1914.
Claimant name aa witnesses:
D. L. Sturgeon of Lakeside, Nebr.;
Jake Herman of Lakeside, Nebraska;
William A. Spain of Antloch, Nebr;
Janice William Howe of Antloch, Ne
braska. W. W. WOOD, Register.
Jan29 6t -3186 368
Serial No. 012147
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office nt Alliance, Nebraska,
Jan. 17, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Antioch, Nebraska, who, on Aug.
17, 1910, made Homestead Entry No.
012147, for SE4NEV4, NV4NEU, N
liNW'i, SWV4SW4, 8ec. 17; NE
V4NEV4. WtfcNKU. KViNWU, and N
VfcSW'i, WHSE4. SEKSEV4. sec.
18, Townehip 23 North, Range 45 W.
of 6th Principal Meridian, haa filed
notice of Intention to make Final
Three Vear Proof, to establish, claim
to the land above descriibed, before
Reg-Mer and Receiver, U. S. Land
Office nt Alliance, Nebraska, on the
21st day of March, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
D. U Sturgeon of Iakeslde, Nebr.;
William A. Spain of Antloch, Nebr.;
La Roy M. Scott of Lakewide, Nebr.;
Willlum Elmore of AntJoch, Nebr.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
Jan29-Ct-3187 370
Serial NO. 01223
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Jan. 19. 1914. '
NOTICE (s hereby given that
of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Aug
ust 26, 1910, made Homestead Entry
No. 012253, for Lot 1, and NVi Sec.
22, Lot 3, SWV4SEV4, SV4SWV4, Sec.
16, Twp. 22 North, Range 47 W. of
6th Principal Meridian, haa filed not
ice of lntemtion to make Final Three
Your. Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before
Reenter and Receiver, U. S. Land
Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the
2nd day or March. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William H. Archer of Cleman. Ne
braska; George S. McNurlln of Cle
nian, Nebraska ; Alvln A. Leinhmiin
of Alliance, Nebraska ;"and Lnfe Main
of Broadwater, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
Serial No. 0:5553
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office nt Alliance, Nebraska,
Jan. 29, 1914.
, NOTICE is hereby given thiit
of Ells worth. Nebraska, who, on Feb.
19. 190i), made Homestead Entry No.
(M553, for WSE'4, EttSW4, Sec.
5, EH, NW14, Sec. 8, Twp. 23 N., R.
4.1 W. of 6th Principal Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make Fi
nal Five Year Proof to eatabU&h
claim to the land above described,
before Register and Receiver, U. S.
Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska,
on the 26th day of March, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
' Martin Roehford of Ellsworth. Ne
braska; Albeit L. Trester of Lake
side, Nebraska; Clarence Letehman o
Ellsworth, Nebraska; and Barney
Reed of Ellsworth, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
Feb5 7t 373 8220
Serial No. 012S88
- Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Jan. 10, 1914. ;
NQT1CE is hereby given that j
of Alliance, Nebraska,' who, on Jan'
18, 1911, made Homestead Entry,
No. 012888, for NEVi. NVfcSEtf Sec.
7. NK.'NHSEK sec. 8. Twp, 23 N.,
R. 50 W. of 6th P. M., haa filed not.
Ice of intention to make Final Three
Year Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, be fort
Register nad Rocelver, U. S. Lr.nd
Office, nt Alliaotce, Nebraska, on
the 13th day of March. 1914.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
James R. Jacobs, Burr Underwood,
Albert Underwood, George O. Burke,
all of Alliance, Nebraska.
' Register
Notice to Creditors of Estate
State of Nebraska )
Hon Dutte County )
In the Matter of the Estate of
Charles M. Lotspekh, Deceased.
I, h. A Henry, county Judge of
said county, in said State, hereby
notify all persons having claims and
demands againK the estate of the
Mild CluuUa M. LoUpelch, deceased,
that I have set and appointed the
8th day of September, 1914. for the
reception, examination, and adjust
ment of said claims and demands,
as provided by law, at the county
court room In the city of Alliance,
Rose nuttc county, and State afore-
wild, and ell persona so Interested
In said es-tftte will appear at aaid
time and place, and duly present
their said claims and demands in
ihe manner required by law, or ehow
cause for not so doing; and In case
any of'sald claims shall not be pre
sented by September 8th, 1914, the
same shall be forever barred.
Given undir'my hand end the 6eal
of the county cour his 4h day of
February, 1914.
L. A. Berry,
(Seal) County Judge.
Notice to Defendants
Theodore Colvin, Plaintiff, )
" vs. )
John E. Clayton, Mrs. Clay- )
ton, wife of John E. Clayton, )
First and real name un- ) ,
known, and John C. Clay- )
ton, and Mrs. Clayton, wife )
of John C. Clayton, first )
and leal name unknown, )
Defendants. )
The defendants, John E. Clayton,
Mrs. Clayton, wife of John, E. Clay-,
ton, first and real name unknown,
will take notice that on the .4th day
of February, 1914, Theodore Colvin.
the plaintiff, filed bin petition in
the Dint riot Court of Box Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska, a-gaint John E.' Clay
ton and Mrs. Clayton, wif? of John
E. Clayton, first and real name un
known, defendants, the object and
prayer of which are to quiet the ti
tle in the plaintiff upon the South
east Quarter (SE'i) of section twenty-seven
(27), In trvnship twenty-aev
en (27), Nnr.h of Range Fifty (50),
west In Box Butte County, Nebraska,
as against each and all of said de
fendants and to exclude each and all
of them from any Interest therein.
You are required to answer aald
petition on or before the 23rd dav of
March, 1914.
Dated February 4th, 1914.
Feb5 4t-376-3230
Serial No. 012006.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, I.- S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Feb. 12, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that Mar
shall J. Rockwell, of Alliance, Ne
braska, who, on July 21, 1910, made
Homenlead Entry, No. 012006, for
Lots 4. Sec. 7"; Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, EVi
NW'i; Sc. 18, and Lots 1 and 2 of
Section 19, Township 2fi North,
Ranne 4 8 W. of 6th Principal Mer
idian, has Hied notice of intention to
nako Final Three Year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above des
cribed, before Register and Receiver,
V. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Neb
raska, on the 9th day of April, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Jerry A. Wells, Jesse F. Scott,
Wiliam Hawkins. Mrs. Effie lls.
all of Alliance, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
Serlal No. 012811.
Not lee for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Feb. 17, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that Nettle
F. Westley, of Alliance, Nebraska
who. on Dec. 20, 1910, made Home
stead Entry, No. 012811, for Lots 6,
7. 8, 9, 10: SEVi SV4; SVi SE'i.
Sec. 19; N Section 30. Township
22 North. Range 47 W. of 6th Prln
clpal Meridian, has filed notice of in
tention to make Final Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Receiver. V. S. Land Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the 7th day of
April, 1914.
Claim-ant names as witnesses:
Charles A. Snow, of Alliance, Ne
braska; Victor Covalt, of Cleman,
Nebraska; Arthur Feagins. of Clem
an, Nebraska; Robert Graham, of
Alliance, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD; Register..
Serial No? 0404 0.
II. E. No. 2673.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Iind Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Feb. 17. 1S14.
Notice is hereby given that Edith
L. Turcot t, formerly Edith L. Hicks,
of Alliance, Nebraska, who on June
6, 1899, made Homestead Entry No.
2673. Serial No. 04040. for Lot 4.
S,i NWV4. Sec, 1; SEVi NEVi Sec.
2, Township 22 N.. Range 47 W. ac
cording to original survey approved
January 23. 1880. and described as
lots 3. 6. 7. SEVi NVi; SWVi NE
'4 Sec. 2. Township 22 N. R. 47 W.
according to survey under Act of
Mar. 1, 1S99 (30 Slat. 921), approv
ed March 29, 1902, and application
for entry under Sec. 2, Act April 28,
1904 (33 Slat. S47) aa additional
homestead for Lota 4 and 7; SEVi
SWVi; W4j SWVi; Sec. 1; Lota 4.
6. 8. 9. SE NEVi; SWVi NWVi;
Sec. 2, Township 22, N., Range 47
West ot 6th Principal Meridian, ac
cording to said survey approved
March 29, 1902. said application
pending on appeal In General Land
Alliance Art
With every dozen" Photographs
amounting to $3.00 or over, we
will give 1 dozen Post Cards
FREE from the same negative.
PRICE OF ONE until April 1st.
Alliance Art Studio
114 East 4th St.
True Economy . . .
means the wise spending of one's money making every dollar do full duty
and getting in return an article that will satisfy you in every way
Be sure to see the White dealer who will be glad to show you how good a
machine the White is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat
alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines.
For sale by Geo. D. Darling
600 acres at 38 per acre. 100 mileR north of Billings, Mon
tiyia, in -the Judith Gap country, on the G. N. Railroad. Price In
cludes the following:
30 h. p. tractor engine. Minn-plow attachment. All Imple
ments to work 900 acres. 500 bushels wheat. 500 bushels outs.
250 bushels flax. 300 bushels barley. 8 head good,. big work
horses. 2 wagons. 4 sets harness. 15 head hogs. 1 fanning
mill. Wagon scales. ?i car of coal. All household goods, almost
new. 3 fine springs on place. Bunk house 10x14. 3 granaries
16x16. Chicken house 14x14. 40 chickens. Cattle shed to hold
100 head of cattle. Barn 18x28, room for 8 horses. 550 acres
under cultivation. 50 acres grass. Land is all fenced and cross
. fenced. Wheat made 4 5 bushels to the acre, oats made 90 bushels
per acre, last year. Abstract perfectly good.
Inquire at Herald Office, Phone 340, or Ad
dress Box 3247, care Herald
Office, do hereby give notice of my
intention to make Final Five Year
Proof on my original homestead en
try, and Final Three Year Proof on
my Application for additional entry
to establish my claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the 8th day of
April, 1914, by two of the following
Lee McLaughlin, of Alliance, Ne
braska; Eugene Thompson, of Antl
och, Nebraska; Eliza J. Hicks, of
Alliance, Nebraska; Arthur Feagins,
of Cleman, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
12-7t-386-3262 '
Serial No. 011834.
, Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Feb. 17, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that Mittie
Stoop, of Lakeside, Nebraska, who,
on Toe. 31, 1910, made Homestead
Entry No. 011834. for SWVi Sec. 17;
SH Sec. 18; and N',4 NH Section
19. Township 26 North. Range 43
W. of 6th Principal Meridian, has
iiled notice of Intention to make Fi
nal Three Year Proof, to.estab'idli
claim t' the land aove described,
before Register and Receiver, U. S.
Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska,
on the 9th day of April, 1914.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
Chris Mosler, of Lakeside, Nebras
ka; Charles H. Tully, of Alliance,
Nebraska; Ray A. Westover, of
lakeside, Nebraska; C. L. Stoop, of
Lakeside, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
12 7t-385-32l
Phone III
ia a real bargain because it b sold at a popular
price i because it rives you the kind of tewim?
Effivt-jyl you delight inj because it will turn out the work
irtA - oukklv and thorouehlv and vve vou m. life tlm
of satisfactory service; because its improvements
will enable you to do thing which cant be done
on any other machine) because it will please you
with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture
In short you wtll find the White reliable and
desirable from every point of view
Any kind of coal you want on
hand at our yarda. Prices right.
w ...
are read by the people
because it gives th. -n
i. . of absorbing ;n
tercrt. People no longer
go looking about for
things they want--they
go to their newspaper
for information as to
where such things may
be found. This method
saves time and trouble.
If. you want to bring
your wares to the atten
tion of this community,
our advertising columns
Contain Your